All things must come to an end, but so long as possibility exists, even the cessation of all things will be greeted by reality anew, endlessly repeating but with the steps taken along the way varying infinitely... If you would like to support me or read up to 50 chapters ahead, search for me on Patreon at Eins_left_foot.
"Eternal Dragon! Come forth and grant me my wish...!" exclaimed Bulma, looking nervous, excited, and a little embarrassed as she threw her hands and shouted at the top of her lungs. Fortunately, as she wasn't 100% sure the Dragon Balls were legitimate, it didn't take long for the seven mystical balls to illuminate, the sky to darken, and a blindingly golden light to erupt from them, coiling and undulating into the massive figure of an emerald-green, long-style dragon with three-pronged antler-like horns, a yellowish underbelly, dark green ridges along its back, four four-clawed hands, and two whip-like whiskers flowing away from its elongated snout.
"Wa-wa-wa-waaaauu—the legends—they were actually real!" exclaimed Bulma, nearly stumbling backward onto her butt before Vahn caught and supported her.
Lowering its colossal head, large enough that it could swallow the entire group and a large section of the land in a single gulp, the Eternal Dragon, Shen Long, declared, "I am the Eteeernal Dragon. State your wish, but be warned, for it will come true...." in an exceptionally loud, low, and growling voice.
"R-Right..." muttered Bulma, briefly looking back and up at Vahn before forcing herself to stand, face Shen Long, and exclaim, "Eternal Dragon, I wish for everyone but the four of us to forget about the Dragon Balls and lose all means to locate them!"
"Your wish...cannot be granted as it is..." stated Shen Long, preempting Bulma's asking why by explaining, "I cannot erase the knowledge of the Dragon Balls from their creator. Alter your wish or make another."
"Oh...uh...I guess that makes sense..." conceded Bulma, a little flustered but managing to collect herself enough to declare, "Then...then I want to make the same wish, but altered to let your creator keep their knowledge of your existence!"
"So be it..." responded Shen Long, his completely crimson eyes producing a prominent glow before he added, "Your wish has been granted."
Without further discussion, Shen Long's body abruptly dissipated with a powerful surge of energy, followed by the Dragon Balls rising into the sky and attempting to scatter in random directions. Six were allowed to do so, but as per Vahn's instructions, Grayfia promptly intercepted the four-star Dragon Ball, now an inert, nearly indestructible stone sphere.
"Well, I guess that's that..." remarked Bulma, watching as Grayfia returned the inert four-star ball to a confused Goku before turning her attention to Vahn, asking, "Do you think you and Grayfia could drop me off at West City? After that, the two of you can fly away like love birds to create your nest or whatever else you have planned."
"You don't want me to stay so you can show me off to the girls who were annoying you...?" asked Vahn, more than a little surprised but, at the same time, excited by the prospect of him and Grayfia being alone.
Shrugging dismissively, Bulma contended, "It's not like I ever really cared what those girls thought. And, besides, you'll come running the moment I call out for you, right?"
"Without fail..." affirmed Vahn, causing Bulma's brows to rise as he raised his right hand to caress her left cheek, gently running his thumb along her cheekbone before leaning in to kiss her when she slowly closed her eyes and parted her lips...
With Grayfia escorting Bulma safely to her home, Vahn found himself alone with Goku, sitting at a small table produced from his Inventory and sharing a meal as he asked, "So, what will you do after this? If you don't have any other ideas, you should seek out Master Roshi's island and ask him to train you."
"Can I not stay with you and Grayfia?" asked Goku, arguing, "I really like that place called a gym, and the food that Mrs Grayfia makes is the best."
"It's possible," affirmed Vahn, nodding before quickly adding, "But Master Roshi is the man who trained your Grandpa, and if he were here, I'm sure that Gohan would want you to see and experience the world while making as many friends as possible. As for me and Grayfia, we'll likely spend the next few months settling along the coast or on an island. But if you train hard, the three of us can surely meet again at the upcoming World Martial Arts Tournament."
"Hmm...well, okay then..." responded Goku, more than a little reluctant to part with Grayfia and her cooking but believing Vahn's assertion about his Grandpa wanting him to train and make friends.
"But what's a World Martial Arts Tournament...?" asked Goku, tilting his head to the side as he recognized most of the words but couldn't form a mental image of what they described.
"It's a tournament held every three years where people from across the world gather to determine who among them is the strongest," explained Vahn, smiling as he revealed, "I'll be entering it as well, so do you best to get as strong as possible between now and then."
"Does that mean you're strong...?" asked Goku, prompting Vahn to turn his head, raise his left hand, and briefly evoke his Touki, causing a hazy white aura to surge from his body as he rapidly gathered light into a sphere and unleashed it as a destructive beam.
Seeing Vahn's attack penetrate several of the towering stone mushrooms before producing a sizeable explosion in the distance, Goku's mouth hung open, his eyes widening to their limits.
