
Equipped: Armory of Legends

Park Jae Sung a prodigy of effort and care for the people he loved the most. But, he still lost everything. After 10 years of hard work, he manage to rise up from he ashes. With his self created companion by his side anything can be accomplished. Still, fate is not always as it seems. "Huh? A gift? Armory of Legends?" [Yes. Master will be able to summon legendary weapons from Earth to Etterra, enhance by the world energy.] [Excalibur, Ruyi Jingu Bang, Mjolnir, Poseidon's trident and many more. Master can equip them.] Join in the journey through the world of Etterra and see what happens when a prodigy and his companion crushes through it all.

IPNH · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Chapter 32: King vs Queen

There is an open field near the palace where the palace guards use as their training grounds. As soon as the royal family arrives, all the guards bow.

"What brings you here for a surprise visit to the training grounds, Your Majesty." The man in shining armor bows politely. Adrian knew this man. His name is Arnold Maxwell. A marquis and the commander of the Royal Knights.

"Good timing. We need 6 more people. You and the Cross family butler will join in the game. If you will, young Adrian." King Elijah makes his announcement making the guards confused. Ralph is also confused when did he get dragged in.

Adrian nods and make the lines with magic on the field for the game and also explain Cross Catch to all of them. He started to feel he is making a religion, preaching the rules here and there.

"Me and Char will be on opposing team. Let's divide into teams first." The king says and ordered Arnold to called the soldiers that are free. He then set the team. He takes Charles, Marylyn, Ralph plus 3 royal knights. The queen's team had Adrian, Chelsea, Arnold and also 3 royal knights.

"Eli, how generous and sly of you to set the teams like this." The queen commented when seeing the two teams.

Before starting, Adrian shows them how to throw and also demonstrated them with Marylyn. Using the field and the extra disc, everyone had the chance to practice throw.

"Wow, that thing files without magic."

"That thing looks like it's made out of wood but it glides in the air smoothly."

"Such ingenious invention. My kids at home can play this too sometime."

The royal knights surprise seeing Adrian's ingenious idea. The king and queen also having fun throwing and catching the disc.

"Please refrain from using mana please. The game I made with the intention of minding the kids that don't have mana and we are also playing with someone don't use mana." Adrian warns about the restrictions.

"Don't worry young Adrian, we keep it in mind." The king assures it and the others also nodded.

"Okay. Let's begin." Adrian twirls the disc followed by throwing the disc to the other side of the field.

"Let's go. Let's go." Marylyn become hyperactive because she saw her big brother and big sister Chelsea on the other side. She wants to win and show a smug face to them proudly.

Marylyn is the first one to charge in and catch the floating disc followed by Ralph. Then, the others follow after. Marylyn throws the disc to the knight at the side. The passing went smoothly but it is too slow. The disc is approaching Charles.

"Too slow." Adrian knocks the disc off.

Now the queen's team turn to attack. Adrian holds the disc then he suddenly throws long to the opposing side scoring zone, where Chelsea is waiting.

"I got it!" Chelsea declares.

"A point for us." Adrian adds while smirking. All of them started understand how the game works. Defending needs fast reflex while attacking need coordination.

"Hohoho… Congratulations, Char. You had the first point. Next one will be ours." The king declares.

"I like to see you try." The queen shots back.

Adrian holds the disc again as the team who scores need to defend after. He throws the disc to the other side, beginning the round.

This time a knight catchs it he then waits a bit then pass to the king. The king throws it to the opposing team's scoring zone wanting to score one for the team. On the queen's side scoring zone, Ralph, Marylyn and Charles are already there because of the knight's delayed throw. Sadly, the queen side still had some defence.

"Pap." A royal knight knocks the disc that is reaching Ralph down. The queen smirks and looks at Adrian.

Adrian takes the disc and begun attacking. The queen's team keep running around changing formation to another. Almost to the scoring zone but the defence is too tight. The queen tossed backwards to where Adrian is waiting. Adrian tossed disc outside the field then it curves back inside and Arnold who positions himself at the corner of the field catches it.

"2-0" The queen announced.

"What's that. I thought it goes outside."

"I don't sense mana. So that point counts."

"I see… the disc is structured like that so it holds the wind on the curved rim." The king explains while nodding at the physics of the game.

"This game is more complex than I expected." Charles added.

"It's okay. Let's do our best. I want to beat big brother." Marylyn adorably cheers up everyone. The rest suddenly roars and summons their fighting spirit.

The king look at the opposite side seeing Adrian pointing everywhere on the field.

"Hohoho…" The king suddenly laughs and finally understands why his team is falling behind.

"Everyone, I have a plan." The king announced.

After Adrian throws the disc to start to round. The king catches it and the rest forms a slanted line headed towards the side.

"What? How?" Adrian knows this basic formation. It needs a strong coordination. If executed perfectly it is a free point for them.

The king's team formation stampede through and scores a point.

"2-1" the king smiles and announce the score.

Adrian huddles the team and tells them the weakness of the formation.

The king's team turn to start defence. Charles throws the disc as hard as he could. It went far but it curves out of the field.

The queen's team attacks with excellent teamwork and ferocity. Until 2 royal knights marks Adrian and he lost the disc thrown to him.

The king uses the same line strategy to attack but this time Adrian had a counter for it. 3 royal guards from the queen's team cut off the other half of the line, blocking the disc to travel through except for an overhead throw. The line had been divided 3 to 4.

The 3 side holding the disc, the 4 stranded and guarded by Arnold alone to intercept an overhead throw. Adrian, queen Charlotte and Chelsea guards the 3 side to steal back the disc.

A careless mistake by Charles makes them lose the disc. The queen's team counter attacks using Arnold as the main flagship. Adrian becomes bait.

"3-1" The queen announced holding the disc on the scoring zone.

"Hohoho… This game had much deeper meaning than I thought. Come! Let's have more fun!" The king laughs heartily while looking at Adrian.

The game went on with many formations and counter formations are executed. The queen's team reach 8 points first so the take a break then swap sides. Some are getting tired was subbed with the extra royal guards who is watching at the side while practice throwing with the extra disc.

The sky had already turned orange and the game finally ended. With the final score of 15-9 the queen's team finally wins. Adrian who was subbed out claps at the good game they played. Surprisingly, other claps are heard from the knights to the palace maids who are watching the game.

The ministers and the royal mage, Marquis Bryce Jackson, who is the 3rd strongest in the kingdom watch the game. They were amused with the sport and interested in it. When they heard a 10-year-old boy who invent the game, they were flabbergast and scanning Adrian closely.

"Great game, congratulations Char. I had fun today. It's getting late. It is dangerous to travel at night. Young Adrian, how about you stay at the palace for the night?" The king congratulates the queen for the victory and ask Adrian to stay for the night.

"Indeed, it is dangerous. We will stay for the night. I have to thank Your Majesty for the gracious offer." Adrian accepting the king's offer. After all it is all in his calculations that the king will offer him to stay at the palace. He needs to investigate the unknown element and it is all according to his plans.

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