
Epic Adventure: The Legendary Mirage Blue

A lost soul, waiting to start his next big adventure. And a grand adventure it shall be! =========== Still a work in progress, English is my second language but this my first time writing a story and I'm pretty nervous about it so mistakes might happen, but I am a careful person feel free to point out mistakes etc. Inspired by multitude of Games etc. but I'll try and strive to be as original as I can be! =========== Probably not a harem but if so then no more than 2.

Astral_Ethics · Urban
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8 Chs

1. Mudra Clan's Counter plan

[Continuing from last chapter..]


"???" "Shhh, Enriquez dear, please stay calm and rational.. And no cussing in front children.. don't make me punish you!"

Said the female figure hiding in the shadows while she reprimanded the male.

Enriquez "Ahh.." *Ahem*

"Yes Linnea my love, My apologies..

The past few weeks were a bit frustrating for me.."

The man said this with an exhausted voice,

he then clenched his fist.

Enriquez "And also failing like this,

I mean.. What was my brother thinking, Leaving his two newborn children in this hellho- *Argh!*Ouch!* Stop!"

Enriquez started flinching from getting ear twisted, Linnea shushed him.

"Linnea" What did i just tell you? Dummy!"

Linnea reprimanded Enriquez while she started walking toward Axl in the Crystal Chamber, walking out of the Shadow,

Linnea figure finally revealed itself showing a beautiful petite woman, she looked like a cheerful but also a little mischievous young lady in her mid twenties with dark brown hair with Crimson eyes and lips, clad in black Assassin type gear with golden tribal markings. When she finally got closer to Axl, she looked like she had hearts in her eyes, She excitedly said.

Linnea "O my Deity.. dear look.. he is perfect, so cute!!"

Hearing his wife the man also started coming closer as well while looking curiously with one hand still on his left ear due to the pain.

Enriquez *Ahem* "Indeed my love, he will surely grow up into a fine young man in the future, almost as great as me." *hahaha!*

The man proudly said while also revealing his appearance of a handsome tall sharp man with short fire like crimson hair and brown eyes he was almost the opposite of the lady, he suddenly got a smack on the head.

Linnea "Don't brag like you were the one who did the deed! doofus!"

She said with a glare, which also held a little anticipation in it.

Linnea *hmpf* "Once we get home, let's see if you own up to your words, but let's get back on track dear.."

Enriquez "Yes Love!" He said with huge grin, then he turned serious. "Since we came to late and the boy is in [Stasis] already.."

He continued in a shuddering fearful tone,

"We will need work fast so he won't get Crippled and turned to mere service dog."

Enriquez "Can you hack into the system my love? too see the damage done so far and too plan what to do next because we can't take him out anymore.." *sigh*

Linnea "Alright let's see what these women are up too"

She said this as she started to work her magic on the machine, she was reading everything at an amazing speed.

Linnea "Wow! I have no words.. How dare they treat a family member of ours like this?

The frost must be affecting their thinking capabilities..." she said with a frown.

"Linnea" Enriquez, dear, please scan our cousin to determine his status?"

She said in a hurried voice full of concern.

Enriquez "Right, on it!"

His hand flashed with a smartphone like Device pointing the camera he took a picture.

*Snap*<calculating growth status>*ping*

Enriquez "Great Deity! look at this dear!


Str [B]

Agi [S]

Vit [B]

Mnd [S]

Lck [B]


Enrique "This infant is a Blessed one! I have no doubt in my mind, my love.. what do we do!" He asked anxiously.

Linnea "So.. Amazing! Alright, let's see what these crystal are doing to him.. Hmm.. The blue lower cube crystal seems be a Knightfrost class crystal." She gritted her jaw before she continued. "Grants the [Knight] Class which will make him also learn the [loyalty] skill, Crazy bitc-.*Ahem*

*Haaa*Fuuu* Linnea had to calm herself down again slowly.

Linnea "The White lower cube crystal.. seems to be a basic education [book] crystal and will give him the [labor] ski-"

*rumble*rumble* Suddenly a suppressing red aura started to spread around to room, you could hear quiet whispers and chanting starting to slowly get louder and louder..

Linnea *Gasp* "Dear.. please *Gasp* Calm yourself!"

Linnea slowly pleaded as she turned around falling to ground, saw her husbands tearful but enraged eyes, she could feel his pain and helplessness, luckily he quickly snapped out of it ran to her helping her up he kissed her gently on the forehead.

Linnea sights in relief she felt his care and love and remembered why she loved him so much, he always was the fun caring one in their clan all the kids loved him and the other Elders respected his personality and strength even his brother the Patriarch..

Enriquez "I'm.. Sorry.. Linnea my love."

He said as he quietly held his wife he grabbed a calming [Elixir Pill] from his pocket and ate it..

Feeling it's effects start his mind to return faster, cause he doesn't think he will be able to reduce his rage anymore without it..

