
Chapter 5 - Love confession

Once he said those words, Allmight shocked since his words were correct and having more than one symbol of peace would help lessen the villainary. He asked if Ren planned on making the team but he shook his head and said that it was not for him and up to his successor who also thought about it. He was smart and can easily deduce what he needs to do.

"Anyway, can I help him train? What quirk does he have? Based on what he's doing it's likely his quirk isn't manifesting because his body is still weak and would likely label him as quirkless? Am I correct?"

Allmight surprised that he basically made them a reason why Izuku suddenly has a quirk while Ren somewhat hides the fact he knew about his quirk. 

"H-Hahaha it is as you said. His quirk is so strong that it can't handle the vast amount of power."

"Well, the way you're training him then it won't do much. It's certain it will help him in muscle development but overall it is lacking. I've been training since I was 6 and I'm confident from my analyzes that he's training in many areas. Care to share his training? I'm willing to help since he seems like a nice kid and teaching the next symbol seems fun." 

Allmight unsure but from what he knows about him is that he's prodigy in martial arts and often brag by Melissa to be skilled fighter. Obviously he took it with the benefit of the doubt but seeing him stand before him told everything he needed to know. 

His intuition is telling him to trust him and would benefit his student in the end. Allmight agreed and showed the American dream training. Frankly it was enough to help in the development of his body but there are certain better ways in training him. 

He asked for a pen and change things before giving it back to Allmight telling him that due to the fact that Izuku still had maturing body would be best not to push him too hard since proper rest is need. Ren criticizes everything about Allmight much to his Dismay and even coughs out blood calling him a horrible teacher since he doesn't know how to teach someone. A mentor and motivator, sure but an actual instructor and teacher then his horrible.

"Also, learn breathing exercises and I'll teach you how to utilize every part of your body to help spread it out since from your quirk it is best to distribute it throughout the body until it is able to adapt to the change."

Why is he going this far to help him? Was it because he liked him when he read his story? Ren doesn't really know but it felt like he was looking at a mirror where society shunned him and felt all alone but continued forward because he wanted to live.

"Well, that's that. Hope you don't mind me joining? I'll stay here real quick to observe you and give my advice if needed but it won't be long since I have to head home."

"R-Really? Thank you for helping me. Wait, what quirk do you have?"

"Secret. I can't tell you. You'll find out once we meet in the academy."

"Academy? You mean U.A?"

"Well yeah. Hope to see you there."

Izuku was disappointed that he didn't reveal his quirk but concentrated his attention back to training where it had a lot more movement and complex training that would help him. He taught him how to properly control his strength and evenly spread it along with breathing to strengthen him. Ren suggested learning martial arts like Taekwondo, Muay Thai, Karate and Aikido. 

Ren told him that he'll teach him all the basics and considering that the protagonist would surely be able to learn most of the basics. He wondered if he was stealing his luck from him but didn't care and was happy to help him this far. Izuku seems to copy everything flawlessly similar to a character called Daniel Park from a series called Lookism. 

He sees that he has found the perfect puppet to control in the future. Ren isn't a fool and would befriend him but if he became a threat then he'll use him. He wondered if his prone to act more kind hearted than before when he was in the Murim world but then again that world is survival for the fittest and killing is more accepted but in this world where information travels fast it would be better to act nice outside while hiding his true self. 

Not to mention unlike his past life, he was not alone and needed to consider his foster parent because his other memories' personalities crave their attention and love them wholeheartedly. The two sets of memories and personality that fuse into his current self that align around Neutral Good but closer to True Neutral.

He could care less about how society thinks of him but once they overstep their line and point to his family then he'll massacre them without hesitation. Still, Ren isn't one track mind and considers almost all possibilities.

This is the reason why he wants to be a hero since in this Era it was the best option available. Not to mention, it before would gain the attraction of All for one and killing him would become a lot easier. He can let Allmight do it but it's a lot better to kill himself because someone like Allmight is still needed for the future and gaining his favor would prove beneficial in the future. 

'If I'm able to grow and improve my thread then I might be able to control fate, life or even the quantum thread of reality!'

Ren thought to himself watching Izuku learning everything he taught and would be a monster in the future. He wondered what kind of fun he'll have fighting and killing someone like him. He was an Assassin but enjoyed fighting strong opponents.

The thrill was exciting to him and continued to give pointers to Izuku that Allmight felt useless and was on the sidelines but seeing his successor improve does give him hope for the future generations. After a while, Izuku was on the ground beaten and winced in pain but endured through it all. 

'He's a lot more resilient than I thought.'

Ren recalled that he was constantly bullied by a quirk and from what he knew those with quirk even how weak and redundant gave them a boost in strength by a enough margin that someone like Izuku would have died but his luck and resilience was amazing. 

'Talent, resilient and luck? He's certainly the protagonist.'