Preempting Goku's questions, Vahn's expression softened in amusement as he affirmed, "You have enormous potential, Goku. Give it a year or two, and you'll be able to unleash far more damaging attacks. You just need to train hard and, most importantly, have fun doing so..."
"I can do that!" affirmed Goku, beaming and pumping his fists excitedly. He had never witnessed anything like what Vahn had just demonstrated, but he had no doubt he could learn it if he tried. His Grandpa, Gohan, had told him many times that his talent was one of a kind, so while he was still reluctant to part with Grayfia and her food, he was excited to track down Master Roshi and begin his training as soon as possible...
Standing side by side and watching Goku depart atop his Flying Nimbus, waving back at them while smiling and laughing, Vahn discreetly cupped Grayfia's ass and asserted, "I doubt I need to tell you this...but I'm going to fuck you even more thoroughly from now on..."
"I would hope so..." responded Grayfia, leaning into Vahn and looking up at him as she affirmed, "Because that's precisely what I want...just don't forget the reason we're here. The more powerful you become before our return to the outside world, the easier it will be to convince the others to settle here long-term...and once we have all the time in the world, you can start putting babies in me in earnest..."
Though he was tempted to retort that he would put one in her right then, Vahn restrained himself as, even then, he didn't want to break his promise with Rias. He also wasn't certain that the children he sired in-virtua would be able to leave, so before he made any major decisions about the future, he decided to focus on the present, beginning with making intense love to Grayfia before they began searching for the place that would serve as the location of their, as Bulma aptly alluded, love nest...
With much of Dragon Ball's Earth being lawless, unclaimed wilderness, the result of someone using the titular balls to resurrect dinosaurs and grant particularly intelligent animals the capacity to speak, it only took a few hours for Vahn and Grayfia to locate a decently sized island without human settlements and a fair amount of beachfront property. It was only a few kilometers across at its widest point, but it was fairly close to both Kame House and the island where Goku and Krillin would presumably be spending the next eight months, making it the perfect location for a resort and training ground where the future Z-Warriors and members of the ORC could unwind and train between saving the world.
As that was a matter for the future, Vahn and Grayfia spent a few hours designing a simple Japanese-style house that would be easy to care for, specifically located away from the beach and the future location of the resort Grayfia suggested they build. It was two stories tall, but the first floor was a simple living, dining room, and kitchen. The top floor, which also served as the building's attic, was a single bedroom, with the only notable furnishings being a bed, a kotatsu, and a few bookshelves that could be lined with manga or books for study. There was no bathroom, as neither Vahn nor Grayfia produced waste, but there was a cozy in-ground bath, detached from the main house and accessible by following a short corridor with shoji doors that could slide open from both sides to allow for better airflow. And since it would be a waste not to take full advantage of their waterfront location, the last thing Vahn had Grayfia add to their cozy abode was a pier that extended out over a natural, crystal-clear, and deep pool that was almost completely separated from the open ocean by stone embankments and large boulders, making it the perfect place to swim and even rear fish if they felt inclined to do so...
[November 19th, 749]
With more than two months passing without Bulma calling on him, Vahn was beginning to believe she was ghosting him. Fortunately, that suited him just fine as he sat, relaxing on the second floor of his cozy abode with the balcony windows open, allowing a pleasant and cool breeze to flow in. At the same time, modeling the frilly naked apron that had all but replaced her old-fashioned Maid outfit, Grayfia's head rhythmically bobbed up and down, his hand resting atop it as she gave him a vacuous blowjob.
"This is infinitely better than Heaven..." remarked Vahn, closing his eyes and tilting his head back as he allowed a hot, contented sigh to emanate from his throat. He and Grayfia had been cohabitating and going at it on and off for nearly two months, but he didn't feel he was wasting his time. The day their cohabitation started, he mentioned he would make training his New Year's resolution. And since that would inevitably eat into his and Grayfia's quality time together, he was making the most of every moment they shared until then...
Though Vahn released a tremendous quantity of semen into her mouth and throat as he sighed, Grayfia didn't allow a single drop to escape its fate of warming her belly. More descriptively, she accepted nearly the full length of his dick into her mouth and throat, stimulating its base with her tongue before slowly raising her head, producing a powerful suction that siphoned every last trace of semen from his urethra.
"Shall I get started on dinner...?" asked Grayfia, accompanying her words by positioning herself over Vahn and squatting down, lining his ever-erect dick up with her pussy and swallowing it in a single go. At this point, Vahn wasn't solely seeking her out. Grayfia felt restless without him inside her, so unless they had a reason to separate, such as when she prepared and cooked their meals, she did her best to ensure they remained connected, even if they were simply chatting.
"What did you have in mind...?" asked Vahn, hugging the small of Grayfia's back and drawing her close to kiss her neck and shoulder as they needed their respective lips to talk. He could feel her heart throbbing through her large and extraordinarily soft breasts as they deformed against his chest, and while she might not notice it, he was keenly aware of the fact his own was beating in concert, their bodies in perfect harmony as Grayfia panted off a wide variety of dishes before recommending herself as dessert...