
Epic of an Emperor

Will update when I can. Focusing on another project. This is a Fanfic... I don't own anything!!! All the characters except the MC and all the Worlds belong to their original owners. Warning the MC will do things that are considered evil by some and good by others. If you're looking for a goody two shoe then find another. Again Warning this is a Fan-Fic which means characters will not all follow the canon or original version. MC also will be traveling to other Worlds as he progresses through the story. Last but certainly not least THIS IS A HAREM!!! Thank you, and good day. 1st World: My Hero Academia 2nd World: {STATUS HIDDEN} 3rd World: {STATUS HIDDEN} From an ancient world where war, chaos, slaughter, and martial might was all that mattered. Where powers and abilities never existed, follow as the greatest Emperor of its plane gets reborn in a world of manga/anime where fantastical powers are the norm.

DeathWalker · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

After School Training.

{POV Ryuu}

The rest of the day was rather boring, just plain normal school.

I sighed walking down the halls of this giant fucking school. Did I already mention that this place is huge? Still, at least the day is over and it seemed that Mezo, and Bakugou were going to come over and hang out. I told them to wait near the front gate as I went to go and get Mei as she was probably making Power Loader-san crazy.

"Boom!! Boom!!… MEI!!! What did I tell you earlier, are you ok?"

I shook my head and smiled while I entered the department of support, it sounded like a normal day at home. Only to see Mei laughing with the biggest smile on her face and Power Loader putting the flames out of her current super cute baby.

"Heh heh heh… failure is the mother of invention, Power Loader-sensei. Thomas Edison once said that. Just cuz a creation doesn't work doesn't mean the effort is wasted… Hi Ryuu, is it that time already," Mei smiled as scuff covered her face. "Well at least I can continue at the house."

"Hello again Power Loader-san, how are the rooms holding up? Father asked, if I ran into you that I'd ask," I spoke as I turned and smiled at Mei.

"That you can, and I've invited a few others over to train, so it'll be a party." I saw the look on Mei's face morph into a shameless smile as she walked over.

"Yes indeed, see you tomorrow sensei," Mei grabbed my hand as she started to drag me as I waved and signaled for Power Loader to give father a call, as I was quickly dragged out of the room.

When we reached the entrance I noticed Bakugou and Mezo were still waiting, but when Bakugou saw why he had to wait his face morphed in rage as it seemed like he was about to charge before he was stopped by a firm hand of Mezo.

But I only smiled as I heard a clicking noise coming from Mei as it seemed she was eager to test one of her super cute deadly babies.

It seemed that Mei was slightly disappointed as she wasn't able to test her new baby out.

"Don't worry they both are coming over for some, let's say 'practice,' " I said in a low voice as I squeezed her hand.

"Just follow me, luckily it isn't that far!" I said as we continued on our way out of the gate.

Mother was immensely happy when she saw that I brought other students my age back to the house as she couldn't stop herself from grinning. Father was the same as he looked up from the table as it seemed he just got off a video call and smiled.

I just said we'd be in the training room while mother said she was going to make some refreshments. Mei made sure to request some chocolate as I did the same as I introduced my mother and father. Then I turned to Bakugou and Mezo and asked if they wanted anything.

"Anything spicy will be fine for me," Bakugou said in an angry manner. As I saw the aura around mother go a little quiet… mother?

"Takoyaki, please and thank you Mrs. Yamamoto." Mezo said in a gentle and kind tone, to which the aura returned to normal around my mother as she smiled and nodded her head.

"Have fun. Honey, why don't you be a dear and help me with the snacks." Mother said in a motherly tone as father just shrugged and joined in to help.

"Thank you mother, and could you make a batch of 'drinks' also." I said with a knowing look towards mother as she just continued to smile, while father seemed to almost trip when he made it to the kitchen to help. Now why would father do that, those drinks are amazing.

"You guys will definitely enjoy mothers snacks as they are incredible," I said as we entered the training area.

"The changing room is over there, go and get changed as this'll be a workout. Oh and one thing I should mention, don't hold back as this is supposed to be training." I said with a slightly mysterious smile that went completely ignored by both Bakugou and Mezo.

Bakugou and Mezo seemed to be slightly surprised, I don't know why as that was completely obvious. Don't you both want to be heroes?

I shook my head as they went to go and get changed. But the moment I heard the door close, I heard the sound of ruffling clothes besides me as Mei started to immediately undress.

