

"Then I will be blunt," said Xenovia, kicking off Vahn's interrogation by asking, "Do you believe in God?"

"I do," responded Vahn, shaking his head as he appended, "Maybe not in the same way as some members of the Church, but I know he exists and believe him to be a force of good in the world."

"Then why do you choose to consort with Devils?" asked Xenovia. "Even if some have respectable personalities, it doesn't change the fact that, on a rudimentary level, they are forces of corruption. Humans require a guiding hand to avoid succumbing to sin and temptation. Devils are the root cause of the many inequities in the world..."

"I don't believe that," stated Vahn, pointing out, "Because that belief is an inequity you're forcing onto Devils by your own volition or at the behest of another. No one chooses the circumstances of their birth, and one of the very first acts of the Biblical God was to give humans free will, the right to decide their own path. I believe it's fair to punish people for their sins, but attempting to limit their freedoms in direct opposition to God's will...how is that not sacrilege?"

"Eradicating Devils isn't restricting people's freedoms or ability to choose between good and evil. It's removing a factor that often supersedes their ability to choose," responded Xenovia, her eyes narrowing as she argued, "Devil Magic is influenced by and directly influences the mind. Even the barrier covering this Academy manipulates human perception, and if it is tweaked with malicious intent, this school could become a playground for Devils who regard humans as little more than playthings. I'm not implying that's something the heiress of House Gremory would do, but if you were to ask her and she responded truthfully, you would know compassion and restraint aren't exactly the norm among Devils..."

"I can't deny that some Devils misuse their powers," conceded Rias. "But current Devil society is almost a direct reflection of the human world. The majority of Devils simply wish to live in peace, and those who behave like what you describe are imprisoned or eliminated."

"Perhaps if they're what you call Strays..." conceded Xenovia. "But if they happen to be affiliated with a powerful household, there is very little they can't get away with in the current three-way deadlock..."

"That argument might hold some weight if it didn't apply to the Church in equal measure," countered Rias. "And, just like us, you try to keep things in-house and resolve them without external influence. Condemning us for our lack of control over our people when the Church is rife with corruption wholly unrelated to Devils is...fascinating."


Deciding not to engage Rias in a tit-for-tat, Xenovia returned her gaze to Vahn, asking, "More to the point, are the rumors regarding your intent to marry the heiresses of the Gremory and Sitri Houses true? And, if so, why so suddenly? You should have only come to know them fairly recently, yet you're already considering marriage? That's suspicious..."

"Well, if you think I'm being manipulated against my will, you're mistaken," rebutted Vahn, causing Rias to tense and flush slightly as he declared, "I fell in love with Rias at first sight. I can't deny that things escalated a little quickly after that, but my feelings are my own, and I'm determined to help her and her people..."

"And what about humanity?" asked Xenovia, adopting a slight frown as she pointed out, "Devils are a very long-lived species and have plenty of time to resolve their issues. Humans, on the other hand, live short, often difficult lives. You could do exponentially more good as a living, breathing Saint than a pawn to Devils..."

"Vahn is no pawn," interjected Rias, her expression and tone serious as she asserted, "We may benefit from his powers, but we aren't forcing him to use them. If he wants to use his power to help humans, Sona and I will support him to the utmost of our abilities. Inversely, if he were under the purview of the Church, we both know they would never accept him using his powers to aid Devilkind. My Bishop here is a testament to the Church's intolerance and need to control its flock..."

"Asia Argento..." muttered Xenovia, directing a brief but withering stare at Asia before closing her eyes and sighing. If she were being totally honest, she believed it was exceptionally shortsighted of the Church to have Asia excommunicated after the canonization process had started. Utilizing her God-given power to heal the Devil might have been an egregious mistake, but it was difficult to argue that it was a sin. Many regarded it as proof of God's mercy and benevolence, so the matter should have concluded with a reprimanding at worse...

"It's as you've said..." muttered Xenovia, opening her eyes to meet Rias's gaze as she acknowledged, "The Church, particularly in recent years, is not without its faults. But we are still the shepherds of the people, and we look to Saints as examples. As the heiress of House Gremory, you should be well aware of how problematic it is for you to accept a former Saintess as your Bishop. If you now wed one of God's Chosen, it will be difficult to convince third parties you aren't deliberately undermining the Church and its authority..."

"I think I need to clarify something..." said Vahn, drawing Xenovia's and Irina's gazes as he explained, "I have never been directly affiliated with the Church. Besides Asia and the two of you, I've never even met anyone affiliated with it. I did form a friendship with Heaven, but the Church has yet to do a single thing to earn my respect or trust..."

As she was wholly unaware of Vahn's past and the circumstances that led him to Kuoh, Xenovia couldn't help feeling confused and taken aback, her right brow raised as she asked, "What do you mean? How could you form a friendship with Heaven without being affiliated with the Church? You are the candidate for Sainthood, Vahn Mason, correct...?"

"That's my name," confirmed Vahn. "But I have had no contact with the Church outside of being shown around by someone affiliated when I first arrived in Kuoh Town. I don't know who nominated me for the position of a Saint or for what reason."

"Huh, that's weird..." remarked Irina, crossing her arms in a way that emphasized her apparently ample bosom beneath her predominately white, pale-teal-and-gold-trimmed Church cloak.

