

"I will be rooting for you, but don't expect me to be waiting for you." Lienna Taylor, a nineteen-year-old, goes through a heartbreaking breakup after four long, lovely years in a relationship with Sam Christian, a 20-year-old handsome heir of one of the four families known as The Royals. Do you know about waiting? Waiting is timeless, painful, and unpredictable. Despite their unimaginable connection, their bond was ephemeral, lasting just a short while. To encapsulate their unique love story in two words: Ephemeral Eternity. It's intense because it's love. After meticulously addressing every obstacle, they are still apart. Will fate weave their stories together again, or is there love destined to be just a fleeting, ephemeral moment?

sus_gurl · Urban
Not enough ratings
31 Chs


November 27


I take a deep breath and release it as I try to calm my heart. It's been two days to that day when Sam slammed me on the wall. And I have not been able to forget that....that moment. I have never seen him like that....that....possessive. He had always been sweet and soft before. Yeah he used to get jealous, but he reacted in a whole different way, ranting about it how he didn't like it or how I should not be close to any guy but now....the way he reacted. Oh. my. god. I can't just get over it. I still remember his hands on my sides slammed against the wall caging me, then going to my arms and then my waist. I was wearing really thin clothing. It was a white spaghetti strap V-neck knee-length net dress. It revealed half of my back too and so I still have the feeling of the cold wall against my back and the warm hands of Sam on my waist. The feeling is so crystal clear that my heartbeat accelerates every time I recall that moment. His lips were so close to mine that his warm breath was hitting my face giving me goosebumps. A shiver runs through my body like an electric current.

"Everything ok? You are so red. Do you have a fever?"

I am very startled to hear Conor's voice out of a sudden. I look at him with perplexed eyes as he keeps his palm on my forehead.

"You are not that hot. But why are you so red? Is everything ok Hope?"

I widen my eyes. Fuck. Clearing my throat, I nervously bite my lower lip and don't look at him. Sam said we will talk to Conor this week. I feel bad, guilty, and as if I am a bitch. I would prefer Conor to hate me after that. But I hope his and Sam's friendship isn't destroyed.

"Hope? Honey?" I look at him when he calls me. I really need to stop going into a trance when I am not alone. Giving him a light smile I get up from the couch and stand in front of him.

"I am okay. Just nervous because of the audition today. YI is a big music company."

I lie to him like every day. And he believes me like every day. I am a bitch.


I am sitting in the waiting room till Conor comes back since he is attending his business call. I don't know why we are in Sam's building right now though. Does he have some work with Sam before we go to YI? I sigh and tap my feet getting bored. I wish I could meet Sam. I miss him so much. But it feels like I am cheating on Conor. I don't know if I am, or I am not. I have never really said I reciprocate the same feelings as Conor. But I never told him I love someone else either. I should have. But I hope now with Sam, everything will be alright.

"Heyyyy!" I hear a very well-known voice behind me as I get up with shock all over my face.

"Sam?!" He grins at me.... damn that hot grin.

"So, you are coming to me hmm?" I frown not understanding him as his smile falls and a deadly serious expression takes over his face making me feel intimidated.


"You were going to YI? How could you betray me like this? This is your company too, love." I widen my eyes and keep my hand on his mouth.

"Shut up," I whisper but he just holds my hand and kisses my palm as I am out of words. He gives me a smug smile and lets go of my hand patting my head. It makes my heart race.

"Well, I just want you to know, it's our music company. Do you not know why is the name SL? It's mine and your initial." My eyes water when he clarifies what I suspected. I did think it might be like this, but I didn't want to boost my already over-obsessiveness and overconfidence in his love for me. He smiles softly and kisses my temple as he says softly.

"I never forgot you, Lien. Never. You have always been my territorial. I am not ever jealous, I am territorious." I chuckle hearing him.

"What? What's territurius or whatever."

"Territoriuos. It's a word I created babe. Like territorial? But it's used as an adjective. You know people are jealous because they feel insecure, or they are jealous because the person is not completely theirs. But you are my territory. So, I am territorious about you. I am just protecting what's mine, to begin with."

I don't know why but I feel so much right now. I feel like crying in his arms. I feel like ranting about how much I love him. But mostly I feel like kissing him, right now. So, I grab his collar and kiss him without any second thought. His body stiffens and his eyes go wide while his hands remain in the air still. I close my eyes and tilt my face to kiss him deeply. I bite his lower lip softly as he finally responds with just as much passion. His hands grasp my waist but suddenly he pinches me there as I gasp in his mouth. He smiles widely and so do I. My arms encircle his neck, and my fingers lightly brush his smooth hair from behind while one hand is still grasping my waist and the other cups my cheek as he kisses me deeper with each passing second. After a few minutes, we break the kiss from lack of oxygen. Breathing heavily, I look at him as he smirks.

"I loved that babe. Feisty. You have improved in your kissing I see." I roll my eyes and wipe my lips.

"Stop saying things like that earlier."

"That made you kiss me?" He asks with a grin.

"Yes indeed. So, stop being that.... profound."

"Or else?" He gives me a challenging look coming close to me, so close that his warm breath hits my face. I gulp and whisper.

"Or else you will make me even crazier for you." He smiles widely and pecks me as I smile.

"So well, congratulations! You are going to prepare for your debut song now!" He says cheerfully as I look at him with raised eyebrows.

"Won't you check me first?"

"How can I reject a hot sexy goddess like you at all?" I roll my eyes playfully with a chuckle.

"I would like it if you checked me, Sammy." He smiles with a shine in his eyes, and I know why that glow in his hazel eyes is there. Because of how I called him.

"Sure love. I would love to check you out." He says with a lick as my eyes widen while I am sure my cheeks are even redder. It's impossible for me to not be red while he is with me.

"Shameless. Audition me I mean!" He laughs and nods multiple times.

"Ok. Ok. Let's go to my office."

"But where is Conor?"

"Well, he left...." He says with a shrug as I frown. He left without telling me. Well, that's not new really. He doesn't really talk business with me. He likes to keep his work separate from me. Never tells me a thing as if he doesn't trust me. But it's ok, it doesn't affect me. Maybe it did matter to me before. But it doesn't anymore. I smile and look at him.

"Audition me, boss!" He chuckles ruffling my hair.

"I love you."

I smile widely and hold his hand that he spread to me as we go to his office. It's not that I don't love him. I just think it's better to say that when I am free. When I am free to love him. And I know he already knows.
