
Debts and Dealings

Though Yasaka initially wanted Kunou to stay at the Crimson Palace, Vahn rejected the idea as he didn't believe it was good to separate her from her mother, home, and everyone she cared about. Kunou herself insisted that she would be okay, but she eventually yielded after he presented her and her mother with a golden, fox-themed key that would enable them to visit whenever they pleased...




"Haaa...what a day..." sighed Vahn, plopping down on the sofa in his room and placing his hands on Venelana's bottom as she immediately straddled him, caressing his sides as she narrowed her violet eyes and asked, "Shall we take a few days or weeks off, just the two of us~?" in an unrepentantly sultry tone.

"Did seeing me getting along with Yasaka and Kunou make you jealous...?" asked Vahn, adopting a mischievous grin as he appended, "Also...I've told you before. I would never willfully refuse an invitation to spend more time with my beautiful, voracious, flaxen-haired wife..."

"I didn't used to be voracious..." retorted Venelana, her eyes shimmering and her smile broadening as she asserted, "My boyish, brutish, and very capable husband made me this way..."

"And I'm going to keep feeding you until your belly swells..." proclaimed Vahn, his expression smoldering and voice deep, reverberating. Rias had ultimately yielded her right to his firstborn after learning how many people were waiting to bear his children. However, to keep things fair, he willfully placed two restrictions on himself. First and most importantly, he wouldn't knock anyone up or advance pregnancies utilizing time dilation. Secondly, he would leave things to chance, meaning no deliberate pregnancies, just good old-fashioned serendipity and concerted effort...

"I really want one..." sighed Venelana, her face flushing as she closed her eyes and appended, "I know I shouldn't be selfish, but I can't help it...you completely reawoke the desires which had been waning within me since I birthed Sirzechs..."

"For that to happen, we'll need to cut back on sneaking away on weeks-long romantic trysts..." hummed Vahn, firmly gripping Venelana's bottom as he teased, "We'll need to make time to fuck real-time..."

"I suppose so..." muttered Venelana, raising her butt and leaning forward to initiate a kiss as Vahn, having removed his pants, lined himself up with her practically slobbering, ever-eager, and hungry pussy...




[Fubiki is requesting a Telepathic Link]

'Seriously? Now...?' Vahn asked himself, pounding Venelana from behind as he prepared to reward her interposition blowjob by filling her womb a tenth time.

(She just learned about the meteor that is about to strike Z-City from one of her contacts in the Hero Association) revealed Sis.

'Saitama should be able to take care of it...' thought Vahn. However, as he knew that Saitama shattering the meteor would cause significant damage to the city, he ultimately accepted Fubiki's request.

[Ms Blizzard. It's been a while] remarked Vahn, kicking things off casually as, from Fubuki's perspective, he shouldn't know why she was contacting him.

Wasting no time, Fubuki asked [You can move between worlds and have powerful allies, right? My world is currently facing a crisis in the form of a giant meteor. Please lend us your assistance.]

[How much time is there?] asked Vahn.

[Fewer than three minutes] answered Fubuki, sounding understandably anxious. She could easily escape the meteor's blast radius, but she would need to leave behind the many members of her Fubuki Group.

'Three minutes...' repeated Vahn, his perception of time slowing to a crawl as he deliberated his options. Grayfia should be more than capable of taking out the meteor, but he really didn't want to summon her out of the blue. Venelana might be able to handle it using her Power of Destruction, but pausing in the middle of sex and asking her to pull herself together to take out a city-destroying meteor felt insensitive, even if he could stretch the aforementioned three minutes into five and a quarter days. Then there was the matter of repayment...

[Standby...] said Vahn, leaving Fubuki confused until she suddenly found herself in the Crimson Palace's first-floor lounge and parlor. At the same time, he gave himself and Venelana time to finish their business, leaving Fubuki and Xenovia, who was in the kitchen practicing cooking, moving in such slow motion that they may as well have been frozen...




"Any questions~?" asked Venelana, sitting across from Fubuki atop a very expensive-looking crimson leather sofa with an intricately carved wooden frame coated in gilded wax—made from actual gold.

"Too many to count..." responded Fubuki, a bead of sweat trickling down the left side of her face as she sat with her arms crossed in a dark, form-fitting, ankle-length dress with a white fur coat adorning her shoulders, multiple pearl necklaces adorning her neck, and black, thigh-high leather heels. Venelana had just finished explaining the cost and consequences of petitioning divine intervention/outside interference, and though it was reasonable to request compensation for services rendered, she felt it was shameless of them to ask her to strut around in skimpy Maid outfits, sexy lingerie, or less...

Seated next to Venelana with his head tilted back, eyes closed, hands resting on his stomach, and fingers linked together, Vahn pointed out, "Even if we don't take action, that Saitama fellow should be more than capable of taking out something like a meteor. There may be collateral damage, but the simple fact of the matter is that if the inhabitants of a world aren't able to handle such problems, their fate is to either perish or fall under the umbrella of someone who can. As the leader of the Fubuki Group, you should understand this better than most..."

Piggybacking off Vahn's words, Venelana stated, "If you do not wish to serve within the Maid Battalion, you could also offer material goods that correspond to the value of the intervention you're requesting. If you find that difficult, there is also the option of rendering your services within the Tower of Ascension. That would predominantly involve assisting weaker Parties or relinquishing up to 50% of the Enhancement Crystals or Tower Points you acquire until your debt is repaid."

