
Zero 01: The Summoning of Heroes Pt.1

"Hey, are you being serious right now?" The bartender couldn't help but ask in irritation to the old vampire who held his chin in his hand in a contemplating expression.

"To be honest, I don't blame you for thinking like that. But I'm being serious. I know that I brought them here with the promise that they would watch Archer's story. However, after some months of consideration, I think it would be better for them to start with the beggining."

"Months?" He muttered in a low voice. It has been only a day since he was 'contracted' to offer his services in the bar. But with someone like Zelretch it was better for him to not pry too much into it if he doesn't wanna to deal with trouble. Besides, there was something in the old man's words that got his attention. "What do you mean with 'the beggining'?"

"Of course, I'm talking about the days before of 'Emiya Shirou's birth'."

It didn't take the bartender more than a few moments before widening his eyes in realization. He was going to show them 'the hell that started all the others'.

"I don't know if to call you a sadist or.... You do realize that some of them might 'break', right?" By his tone, he was a little concerned about how their guests would take the content of the story. In his opinion, that story was only second to 'that' girl's route in what it refers to emotional heaviness. Maybe he wasn't too affected by it because subconscioulsy considered everything as something 'fake', but for them, it will be pure reality.

Zelretch gave a malicious grin, while his eyes were glowing red. "Don't worry too much about it. I will take care of everything."


"Everyone! Please take your seats! We are about to start!" At Zelretch's call, everyone who came from Eostia took began to join with their groups.

Now they were all wearing clothes of Earth's modern era. Some of them were looking almost the same but at least they weren't showing as much skin as before.

Returning to the topic, it was obvious from a third person's point of view that there was a division between them.

The first group consisted in Celestine's inner circle including Claudia, Kaguya, Maia, Luu-Luu, Prim and Alice. Brynn was also sitting with them, just between the red-haired mercenary and the little halfling, feeling nervous as she was surrounded by the seven most important figures of Eostia. If it were to be the Brynn of before, she would have surely fainted due the overwhelming emotions she was experiencing right now.

On another table, there was the pair of Emerald Inn, Alice and Bianca. With them, there were sitting the pair of Dark and Light Elves from Heilung Dorf, Greace and Anna respectively. Grace, as someone who had previously owned a tabern before deciding to travel once again, quickly became friends with young red-headed inn owner. During their conversation they exchanged stories about their experiences about working as owners of an establishment, and mostly from the time they met Archer.

Grace was a little surprised to know that it was him who taught the cute girl how to prepare many of the dishes that she was selling in her inn. However, she remembered Anna mentioning that he knew how to cook. Unfortunately she wasn't able to taste it, but prehaps by asking to Alice she would have a better idea.



Meanwhile at their sides, remained staring each other without saying nothing. No, it was more correct to say that Anna's eyes were fixated on Bianca while the poor waitress was fidgeting herself on her place without knowing what to say.

"Um. Hi?"




'Please someone help me!' She begged in her mind.

Lastly, the pair of Dark Elves took seat at a table farther from the others to avoid any unecessary contact with their enemies. For Chloe it was quite tempting to attack the Shields and try to slit their throats in that same instant. However, she was ordered by her Queen to stand down, so even if a little reluctlant she complied with her misstres' command.

Olga on the other hand remained expressionless, but tapping the table's surface with the nails of her fingers as a little sign of her impatience.

It wasn't until the bartender stood in front of them that everyone centered their attention to him.

"Before we start, we have a little announcement to make. We are not going to start with Archer's story."

""What?"" Brynn and Maia said at the same time, both with disappointment showing on their expressions. Something that was also shared by the docile Dark Elf, Grace, and the pink-haired princess, Prim.

"To be honest this is Zelretch decision. He wanted to you to have a better understanding of what kind of world he comes from, as well as for you to get to know some important figures of the story as they heavily had an effect in his life even if he didn't know them."

"So you telling us that we are just losing our time here?" To say that Olga was annoyed was an understatement. Chloe and her were suddenly kidnapped to participate in a vampire's antic, and worst of all, she had to listen to that human.

If it weren't because she didn't know how they get there, Chloe and her wouldn't have to deal with all this nonsense. They would have returned to Eostia by now, leaving Celestine and her Shields behind, and take the opportunity to make a full-scale invasion in the Alliance's territory without them interfering.

"Not necessarily. As promissed, you will watch the events of the Holy Grail War. But not the one from where the red bowman comes from."

"For what reason? If we are not going to really watch this 'Archer' person's past, then what will be the purpose for us staying here?" Asked Claudia. As the most inquisitve one -appart from Kaguya- of the Seven Shields, she knew that there must be something of value for them in what they were about to watch.

And certainly, she was right.

"The purpose for this, is for you to pay attention to the participants of the war. To analyse and meditate about their goals, dreams and ideals without exception."

"Mmm. Just that? I thought it would be something more difficult." Commented Luu-Luu who didn't have the slightlest interest about what they were saying. She just talked because she was starting to feel bored.

The same could be said about the pair of Dark Elves from the Demonic Army. They had zero interest in learning about for what humans fight for, for them they were just beings lower that animals that let themselves to drown in their own greed and lust. Parasites, for the world in which they live.

"Oh, beleive me. This is more complicate than what you may think." His words were enigmatic, yet, everyone silently agreed to no question any further.

The already dim lights of the room then turned off.

On the high definition screen, one which the bartender recently bought as there were some customers that asked for one, it was shown the clasical cinema countdown for the beggining of the movie.




"By the way, another thing that I would like to mention, I'll make some comments during the pauses of the projection. So if any of you have any question, you are free to ask at those moments."



"Not yet?"




"Damn, I want something to drink. Do you have some booze here?

"This is a bar, so yes. However, I wouldn't recommend something strong just yet. Please wait a little more, Miss Maia."

"Ugh. Please, don't call me like that. You almost sounded like one of those annoying nobles. Just 'Maia' is enough." She nonchalantly waved her hand at the bartender. She already was having enough with the pretentious nobles back in Feoh.



[Germany, Einzbern Castle.]

[8 years ago.]

"Hm? Eight years ago?" Asked Brynn confused as she thought that they were going straight for the start.

"Eight years before the start of the war." Explained the bartender, to which the young knightess who was now wearing a black hoodie with red patter gave an 'Oh'.

[Hurried foot steps echoed through the corridors, and with the sound of a click, a door was opened.]

["Kiritsugu-sama!" Inside the room, there was a man. He was wearing a black tracksuit and a trench coat of the same color. With short black hair and black eyes, but these were devoided of any kind of emotion. Blank like a mannequin. He raised his head to look at the white-haired, red-eyed maid that entered with joyous smile on her face. "Your daughter has been born!"]

Everyone in the room gasped in surprise which quickly turned into voices of congratulations and cheerfulness.

"I wonder how the child would look like." Said Prim in expectation as she couldn't wait to see her.

"I just hope that she doesn't look any like that man. He just looks... awful."

"Alicia, don't be rude. Every children is beautiful no matter who the parents are." However Claudia had to agree in certain way with the blonde knightess' words. Those vacant black eyes were something that no child should ever have.

The commander of the Dawn Knights could recognize them anywhere, after several years fighting in the frontlines against the demonic army. Those were the eyes of a war veteran, one that has seen hell itself with their own eyes to the point which they got accustomed.

Returning to the topic of the baby, there were some exceptions like Olga, Chloe, Kaguya and Anna who didn't show any kind of excitement or joy in their expressions. The latter two more because they don't show their emotions very often, but they were equaly contented by the news.

However, there was someone else who didn't seem to be enjoying the news of the newborn, distracted with darker thoughts while seeing at the man in black. If someone were to see her right now, they would have been left concerned about the slight frown in her expression and her cleching fists.

"Emiya... Kiritsugu." Celestine murmured the name in an inaudible as her frown deepened while slightly bitting her lips without anyone noticing it. With exception of Olga, who started giving her former friend a questioning look.

In Celestine's case, how could she not react like that while looking at the man?

After all, he was the one who cursed the innocent and kind boy with who she grew attatched, with a promise that ended his life. She gritted her teeth unconsciously as the palms of her hands started to become marked by her nails.

[Despite of what seemed to be good news, the first sign of emotion on the man was the tightening grip on his hands.]

"Hm? Why he doesn't seem to be happy?" Commented Bianca.

"I don't understand either. Shouldn't a father be happy and celebrate the birth of his daughter?" Asked Alice as she began to become worried about his reaction.

Before her father died she would always be pampered at each opportunity the man had. He and her mother treated her with love and care to grow in the woman she was now, with some great help of Archer of course. But the point is, that in the inn's owner's perspective, the man should be happy for the birth of his child.

