
Epic of the Apostate: Heretic

A lonely soul will embark on a journey to its destiny. What path will be chosen and whether he will be able to survive in an unknown place? Will luck smile at the hero or will he be destroyed? Find out here. The story is at the beginning the backstory of my heroic spirit, during the course of the plot the hero gets to the wars for the Holy Grail. (There will be a harem, but I don't want to put this tag yet, all tags will be updated during the story) "The cover is not mine, the story is just my fantasy, imagination" English is not my native language.

Flako · Anime & Comics
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Another person's misfortune

A week later I posted a chapter, I'm terribly lazy. Sadness.

But I wrote a lot during this time, I had to divide it into 2 chapters. I will post the second part a little later.

It's also time for the bestiary, it will appear at the very beginning, in volume 0.

Actually, I didn't want to stretch that much, but I enjoyed writing about Meris so much, for the first time describing a bastard without moral principles. It's a completely new feeling. Wow.

Although initially he was conceived as an antagonist for one arch.

I am thinking of making an interlude about his life, just one chapter.

I will not distract you anymore. Enjoy reading.


(POV 3rd person)

(After a while in Meris Forz's room, after he left the training area.)

Opening the door with a kick, Meris, breathing heavily, reached his bed and fell on her. Immediately a creak was heard across the room, however, the bed initially looked as if it could collapse at any moment.

The commander's room, unlike the archbishop, looked ... miserable. There is no other name for it. Cracked walls, a dirty floor with traces of soot, even the furniture in the room looked like it was about to collapse, but the most noticeable in the room... is a large number of barrels and jugs of wine. For this reason, it smelled appropriately, the sour smell of rotting berries and fermentation. There was an intolerable smell of alcohol in the room. An ordinary person would immediately get intoxicated on entering.

Lying on the bed, on her back, Meris looked at the ceiling and breathed heavily. Now, he did not look like his former self, a dictator, now he resembled a man in a dying state as if suffering from a terminal illness. His skin turned white, his heart rate slowed down, blue veins became visible and at the same time, his body was covered with sweat.

"Haa - Haa - What kind of creature bit me, what I did it, why did I waste so much mana."

That's right, his current condition is due to the excessive consumption of mana, he spent almost everything.

In fact, this is not so critical, if you spend all the mana, you will not die, you will simply lose consciousness or be immobilized. When mana is depleted, weakness appears in the body and each person will have such symptoms, only sometimes they can differ. And, as soon as the mana is restored, the body will return to normal, as if nothing had happened, and upon loss of consciousness, the person will wake up.

While it is not fatal, it is very unpleasant, it feels like you are carrying a lot of weight and running a marathon, but in reality, you are just lying there unable to move. Bruch. Such a fate is so unpleasant that it gives goosebumps.

But even this has its advantages. With a full waste of mana, you can increase its limit, that is, increase the initially possible amount. Mmmmmmm, this is a masochist's dream.

While Meris continued to lie, minutes passed, and the color of his skin began to return to a healthy one, the rhythm of breathing also stabilized. And after an hour, he fully recovered.

"Fuh. I hate this feeling of helplessness. "

Getting out of bed, he began to knead the body, which was numb from a long rest. While he was doing this, an empty barrel caught his eye.

As soon as he noticed her, it was like a switch flipped in him, and an incredible rage awoke in him. All this rage was expressed in one strong kick.

* Bam *

From the kick, the innocent barrel flew into the wall and collapsed. And the killer, the criminal, began to swear and destroy other garbage in the room.

"Heck. Fuck. Bitch."

Gradually, all the barrels and jugs became heaps of rubbish that filled everything around.

What is the unfortunate barrel to blame?

This story begins at the moment when Meris Forze came to the capital to pick up new recruits ... Joke ... Why would he do this? For this, he has personal slaves, part-time knights, subordinates.

Actually, he was summoned by the Supreme Archbishop for an important conversation.

The essence of the conversation was the order to look for and catch the unicorn, which was seen in the forest near the city of Henet, and it was assumed that he was not alone there.

And the archbishop entrusted this important mission to Meris, it was impossible to refuse it, and there was no need, it was a task with an incredible reward. This award was the original goal and dream of Meris, he simply could not fail this mission and lose what he had been striving for many years. Meris did not care about the archbishop's plans for the unicorn, he only wanted to achieve what he wanted. Therefore, accepting the mission, he immediately set out on a journey ... well, that is ... first drank wine, then gathered the children, and only then returned to Henet.

It is also worth noting that Meris is a vindictive person and usually acts immediately, but he was so glad that could achieve the desired goal, so he did not immediately finish off the asshole who dared to dare him, only got him in trouble on the road. Although it was a misfortune for him when his tent burned down on the way. This very much knocked his joy out.


Reaching the city, Meris immediately gathered a small reconnaissance detachment and sent them to look for the unicorn's habitat. And after about a week, he was able to get the results, the scouts were able to find the beast, but about others individuals was unknown.

Then he was very happy, for this reason, Meris added even more knights, about forty people, and sent them into the forest to catch the "ticket to the goal" and also to clear the territory from various creatures.

He planned that can catch the beast within a week.

... But plans have a habit of not going the way you want.

