
Epic Game System, starting with Battlefield

* NOT MY FANFIC! This is a MTL that I am ONLY poison testing, removing nationalism/racism, correcting grammar, and re-formatting to my Marvel series style of fanfiction chapters. Original MTL is: I developed Battlefield to drive Players around the world crazy. Chapters will be much shorter compared to my Marvel series (since that one has original chapters and me including more elements to give more depth) * ~ Important Note about the story ~ So this story is BASICALLY a really barebones MC makes games, people react, type of fanfic. There isn't a linear plot to follow like the Marvel fic. Another thing to note is that the SYSTEM is basically only there at the start. MC only takes Battlefield from the system, afterwhich he makes the games himself from then on and the System just "disappears". No drama, no linear plot, it's just a pure if you've got nothing to read, this could pass the time for you. ~synopsis~ Alex, an avid gamer, finds himself transmigrated to a parallel world where technology has advanced beyond his wildest dreams, but the gaming industry is sorely lacking. Frustrated by the uninspired, money-grabbing games that dominate this new world, he longs for the engaging and immersive experiences he enjoyed in his previous life. Just as he contemplates creating his own games, the Epic Game System activates, granting him the ability to revolutionize the gaming industry.

TheWandaShip · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

C04 - There's recoil?!

Before you read, you need to pay the cookie tax (stones) :3 Thank you for feeding this Takodachi with your cookies!

'Inner dialogue/thoughts'

"Normal dialogue"

"Online Comments/Twitch comments/Narrator"

[Reading description of games]


(Word Count: 871)

~ With Aiden ~

The next moment, Aiden was completely stunned as the game screen and corresponding UI appeared in his field of vision.

"Holy shit. . . That wasn't a CGI animation just now?! It was the actual game graphics?!" He exclaimed as his eyes widened in shock. He had assumed that the animation was a pre-rendered CGI cutscene made by the game company. After all, such practices weren't uncommon in the gaming industry. But now, he realized he was wrong.

The audience watching the live stream were equally stunned.

"What the fuck?! This is insane! The graphics are so detailed!"

"This isn't a CGI animation but the actual graphics?!"

"Is this what a war game truly is?! Just look at the scenes! I can't even describe how good it is!"

"I have no words, my vocabulary has failed me. This is just amazing work. . ."

The chat was filled with excited comments. Aiden, experiencing the game firsthand with VR, was even more impressed. It was nothing short of amazing. A cloudy sky loomed over a chaotic battlefield, trenches sprawled out before him.

With the command to move out, countless soldiers emerged from the trenches and charged forward. Meanwhile, enemy machine guns roared, artillery shells exploded around them, and trees were ignited by the blasts.

The smoke-filled air, the sounds of battle, and even the scent of gunpowder simulated by the VR equipment made Aiden feel as if he was truly on a battlefield. He could almost feel the scorching heat and dust in real life through the game, blurring the line between reality and game.

"Hey, what are you doing?! Wake up! This is a battlefield! Raise your weapon and fight, we're already surrounded! If you don't want to die, then fight!"

As an experienced gamer, Aiden had played many war games. But this atmosphere, so reminiscent of the stories he had heard of a real battlefield, had left him momentarily stunned until an NPC's urgent prompt snapped him back to reality. Following the NPC's prompt, he quickly picked up the weapon in front of him and noticed some details he had never seen before in a shooting game.

"Oh my God. . . This gun has mud and scratches all over it! This level of detail is incredible!" He shouted in surprise, examining the weapon in his hands as the NPCs had already left him to his devices.

The viewers of his stream noticed even more details that Aiden had missed.

"Wow, it truly is such an insane level of detailing by the developer. . ."

"This is a Benet-Mercie M1909 light machine gun. Although not everyone can carry machine guns in WWI, this model was designed to be portable by one person!"

"It's still a game, so it should not be 100% realistic. But compared to games where you carry around a Gatling gun like it's nothing, this feels so much more authentic, especially given the setting of the battle!"

"Look at that tree behind him! It just fell over from an artillery explosion!"

"Yo Aiden! Stop standing around and start shooting!"

Despite the barrage of comments, Aiden was completely engrossed in his game, not even glancing at the chat like he would before. Speaking to the chat was just a subconscious professional habit at this point. Thankfully, the NPC soldiers in the game continued to shout reminders.

"They're here! Hold your ground! Machine gunners, don't let 'em get close, LIGHT 'EM UP!"

Hearing the order, Aiden ran to the fortifications made of sandbags and barbed wire with the light machine gun in hand, while the enemy soldiers charged towards their positions through the smoke. Judging them to be about 50 metres away, Aiden aimed his weapon and pulled the trigger.

Ratatatata. . . Unfortunately for Aiden who was used to firing weapons easily in other games, as he pulled the trigger, he did not anticipate the recoil.

"WHAT?! What's up with this crazy recoil?! Other games don't have such mechanics built in!" He was shocked to see that his shots missed as the gun's muzzle flew skyward. Moreover, in his state of shock, he stood from his covered position, allowing for a stray bullet to him, making his screen flash red. Panicked, he quickly dropped back to cover behind the sandbags.

In the game screen, the first-person perspective couldn't fully convey his shock, but the body data shown next to the live stream revealed his heart rate spiking from 90 to 120, indicating his genuine fright and surprise.

It was a funny scene with great entertainment value, and his viewers were not harsh for his reactions. This game was completely different from what they had expected, as they clearly saw Aiden struggling with the gun's recoil. Instead, the chat was filled with suggestions and amazement.

"What was that? There's something fresh about this game. . . Which gaming company made this?"

"Aiden, that's a light machine gun! You need to use a bipod or crouch to shoot properly!"

- End of Chapter 04 -

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