"Prehaps he didn't wish to have a daughter." There were some times in which Alicia would hear the gossips of some nobles, saying that it would have been better if she were to have been born as a boy. Of course, once she became a Princess Knight she vanished all those traitors with Beasley's help, the one who supported her the most during her rule.

[In another room, the man looked outside the window, but he wasn't alone. At his side, a woman with the same hair and eye color was sitting on a king-sized bed with red sheets, while carrying a sleeping infant on her arms, looking at her with motherly affection.]

["She is trully so cute. So small, so delicate..." Her voice was soft a tender as she was treasuring at the new life that she brought to the world. "Look, Kiritsugu. She has your eyes."]

"Ugh. Please don't let it be the case." Commented Alicia, to which Claudia silently agreed while nodding.

[The man remained unresponsive, not even turning to look at the woman and the child. But the woman wasn't mad, as she already expected that kind of attitude from him.]

"Hey! At least say something, you bastard! Your wife and your newborn child are at your side. The least you could do is say some congratulating words." Maia angrily said, even when she was previously told that none of the people on the screen could hear her, she didn't care. It was starting to get on her nerves that this 'Kiritsugu' person was just ignoring them.

["I'm so happy for being able to have this child." The child had the same hair color of her mother, and if she were to open her eyes then a similar set of eyes would have be shown. Almost like a perfect copy from her mother.]

However, for those who were watching the events, they were left silent in shock. Not because of the cute appearance of the baby, but because of the woman who resembled too much to a certain High Elf that all the present could recognize very well.

"Celestine-sama?" Claudia muttered aloud as her eyes went wide for what she was seeing, just like the rest including the stoics Anna and Kaguya.

Despite of the differences in the eyes and hair colours, and the fact that the ears were short and rounded instead of long and pointy, it couldn't be denied that the woman's appearance was almost a spitting image of the Goddess Reborn.

Some of them turned at the bartender who soonly noticed the women's gazes on him in search of answers.

"In case you ask, no, she and Celestine are not the same person or in any form related. They just happen to look alike."

"Then, who is she?" Asked Prim.

"Irisviel von Einzbern. 'Granddaughter' of the Einzberns' faimily head, Jubstacheit von Einzbern." But of course, things weren't that simple to call the white-haired woman a 'granddaughter'. After all, she was...

"Wait. Is she a noble?" Asked Alicia in disbelief. The maid and the king-sized bed might have been a hint of Irisviel's status. But appart from that, everything in the room seemed to be so... simple.

"In certain way, yes. The Einzbern are a Magi family with a great history behind them. Despite of specializing on alchemy, they are considered as one of the most ancient and well-respected Magi family in Germany."

"'Magi'? Don't you mean mages?" Asked Claudia.

"In this world, magi and mages are not only different things but also in different categories. Some magi have the goal to become true mages, but for the moment let's leave the explanation there."

["Iri." For the first time, the man spoke with a neutral voice but that contained pain in them. "I'll... probably cause your death."] 

"What?" The same question was uttered by almost everyone in the room.

"Wait. What does he mean that he'll be the cause of his wife's death?" Bianca asked, incredule for what she just heard. Hoping that prehaps she just heard wrong, but no one answered.

None of them had an answer even if they all heard the same, and the bartender seemed to refuse to answer for the moment. They had no other choice but to continue watching to fully understand.

[The woman gasped in surprise at the man's words. But she quickly understood the meaning behind them as she smiled at him wistfully.]

["I know. That has been the Einzberns' fate from generations. That's the reason for my existence. I'm the person who I am now, because I internalized your ideals, and intoned your payers."] 

"Why is she accepting her death so easily?" Grace couldn't help but to feel horrified at the notion. That someone would accept their death as if it was something already decided.

"Not only that, but also she's telling that she's doing it for him! What kind of man would accept that?!" Maia angrily slamed her hands on the table, making it shake by the impact.

["You have guided me." He has taught her and given her so many things that she couldn't even imagine in dreams before meeting him. "You offered me a better life than the one of a simple doll." She learned the meaning of happiness and of being alive, thanks to him. So, it was only natural to her to offer her own life to him, so he can achieve his dream. "It's not necessary for you to have compassion of me. I'm already part of you. So-"]


[The man's shoulders began to slightly shake, and by his voice tone he sounded to be on the verge of crying, all while still facing the window.]

["I have no right to hold that child." As he tightened his right hand into a fist, a red mark of a long sword was shown. The sign of his resolution in the conflict to come.]

"I see."

"Claudia-sama?" The blonde-haired knightess questioned in confusion as her mentor seemed to have understood something.

"From what little I could gather, this man, Kritsugu, is someone who have faced death too many times. A war veteran, prehaps. But the point is that maybe, just maybe, because of all the death he has experienced, he sees his own hands as something filthy and tainted."

"How do you know?" Unexpectedly, it was Brynn who asked, too curious to know more about the Templars commander's opinion.

"Experience." She simply said. After killing many men and women, even if they were bandits, she questioned herself that if with all that blood spilled in her hands, was she still worthy to hold her husband's.

["Kiritsugu, do not forget. That you are trying to create a world where no one has ever to cry. That's the ideal of 'Emiya Kiritsugu'." She had to support him, to remind him of the purpose that led them there.]

"Emiya..." Maia muttered the name in contemplation as the figure of a cinyc but sweet man in red formed in her mind.

["Eight years more, and your fight will reach its end. And our ideal will become true."] 

"A world where everyone can be happy." The bartender simply commented, but his words had an impact on the audience.

A world where no one ever cry and can be happy. A world of peace. That's the kind of world that the Goddess Reborn is fighting for, and something with which the Shields could sympathise.

"Yes, of course." Chole sarcasticaly said with a scoff at hearing such words. In her experience, humans are just lowly beings that care only for themselves. The human man and woman must have hidden intentions.

["The Holy Grail will save you. Of that I'm sure." A world were everyone could be happy. A beautiful dream that needed a miracle to be accomplished. But such miracle could only be granted with her death, leaving the man that she loved alone. That's why, she decided to leave him something to hope for. "So carry this child, Illyasviel, and hug her. And feel proud, just like any other father."]

[The man finally turned at them, as the woman offered the child on her hands to him.] 

[Finally, the man walked towards them, while the wild wind of the blizzard remained on the outside of the imponent white castle.]

"Woah." Prim and Alice were in awe as they admired the view of the castle along with the raging wind, giving it a majestic but lonely vibe.

[Torino, Italy]

[3 years ago]

"So it has been five years since the child's birth." Said Anna to no one in particular, but Grace nodded at her words.

[Unliky the wintery scenery of the Einzberns' castle back in Germany, the mansion located on a green hill had a more rustic but still elegant design, with white walls and red roofs.]

["Command Seals?" A man asked.]

[In the interior of one of the halls three men were standing, two of them wearing the same black clothes with the collar of a golden cross hangging from their necks, with the older man also wearing a purple shroud arround his shoulders. Both of them were facing at a man wearing red clothes, with a white long sleeve shirt under his tuxedo and a blue ribbon around his neck. His appearance was one of the middle-aged man with brown hair and turquoise eyes, with a beard growing on his chin. He was the next one to talk.]

["The red mark that appeared on your hand. They are the proof that you were chosen by the Holy Grail. An stigma that grants you the power to control a Servant." The man then showed the back of his right hand. On it there were three different marks. The biggest one on top of two of them surrounding them in a waning moon, the second one reverted with a spear in the middle, and the smallest one identical to the biggest located inside the second one. "Kotomine Kirei-kun."]

[The mentioned brown-haired young man with voided brown eyes looked at the similat marks on his own right hand, it's figure more chaotic looking than the red man's. "The Holy Grail War."]

"They both have similar marks to Kiritsugu's." Noted Claudia as she previously saw the red sword mark on the black-suited man.

"Ah, you're right." Said Maia.

"But what is a 'Holy Grail War'?" Asked Bianca on the other side.

"I'm not sure, but from Irisviel and Kiritsugu's conversation, it must be something very important." Said Kaguya, wondering if by the name alone it was a fight for a holy reliq.

["A battle for a reliq that makes miracless.... Was I chosen?" Kirei asked, seemingly confused about what does it implies to participate in the event.]

["Generally, the Grail chooses seven Masters for the Servants. It's very rare for someone like you, who has no conections with magecraft were to be chosen so suddenly."]

"He mentioned it again. 'Servants'." Said Anna with curiosity peeking in her mind.

"But what are they?" Asked Grace after her friend words. Not fooling herself in believing that just by the name they were something akin to maids or butlers. Not when they seemed to be going to participate in a war.

["Servants.... I still believe that it's a little strange to summon the spirits of ancient heroes as familiars to fight against each other."]

"Heroes?!" Prim almost jumped from her place in excitement.

"Prim, calm down." Alicia insisted to her little cousin, having a clue in mind about why the pink-haired sudden outburst.

