
This Cheeky Harpy Needs Some Correction (R18)




Once the next morning finally came, slightly fuzzy memories of what I did with Astraea and Andromeda came to mind. I think I had sex with them for 15 hours straight, without any breaks. Both girls were so sexy and so eager to relieve me that I couldn't stop and ended doing it a bit too much, perhaps… 

Both were cuddling with me in bed after all of that, sleeping soundly and adorably. I couldn't help it but give them both a kiss in their foreheads, while trying to stand up- Only to feel something right below the bed, someone was there too. I noticed the door was slightly open.

And then I felt someone slowly dragging down my panties and sticking my cock outside.

"Hmm, who's there?" I wondered, lifting the blanket to find a sneaky little harpy there! "Nephiana!"

"Heheh~ I sneaked in." She giggled mischievously, her tongue sticking out of her mouth. "Let me relieve you with a little morning blowjob, Kireina-sama~"