All things must come to an end, but so long as possibility exists, even the cessation of all things will be greeted by reality anew, endlessly repeating but with the steps taken along the way varying infinitely... If you would like to support me or read up to 50 chapters ahead, search for me on Patreon at Eins_left_foot.
" figures that the guy I gave my virginity to would be from a completely different world..." sighed Bulma, reacting to Vahn's explanation that he and Grayfia were essentially transdimensional tourists, visiting her world and universe to experience its culture and become stronger.
"Would you have preferred me to be a random nobody...?" asked Vahn, his smile cheeky as he gave Bulma's left butt cheek a light smack, compelling her to issue a faint moan and grind her hips forward with his penis nestled firmly inside her. Before explaining things, he had given her a brief tour of the house and its facilities, concluding in the master bedroom. There, she was the one who seduced him by invading the walk-in closet and holding a pair of sexy lingerie up to her body, so he came inside her twice more as Goku experimented with the gym equipment and Grayfia prepared a feast for everyone on the ground floor.
"To be honest? Kind of..." admitted Bulma, exhaling from her nose, shaking her head, and smiling weakly as she muttered, "Now, instead of you being a trophy boyfriend I can order around like a servant, I have to accept that I'm basically just your booty call from another world..."
"That kind of goes both ways, doesn't it...?" asked Vahn, maintaining his smile as he pointed out, "I may have things going on that are completely unrelated to you, but if you're ever in danger or need a good dicking, I can be here within a few minutes at most..."
"And how...will I contact you...?" asked Bulma, her voice wavering with a song-like quality as Vahn guided her to raise and lower her hips. She was still sensitive after experiencing her first successive and concurrent climaxes in quick succession, but she couldn't bring herself to ask him to stop.
"Our bodies aren't the only things that have become entangled..." stated Vahn, causing Bulma to cry out as he playfully bounced her atop him and asserted, "If you call out my name or simply yearn to see me, I'll be able to sense it and come running..."
"For how long...?" asked Bulma, her chest pervaded by an overwhelming fluttery sensation and her pussy clenching involuntarily as Vahn smacked her ass and responded, "For as long as you keep me within your heart and reserve your pussy for my personal use. I know it's hypocritical, given my circumstances, but I don't share..."
Leaning her head back, inhaling and exhaling audibly through her nose, and moaning sensually, Bulma was tempted to retort that they should just get married, but she wasn't ready for that kind of commitment and wasn't sure if that was even a thing for people like Vahn. What she did know was that he was really good at hitting her sweet spots, compelling her to move and shake her hips willingly, earning her third successive and fourth total creampie...
"Oh, wow, this is even better than the food prepared by the Master Chefs employed by my father..." remarked Bulma, genuinely taken aback by both the quality and quantity of food that Grayfia had prepared in a fairly brief period. She had seen less food at some banquets, but seeing how quickly Goku finished dish after dish, gradually forming a tower of plates and rice bowls, she understood why.
"While I have the tremendous fortune of being Vahn's girlfriend and lover, my uniform is not for show. I am proficient in all skills and duties expected of a High-Class Maid..." explained Grayfia, sporting a relaxed smile as she occupied the seat to Vahn's left, her back ramrod straight and her table manners impeccable as she calmly and effortlessly sliced a piece of steak before carefully placing it in her mouth.
"Does that mean you work for Vahn...?" asked Bulma, feeling she ought to get to know Grayfia as it seemed they would be sharing the same bed for the foreseeable future. The alternative was sleeping alone, but after Vahn taught her how awesome sex felt, she wasn't going to let Grayfia have all the fun.
"I serve Vahn with my heart, body, and soul..." responded Grayfia, closing her eyes as she elucidated, "In exchange, I receive his care and love, two things infinitely more valuable than money..."
Following his disruptive burp, Goku sat back in his chair with a contented look, patting his swollen belly as he expressed, "That was the best meal I've ever had. I didn't even know it was possible to feel this full..."
As his words weren't intended for anyone in particular, Goku didn't wait for a response before hopping down from his chair with his arms spread out to his sides, adding, "Time for some after-dinner exercise...!" before departing with a quick pitter-patter of steps.
"Man, that kid is like a force of nature..." muttered Bulma, closing her eyes and shaking her head in mock exasperation before opening them to stare across the table at Vahn and Grayfia, asking, "What about us? Are we also going to do some after-dinner exercise? My insides feel a little numb after the pounding they took earlier, but I'm down for a threesome if the two of you are."
"I'm more than down," confirmed Vahn, adding, "But it might not be the best idea. You should have realized by now that I'm not a normal guy. I can keep going pretty much forever, so if you join us, you'll probably fall asleep from exhaustion and wake up tomorrow morning to discover the two of us still going at it."
"Seriously? What are you, a sex robot...?" asked Bulma, looking skeptical but not dismissing Vahn's claim as she spread her hands, shrugged, and reasoned, "We'll see how it goes. If I really can't keep up with the two of you, I'll just move to a different room to sleep. The important thing is that you don't exclude me out of concern or some other nonsense. There's nothing I hate more than being ignored and having people sneak around behind my back..."
"As I mentioned before, we have other things going on that might require us to leave for extended periods," reminded Vahn, his expression and tone smoldering as he teased, "But you can rest assured...when we're together like this, you won't be going to bed feeling lonely or excluded..."