It's not like the young princess could help it. When she thinks about heroes she recalls the stories of brave knights and their adventures that her mother and cousin would always read to her before going to sleep. Her mother used to be the best story teller. At least when she was still alive.

["I know that it is difficult to believe that heroes from every era and nation would rise again to kill each other and establish their supremacy. That is the Holy Grail War"]

"What?" Everyone were in disbelief at the red man's words.

Claudia was one of the calmest ones as the people on the other side of the screen repetetively mention that there would be a conflict. If only the name of 'Holy Grail War' wasn't enough to prove this statement.

The other person who seemed to be calm was Celestine. From her dreams she was able to watch the kind of entities that Shirou had to face at those days. She felt disgusted at the notion that heroes that marked their names in history would have to kill each other for the sake of a wish. Yet, she respected them and even admires them for who they were.

Despite all of that, Olga couldn't help to notice something in the pair's words. "Are this heroes resurrected with necromancy?"

Everyone looked at the dark elven ruler in questioning, the majority seemingly disgusted while others tried to think about the process, only to turn at the bartender for answers.

"No. What they summon are their spirits." He said, trying to explain as little as possible to not spoil information on what Servants truly are.

However, his words only rised more questions on them, even more on those who practice 'magic' in their world. 'What use would a spirit have in a war?' Those were their thoughts.

["Of course, there is a tactic agreement between the involved sides to maintain the battles in secrecy." The older man interveened in the conversation, siding with the young man infront of him. "To assure to maintain them like that, we the Holy Church send an overseer."]

["Can really one of us act as a judge in a battle between magi?" Kirei was now confused, having it difficult to believe the possibility of such situation.]

"In this world, the relationship between the church and the magi could be considered as unstable. With the former seeing the latter as heretics while the latter sees the former as a pebble on their shoes." Explained the bartender in a way it could be simplified as sometimes it tended to be more complicate than one can see at first sight.

The others meditated about his words, with the magic users having a better understanding about the topic. They saw some truth in his words, even if they did it reluctlantly.

In Olga's case she was oftenly hunted down by religious groups that considered her dark magic as something unholy and evil. While she doesn't denies the rather malevolent nature of her attribute, it was still something that was part of the world's natural order and not evil itself. You can't trully blame magic to be evil, it's evil people who use magic for evil purposes.

[While serving himself a glass of wine, the red man continued with the explanation. "A member from the Mage's Assossiation would be too partial with one of the sides. That's why, just like sixty years ago, your father will be in charge to oversee our confrontation."]

["My father will go to Fuyuki City?" Kirei was surprised by the information as he never heard about it beforehand.]

"Heh~. Does that means that there was another one before?" Maia commented. She placed her feet on top of the table, much to Alicia's displeasure.

But the blonde knightess decided to ignore her for the moment. They were supposed to be here to watch the events in peace, so for her honor she won't be the first one to sucumb to her anger.

"That's right. In fact, this will be the fourth one about to happen." Said the bartender while the others gapped their mouths in awe.

"But wait second. If one of the participants is the judge's son, doesn't that means that they are risking themselves to a case of favoritism?" Brynn asked in concern. If this 'Holy Grail War' was some kind of contest, then it would be unfair for the other participants if the judge favored someone, defeating the point that the red man was defending.

[Kirei himself seemed to have the same concern. "But wouldn't it plant a problem that the judge's son is a participant himself?"]

["Tokiomi-kun." Kirei's father then called at the red man, so he could finally get to the point of their reunion.]

["Let's get direct to the point." Tokiomi then began to walk around the hall, while Kirei's father followed his actions. Both of them walking in cricles while the young man remained at the center.]

"Why are they doing that?" Alice asked puzzled about the two men actions.

"Maybe so they can make Kirei see the gravity of the situation. It is somewhat a psycological strategy to convince him to do something." The bartender in truth didn't know either the reason, but that was his best guess.

["Kirei, until now, everything we've been talking about is something that is known by all the participants. However, there's another reason why I asked Tohsaka Tokiomi and you to come here today."]

["And what reason would that be?" Asked Kirei, letting his father continue with his explanation.]

["In reality, many years ago we've found out evidence that the Holy Grail that appeared in Fuyuki City is not a legendary reliq from the Son of God."]

"'Son of God'?" Kaguya asked with slight interest. She was already the oracle of her god, however, that didn't mean that there was no interest in other gods. If what she learned could help her to be of more use on her services then she would gladly do it.

"In Earth there is a religion called Christianity. The 'Son of God', Christ, is considered as the Messia whose death saved and cleansed all humanity from all their sins. In one of his stories, it was said that the Holy Grail was a reliq used by him during the 'Last Dinner'." Noticing the slight glint in Kaguya's eyes despite of still keeping that same expressionless face, he knew that she was about to ask if the Holy Grail that they were talking about was the same from the story. However, he had to remind her. "But just like Risei mentioned before, the Grail that it's going to appear in Fuyuki is not the same one. It just receives its name due to having a similar appearance, and the power that it holds."

["Certainly. Otherwise, the Assembly of the Eight Sacrament would have already ordered us to recover it." Kirei reasoned with the information at hand.]

["But the Holy Grail in Fuyuki is too powerful to simply be ignored. After all, it is an omnipotent wish granting device. Who knows what kind of disaster would it release if it is reached by the wrong hands?"]

"They must exagerating, right? After all, it is too convenient for such thing exist in the first place." Said Maia nonchalantly. Even if she had saw people preforming magic in front of her, much more in Archer's case, it was still difficult to believe that a simple cup could grant a wish that could be considered too dangerous.

"That's where you are mistaken. The Holy Grail is capable to concede any wish, to the point in which it could be considered a miracle."

"Can you be more specific?" Asked Claudia, wanting to know what makes the artifact that is the Holy Grail so important.

"Mm. Let's imagine, in the lesser case you can wish for unlimited wealth and the Grail will do it. And even, you could wish to change past events." While still a little vage, he hopped that his word could be understood by the others. "However, if someone were to wish the total annihilation of all life in the world, then the Grail will bend the fabrics of reality itself to grant the wish, leaving nothing more than a barren land of death."

Everyone widen their eyes in shock, including Celestine who just only had a 'basic' or even less understanding of the Grail. Even for the goddess herself, to conceede any wish that reaches that magnitude was a feat that she wouldn't be able to accomplish alone.

["That's why we are going to Fuyuki to make sure that the Grail reaches worthy hands, so the problem will be solved." Explained Tokiomi.]

["The Tohsaka are a Magi family who through history has maintained good relationships with the Church. We know what kind of person Tokiomi is. And most importantly his intentions with the Holy Grail." Followed Risei.]

["To reach the Root of all knowledge. That's the Tohsakas' only wish."]

"The 'Root', also known as the Akashic Records or even 'Heaven'. It's a metaphisical that acts as the 'force' that exists at the top of all theories in every dimension, as well as the source of all events and phenomena in the universe. A place that exists outside outside, storing and archiving information of all possibilities and events, past, present and future of the world. And also the place from where all Souls are originated and to where they return after death."

From the bartender's explanation people like Maia and Luu-Luu started having headaches by hearing to many complex words in a go. Alicia and Claudia didn't understand too much either, but at least they know by the name of 'Heaven' that prehaps it was the realm of divinities such as Goddess Larentia herself lived in.

Kaguya seemed to have similar thoughts.

"Is he telling the truth?" She asked silently for no one else to hear but the entity with her.

"This is the first time I heard such concept." At listening god's words the priestess was about to lash out and call the bartender a liar. But she was soonly stopped by the god's next words. "But, I can assure you that the Akashic Records are more than real. Unfortunately, I am not able to give you a better explanation than this about the topic. Because I'm considered as a mid-tier god in Elysium I have no access to more specific information about it. Even among high-tier gods, only a handful of them are granted that privilege, and even less are those who are capable to have a grasp of Akasha, such as Larentia's case before she got incarnated in Celestine Lucross. That's the reason behind her Clairvoyance"

"Is it possible for mortals to reach it?"

"It would take an elf most of their life-span by daily studying the misteries of the world to even find a path to Akasha, something that most of them wouldn't like to do as they see it as a lost of time. But for a human it would be impossible without external factors."

"But if they use the Grail's power..."

"... If it's even as powerful as they claim it to be, then they might have a chance. Which I highly doubt it."

"But the possibility is not zero."

"... No." If there was something that 'he' had to agree with Larentia back then in Elysium, is that humans were capable to accomplish even the impossible if they are given the chance.

[Tokiomi then continued with the conversation. "However, the Einzberns and the Matous seem to have forgotten the wish that they once shared."]

"Irisviel's family?" Asked Grace. But she didn't get an answer.

["And do not forget about the other Masters. Who knows what dark plans would they have for the Grail." Said Risei.]

