
Epic Of The Demonic Emperor

[WPS 2024 ENTRY!] Draco Valenstein was the kindest human alive, a young man full of ambitions, one day by some unknown means he died. not knowing how or what happened he was granted 3 wishes before transmigration. Will he remain kind or will he lose all humanity and become a walking disaster causing chaos left and right? Follow Draco as he uses every means possible to grow in power in a treacherous world full of enemies and watchful eyes. ------------------------ Release Rate: 1 Chapter Every Day, 2 Chapters Friday. Release Time: 5 PM (GMT+1) The Cover is Mine & Original.

StellNem · Fantasy
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104 Chs

Draco’s Goals!

Chapter 71: Draco's Goals!

Every Person is unique.

One's Experiences, Upbringing, Education, Social Circle, View Of Life, Goals & Dreams, And Thinking With all of their variations shape a person into who he is day by day, week by week, month by month, and year by year.

The Infinite Possibilities such attributes could achieve make of us a uniqueness nigh impossible to observe anywhere else.

Goals & Dreams are one such attributes and they are mostly if not all times the source of motivation that keeps a person going and ready to tackle any obstacles to achieve what he sets his eyes on.

Draco had no goals, no ambitions, and no dream, He was only here for the fun adventures and power that was waiting for him at the top. Or at least, he was.

He was a being without flavor so to speak.

However, Hundreds of Thousands of Years did wonders for Draco that Traits and other memories never could.