Days passed, the planned week passed, but there was no result. Meris began to worry, not about people, they are only consumables for him, he worried only about his dream, which might not come true because of the idiots.

Then why didn't he do it himself?

The overlord must do nothing by himself, he has slaves who can do everything for him. This is what Meris has always believed.

And after about two weeks, when Meris could no longer endure and was about to send a second group of knights, a messenger came and explained the unpleasant situation.

It turned out that the area where the unicorn supposedly lives was in fact the habitat of dire wolves, who, incomprehensibly, ended up in this forest. Therefore, the knights were busy hunting and survival all these two weeks, but they could not find traces of the unicorn itself.

Also, because of the dire wolves among the knights, there were losses, out of fifty-two people, four died. This did not bother Meris much, but to speed up the search, he sent an additional twenty people.

And, in this way, in general, a month has passed, there are no results, sixty-eight people disappeared. This hit Meris hard, because of this he drank, present day`s, very a lot of wine.

But yesterday, great news came to him. The unicorn was found, they are preparing to capture. It was such happiness for Meris, he felt the same only in childhood. Therefore, in joy, he opened a barrel with the best wine, it was his holiday, he already felt that he was holding his dream in his hands.

It was at this moment that the villainess of Fate laughed and decided to play a game with a pitiful person. The game was simple. Taste the bitterness of suffering in a moment of joy. Her usual fun.

To be serious, the next day, at three o'clock in the morning, the knights returned with news ... tragic.

They found the unicorn, but the beast was too tough for them, and out of sixty-eight male warriors, only thirty-six people survived. Big loss.

It was just a bloody massacre, but not a battle. The beast, without unnecessary problems, got rid of most knights but was somehow wounded, and the rest were able to escape.

When Meris heard this story, he felt as if something had cracked in him with the sound of broken glass. At that moment, he exuded a terrible thirst for murder, from which the rest of the goosebumps ran, just being near him.

The fact that they had escaped from the angry beast did not bother Meris. They did not provide the desired result. He had a desire to kill them with his own hands, he could do it, their lives in his eyes are rubbish. But the lucky ones were saved by the fact that the rest of the knights found out about their return and came to meet them, they wanted to see their friends or loved ones.

We can assume that Lady Luck helped them.

Meris could not express his anger in front of everyone, so he went in a fit of rage to destroy the iron armor that was on one of the dummies in the training area. This he did until sunrise.

Almost everyone thought he was training; few knew the real reason.

This is how the poor barrel became the cause of rage, it recalled the cruelty of fate.


Slowly breathing in, Meris soothed his anger, which almost disappeared after the destruction of the rubbish in the room.

Sitting on the bed, Meris covered his face with both hands and began to reason about what to do in this situation. The situation did not bode well for thirty-six knights died because of his order. This is a great loss.

[Heck. Useless brats. Themselves died, and I have to rake it. Lucky that fat bastard didn't know about it yet.]

The fat bastard, at this moment, is a bishop of the city of Henet.

"Heck. Why should I be responsible for the death of these nonentities? * Sigh * The main thing is that Jacques does not find out about the order of the archbishop, otherwise this bastard will want a share. Goddamn greedy fat pig. "

Although Meris is the commander of the magic knights, this does not mean that he can do whatever he wants with them. Technically, the magic knights are the property of the church, that is, Bishop Jacques rules them in this city.

Meris's willfulness, although not much, but reduced the military power of the church, being a curmudgeon who counts every coin, Jacques will not forgive him, it, so easily. For this reason, Meris does not want to see his fat face.

"Fuck. If this fat pig, also finds out, about my attack on that asshole, he might burst with rage. Haaaaaa. This petty bastard annoys me, seeing his steadfast behavior and firm determination in his eyes, I want to chop off his head with my ax. I really wanted to kill him with magic then. "

Yes. Everything is correct. For this reason alone, Meris hates Relzen. Meris has an injury and feels inferior. Because of this, Relzen's decisive and persistent look annoys him terribly, he wants to break him, make him a useless doll. That was the only reason he remembered his "name".

But this time it became special, seeing his face and remembering the failure, Meris lost the cogs of control, during the lecture he tried to restrain his anger, but could not. He almost killed him by accident.

Although Meris is well aware that the petty bastard can be useful in the future, he is different from the rest of the children he has seen in his entire life. At such a young age, this snotter possesses excellent fighting skills, and for this reason alone, he kept him alive. And that time, in the capital, Meris wanted to show superiority over the beginners, it was a surprise for him to run into solid rock, but he still intimidated the others and was able to get some loyal puppies.

"I have a lot of small coins, but few faithful dogs. One day I will train this wild puppy and turn him into a personal war dog that will attack at my command. "

Uuuuu villainous plans.

The main thing is that the puppy does not turn out to be a wild rabid wolf.

While Meris fantasized about training a puppy and about the way, tso that the bishop lagged behind him, there was a knock on the door.

*Knock Knock*

"A! What do you need?"

Who dared to disturb him at such a moment?

A voice came from behind the door.

"The bishop asks you to come to him."

"Remember shit, here is and it."


"I say:" I'm going. "

Thus, Meris went to the bishop and listened to all his furious tirade.


If you have questions, ask, if you have any suggestions, suggest. I will consider everything and answer.

Your support is very important.