"But what if everyone have good intentions?" Asked Prim innocently, recalling Irisviel and Kiritsugus intentions to make a world where everyone is happy.

"They can risk the possibilty of someone evil participating." Replied Anna. She has seen many kinds of people through her life, and unfortunately those with ill intentions appear very often.

"That's right. Even if the Grail itself selects the participants, it doesn't mean that all of them have good intentions." Said the bartender. As most of the Magi in that world do not follow that morals of normal society, it would be logical to consider that even if they are not evil they'll do anything to reach their goals, even if they kill hundreds in the process.

"The Grail is sentient?" Celestine asked with curiosity.

"Yes. The people who created the Grail programmed it to follow certain procedures to work and make sure that the war continues."

"P-pr-program?" The goddess stutered while rrying to say the new word.

"To set instruction in somthing to make an action."


["So you are saying that the objective behind my participation is to assure Tohsaka Tokiomi's success." Said Kirei, finally grasping the purpose for this reunion.]

["Of course, we'll maintain the appearance of being enemies. While in reality, we'll work together to defeat the other five Masters and reach a sure victory." Tokiomi said his words with confidence, while his plan was still in being build it was undeniable that he already had an idea on what to do.]

"Isn't that cheating?" Asked Bianca, concerned that they might be breaking the rules of the event.

"In a war it is normal to form alliances, even before the conflict starts." Explained Claudie thanks to her experience as a commander.

"Hmph. As always, humans seem to like making schemes." Olga sarcastically said, ignoring the annoyed gazes of the human members of the Shields.

["That's the plan, Kirei-kun. You will be transfered from the Church to the Mage's Assossiation where you'll become my disciple."]

["The official orders have already been emited." Said Risei.]

["You must go to Japan to study magecraft, and become a Magus strong enough to control a Servant in the Grail War in three years." Tokiomi then took a sip from the glass of wine that was still in his hand, giving him a sense of fanciness around him. "Now then..."]

["Do you have any question, Kirei?" Risei asked to his son as he once again stood behind him.]

["Just one. What are the criteria for the Grail to choose the Masters?"]

["Hm? The Grail to choose the Masters who needs it the most." Tokiomi answered.]

["So all the Masters have a reason to wish the Grail?"]

["Not necessarily. I was told that in the past there were cases of irregulars who have been granted their Command Seals." Once again Tokiomi answered, wondering the reason why his soon-to-be disciple asked something like that. But it didn't take him long for realization to finally hit him. "Ah, I see. Kirei-kun, are you still bothered for why you were selected?"]

"So he's an irregular." Commented Grace.

"That explains his previous questions." Anna agreed with her friend as the young man didn't seem to have any particular wish by judging his confusion. However, for some reason, she couldn't help but feel uneasy by his voided eyes.

He wasn't angry. No, just like Kiritsugu, he didn't show any emotion in his expression. But unlike with the man in black, something inside her was telling her that Kirei was a threat. She just didn't know how.

["I didn't expect him to accept so quickly." Outside, on the mansion's balcony, Tokiomi and Risei were talking as they saw Kirei going out. The man in red honestly expected to receive an answer the next day, or to hear some complains. But the young man never did it.]

["My son would jump to the fire if the Curch orders him to do it."]

"Is for that reason why I don't like some of them." Said Maia with an irritated expression.

"What are you saying? Do you not respect our goddess?!" Alicia yelled her question at the red-haired mercenary. How she dared to disrespect the religion and agents of their goddess?!

However, unnoticed by the blonde knightess, Celestine had an uncomfortable expression. While its true that the church receives her name and blessings, she isn't in control of the organization. Makaing them only a group that supports them.

"It's not that, it's just... I don't feel comfortable about some of them being too... close-minded." Maia could have used the words 'fanatic' and 'stuck-up' if she were alone with Alicia, but with Claudia and Celestine in the place she had to be careful with what she said about the Church, not wanting to insult either of them.

["To be honest, I'm a little disappointed. From his perspective, he has been involved in a war that has nothing to do with him."]

At hearin Tokiomi's words, Celestine felt the guilt inside her heart. All because of the last century of war that has been ongoing in Eostia. How many men and women have lost their lives in a conflict that could have been prevented many centuries ago? How many would feel the same that Tokiomi mentioned?

["No, prehaps this is the best for him. Just some days ago, he lost his wife. A new place and mission might be exactly what he needs to recover."]

"No way. So that's why..." Grace at first thought of Kirei as someone scary due to the lack of emotion in his gaze, and a sense of emptiness around him. But after hearing that his wife just died a few days ago, she could only feel sympathy for him.

When she heard that her husband died during a siege on the borders against the demonic army, she felt as if a hand was crushed her heart, slow, painfully in its palm. It didn't help to ease the pain when her mother-in-law blamed her for his dead. And she also believed it as she mourned his dead. If it weren't because of Anna's support and kindness, she might have done something drastic and without return.

Even if she doubted that Risei's method could help his son to recover from his broken heart, she truly hopped that the young man could find peace and forgiveness inside him.

[As Kirei continued walking, he once again held the hand in which he had his Command Seals. His expression reamined devoided of emotion, making it difficult to know what he was thinking so deeply about.]

[Fuyuki City, Japan.]

[1 year ago.]

"I'm starting to feel anxious." Said Alice, seeing that the time left for the war to start was just one year.

[In a park, while the people was reunited with their familes and the children playing on the green fields, a woman was sitting on a bench while reading a book in her hands. The woman had dark-green eyes and long silky hair. Wearing a light yellow dress with green patterns.]

["Aoi-san." Suddenly, a man called for her returning her to reality. She then smiled tenderly at the man in front of her.]

[The man had short messy black hair and black eyes. He was wearing a dark blue sweater with white vertical stripes on its sleeves, and black sports pants. He greeted Aoi by rising his hand.]

["Kariya-kun, is good to see you again. Have you returned from your buisness trip? This time it took you a little more." On the background a little girl wearing a white shirt with a ribbon on her neck, a red skirt and long black socks.]

"It seems that they know each other." Said Brynn, noticing the closeness between both adults.

["Yeah, I also think so."]

["Uncle Kariya!" On the background a little girl wearing a white shirt, a red skirt and long black socks. After looking towards the pairs direction, she quickly went towards them with excitement. "Uncle Kariya, welcome back!"]

["Rin-chan." The little girl excitedly smiled at him.] 

[In a closer inspection, the little girl had her long black hair tied in twintails with black ribbons, and very familiar blue turquoise eyes.]

"Is she...?" Bianca was about to ask what the majority was thinking if their gasps were a hint. But the bartender was quickly to answer.

"Just as you are thinking. Her name is Tohsaka Rin, first daughter of the Tohsaka's family head, Tohsaka Tokiomi."

"Wow." Maia couldn't believe it, but at the same time she did. The man didn't make the impression of being a family man.

["Have you brought me a gift." Rin shamelessly asked to her uncle figure, while her mother scolded her for her attitude.]

["Rin! You are being rude."]

[Even then, Kariya didn't seem to be offended by the girl, giving her small smile.]

"Fufufu. So cute." Commented Claudia with a small laugh. She couldn't wait to finally rise the child that Klaus and her were going to adopt with her father-in-law's permission. A girl didn't sound bad if thinks about little Rin.

Meanwhile, Celestine could have sworn that she had saw the little girl somewhere before. Specifically in Shirou's dreams. But couldn't recall in which one.

["Here." Kariya handed to her a necklace with pink quartzes and a white string. Which she happily accepted.]

["Thank you, Uncle!"]

["I'm glad that you liked it." After patting her head, he began searching for something in his left pocket, finally taking out a second gift. "Where's Sakura-chan?"]

[Suddenly, Rin's expression became sad as she looked down.]

"That's not a good sign." Said Maia, concerned about what might have happened."

["Sakura is no longer here."]

["Eh?" As Rin returned to play, Kariya turned at Aoi so she would explain to him what happened during the time he was gone. His concern became palpable in his voice. "Aoi-san?"]

[Her expression also became sad. "You see, Sakura is no longer my daughter nor Rin's little sister."]

"What is she talking about?" Prim didn't like where this was going. Growing even more concerned by the second daughter of the Tohsakas.

["She has gone... with the Matou family."]

"The third family mentioned by Tokiomi." Said Anna, worried about what could this mean for the youngest member of the Tohsakas.

[At this Kariya grew anxious, wanting to demand for an answer. "Why?!"]

["You must already know why the Matous wish to have descendants with Magi's blood, don't you?" She gave to her childhood friend a disheartened look, fully aware of the man's true identity. Leaving Kariya without knowing what to respond.]

"His true name is Matou Kariya, the younger son of the Matou family. However, because of some disagreements with the family head, he cut all connections with the his family and the Moonlit World."