"Shouldn't you get changed also Ryuu, or would you rather just stare," Mei teased me with a smile as I just nodded my head, as I watched her slowly walk over towards her special locker.

Huh, she went pink today.

"I should, but I only need to remove my top. Mezo is the one I need to worry about slightly as his strength matched mine, and that was just my raw strength. Bakugou seems to be perfect for combat. He's smart, but his arrogance will be his downfall." I said as I continued to watch Mei change as I took off the top of my uniform.

Mei put on a pair of custom 'battle joggers' and matching top, that fit her perfectly.

"Besides, you look better in those joggers anyway." I said as Mei continued to smile while she relaxed into a sexy pose.

"I know I do, can you let me handle the explosive jerk!" Then, Mei spoke in an excited manner as she started to equip a pair of gloves and boots that I recognized and shook my head as certain memories started to resurface…

"Just make sure not to use the maximum setting, I don't doubt it'll make mother happy to see his explosive ass shocked beyond all belief." Only for Mei to nod her head as I saw her set the dial to exactly one below max.

"Just make sure it's set to stun."

Mei smiled as she finished getting herself ready as Bakugou and Mezo left the changing room.

Bakugou seemed raring to go as the look on Mezo's face didn't seem to change, but it seemed like he was smiling, I think.

I didn't even say anything as I soon stood in front of Mezo with a smile on my face as I saw the look of fear and surprise surfaced in his eyes.

"First lesson; always be ready. You're supposed to be a hero remember," I said as I drove my elbow into his sternum sending him back a few dozen feet.

Only to hear the crack of lightning and multiple explosions right after.

"Second; never underestimate your opponent, no matter who they are. You never know if your best friend, classmate, or teacher might turn. Oh and third; don't hold back! Do you really think a villain would. No, if the opportunity came they'd take your life in an instant."

The sounds of explosions stopped as a shadow appeared in the smoke. Mei was currently above Bakugou with her fist ready to pierce Bakugou's throat as a cracking of lightning covered it.

"Bakugou you're smart, very smart, I can tell, but you let your arrogance get the best of you. Stop letting your emotions take control, and instead use them as the sharpest of tools to make yourself stronger," I said as I turned to Bakugou as he glared at me with fierce and prideful eyes. "One more thing, you can be prideful, just be prideful in yourself and the things you have accomplished. Just don't let it consume you."

Mei slowly removed her hand as Bakugou slowly stood to his feet with a different look in his eyes as it seemed what I said got through to him.

"Your talent is high, but it seems like you still have some rage to release. Good let it flow through you, but you take control. And Mei, have fun." I said as I turned my attention back to Mezo.

As the sound of explosions, laughter, and the crackling of lightning sounded in the background.

"Mezo you're strong, very strong. But your speed seems a little slow, follow this form and kata set, it'll help give you better control over your body and really help your ability." I said as I walked over to the wall and grabbed a manual. "Keep it, even though it's beginner level stuff, application wise it's definity master level." I said as I tossed the manual over as Mezo seemed to still be in surprise, but was still able to catch the manual. "You should never be afraid of your ability or strength, you have it so you can protect others."

Soon, both Bakugou and Mezo were sprawled out on the floor as mother came into the training room with everyone's snacks and refreshments with a smile on her face. While my father did the same.

"Oh, it's only been an hour and they are already on the floor, how nice," mother spoke in a motherly manner as she set out the snacks on a separate table. "Alright, time for a break. I hope you all enjoy the refreshments as they'll definitely give you a second wind like none other."

I just smiled as Mei was already at the table as she stuffed a couple of chocolates in her mouth, while she made a small plate of chocolates and grabbed two drinks. While Bakugou and Mezo were currently struggling to stand and move their tired and possibly fractured bodies.

"Trust me, after you eat something and drink, you'll be ready for the next round," I said as I took a drink, as they both stopped as if they heard the most terrifying thing of all time.

"What? That was barely a warm up, it's a long road to become a hero, there are no shortcuts. If you really want to be a hero then work for it, master yourself and the rest should come naturally. It's hard work to save another." I said as I grabbed a piece of chocolate off of Meis plate as she tried to bite it out of my hand.

It's a long road ahead but, at least it's a start.

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Words: 1722

DeathWalkercreators' thoughts