

"I will be rooting for you, but don't expect me to be waiting for you." Lienna Taylor, a nineteen-year-old, goes through a heartbreaking breakup after four long, lovely years in a relationship with Sam Christian, a 20-year-old handsome heir of one of the four families known as The Royals. Do you know about waiting? Waiting is timeless, painful, and unpredictable. Despite their unimaginable connection, their bond was ephemeral, lasting just a short while. To encapsulate their unique love story in two words: Ephemeral Eternity. It's intense because it's love. After meticulously addressing every obstacle, they are still apart. Will fate weave their stories together again, or is there love destined to be just a fleeting, ephemeral moment?

sus_gurl · Urban
Not enough ratings
31 Chs


20 JANUARY 2024


I can't believe it's happening. I am so happy right now. I did this without any favors. I have reached this far with my hard work. Sam and Mia have assured me that I deserve to be nominated for the best pop singer. And I know I do. I smile when I see Sam smile at me and mouth 'You are the best'. I nod to him and taking a deep breath look over at the audience in front of me but soon it's all dark and light is only on me. Sighing internally, I again ask my heart if what I am about to do is right and it says 'YES'. So, without any hesitation, I look at the darkness ahead of me which is soon lifted by the light sticks and it looks like a beautiful pink sea. Checking my microphone and mic, I nod once and speak into the mic as the whole area falls silent.

"This song is for the one I love more than anyone in the whole world. For the one who makes me feel secure and safe. For the one who feels at home. For the one who made me realize my worth. And for the one who waited for me for 7 years. I love you. It's for you."

I walk to the center of the stage to the mic-stand confidently in my long glittery wine-red side shoulder spaghetti strap dress that has a high knee slit on the right side. It is revealing half of my back and my brown hair in a low messy bun adds to my naked milky back making it look more tempting. I haven't worn this kind of dress much before. Even at the parties with Conor, I used to make sure to cover my back, my chest, my arms, my legs. But today, I wanted to look better for Sam. I know he loves me the way I am but I wanted to do it for him anyway. And I am satisfied seeing his jaw drop seeing me. My collarbone and my curves are perfectly portrayed in the beautiful dress. And the red high heels that match the wine color of the dress give the whole look a confident and vibrant touch.

I nod once more so that the staff knows I am ready now. The melody starts playing as the fans scream. My heart thumps once more and I contemplate once again but then my eyes land on Mia who gives me a bright smile and a nod as I don't let anything hold me back anymore and start to sing in the mic.

~When there's no hope hiding

No chance concealing

What deep down I felt for you

Oh, I regret for losing

The one who loved me

For who I can't go back to~

I take out the mic from the stand and hold it in my hand as I walk closer to the stage. Closer to where Sam is, on the front right side.

~Walking through all the dust

Memories in frame

A past we simply let fade

But I don't close the door

Waiting the chance

For when we'll be back again~

And just before the chorus, the backstage dancers come to the center of the big stage and start to do the choreography. While I kneel exactly in front of Sam as he has his eyes widened.

~You make me feel so crazy

Still in love with you

You make me feel amazing

When I'm next to you

You make me feel so crazy

My heart breaks for you

Can't help but knowing

That I'm still in love with you

You make me feel so~

No one has any idea who is the one I am singing this song for. But Sam does. And that's all that matters. But I want them to know so still sitting on one knee, I take my forefinger to Sam's chest; in a pointing way and sing the next lyrics looking directly into his hazel eyes. Everyone makes a loud noise making me smile while singing.

~When there's no hope loving

For you who saw me

Before I knew who I'd be

What I have around me

Means nothing to me

If I can't share it with you~

Then I get up and walk to the other side singing but still looking at him with a soft smile.

~Walking through all the dust

Memories in frame

A past we simply let fade

But I don't close the door

Waiting the chance

For when we'll be back again~

Then before the chorus again, I go to where the dancers are and stand in the middle, point at Sam, and sing the song with my best voice.

~You make me feel so crazy

Still in love with you

You make me feel amazing

When I'm next to you

You make me feel so crazy

My heart breaks for you

Can't help but knowing

That I'm still in love with you

You make me feel so~

I dance to the rest of the beat with my heart as everyone goes crazy. My heart is beating fast with admiration for myself. I smile and glance at Sam from time to time. With the beat dropping, I bring the mic near my lips and,

"I LOVE YOU SAM!" I yell as soon as the song ends and Sam has a shocked and disbelief reaction on his face but when he sees my smile, he understands that I am ready. I am finally ready. I am no more afraid. I don't care. Not hesitating anymore, he climbs up the stage and runs to me picking me up and squishing me tightly. I laugh and hug him back. We are finally free to love each other openly and unconditionally without any regret, guilt, or fear of betrayal. He keeps me down as his hands are still around my waist and mine around his neck. He looks at me with his luminous and amorous hazel eyes completely captivating me as we both lean to each other forgetting everything that's not related to us and seal our lips together. His lips brush softly against mine as he kisses my lower lip and then my upper lip. He kisses me so tenderly that it makes me smile. We both smile while kissing. I back off first when I hear the hooting realizing we are in the middle of a freaking award ceremony. My face goes red as Sam chuckles and kisses my forehead.

"I love you." He whispers as a smile form on my lips, and I hug him.