Some of the spectators wanted to ask him what was the 'Moonlit World', but that should have to wait as they had more important questions at hand.

"Why did the Matou family take Sakura?" Asked Alice.

"Well, you see..." but the bartender decided to let Aoi to be the one to explain.

["The elders of the Tohsaka family decided to give her away to our ancient allies, the Matou, who solicited her."]

"A political marriage?" Alicia asked in disgust at the notion of giving away her freedom to a man who she doesn't like just because others order her to do it. Of course, she has rejected evry single one of them since she was named a Shield.

"No. She is there to become the direct 'heiress'."

The others then blinked in confusion and awe for the girl who quickly raised her status as the second daughter to a heiress. Awe for her naming, and confusion by the bartender's sour expression.

"Isn't that something good?" Asked Prim, unsure if she should have done it.

"There's nothing good if it comes from the Matous. Even less if it's from Matou Zouken."

["My opinion has no place there."]

["Are you okay with it?" Asked Kariya, his anxiousnes quickly turning into anger ]

["When I decided to belong to the Tohsaka family to be the wife of a Magus, I knew that something like this would happen."]

["Are you okay with this?!" He finally yelled, becoming more angry at the moment.]

["A descendant of a Magi Clan cannot aspire to the happiness of a normal family." As she mournfully said it, she didn't have regrets of marrying Tokiomi, and he trusted him to have done the correct choice. No matter how much it hurt her.]

["You're lying! You two were supposed to have found happiness, when you chose him-!"]

["This is a matter only between the Tohsakas and the Matous." Out of the sudden, Aoi's words gained some sharpness, showing the respectable figure of a family head's wife. "Since you left the Magis world. This is no longer of your concern."]

"Wow. That was... brutal." Maia felt pity for the man who now remained silent with a conflicted expression.

[Aoi's expression then softened with a smile as she wanted to make a request to him. "If you get the chance to see Sakura, please be kind with her. She really liked you."]

[Unnoticed to her, his hand clenched into a fist, containing his anger the better he could.]

"If it's not too late, of course." Said the barterner aloud by accident, causing the other to look at him with worry and confusion.

[Back in the Matou's mansion, Kariya opened the main door to enter. He didn't messure his strenght so the door opened with a loud 'thud', but he neither he realized nor cared about it.]

["I'm surprised that a failure like you dare to show his face here." An old man said, with his voice sending shivers to those who heard him.]

"Ugh. Is it just me or did someone else felt like a bunch of insects crawled on your bodies." Luu-Luu had to hug her own body to get rid of the disgusting sensation on her.

The others despite of not saying it aloud, they also felt uncomfortable by hearing the old man's voice. However, it was Kaguya who felt hostility towards the voice, as if an old enemy was about to appear in front of her.

["I thought I'd told you to not return ever again. Kariya." In a room the old man was sitting on his chair while holding a walking stick between his hands. Wearing a green yukata with black robes on top of it. His head completely bald and his figure hunched over, making him look small. But his white eyes along with their black sclera gave him an inhuman appearance.]

Without annyone noticing, not even the person herself, Kaguya clenched her hands to the point in which her nails were piercing her palms. Her look became sharp and even more emotionless than before.

"Calm down, kid." It was the voice of her god that took her out from her stuppor.

"Wha-" With a confused blink in her eyes she finally realized what she was doing, quickly hidding her injuries under her robes.

"I understand why you are feeling like that. I also almost mistook him for 'him'."

Kaguya didn't need to ask about who her god was referring to. As his oracle and servant, Kaguya knew about the existence of the impostor that was that evil god.

To think that the old man would give her a similar feeling.

["I've heard that you adopted the Tohsakas' second daughter."]

[The old man laughed at Kariya's serious demeanor. "You have heard well."]

["Is it so important for the Matou to maintain their Magi's lineage?"]

["And you are saying that we are wrong? You, from all people? Whose fault do you think it is that we are in our actual situation?" While his words didn't carry any insults, it was obvious that he reprimended Kariya by his hyprocrecy. "Kariya. If you had accepted to hold the faimily's name and learn the Matous' secrets, things wouldn't have turned like this."]

["Stop fooling around, vampire."]

"I-Is he a v-vampire." Alice shuddered in fear by imagining the monsters of the night that drinked human blood. Bianca was the one who calmed her friend down.

"No. He just said it as an insult due to Zouken's age and personality." This made the red-haired girl to let out a sigh of relief, but also made the others confussed by what he meant.

["You just wish the Holy Grail to make you immortal." Kariya said without restrain. He wouldn't let himself to be fooled by the creature in front of him.] 

[Zouken once again laughed without denying his son's words. "Next year, the sixty years will have passed since then. But the Matous have nothing to offer for the Fourth Grail War. And even if we have your older brother, Byakuya, he doesn't possess the power to control a Servant."]

"What are the requirements to control a Servant?" Olga asked, judging that if it was very important for them to have a 'Servant' to fight for them, then she should also try to do something similar.

"Well, Servants are basically spirits given form from the ether, however they can't exist in the world if they are not constantly supplied with mana. The role of the Master is to supply with enough mana to the spirit so it can take a physical form."

"But if the mana supplied is not enough then the Servant vanishes in thin air." Olga finished for him, proving once again that she wasn't a powerful 'mage' for nothing.

"That among other things, but yes."

["Even if we let it pass this ocassion we still have the possibility to win next time." Standing from his chair Zouken walked towards Kariya until he finally stood behind him. It was only then one could notice the height difference between the patriarc and the second son. But no one could laugh, still sensing the aura of danger around the old man. "The womb of the Tohsaka child will produce a powerful Magus. She has enough potential to make it happen."]

Everyone couldn't help but to feel disgusted by what Zouken's words implicated for the girl's future. Alicia was about to lash out her anger towards the bartender due to her sympathy for the girl, until an unexpected voice was the one to yell.

"I thought that you said that Sakura was the heiress!!" Her rage was justified as she couldn't accept for a little girl to be used as nothing more than a gloryfied baby factory.

"Please, calm down." It didn't help that the bartender seemed to be too calm considering the situation.

"Oh, don't you dare to tell me to 'calm down'! When you said that the girl would live as the heiress of the family I thought that she was going to have a good life!" She slamed her fist on the table, not noticing the crack that was formed on it.

The bartender couldn't help but sigh as he needed to repair the furniture, but that could wait. "I've never said that she would have a good life. She only received the title of heiress because she is the only one among the other descendants who has the requirements and talent to become a Magus."

Before Maia could yell once again she was stopped by a hand on her shoulder. She turned to see Brynn who gave her a look that the she would take care of the rest. The red-haired mercenary reluctlantly accepted her companion's offering, still feeling mad about the bartender's indifferent attitude.

"Is there a reason why Sakura has to become the heiress?"

"In recent years, the Matou family has been suffering from decadency in their lineage, with the last descendants losing their ability to preform magecraft due to the lack of Magic Circuits."

"'Magic Circuits'?" Prim asked.

"I don't know how it is in your world, but Magic Circuits are considered as a pseudo-organ inside a Magus body. Of course, it's not entirely true as they are not physical but a part of the soul. Anyway, they allow a Magus to absorb and conduct the mana in the air inside their bodies, transforming it into Magical Energy, which makes them capable to preform magecraft."

"But if they are part of a person's soul, shouldn't everyone have them?" Asked Grace confused but excited to know more about this other world's 'magic'."

"While they are connected to the soul they are not part of it. After the end of the Age of Gods there has been a decrease on the amount of people with Magic Circuits, leaving a great majority without them."

"What do you mean that the 'Age of Gods ended'?" Celestine asked, wondering if it had something to do with her ever decreasing powers.

On the other hand, Olga seemed to have the same question, but reserve it for herself in case the other might realize the she was also growing weaker with the time.

For the disappointment of both rulers, the bartender didn't answered the question. "It will be a topic for another moment. You can search for mote information in the 'Library'."

[Kariya was the next to talk. "So after you get the Grail, you will not require of Tohsaka Sakura any longer?"]

[After a brief silence, Zouken finally asked. "What are you planning?"]

["A deal, Zouken. In the next war I'll obtain the Grail. And then you'll free Tohsaka Sakura."]

[The old man laughed scornfully at his son. "Don't be stupid. You are nothing but a failure who has never trained a single day of your life. And you are telling me, that in a single year you'll reach the power to control a Servant?" He then walked in fron of Karyia, who remained still and calm.]

["You have the capacity to make it happen. With your famous 'insect control technique'."]

[There was a long silence until Zouken finally looked inquisitively at his son.]

["Implant your worms inside me."]

["Kariya, do you want to kill yourself?"]

"Is it dangerous what he is proposing?" Asked Anna.

"As you can't imagine."