He nodded to himself looking at his body and had a small graze from their spar. Ren wasn't taking it seriously but it was amazing he was able to graze him. His serpentine eyes seemed to glow in excitement to fight him in the future tournament. 

"You're quite talented and if I place in any category then you're Above to Prodigy level when it comes to learning martial arts. I'm eager to see you grow and once you are able to use your quirk we'll have a fight but until then I'll help you train once a week since I have my own train regime."

Ren felt his phone vibrate and saw momo message him to meet up which he nodded and told Allmight he'll take his leave after being thanked by the symbol of peace and nodded to him as he vanished, surprising Allmight. He was not only fast but undetectable that he's unable to see him move. Though, One for All enhanced his senses and strength to a ridiculous degree doesn't mean it's an immediate reaction and in the past had to train to control his power since he can break everything if he wasn't careful thus he was in a relaxed state but even then he should have seen him move.

'What kind of quirk does Young Ren have?'

He muttered his breath then turned to his successor who would have muttered nostop if weren't for the fact he was on the floor exhausted yet had a smile. Allmight wondered what the future they had in-store for the old generation. 

Meanwhile, Ren was rushing towards his destination heading towards the location and if he isn't wrong the two would confess to him today. He arrived at the park where he found them waiting and quickly waved at them. The two saw him and immediately felt anxious about what was about to happen but they already thought things through and recalled what they had discussed earlier. 


In the park, Momo and Melissa had done shopping while chatting about their day and were excited for the upcoming school since in a few months they'll enroll in the most famous Hero school, the U.A High. The two sat at a cafe in the park where there were only a few people left and were facing each other when Momo decided to ask how she felt about Ren.

"Melissa tell me honestly, do you like Ren? I won't mind, just tell me." 

Melissa pauses contemplating her question recalling how she started to change for the better and growing closer to achieving her dream into becoming a hero that helps people. She grew to like Ren for everything that he has done for her from giving ideas to assisting on how to fight and defend herself. 

Ren often stoic and aloof yet under those sharp and calm demeanor was a protective and kind person who would do anything for those important to him. It sounded rather cliche but he was also charismatic and handsome despite how feminine he looked. His gaze can easily strike a woman's heart if he desires but his distance from any girl that tries to get close and only goes for those he's interested in. Though, the two were unaware of this fact. 

However, Melissa only began to have feelings for him and realized that she liked him when her dad told her about it and supported her if she confessed because he liked Ren to be his son-in-law much to her embarrassment. 

Though this brought a lot of problems, she was envious that she was unable to be in person with Ren and worried about Momo who she also thought might like Ren. She liked Ren but is afraid she'll lose her best friend. It was a losing battle that she unable to find the solution and now that Momo confronted her about it had to give her stands about the matter.

"I do but I was worried that you might hate me if I ever confessed. I don't want to lose a friend because of my feelings. But I also don't want to lose Re-"

"Stop, I understand. I also feel the same."

Momo interrupted Melissa, giving her a soft smile and reaching out to hold her hands looking straight into her eyes, having been thinking about everything ever since she started developing feelings for Ren. 

Her mother told her about the difference between loving someone as family to a lover and she knows that it was impossible to see Ren as her brother. They weren't related but the two were basically siblings and yet her feelings blossomed into a man and a woman rather than brother and sister. 

She loves Ren but likes Melissa as her friend and the only few that her brother didn't hate which meant she's someone fitting to be by Ren's side because he was the best in her eyes and whoever disagrees is punished.


"I don't want to lose a friend. That's why we should both confess at the same time if he chooses both then we will share Ren."

"S-Share Ren? Is that alright??"

"Sure, I had enough time to think and make the Harem Plan!"

She remarked and exclaimed about the harem plan much to Melissa surprised and blush at how open Momo was and asked if this was really going to be fine.

"At least with the harem plan, everyone is going to be happy!"

"What about time? Ren can't be in two places at the same time."

Momo told her that they can discuss more along the way as they spent more time being in Ren's harem. If there is anyone who feels left out then they'll talk about it and help each other. Melissa was just speechless but happy how things had turned out even though it was beyond common sense and the norm. Though she worried how her dad would react, she decided to deal with it later and now the

two were in front of the young man they wanted to be with. 

[ A/N: I'll remove the cringe ]

They confessed their feelings and Ren acted surprised telling him that he liked both of them in which the two happily told him that they agreed to share him. It was all according to plan. 

'I feel horrible but I'll at least treat them the best I can.'

Most dumbass would say equally when it is literally impossible and Ren decided to do what he can to give them the best he is able to do and better along the way. He hugged the two tightly where Ren felt extremely happy that there's going to be someone by his side in the end. 

"So let's have a date tomorrow then? Who's first?"

"Momo since I still have to finish my research but I'm free the day after tomorrow." 

Momo thanked Melissa while the latter told her that she has known him longer than she has and it was only fair. The three decided to head back home and take Melissa first to where she was staying afterward Momo and Ren head back home. 

Next chapter