All things must come to an end, but so long as possibility exists, even the cessation of all things will be greeted by reality anew, endlessly repeating but with the steps taken along the way varying infinitely... If you would like to support me or read up to 50 chapters ahead, search for me on Patreon at Eins_left_foot.
'Ugh...where am I...?' Vahn asked himself, opening his eyes to find nothing but darkness in all directions. He could feel his body and limbs, but there was no ground beneath his feet and nothing to touch, making him wonder if he had, once again, died, this time for keeps.
Catching Vahn off guard and causing him to tense, a distinctly husky and feminine voice responded, "What you see before you is your essence...a reflection of yourself and your potential..."
'But there's nothing here...' noted Vahn, speaking from what he perceived were his lips, but the words echoed within his head and through the vast, seemingly all-encompassing emptiness.
"You're mistaken..." responded the voice, followed by a pair of colossal crimson eyes appearing from within the darkness, their distance difficult to ascertain. All Vahn knew for certain was that they were staring up at the moon at night but larger and closer...
"This place represents everything that ever was and will be," explained the voice. "It may appear empty, but it is from nothingness that endless possibilities originate. And once you grasp that concept, there is nothing you cannot do—no possibility you cannot create..."
"Who are you...?" asked Vahn, vaguely aware that he could suddenly see himself, his body emitting light that gradually illuminated the true form of the crimson-eyed entity. His consciousness abruptly started to fade, but before it did, the figure of an incomprehensibly large wolf with midnight-blue fur, a white underbelly, and peculiar markings on its forehead came into view.
"We are thee, separate but forever one..." responded the colossal wolf, lying down and resting its head atop its crossed paws. It said something more, but despite his best efforts to remain conscious and make out what was said, Vahn collapsed forward, feeling something modest but familiar against his face and something soft and fluffy wrapping around his head before he invariably succumbed to the serenity of oblivion...
Waking with a start, Vahn nearly shot to a seated position but suppressed the urge as he noticed that Rias and Akeno were borrowing his shoulders, both naked as the day they were born, and Konkeo sleeping atop him, her head resting on his chest.
'What happened? What about the Rating Game...?' asked Vahn, directing the question at Sis. In response, memories that were notably hazier than those he had experienced directly or cognizant appeared within his mind as she calmly and dutifully explained (The awakening of your Innate, Will of the Emperor, placed a significant burden on your mind, body, and spirit. As a result, shortly after Rias Gremory smothered you with her bosom and assured you that everything was okay, you lost consciousness...)
As Sis provided her explanation, Vahn viewed the events she described playing out at an accelerated but comprehensible rate as the memory was functionally up or downloaded directly to his brain. Fortunately, the Rating Game hadn't been called in Riser's favor despite his egregious violation of the rules. There were several reasons for this, but the most pertinent was that Riser had also violated the rules by doing what he did to Koneko and trying to force Rias to yield her winning position. He might have been able to get away with his actions in a closed setting, but since House Gremory held a much higher status than House Phenex and the match had been observed by no less than two Satans, including the presiding King of Hell, there was no way his family could cover for him.
'That's a relief...' Vahn sighed internally. For a brief moment, he had seriously desired to kill Riser. Fortunately, while Holy-elemental weapons could weaken or outright negate the Phenex Clan's regeneration, it wasn't enough to kill them outright. The only guaranteed way to kill them was to obliterate their soul or break them so thoroughly they allowed themselves to die, so while he had forced Riser to endure excruciating pain, he would make a full recovery. At least physically...
'Still...what was that...?' asked Vahn, recalling Sis mentioning something called Will of the Emperor, compelling him to open his combined Status and Skill window.