["The Matous should reach their goals by their own. I won't allow for anyone to be involved." There was another pause to his word before he continued, this time with a sarcastic tone. "Don't tell me that you are worried about me, 'father'?"]

After realizing the old man's identity, the room was left silent. But not for too long, as someone finally made the question.

"Are they father and son?" Asked Claudia in incredulity.

"Yes, Matou Zouken is Kariya's father and head of the Matou family."

[For a last time Zouken laughed again. "If you are trying to maintain her out of this, Kariya, you're too late."]

["Old man, don't tell me...!"]

While the majority of the spectators were carrying worried looks by Sakura's condition, with the exceptions of Olga and Chloe, the bartender have already discreetly placed some buckets at their sides, in preparation in what was about to come.

[The scene changed to one that could only belong to horror movie. Laying on her back inside of a dark room, Sakura, with the same hair and eye colours of her sister, had a emotionless expression with the light of life already of her eyes. While thousands of insects were crawling over her naked body, she looked no different from a corpse.]

With an audible gasp of horror, everyone couldn't believe what they were just seeing, but still unable to look away for one reason or another.

Not being able to handle the view of such horrific scene Alice was the one to throw up all the content of her stomach. Fortunately she was able to do it in one of the buckets that the bartender.

Her friend, Bianca, on the other side, was only barely able to stop from vomiting. However she still felt nausea it seeing the thousands of insects crawling over Sakura's body while imagining how it felt like. The raven-haired waitress had to hug her own body to get rid the the sensation.

"Prim, don't look at it!" Alicia, not wanting to expose her innocent little cousin to the horrors showed on the screen by covering her eyes with her hands.

Unexpectedly, the blonde-knightess was stopped by the same person she was trying to protect, while the pink-haired princess gave her older cousin a stern look that made the latter back her hand away.

"Alicia-onee-sama. I know that you want to protect me, but I need to see this." She expected for Alicia to accept her wishes. But her dear cousin has always been known as someone stubborn

"No, you don't! Prim, please understand that that what I do is for your own good." And the pink-haired knew that Alicia was being sincere with her wishes. But sometimes it would be too annoying for the youngest member of the Shields.

Just because she was the youngest and the weakest physicaly, it didn't mean that she was weak mentally. It would be a lie if she were to say that she wasn't feeling uncomfortable by the scene. Even back home she would feel nausea by just seeing blood. But she has to remain strong if she wants to aid her people during their darkest times.

Also, one can't become good in politics if they are not mentaly prepared to dirty their hands.

Knowing that she wouldn't be able to change the mind of her dear bit stubborn cousin, she decided to ignor her for the moment, much for the concern and disbelief of the blonde-haired knightess.

["During the first three days she couldn't stop screaming. But she stopped doing it until the fourth day." Zouken explained in a joyful tone while Kariya could only watch in horror the deplorable state of his 'niece' with her body twitching as the only sign of 'life' in her. "Since this morning she has been caged with the insects, however, even after twelve hours there she continues breathing. The Tohsakas are trully powerful."]

"T-Twelve hours." Grace didn't asked, but confirmed what she just heard. Placing her hands on her mouth while containing the urge to cry. Anna tried to comfort her by hugging her.

Celestine bit her lower lip in frustration. To see such attrocity happening in front of her, yet, unable to do something. It made her remind the times she tried to help Shirou in her dreams, only to be reminded that she was nothing more than a spectre in that word. So powerless, so useless. Like many times in her long life.

While Chole herself wouldn't admit it, she felt some pity for little human girl, only to try to smash those feeling with her hatred. That humans should suffer what her and her people had a thousandfold, she repeated herself in her mind. She 'tried'.

["Sakura." Kariya ran down the stair wanting to help the little girl, but he was stopped by Zouken's next words.]

["Now then, what are you gaing to do now? Right now she is nothing more than a broken girl that has been violated by insects from head to toes. If you still want to save her, I might give you a chance."]

["Very well." He accepted without thinking twice.]

[Zouken's laughter was akin to the one of a demon in that dark dungeon, echoing through the walls. "However, I'll continue with Sakura's training until she shows results. I still aspire for a victory for the next Holy Grail War after all. But if you somehow manage to obtain the Grail, then I won't need the child anymore. In that case, her education will end after a year."]

Everyone in the room shared the feeling of disgust towards the old man... no, of the monster before them. To know that such being could even exist. Kaguya even reached to consider 'that' as something even worse than those from the 'Insect God Cult'. He didn't believe in any deity if she judge 'that' well. He was doing it for his own selfish wishes.

["Will you keep your word, Matou Zouken?"]

["First you must serve as a breeding ground for a week. If you don't die or become mad then I'll take you seriously."]

[With the old man's steps echoing inside the dungeon as he went outside, Kariya remained there without moving a little bit. Ingoring the constant crawling sounds of the insects, with a determined look he promised himself to save the girl under them. Even if it's the last thing he does.]

[Back in the Einzbern castle with seemingly unending blizzard outside, Kiritsugu was checking the information that he received inside of one of the building's offices. "It's finally here."]

[Hearing the constant typing sounds from the computer, Irisviel looked at him with curiosity. "What does it says?"]

["A message from the spies that I'd sent to the Clockwork Tower in London. They say that the Grail has chosen a Master from the highest authority among the Mage's Association."]

"The Clockwork Tower is one of the main head quarters of the Mage's Associantion. It is comformed by the most ancient and powerful Magi families in Britain, as it was the place where the Association was founded many centuries ago. It is also a place where young Magi come to learn more about magecraft while also given the necessary materials for their research."

"So it is like a Magic Academy." Mentioned Claudia, remembering that there was a place like that back in Thorne.

"Yes." He decided to omit for the moment that the place was also surrounded by schemes and assassinations between its own teachers and students.

["Who?" Irisviel asked in a serious tone, fully aware how powerful a Magus from the Clockwork tower could be.]

["A dangerous man. The eldest son from the famous Archibald family, that has produced nine generations of Magi. Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald."]

[Clockwork Tower, London.]

[Present day.]

"Time sure flies, huh." Said Maia casually, but in reality she was still feeling tense by Sakura's situation. She just hoped that Kariya could help her soon.

[It was already 2p.m. when the bells from the Big Ben sounded. It was cloudy as always, with the mist covering the surroundings of the building.]

["In the world of the Magi bloodline means everything. This is because the secrets of magecraft can't be discovered in a single generation." The person giving the conference to the group of students in an university classroom was a tall handsome man with deep gree eyes and short blonde hair combed back. Wearing a blue navy scholar coat with stiffly structured decorations, white gloves, white pants and black shoes.]

"He looks like a noble." Commented Alicia.

"He is a noble." Replied the bartender.

"I see." She simply responded, seemingly more interested about the man showed in the screen.

["Parent's transmit all the results of a life of training to their descendants. So inside the Magi families with major influence, their power also is." Some of the students seemed to be a little bored with the conference, but by both fear and respect they paid attention to their teacher's words. "You might be asking why I am telling about something that you already know. That's because a student just presented this essay the previous day."]

[In his hand he held a raw document titled 'How Wizardry Should be in the New Century'.]

"Wow, that's impressive." While she was most of a healer herself, Grace had to admit that she was impressed. Whoever who presented that document have to had made a very indepth reasearch and had a great dedication for the field to present such work.

"Hmph. No matter how much letter is in a piece of paper, humans are still just infants in the use of magic." Olga's disparaging comment just made the other mature Dark Elf look daggers at her, making the queen rise her brow at the insolent traitor of her race.

[Among the students there was a young man who looked no older than nineteen years old. He has short black hair that reached his neck and black eyes. Wearing a white shirt with a dark green sweater on top, and a tie in blue and yellow stripes tied to his neck.]

["The document is called 'How wizardry should be in the new Century'. It rejects completely the standard model that I just talked about, saying that by having a better understanding about spells and a more delicate control on the mana it would allow anyone to surpass this disadvantage. In other words, even someone with thin blood can become a first rate Magus. To be honest, I've learned something from this lecture."]

"Amazing." It was Claudia's sincere comment. While she wasn't a 'mage' nor had a deep understanding of 'magic', she was the wife of a scholar.

She had seen Klaus working day in and day out in his researches so he could be of help in the war despite of not being a warrior like his father wanted him to be. His dedication and passion were things that made her love the man even more. So she was trully impressed to see someone so young being such a hard working person, suspecting that it was the boy showed in the screen who wrote the document by judging his self-proud expression.

[The students started to mutter between themselves seemingly astonished by their teacher's words, but they were quickly silenced by him. "Silence. Allow me to be clear. The present document contains nothing more than childish fantasies."]

Taken aback by the man's change of attitude, the Shields had undignified looks on their expressions. All of them, with the exception of one who continued to look at him attentively.