"Mmm...alright, then..." muttered Bulma, her face flushing as she looked to Grayfia, awaiting her response.
Narrowing her eyes into a playful smile, Grayfia appended, "I serve Vahn anytime, anywhere, and under any circumstances. If he is willing to allow you to join us, you should prepare your heart. After tonight, men might not be the only thing that catches your eye..."
Seeing Grayfia lick her lips, Bulma found herself swallowing instinctively, a faint trembling emanating from her core, causing her insides to quiver and clench tightly. She ordinarily loathed other women, especially those more attractive than her, but in response to Grayfia's warning and playful smile, Bulma was surprised to feel her heart flutter in her chest...
"'s definitely tempting, but I've never been fond of such things..." responded Vahn, relaxing with his hands linked behind his head as Grayfia moved and twisted her hips in an infinity pattern atop him, massaging her breasts and gently kneading her nipples. She had offered to use her Devil Magic to alter Bulma's and Goku's perceptions so they wouldn't find it out of the ordinary even if they had sex right in front of them.
"Then what about inhibiting Bulma's sex drive or feeling of envy...?" asked Grayfia, shifting to skillfully rolling her belly and oscillating her hips as she pointed out, "I noticed that you were distracted whenever you were inside of if you were just going through the motions..."
"You're not wrong..." conceded Vahn, exhaling from his nose, removing his hands behind his head, and caressing Grayfia's sides as he asserted, "But I just doesn't feel right..."
"Then I apologize for bringing it up..." groaned Grayfia, closing her eyes and leaning her head back, her two large silver braids dangling behind her as a soul-shaking wave of pleasure flowed through her, the result of Vahn pulling her flush against him, filling her with her thirty-eighth creampie for the day. Each one was like a tiny amount of fuel added to the flame of her desire, giving her the impression it wouldn't be long before it grew into an irrepressible inferno...
"Never apologize for thinking of how to better serve or satisfy me..." said Vahn, his tone decisive as he grabbed Grayfia's braids like a pair of thick reins, preventing her climax from settling by driving his hips into her with the force of a pile driver, the reverberation causing the bed's legs to snap. This might sound extreme, but as Grayfia could theoretically tank a nuke at point-blank range without it dirtying her uniform, he couldn't hurt her if he wanted to...
"Alright, I'm two are monsters..." expressed a very sleepy-looking Bulma, returning to Vahn's room after sleeping in the largest guest room, one of two on the sixth floor. She could hear the sensual sound of flesh smacking against flesh before she arrived, but walking in on the two standing near the entrance of the room's bathroom, Grayfia standing with her hands on the wall and Vahn thrusting powerfully into her from behind, Bulma knew she wouldn't be able to shed her status as a third wheel.
"Is it morning already...?" asked Vahn, staring back at Bulma over his left shoulder as he transitioned to a slow grind, causing another thick strand of drool to drip to the ground from Grayfia's open mouth. She wasn't the only one who had noticed the changes in her body and sensitivity, but as Vahn enjoyed the tingling and sensation of his brain expanding each time her folds grazed his glans and she guzzled his semen, he had no intention of letting up unless she specifically asked him to.
"It's almost noon..." retorted Bulma, approaching with crossed arms to glimpse Grayfia's condition, causing her insides to tense and the flow of fluids she was already releasing to intensify. Then, though it wasn't the reason she had approached them, she allowed Vahn to draw her to him, giving her a deep and impassioned kiss that left her panting and feeling weak in the knees by the time he released her.
Though she would ordinarily get annoyed, potentially even pissed off if someone told her to do, Bulma's heart fluttered when Vahn stroked her ass, staring at her with a smoldering look as he said, "Get undressed and prepare a bath...both me and my dick will be there to join you soon..."
"A-Alright..." responded Bulma, swallowing hard, her face flushing to her ears as she moved to enter the bathroom, prompting Vahn to send her off with a spurring smack to her bottom. If any other guy treated her in such a way, she would tear their head off and tell them to be more respectful, but when Vahn did it, her heart raced and she felt compelled to do as she was told...
Arriving downstairs with a rosy-faced, distracted-looking Bulma tailing after him, pinching the back of his shirt with her right index finger and thumb, Vahn wasn't surprised to find Goku sitting across from a brown-shelled loggerhead turtle with a markedly more expressive face than the average sea turtle, the two conversing on the floor as Grayfia prepared a combination breakfast and lunch.
"Oh, hey, guys," started Goku, adopting a friendly smile as he gestured to the turtle and happily revealed, "This is my new friend, Turtle. I found him sleeping outside the front door when I went out for my morning training. He says he's lost and trying to find the ocean."
"Hello. My name is Turtle. It's very nice to meet you both," reiterated Turtle, his voice somewhat goofy but polite, prompting Vahn to adopt a broad smile and respond, "I'm Vahn Mason, and this beauty behind me is Bulma Briefs. We're pleased to meet you as well, Turtle. And don't worry. We'll be sure to see you safely to the ocean. You have my word."
Though she was tempted to ask why they should help a random turtle they had only just met, Bulma closed her eyes, exhaled a hot sigh, and excluded herself from the discussion by stepping past Vahn and making her way over to the dining table. Just sitting down sent a jolt of pleasure through her lower body, but she managed to avoid making a sound as she crossed her arms atop the table surface and buried her face in them, faint steam rising from her head as she reminisced what happened in the bath and wondered whether she had gotten in over her head...