Name: [Vahn Mason]
Age: 18
Race: High-Class Devil, Sealed
Title(s): Dragon's Champion, Young Dragon(new), Devilish Lover, Object of Envy, Phenex Bane(new)
Parameters: High School DxD
Power: 156(234)
Guts: 445(1,112)
Proficiency: 71(496)
Charm: 274(438)
Alignment: Neutral->Chaotic Good
Soul Tier: 1 (Mortal Soul)
Karma: 128,991
OP: 1,004,500
[Will of the Emperor: Innate(SSS)], [Tiamat's Territorial Mark(SS)], [Aura of Karmic Protection(S)], [Chainbreaker(S)], [Veil of the Traveler(S)], [Pain Tolerance(A)], [Aura Conversion(A)], [Wound Transfer(B)], [Bedroom Arts(B)], [Spearmanship(B)], [Battle Focus(B)], [Keen Senses(B)], [Treasure Sense(B)], [Meditation(B)], [Martial Arts(C)], [Petting(D)], [Devil Magic(D)], [Cooking(F)]
[Young Dragon]
Effect: Increases all Parameters by 20%. Boosts desire and reputation gain.
[Phenex Bane]
Effect: Increases the effects of Charm against members of the Phenex Clan both positively and negatively.
[Will of the Emperor]
Rank: Innate (SSS)
[Passive]: Transcend all limitations and boundaries. Increases growth based on the conviction of the wielder and their followers.
[Active]: Creates a domain that suppresses those much weaker than the user. Has a moderate influence on those that are stronger.
'Two new Titles and this seems vague, but it must be powerful to rank even higher than Tiamat's Territorial Mark...' thought Vahn, closing his eyes and exhaling a faint sigh. According to the time displayed in the upper left corner of his peripheral vision, it was currently only 4:49 AM, so while he wasn't even remotely sleepy, he decided to remain silent and still so that Rias, Akeno, and Koneko could sleep peacefully...
[One Week Later, May 10th]
After a week of classes, training within the Corridor, and assisting the Student Council, Vahn was in the club room with Rias, Akeno, Sona, and Tsubaki, patiently awaiting the verdict that would determine their futures when a bluish-white Magic Circle appeared a short distance away. From within, a familiar and notably shapely figure with silver hair and matching eyes emerged.
"Good evening, Vahn-sama, Sona-Sama, Rias-sama, Tsubaki-san, Akeno-san. I hope this past week hasn't been too stressful..." expressed Grayfia, offering a faint smile and a courteous bow.
"Let's dismiss with the pleasantries," stated Rias, her expression and tone serious as she asked, "What has my brother decided?"
"Very well," responded Grayfia, offering a slow nod before rising to her full height and revealing, "After much consideration, it was decided that, as Vahn-sama does not exist within the purview of Devil society and its laws, he cannot be judged by them. Furthermore, as Riser-sama's violation of the rules was the catalyst that provoked his reaction, the official outcome of last week's Rating Game is that Rias-sama is the victor."
"Well, that's a relief..." expressed Rias, exhaling a suppressed sigh as she squeezed Vahn's hand, prompting him to smile and say, "Congratulations, Rias..." while reciprocating by squeezing her hand.
"Thank you, Vahn. But it's too soon to be relieved...go ahead, Grayfia..." said Rias, gazing at the silver-haired Maid with an expression filled with resolution.
Nodding, Grayfia calmly appended, "While Vahn-sama has been absolved of any malfeasance, the incident in question should never have happened. As the principal instigator, Riser-sama has been prohibited from leaving his family's estate for at least ten years, excluding official events requiring his attendance. Similarly, for allowing Vahn-sama access to the broadcast and inadvertantly facilitating his interruption of the Rating Game, Sona-sama shall undergo mandatory retraining and community service over the impending summer vacation."
"I understand and accept my punishment without protest," responded Sona, closing her eyes and sitting composedly, presumably anticipating the outcome.
"But Sona didn't do anything wrong..." protested Vahn, his expression a sulky, slightly guilty frown.
"It's okay, Vahn," assured Rias, smiling and pressing her forehead to his as she stated, "This is what it means to be a Noble and a High-Class Devil. If someone doesn't accept responsibility for what occurred, it will shake the trust others have in us and the system we uphold..."
"Those who shift blame or avoid responsibility are not suited to lead others, much less administrate millions of citizens," appended Grayfia, nodding approvingly before continuing where she left off, revealing, "As for Rias-sama, she will also need to return to her family's estate during the Summer break for mandatory retraining. However, unlike Sona-sama, you must bring all the members of your Peerage, particularly the recently anointed Red Dragon Emperor. It has been determined that Issei-sama is in need of special training before the forthcoming Young Devil's Gathering in August..."