[At his harsh words, the man slamed the document on his desk, treating it as nothing more than piece of trash, causing the young man to flinch in confusion by his action.]

["Bloodline is what determines the power of a Magus. That's the harsh reality and cannot be changed." The young man then stood from his seat, causing Kayneth to look at him with a severe look. "Waver Velvet, I'm very disappointed that one of my students enjoys such things."]

["Professor, I was just trying to make a question that the Mage's Association has been refusing to-"]

["Waver." The man without consideration interrupted the young man with a stern tone. "It seems that your family count with three Magi generations, right?" Waver could.only gasp at his words, which were true. "Listen well. In comparison to the Mage's Association your family resembles to a new born baby. Shouldn't a child learn first how to speak before questioning their parents?"]

[With this last sarcastic and rethoric question the rest of the students started laughing at him, while the only thing he could do is to put a sour expression.]

"It's not fair. The guy only made a proposal and he is being treated as a joke" Maia may consider herself as someone empty-headed at times when she deals with things like magic bullshit and alike, but she still understands the frustration of not being respected for her accomplishments.

"I believe that while Kayneth-dono's words may be harsh, he is right. Someone who has a higher status knows better than the lower class."

The blonde-knightess words gained her some frowns not only from her fellow Shields but also from Alice and Bianca, who are commoners in Ken.

"Alicia, you shouldn't say that." Claudia tried to scold Alicia knowing that her protege's words may be considered as an insult for some people in the room.

"I'm sorry, Claudia-sama." She half-hearted apologized, still maintaining the firm belief that commores should simply obey what the nobles declare.

[Outside the classromm walking on the corridors, Waver's shoes resounded loudly with each step he made, showing his frustration on the outside. "Damn professor! Damn professor! Damn professor!"]

"Someone is angry." Said Luu-Luu nonchalantly.

"After being humiliated that way there's no wonder why." Replied Maia.

["Is that how a teacher should act?! He read my article and was jelous of it! He's afraid of my talent! That's why he humiliated me in front of everyone."]

Claudia, seeing the attitude and outburst of Waver, shook her head in disappointment. However she knew that she couldn't blame it for it. He must be feeling frustrated, and as young man he has it hard in controlling his emotions.

"Unfortunately, it's more common than one may think." That was an epiphany that Celestine had recently.

After seeing Shirou's unfair execution just because of the fear and unjustified hatred towards him, she has put herself to think how many injustices have been made under her rule by such dark feelings. Are humans trully worthy of her protection.

["Wah!" Waver exclaimed as he suddenly tripped over something.]

["Ah, sorry. Are you alright?" Asked the man who was transporting the packages with which the young Magus tripped.]

["I-I'm fine." He said, finally regaining his composture and hoping that the delivery man didn't pay attention to what he said.]

"At least he is polite enough to not lead his anger towards someone unrelated." Said Maia with approval at Waver's attitude.

["Aren't you a student from the Evocation Circle? What happened to the conference?" Asked the delivery man wondering what the young Magus was doing outside.]

"Uh oh." Said Prim.

["Um, well.... Professor Archibald asked me to do a charge for him. So I was a little hurried." There was no way for him to admit that he went out from the class because he was too angry at the teacher.]

["I see. That's great. Could you give this to him?" The delivery man handed him a small package.]

["This thing?"]

["I leave it to you. It's supposed to be something important. " Then the delivery man left to continue with his work while Waver was more concentrated on the package on his hands.]

["Something important." He muttered silently. "It was sent from... Macedonia."]

[As if the sound of the thunder was like a lightbulb on his head for him, Waver looked back realizing that there must be a clue for it.]

"Don't tell me that he is thinking in..."

"Yep. Most surely he'll do it." Maia confirmed what Grace was about to say with a smirk after recognizing the look in the young Magus' eyes. The look of someone who was about to do something troublesome.

[Gathering a pile of books Waver began his reasearch in the Tower's library until he finally found something. "This is... So the rumors about Kayneth that he's going to fight in some kind of tournament in the Far East were true." He then gave it a brief look to the package that he took suspecting that it had something to do with those rumors.]

"Will he be alright?" Asked Claudia in concern for the young Magus security after what he has done. Maybe it wasn't too late yet for him to apologize.

"'To be a Magus is to walk with Death'. That's the Association's motto. He took the risk, and now he has to deal with the consecuences."

Claudia grimmace at the bartender's cold words.

"Dude, that's cold." Complained Maia.

"Their words, not mine. Magecraft is a dangerous office. As Magus they put their lives at stake for the sake of their research."

["The Holy Grail War. Over two hundred years ago, the ones known as the founding families, the Einzbern, the Makiri, and the Tohsaka, worked together to evoce the Holy Grail, which was said to have the the power to grant any wish."]

"We already know that." Complained Luu-Luu starting to feel bored.

"But if someone thinks about it. If the Grail is so powerful, why do the participants need to kill each other?" Asked Bianca, which made the others meditate about her words.

If the Holy Grail is so omnipotent as they claim it to be, then why not share it without the need of any bloodshed?

["However, the Grail could only respond to one prayer, and their cooperationd turned into a ruthless War. That was the beginning of the Holy Grail Wars."]

"With such power, that could only be granted to one, conflict was bound to happen." Commented Olga on the background. Humans would always choose conflict to satisfy their greed.

["Since then, once every sixty years, the Grail appears in Fuyuki City. Carefully selecting seven casters and granting them the power to the powerful Heroic Spirits known as Servants."]

"Why once every sixty years." Asked Celestine feeling that something was wrong with the explanation.

"For the Grail to achieve a feat such as 'granting any wish' it needs a great amount of Magical Energy that no Magus dead or alive would be able to supply. So the Grail uses the mana of the earth to recharge itself so ut can be manifested."

"B-But what happens if the Grail appears before time."

"..." The bartender remained silent.

He knew about Celestine's dreams from Zelretch, warning him that she may know a thing or two. So he had to be extra careful in explaining some things to her.

"It's unlikely to happen. The Grail is already programmed to appear every sixty years once its charge has been completed. And the system has continued like that without issues for more of two hundred years." He then paused his words before continuing. "But, if in the improbable case of the Grail appearing before time were to happen. Then, this could only mean that something unexpected had happened during the previous War."

For the majority present this was just a brief explanation on how the Grail works and its system. However, for Celestine it meant something completely different.

If her dreams were correct along with the information presented by the people in the screen, then Shirou must have participated during the Fifth Holy Grail War. But that couldn't be right, as he wasn't a sixty year old man but a boy in his late teens. Kiritsugu also didn't seem to be too much older despite of his haggard appearance during his last moments.

It must have been ten years or so between the Fourth and the Fifth war. However, the bartender already explained that the Grail was already fixated to appear once every sixty years if nothing unexpected were to happen.

It was at that moment when the goddess finally remembered. That hellscape. Those flames that consumed everything in their way, the screams of the people pleading to be saved, a boy too broken that the only thing could was to continue walking to survive, and... a red eclipse.

She then realized, that something must had happend during the last day of the Fourth War. Something terrible.

She didn't know what nor how, but she was certain of two things. That the war would end in tragedy and disaster, and... that Emiya Kiritsugu was in the middle of everything.

[The images of the classes were then displayed as Waver named them. "Archer." A woman aiming her charged bow up. "Saber." A full armored knight with a long red mane holding a sword in front of him with both hands. "Lancer." A man wearing a big hat while holding a long spear in his right hand. "Rider." A knight driving a charriot. "Assassin." A man with his chest naked, wearing black robes and the mask of a skull, while holding black daggers in each hand. "Caster." An old man with long grey beard wearing a traditional hooded mage's outfit, holding a long staff in his left hand. "Berseker." A creature with the tattooed body of a man but with head of a feral beast with the giant horns of a goat, holding a great sword with only one of its clawded hands.]

Some people like Alice, Bianca and even Brynn shuddered at the image of the last card of the beast.

Maia wondered if the card of 'Archer' had somehow something to do with the red bowsman with who she grew very attached.

[Another thunder resounded outside as Waver continued talking. "Divided in seven classes the Servants must die until death to determine who is worthy to obtain the Grail."]

"Each class has their own stenghts and weaknesses, and a specialized style of combat. Saber: users of swords. Archer: users of bows or powerful projectiles. Lancer: users of spears or lances. These three are the three 'Great Knight Classes'."

"Are they strong?" Asked Luu-Luu with renewed interest. She might be a blacksmith, but was also a warrior.

"They are the ones with strongest stats from the seven."

"'Stats'?" Asked Claudia.

"I'll explain it later. As I was saying; Rider: those who in their stories have a powerful or famous mount. Assassin: specialized in espionage and assassination. Caster: spell users or even people whose achievements could be considered as art of magic." He explained the last one remebering that not all Servants from the Caster class were true spell users in life. "And Berserker: individuals that had at least once lost themselves into madness. These last four are the 'Chivalry Classes'. While not considered as the strongest, they are still powerful enough to be threat for the Knight classes."

