
Epic Of The Demonic Sage

Lucius was a man born to a pair of lowly servants that worked for the Great Demon worshiping Barrom clan. Growing up in the harsh conditions of the Barrom clan where magic and power reigned supreme, he weathered through humiliation and schemes. Knowing that he wanted to be the oppressor than the oppressed, he began his conquest. Not averse to betraying or scheming, Lucius made use of his allies as mere pawns to be sacrificed. Learning that a powerful artifact lost eons ago was hidden in an ancient ruin, Lucius betrayed and sacrificed one of his closest people, his lover without hesitation. But he didn’t know that fate had a different plan for him and the artifact he had yearned for would send his soul hurtling across the cosmos, forcing it into the broken body of a young man called Asher Inanis. Coming to his senses he finds the world to be completely different where the magic of his previous world did not exist, but what did was ‘Gifts’. Witness how he learns about the world, gains power and reigns supreme against all odds becoming the Demonic Sage. P.S. This is a slow paced novel and has a lot of world development at start. If this is not to your taste, you may not like it. *** I do not own the cover, will remove it if asked. --- join the discord server : discord.gg/fkTbUfBRsH

Grand_Void_Daoist · Fantasy
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509 Chs


Lucius had not expected that they would go this serious during a spar. He had seen spars like this before many times and had also participated in them, but even in the ruthless Barrom clan, they avoided excessive injuring like this. If a servant or member was injured their capacity to do work would be reduced, which meant that it would result in more losses.

Thus only in specific spars would they be allowed to go all in. Healing the injuries was possible of course, there were magics and potions that could be used to instantly heal injuries but they wouldn't be used often like this as it would only cause unnecessary losses.

'These people are either careless, or have something to fall back on. Hmm… this healer Delia, does she have a gift that can heal people instantly? If so, then how does she compare with the other healer that healed me?' Lucius wondered.

A healer was a prized profession in his past life, and anyone who specialized in healing could get a big salary. Some of the big powers even traded healers like money, their value often more than material assets. If a power had a group of expert healers, they could boost their influence more easily.

More healers meant the survivability of people increased, which meant they could do missions more safely. This directly influenced the profits and thus their value directly increased.

Though the power that had the most amount of healers that were considered the best was none other than the Tharian Theocracy. Even a basic priest who had just been initiated could heal cuts in a mere seconds. This was the reason why the Tharian Theocracy was such a pain in the ass for the Barrom clan.

Their people were just too difficult to kill. If they ever got into conflict, the Barrom clan had to ensure that they were fully killed, or the priests would just heal them and send them back into the battle. Most of their people were also zealots and thus had no fear of pain or death. They were like a mad dog that once bit onto your leg would not let go.

"Go to healer Delia and get it fixed." Captain Donald ordered Nick before turning to the rest of the guards.

"Squad one and three come with me, the rest may return to their tasks." He ordered.

The guards all stood up and hurriedly went to do their tasks. Three minutes later, eight of the guards returned, decked in their uniform and gear. Their uniform was a leather armor that was reinforced with metal plates and had the crest of the Inanis family on its back.

They were carrying standard issue swords with them and a few of them had shields with them as well. Lucius could tell their roles just by looking at them. The two men Ian and Ron were in the squad as well and looking at their equipment Lucius could tell that Ian was an offensive warrior while Ron was a defensive tank.

'Hmm, his gift is also suitable to become a tank. Covering his arms in that stone like layer should be able to block most common attacks.' Lucius thought.

Captain Donald himself was already ready in his uniform, which was slightly different than the other guards as it had an additional badge added to the front. The badge hung from the right of his chest and had something written on it.

Lucius could still not read yet, but could easily guess that it was probably his rank.

"We are ready lord Asher, miss Kiana," Donald spoke.

"Alright, we can go now." Kiana replied before turning around.

"Should we take a carriage, miss Kiana?" Donald asked.

"Yes, we should head to the appraisal hall right away. Sightseeing can be done after the ceremony is complete." Kiana agreed.

Lucius was very interested in their appraisal ceremony and wanted to know how it worked. There were many questions in his mind about the gifts and how people got them. From what he had gathered till now, the gifts had many factors which could influence their appearance.

Some gifts were unique to a family and could be inherited. Some gifts were common, and many people could have the same gift. But in all, there was one thing that was constant, everyone could only have a single gift. Of course, there were also people that had no gifts and Asher was one of the examples.


While Lucius was thinking this, the guards quickly brought a carriage for them. The door of the carriage was opened and one of the guards walked forward to pick up Lucius.

"Halt!" Kiana ordered.

The guard froze in his position and looked at her.

"Only I can touch lord Asher unless permitted otherwise." Kiana said with a serious expression.

"Ye-yes miss Kiana," The guard hurriedly said, feeling slight fear from looking at Kiana.

Kiana on the other hand showed a smile to Lucius before speaking, "let me put you in the carriage."

She then slid her hands below him and effortlessly picked him up. She climbed the steps of the carriage and seated him on the soft couch that had been lined with furs.

"Put the wheelchair in the back," She ordered.

"Yes, miss!" The guards replied.


A soft sound was heard as the wheelchair was put into the storage area at the back. Lucius could tell that this carriage was the equivalent of a high class SUV from his past life. The quality of its interiors was quite good, and even the size of the carriage was large.

In fact, it was bigger than most cars of his past life.



The crack of a whip was heard as the horses started moving with a loud neigh. There were four horses pulling the carriage due to its large size, and they moved rather steadily. Lucius could finally feel the bumps and knocks while sitting in the carriage and knew that the suspension of this carriage was rather primitive.


'It's gonna take a while to get used to...'