"Only 50%...?" questioned Fubuki, her right brow rising slightly before her expression sharpened into a look of suspicion as she asked, "And what of the interest?"

Shaking her head relaxedly and maintaining a highly practiced business smile, Vanelana answered, "If there were interest, it would no longer be an equivalent exchange. There are also no deadlines, no late fees, and no collections. We're not loan sharks, Ms. Fubuki."

"Mmn...I see..." muttered Fubuki, leaning back against the sofa's backrest and crossing her left leg over her right, her distinctive, glistening green eyes narrowing as she asked, "And what kinds of requests do you accept as far as intervention goes? Do you only intervene to prevent destruction, or do you accept any request?"

"It depends on the context and circumstances surrounding the request..." responded Vahn, clarifying, "But, as a general rule, we don't accept kill or assassination requests. We also don't directly intervene in politics or with the personal freedom of any particular individual or group unless they are actively depriving that right to others..."

"Then, what if I were to ask you to help me become the Number 1 S-Rank Hero?" asked Fubuki, noting, "That's not strictly political. And all I'm really asking for is your financial support and access to the wealth of knowledge and resources you've accumulated across various worlds. After all, places like this and the Tower of Ascension don't create themselves...your group of Transdimensional Travelers must possess a truly extraordinary amount of wealth..."

"If it's financial support, that can easily be arranged," affirmed Venelana. "But power is something that is meant to be acquired through effort, not received from others. If you wish to become the Number 1 S-Rank Hero, you must earn it yourself. As for knowledge and resources, the former is a lot more expensive than simply requesting money, while the latter would be limited to training materials, production facilities, produce, and general pharmaceuticals."

"How many Tower Points of debt would I accrue for, let's say, a hundred and fifty billion Yen...?" asked Fubuki, choosing a fairly astronomical sum just to put things into perspective.

"It depends on the actual value of your currency," revealed Venelana, appending, "But, as a general rule, it's one hundred Tower Points for a gold coin weighing precisely twenty-five grams, giving gold a standard conversion ratio of four Tower Points per gram."

Saving Fubuki and Venelana the effort to calculate things themselves, Vahn casually revealed, "According to the Administrator, you would need a minimum of 45,218,178 Tower Points, approximately 450,000 gold coins. However, as such a large amount of gold would definitely affect its value within the market, you would likely need closer to 600,000."

"And you allow people to go into debt that far...?" asked Fubuki, shifting her gaze to Vahn, feeling somewhat annoyed to see him behaving as if he were bored out of his mind.

"I mentioned it previously, but people can live upwards of ten thousand years depending on how high they ascend the Tower..." responded Vahn, tilting his head forward and opening his eyes to meet Fubuki's gaze as he added, "And in the grand scheme of things, forty-five million Tower Points isn't even that much. With the power you possess now, it would likely only take you five or six Tower Cycles to repay."

"One important thing to remember is that, bar case-by-case exceptions, an individual cannot make a second request before the debt of their initial request is repaid," remarked Venelana. "As such, it's typically best to leave yourself a bit of leeway within your request."

"Mmn...makes sense..." affirmed Fubuki, tapping her left bicep with her right index finger as she held Vahn's gaze with crossed arms and asked, "And, just out of curiosity, how long would I need to work here to pay off such a debt?"

"It depends on the extent you intend to render your services and fulfill various duties..." answered Venelana, explaining, "If you simply chose to walk around in revealing attire, your base salary would be roughly ten to twenty Tower Points per hour. If you proactively assist with cooking, cleaning, and other maidly duties, that increases to a minimum wage of one hundred Tower Points."

"And what if I'm willing to do more...?" asked Fubuki, holding Vahn's gaze as she spoke before meeting Venelana's after.

Narrowing her eyes and smiling broader, Venelana revealed, "If you're a virgin, a D-Rank human like yourself could receive a credit of one to ten million Tower Points. As for your salary, the hourly rate increases to five hundred Tower Points simply being here and making yourself available, with the potential to earn considerably more depending on what happens in that time. Two things to note in that regard is that while you're working here, you are expected not to have relations with other men. And, just in case you've gotten the wrong idea, the only man you would prospectively be expected to serve is Vahn here. This is not a brothel, escort service, or hostess club."

"Mmn...alright, then, how much debt would I accrue if I request you to get rid of the meteor?" asked Fubuki, returning to the original subject as it still weighed heavily on her mind.

"It depends on the expected cost to life, property, and the environment as a whole," answered Venelana, clarifying, "If the meteor were expected to wipe out your species, for example, the debt would be equivalent to all life on your planet. In this case..."

With Venelana shifting her gaze to him, Vahn stated, "Given that there is a 99.73% chance that Saitama will intervene to annihilate the meteor, even if nothing is done, the expected cost to life and the environment can largely be disregarded. If we lowball things and only factor in how much it would cost to rebuild the city, the Administrator approximates the debt to be one hundred and eighty million Tower Points, an amount you should be able to repay within a year passing in your original world."

"I see..." muttered Fubuki, lowering her gaze and cupping her chin with her right index finger and thumb. She was fairly confident in her earning potential, and since she could still keep half, she could still grow stronger and continue ascending the Tower. All things considered, the terms were exceedingly favorable, and since there didn't appear to be a limit to how much debt she could accumulate...she had theoretically found herself an unlimited source of funding...