"That's why I don't appreciate the Church's efforts to interfere with my decisions," stated Vahn, appending, "I have had nothing to do with your organization outside of them leasing me a hotel for a few nights, so what makes you believe you have any say in who I choose to consort or spend my time with? I am my own person and will use my power to help anyone I choose...if the Church can't respect that, we have no further business..."

"Is this some kind of joke...?" asked Xenovia, directing the question at Rias with narrowed eyes.

"What, do you think we altered Vahn's memories...?" asked Rias, exhaling a snort as she retorted, "If you think his mind is so easily affected, try to influence it yourself. You'll have about as much success as a fly trying to push back a car."

Inserting herself into the conversation, Grayfia stated, "As far as we've been able to ascertain, Vahn-sama's mind and soul are inviolable. If you require proof of the superiority of his existence, you should know that he is the Master in a contract with me and that he has garnered the interest of the Chaos Karma Dragon Queen, Tiamat..."

"You're Grayfia Lucifage, wife and Queen to Sirzechs Lucifer, the current Devil King..." remarked Xenovia, her expression understandably skeptical as she questioned, "You expect us to believe that an Ultimate-Class Devil such as yourself is in a subordinate relationship with a human?"

"Whether you believe it or not, it's the truth," asserted Grayfia, adding, "Your higher-ups should be well aware of this fact, so you should confer with them before you say or do something they regret."

"I will be sure to do so..." affirmed Xenovia, offering a curt nod before returning her gaze to Vahn, adding, "Before we depart, there is one final question I would like to ask. Is it true you possess a Holy Spear and the ability to tear through dimensions...?"

"Are you talking about what happened during the Rating Game...?" asked Vahn, shaking his head as he conceded, "Truth be told, I'm not sure what happened back then. As for whether or not I possess a Holy Spear..."

Materializing his Legendary Spear and holding it horizontally with both hands, Vahn, alternating the spear's blade between each of the different Elements, settling on Holy, explained, "Holy is just one of the elements my Legendary Spear can emulate."

"May I inspect it...?" asked Xenovia, her expression and tone serious.

"I'll allow it..." responded Vahn, setting his spear on the table, prompting Xenovia to pass off her cloth-bound greatsword to Irina before picking it up. The moment she did so, her eyes turned from her violet-tinted brown hue to a luminous shade of gold.

"It's unquestionably a Holy Spear..." muttered Xenovia, raising her gaze from the Legendary Spear to Vahn as she asked, "And I'm to understand that you created this, correct?"

"That's right," confirmed Vahn, recalling the Legendary Spear to his right hand and unequipping it before Xenovia could get any ideas.

"Very interesting..." remarked Xenovia, narrowing her reverted eyes before abruptly rising to her feet, stating, "Irina, we're leaving."

"Eh? So suddenly...?" asked Irina, returning Xenovia's weapon as she rose after her.

"Our mission to recover the misappropriated Excalibur takes priority over everything else," stated Xenovia, casting a glance at Vahn as she added, "But, irrespective of whether we survive this mission, you should expect a delegation from the Church in the near future. The power to produce Holy weapons is a capability that can't be overlooked..."

Ignoring Xenovia's later words, Vahn, brows furrowed, asked, "There's a chance you'll die on your mission...?"

"Well, obviously," responded Irina, covering her mouth and laughing as she added, "It's not like the people who stole the Excalibur will just hand them over if we ask them nicely. I think our estimated chance of survival was something like 29.37%? Be sure to pray for us, okay~?"

"Hey, wait a minute," interjected Issei, going from an irritated expression to a look of stubborn concern as he stated, "I can't just overlook someone I know heading to their death. We might be on different sides now, but it's not like we're bitter enemies. I don't want you to die..."

"Issei..." said Rias, her tone firm as she closed her eyes, exhaled a sigh, and expressed, "While I understand where you're coming from, this is a matter for the Church to resolve. I wouldn't mind you lending them a hand if they were hunting a typical stray Priest or Exorcist, but the enemies this time possess Holy Swords. As a Low-Class Devil, a single clean hit from a weapon like Excalibur could annihilate your soul..."

Though he tensed at Rias's words, Issei remained resolute, his expression hardening as he declared, "But I would rather face annihilation than stand by as someone I know marches to their death..."

"There's the Issei I knew and loved~" hummed Irina, causing Issei's face to flush in embarrassment as he stammered, "L-L-Loved...?"

"Hmmm? Is that what I said~?" asked Irina, her tone playful as she gave Issei an equally mischievous wink.

"Enough, Irina..." stated Xenovia, her tone just as firm and exasperated as Rias's as she exhaled a sigh, met Issei's gaze, and stated, "As your owner has said, this is a matter for the Church to settle. We knew the risks when we accepted this mission, and we will either complete it or die trying. As a Devil, you should mind your—"

"I'm not just a Devil...!" exclaimed Issei, holding up and gripping his left hand into a fist as he declared, "I am Hyoudou Issei, vessel of the Red Dragon Emperor, Pawn of Rias Gremory, and childhood friend of Shidou Irina! Don't you dare tell me this is none of my business! Irina is my friend, and I would never forgive myself if I let her or her rockin' body disappear from this world...!"