Linnea "It's ok.. shhh.. Showing how much you care is what made me love you so much..

But, we need to finish this asap before you start using your [Mudra] skills. *fufufu!*

Enriquez held the [Ring] on his finger quietly and said. "They won't get away with this today, I'll stop this right now.. I got a plan.. good thing I always bring my Higher Cube Crystals with me for good luck." *hehehe!*

Shining from his ring four beautiful cube Crystals spawned radiantly.


Enriquez "I finally found the best way to use them!" He said with handsome devilish grin.

"Linnea" Great deity.. you're brilliant dear!" Linnea said with a radiant smile of pure happiness and expectation. "But we will need to use them in the right order for the best effectiveness.."

Enriquez "Yeah, I'll show you the order I think it will work in, but give me your opinion ok, love?"

Linnea "Off Course Dearest!"

Enriquez grabbed the first Cube it was perfect in everyway possible, the only thing it lacked was an Aura to match it!

It looked unblemished and as clear as glass.

Enriquez "This is a [Clear Nullification Cube].

As Cubes are only used during an infants training period, this one clears and nullifies it all skills, classes, removes sickness, curses as well, it also strengthen the body and foundation a little bit, but the user will become a literal blank page.

Linnea "Right I understand.. I'll enter it now!"

Linnea said as she ran to the machine removed the crap and gently entered the new [Clear Cube].

Enriquez stood next to her and showed the next cube.

Enriquez "Next number two.. will be this Cube.

He grabbed the next Cube, it shined with a Bright Warm orange glow.. it felt like the couple were on a quiet beach together watching a gentle sunset.

Enriquez "This is what i called the

[Sun Radiance Cube] when I scanned it,

the results were pretty rare, it gives the user greater luck, but I'm not exactly sure how it works though"

He had small frown but just shook his head and continued.

Enriquez "I feel this one will benefit him a lot for some reason.. call it a gut feeling i guess." *Mwahaha!*

Linnea "I believe so as well dear!"

She hurriedly input the cube in the next slot.

Enriquez took out the next cube..

It looked as dark as the night it felt like all light slowly was removed from to room it felt kinda eerie at first but if you looked closely.. in the cube seemed like there were tiny stars blinking, guiding and trying to show you the way out, Linnea gasped. "how beautiful" she was unable to take her eyes off, Enriquez laughed and handed her the cube before he started explaining.

Enriquez "This one is a bit off a mystery, but I believe this beauty will help increase your elementary resistances and strengthen stats to a greater degree and have a higher mana capacity, but we will just to wait and see."

Enriquez then took out the final Cube with gave off a strong Aura but looked quite plain with a Silver book symbol on it.

Enriquez "This Cube is something I had made with my own knowledge, so it will have greater knowledge than most [Learning Cubes] it gives info on martial arts, foundation training for children, maps and general information about some towns and clans, basics on writing, language, calculation and survival, camping and swimming,

it also contains information about monsters.

Linnea "I think he can't have a better birthday present from his amazing loving uncle!

*fufufu!* She laughed as she entered the last two Cubes into the machine, then she had a revalation she quickly pulled out a ordinary message cube held it to here head for a minute..

Afterwards she entered it into the last and final slot available closing it and walking towards her husband she embraced him while looking at the small baby, she finally spoke.

Linnea "It is soon time to say goodbye dear..

I really wanna take him with us. *sniff*sniff*

Her husband started wiping her tears away,

Enriquez "I know dear but we atleast gave him a way out, now the rest will be up to himself..

But I'm sure we will meet again sooner rather than later my love."

he said this as he gave her a confident grin.

Enriquez "I also wanted to meet our other baby cousin but those Frosted flakes probably got her guarded like a Fortress.. though i know for sure she'll get the best education.."

He had a frustrated look, before he took out his device again.

Enriquez "Let's just take a quick picture together with our cousin, so I can brag to my brother and because he got tricked by these flakes, and before I beat his prideful idiotic arse to the Damascus moon!" *mwahaha!*

All of a sudden it was as if he reacted to their feelings, Axl actually moved his tiny limbs and body while he slowly opened his eyes for the first time ever, he simply looked around till he saw the adults standing before him.

They simply stared at each other while it felt as if time simply stopped for the couple,

as they saw his beautiful lavender eyes..

Then the infant gave an actual small tiny smile it was like he was trying to assure the couple that he'll be fine for now.

Enriquez quickly took a picture and then..

Their little cousin then again slowly closed his tired eyes.. and fell back to sleep.

The couple just stood quietly for a couple more minutes before they snapped out of it, they both just looked at each other and just started smiling in a big grin and bust out into laughter.

*mwahaha!* *fuhahaha!*

""Now that's our little cousin!""

They both said while they started their escape from this place.. But not before raiding the Va Shi treasure vault..


To Be Continued..