
Lost In The Middle Of A Sea Of Sand




When I opened my eyes, I found myself sitting over the sand, as the strong heat of the sunlight bathed over my body, my HP was slowly depleting… Bubu's egg form was jumping over my butterfly body while trying to wake me up.

"Buuu! Bububuububu!!!"

"Uwah! Ah… Bubu…"

I quickly stood up, looking around. There was just an endless amount of sand everywhere, the sky was as clear as blue, and there was a big sun rising from the horizon. I suppose it was already the next morning. Wow, that Desert King's apparition was a real pain in the ass.

At the very least we were able to fight against it and survived the whole ordeal. We somehow survived, as I couldn't see the Desert King anywhere. And the sun was… ouch.

"Ah right, Elfina and everyone else! I remember I held them all tightly but where are they?!" I asked.