"Oh, that's a significantly laxer punishment than I anticipated..." remarked Rias, her brows slightly raised before she smiled and asked, "I'm guessing it has something to do with Vahn...?"
"Indeed," confirmed Grayfia, shifting her gaze to Vahn as she explained, "Many were impressed with his ability to tear through space and interrupt the Rating Game. When it became known that he was also responsible for the equipment exhibited by the ORC during the Rating Game, many high-ranking Devils, including Marquis Phenex, expressed a desire to meet and establish a harmonious relationship with him in the future."
"In other words, Ravel is seeking to sink her talons into you as soon as possible..." translated Rias, shaking her head but smiling as she couldn't accuse others of being opportunistic when she had solicited Vahn to join her Peerage during their first meeting and had him in her bath and bed by the eve of their second.
"As for my punishment..." stated Grayfia, causing Rias and Sona to stare at her in confusion until she casually revealed, "I have been tasked to serve as Vahn-sama's personal Maid and attendant from now until the Summer break. As Sona-sama's and Rias-sama's future husband, there is much he needs to know to fit seamlessly into Devil High Society, so I will be using this time to acquaint him with etiquette, table manners, the histories of the Sitri and Gremory Houses, and the chronology of the Underworld as a whole."
"This feels more like a punishment directed at me than you..." remarked Rias, narrowing her eyes into a half-lidded, accusatory stare. She knew the actual reason Grayfia was sticking around was to keep Vahn safe and to allow her brother to keep an eye on him through her, but becoming his personal Maid meant she would effectively shadow him everywhere, even in the bath.
"Please consider this a necessary sacrifice to ensure that Vahn-sama isn't made to feel ashamed or embarrassed during important social gatherings or similarly high-profile events..." expressed Grayfia, closing her eyes and offering a courteous bow.
"What do you think, Vahn? Are you okay with Grayfia becoming your Maid and personal attendant for the next four months...?" asked Rias, staring at Vahn with her head tilted to the side, her blue eyes clear and wide, and a supportive smile on her face.
"Me...?" asked Vahn, looking between Rias and Grayfia before adopting an awkward smile as he stated, "I think Grayfia-san should spend more time with her family and son. I don't mind being embarrassed, and we still have plenty of time before I need to know that stuff..."
"If that is Vahn-sama's sole apprehension, arrangements are presently underway to have Millicas-sama enrolled in Kuoh Academy's Elementary Division," revealed Grayfia, causing Rias's eyes to widen. Her nephew was certainly old and intelligent enough to enroll in Kuoh, but the original plan was to wait until he was middle school age, allowing him to take over her stewardship of the Academy and the encompassing town in the wake of her return to the Underworld.
Preempting whatever Rias was planning to say, Grayfia stated, "This was the decision of Sirzechs-sama, and Millicas-sama himself desires it. Thus, even if Vahn-sama insists on not having me serve as his Maid, I will reside and work here in the evenings and teach Home Economics during the day. I request everyone's understanding in that regard..."
"Of course, you've already arranged to become a teacher..." sighed Rias, combing aside her bangs with her free hand before meeting Vahn's gaze and stating, "If she's going to be here anyways, you may as well have her serve as your Maid and Asia-chan's instructor. My villa employs around one hundred Maids and Butlers, and the main Gremory estate has over a thousand, so you will need to get acclimated to dealing with overzealous servants and attendants..."
" family's estate employs around three thousand personnel, so it isn't the worst idea," appended Sona, understanding well the true reasons Grayfia was sticking around. Vahn was simply too valuable—too important—to entrust to her and Rias alone to protect.
With even Sona agreeing, Vahn sported a conflicted frown but no longer attempted to dissuade Grayfia from serving him. Instead, he met her gaze with a firm expression, surprising everyone present by creating a palpable tension in the air as he stated, "Then I'll be in your care..." before offering a curt, affirming nod. Lowering his head too far or bowing now caused him to feel increasing discomfort, so unless the situation mandated it, he kept his head high, his chin slightly raised...