["So the Holy Grail War is a battle of pure skill, where titles and influence mean nothing." Waver couldn't help but smile in excitement at his words. "That's the perfect place for me."]

"Oh no. Please don't do it." Said Claudia having an idea on what he was about to do. And she didn't like it.

[He then continued his reading noticing another piece of information. "It's also said that to summon a Servant it is necessary a relic from them to use as a catalyst."]

"Interesting." Said Olga in understanding.

She had to admit that despite of being made by humans, the system with which this 'Holy Grail War' worked was trully fascinating for her. To use a belonging from the 'hero' as conection to evoque their spirits and then made them fight for their summoners, or in this case, Masters.

["A relic." He then looked at the package at his side and without thinking twice he opened the wrap with a knife. Inside there was a black box which he opened to reveal a piece of red cloth, making him smile in excitement.]

[Thunder sounded once again, as a sign of the near future to come.]

"Please don't do it." Claudia pleaded one more time. But she knew that it was already too late to do something, even if she was there.

[In a plane directing towards Fuyuki, Waver with a smile held the box containing the catalyst, with a hopeful look in his eyes.]

"My Goddess. That idiot truly did it." In exasperation, Claudia had to contain her hand to not palm herself at the stupidity that that young man just made.

"What's the matter Claudia. Aren't you happy that the boy just ruined that asshole's plans?" Maia commented with amusement in her voice. She had to prise the boy for having the balls to stole the reliq from his teacher.

"I don't think you understand the gravity of this, Maia." Her irritated voice made the red-haired and the others at heir sides back away not wanting to receive the blast of an angry Claudia. Even Celestine who was a deity, was afraid of what the mature knightess could do when someone pisses her off. "The only thing that the kid achieved was to get himself a pass direct to hell! The only reason why he is participating it gain himself some respect and glory, nothing more. War is not a game!"

If Claudia were to have her guantlets right now, she would have completely destroyed the table by how strong she just slamed her fist on its surface.

Celestine warily placed her hand on her friend's shoulder, calming down the angered mature knightess.

"I'm sorry, Celestine-sama. I've just lost control of my emotions." She gave her mistress an apologetic look.

Celestine just shook her head in understanding. "Don't worry, Claudia. I undertsand. What happened, happened. For the moment, let's pray for the young Waver's well being."

"Yes." She responded with a small. But she promised herself that if there was a chance to meet him in person, she would pull his ears and give him a piece of her mind.

[In the basement of an occidental mansion, there was a magic item printing with a pen on a scroll information that was sent to Tokiomi, who waited patiently for it to finish.]

"What is that?" Asked Luu-Luu becoming interested in the foreign device.

"I don't know the official name, but you could consider it as a magic item that receives messages from distant places and transcribes them into scrolls.".


[On the background, Kirei just entered the room from the stairs at the same time the magic item finished its work. Tokiomi the cut the scroll with a dagger to read its content.]

["No matter how many times I see it, that device it's simply atrocious from my point of view."]

"Because he was from the Church." Asked Brynn.

"I don't think so." Replied Maia. The man didn't seem to care too much about those things. But, who was she to judge?

["I've received a report from the Clockwork Tower. Lord El-Melloi has adquired another relic. His participation is now assured."]

"Tch. I hoped for that privileged asshole to be kicked out after losing his reliq. He had another one?" Maia complained in disapointment with a muttered tone. She really didn't like that man the first second he saw it.

"That's not how it works. Once a Master receives their Command Seals their participation is more than assured. To lose a relic to use as a catalyst is nothing more than a small inconvenience."

"Haa~. I suppose that I expected to much then." She just hoped that the 'loss' of his reliq really costed him some time.

["I'm still concerned about the other two are still missing." Said Kirei.]

["Do not worry." Assured Tokiomi while looking at his disciple. "When the moment arrives, the Grail will select the seven independently of their skill. Those who complete the group are often the weakest. There's no need to worry about them."]

"Oh great. Not only he is 'mister father of the year', he also is underestimating his opponents." Maia sarcastically comolained once again, but with a different person.

She is a mercenary, someone who has been trained to survive in the battlefield. And if there was something that she learned even if it meant to do it by the hard way, is to not underesti.ate your oponents.

One can't possibly know how a battle may go, nor what kind of strategies their opponents may used. If they are not careful, only death awaits them.

Not to mention that not only the Masters were participating, but their Servants also. Who knows what kind of trick would they have under their sleeve.

["And talking about relative issues. Kirei, no one has saw you entering the mansion."]

"So they were serious about their alliance." Commented Brynn.

["Do not worry. There are no familiars nor magic artifacts, visible nor visible overwatching this mansion. That-"]

["That I guarantee it." An ethereal voice echoed in the room. It wasn't Kirei nor Tokiomi who said it, but the other entity hidding in the shadows.] 

Some of the spectators almost jumped back from their seats after hearing the sudden appearance of the voice.

"Wha-" Chloe was about to ask in consternation for not feeling any presence as a trained assassin.

[With a black smoke his body took form, revealing a scrawny yet lean man with black skin, his face covered with the mask of a skull. "No matter what tricks they use, they cannot fool the eyes of the master of trickery, Hassan."]

"A Servant." Celestine confirmed, already experienced at being in front of one of them even if it was in dreams.

"A Dark Elf?" Asked Olga.

"No, a human. But I don't blame you for the confusion." The bartender's words made the queen raise an eyebrow, but she had to accept it after noticing that the Servant didn't have the characteristic long eras from the elves.

["There's no trace of anyone following my Master." The Servant bowed with his right hand on the chest and the left one on his back. "Go in peace."]

["Once a Servants manifests my father will know it. The other Masters won't act for a while."]

"The overseer has the privilege to know when a Servant is summoned or defeated to maintain the Masters informed. By the rules, once all the seven Servants are summoned, the War officially starts."

["Assassin, you may go. Continue overwatching the surroundings." Ordered Kirei.]

["As you wish." And just as he appeared, with a black smoke no trace of his existence was left.]

"That's... a very powerful presence concealment." Said Claudia calmly, while in the inside she was shivering. After many years of training an death experiences, she thought that could find any assassin no matter where they hid.

However, right now, she couldn't feel his presence at all. She didn't even knew if Hassan already left the place.

[The magic item started working again, while Tokiomi continued with the conversation. "However it's only a matter of time for them to do it. In the end, the familiars of other Master will surely come to this place."]

["What is that?" Kirei asked, noticing the other scroll already finished.]

["Something completely different." Tokiomi then cut the scroll in the same way he did with the previous one. "I was gathering information about the Einzbern's Master."]

"Is he talking about Kiritsugu?" Asked Claudia.

["Nine years ago, the Einzberns, a famous family known for the purity of their lineage suddenly sheltered a Magus outside their family."]

"One year before Illyasviel's birthday." Noticed Grace. 'Did the man met Irisviel at that time?'

["Inside of a cathedral, three people were present. Irisviel and Kiritsugu were kneeling before an old man that had the same long white hair and red eyes from the woman, with the addition of a beard. The old man was wearing a white long robe with golden accents that covered him until his feet.]

["The Einzberns have dedicated themselves exclusively to alchemy, which makes them not suitable for combat. Their defeats during the previous Grail War are testimony of that fact. They must have run out of patience."]

"Due to the weak constitution of the Einzberns and their lack of ofensive tactics made them an easy prey durin the Grail Wars. It's not exageration to say that during each one of them, they were always the first one to lose." Explained the bartender.

"I can only imagine how frustrated they must be feeling." Commented Brynn. To be the first to lose and then having to wait sixty years only to lose again. She would lose her mind if it were her.

["The man that they chose is perfect for that role." Kirei looked at his mentor as the latter pused his words, wanting to hear the man's name. "Emiya Kiritsugu." The back of the man was diplayed. And then with a severe look in his eyes Tokiomi spoke once again. "A man known as the Magus Killer."]

[The voided black eyes of the man felt like they could see through everyone in front of him.]

"Magus... Killer." Maia repeated the name as if tasting it on her tongue. By his title, it was more than obvious than the man specialized in killing Magus. And by the look in his eyes, he was a professional.

The others felt uncomfortable under the man's gaze. Despite of knowing that he couldn't really see them, they felt like didn't have anywhere to hide in front of them.

However, there were those, like Luu-Luu who were too carefree to even notice or even feel intimidated by Kiritsugu's eyes. She just sat in her place looking at a glass with fake interest while everything happened.

"Quite an ominous name if I have to say it." Said Anna. Her eyes cold and inexpressive felt as if they were defying Kiritsugu's in some kind of contest.