
Enzo's Captive: Bound by Darkness

She was a flower whom he wanted to possess and he was her nightmare, the one haunting her every dream a beautiful young teenager who was living her bright shining life but it all turned dark when a certain mistake was committed, one mistake and her whole life turned upside down After fighting her fears for so long when she finally thought she succeeded it all tarnished the moment he came back for her after 10years a cruel mafia billionaire who set his eyes on a particular someone, when he thought he lost her and craved for her for years a miracle happened, this time he is set to end the cat and lion chase to finally make her his ---------------- "you think you could escape me?" he slowly took steps towards me while I step back, each step full of power and anger "It was funny how you could think about that" his voice dripping with mockness My back hit the wall, halting my steps as he came forward chuckling darkly, his dark bottomless eyes only looking at me, piercing each part of my body "but now Bella, now I won't ever let you go, the last time you succeeded but this time I will make sure that each part of yours will only bind with me" "you cannot own me, you never did nor you will" I shot back with the last courage I had, his hand slammed on the wall by my side making me flinch, his hot breath fanning on my face "you are mine and only mine and it is time I let everyone know who you belong to and mark every inch of your skin! I dare anyone to touch you and I will make sure to burn their whole life down" he yelled "And amore... I can promise you that"

Thekanggirl · Urban
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25 Chs

Chapter-20, little knights


It is morning. Alora got up from bed yawning .She stretched her hands in the air. She looked around her and frowned seeing no signs of Enzo. Shrugging she went to the bathroom .she took a warm bath washing away all her fatigue and after she applied lotion on her body. She changed into a black floral tight summer dress

She half dried her hair with the hairdryer and left the rest for air drying. She applied moisturizer on her face and a lip balm on her lips

She walked downstairs and saw the workers had already started their jobs. All of them bowed and greeted in respect to which she replied back. It still feels foreign to her. Whenever they do things like that she can't help but feel embarrassed. No matter how much she have told them not to do that, they still don't listen to her and only says one thing, "This is sir's order"

They are still scared of him and doesn't dare to go against his order

"Good morning Miss Alora" greeted Florina

"Good morning to you too Florina" Alora greeted back. Smiling warmly as her

"Please wait just a moment. I will bring your breakfast " Florina said

"Okay. Um...Florina?" She called Florina as she turned around and was about to enter the kitchen

"Yes?" She asked turning back

"Where is Enzo?" Alora asked looking here and there. Florina smiled.

"Young master is in his office. He said you can have your breakfast first" said Florina

"Oh okay" Alora mumbled. This is the first time she will be having breakfast without him. Unknowingly she feels abit sad about it. She also haven't seen him since morning.

She adjusted herself on the chair. Shortly after Florina brought her breakfast. She smiled looking at her favourite pepperoni cheese toast with scrambled eggs and a chocolate croissant. She mumbled a soft "Thank you" to her.

Alora was playing with her food taking small bites occasionally. Even though it was her favourite breakfast, for a reason she didn't had the appetite to eat it. Suddenly she felt two big calloused hand cupped her face. He turned her face towards him. Her lips puckered as he squeezed her cheeks. He placed a soft kiss on her cheeks and then on her pouty lips

"Good morning my little wife" Said Enzo

"Good morning" she greeted smiling brightly. The heaviness she was feeling a moment ago vanished the moment she saw him

He sat on the chair next to her and poured her some orange juice as Florina brought his breakfast. They had breakfast in silence. She could feel him staring at her the whole time. He looked somewhat tensed but she didn't dare to ask him anything.

After the breakfast he went to his office and Alora went towards the library. He wanted to stay with her abit longer but had to finish some important paperworks. His work seems to be getting heavier and heavier day by day, thought Alora.

Smell of fresh book engulfed her the moment she stepped into the enormous library. She took a deep breath. Inhaling the familiar scent.

"I missed you" she mumbled softly. Not to someone but to the books. She went to grab the book she left half read last time. The book mark is still on the same page.

She flopped on the sofa and started to enjoy the book in her hand


"Come in" Alora said

She glanced towards the door and saw Florina making her entrance inside the library, trailing a cart.

"Sorry to disturb you Miss. But I have a favour to ask" she said

Alora got up from the sofa. She bookmarked the page and placed it on the table.

"It's fine. What is it?" She asked

"Can you please take the young master's coffee to his office? He hasn't been out of his office since morning. I am afraid he is overworking himself " said Florina

"Oh....but will it be alright?" Alora asked sounding hesitant

"Of course. I am sure his mood will brighten if he sees you" Florina said smiling

Alora couldn't say no to that smile so she hesitantly agreed .Smiling brightly Florina pushed her towards his office. She handed her the cart once they were infront of his office door and ushered her to go inside.

"Don't worry it will be fine" Florina assured before leaving

Alora took a deep breath before knocking on the door twice

"Come in" came his deep authoring voice from the other side

She opened the door slowly and pushed the cart inside. Enzo was on his desk with some paperworks in hand.

He wore a simple black shirt with some of the buttons on top undone. His chiseled chest is visible. His hair messy but still looked clean. He also wore a thin round shape glass

"What is it-" he stopped once he looked up. "What are you doing here babygirl?" He asked surprised. His tone changed instantly to a sweet one.

"Bring you coffee" Alora replied as she neared towards his table. She took the coffee cup from the cart and placed it on his table. The whole time he stared at her smiling to himself.

"You didn't had enough of your breakfast. So Florina also prepared some fruits for you" she said while placing the bowl of fruits on his table

"Come here" he said smiling, gesturing her to come by his hand. He removed his glasses as she went near him. Alora yelped when he suddenly pulled her by her wrist and made her sit on his lap

" You look so beautiful tesoro" he said brushing some strands of her hair from her face .He buried his head in her neck. Embracing her tightly

"You have no idea how happy it made me feel after seeing you serve me coffee" he mumbled

"It makes me so happy when you do small things like that for me as a wife" he said. "I still can't believe you are my wife. It feels like a dream..... I have always dreamt about this day" he murmured on her neck.

Alora sat there silently. Not being able to say anything. After a while he pulled away. "Thank you tesoro" he said smiling. He pecked on her cheeks softly. "Welcome" Alora said lowly. A soft blush coated her cheeks. She looked down from shyness

There was a moment of silence between them. He kept staring at her as she played with his shirt button

"Um... So... is everything alright?" Alora asked trying to break the awkward silence between them. "Yes everything is fine darling" he said

"But you look tensed since this morning. You were not even in the room when I woke up. Are you frustrated with something?" She asked sounding concerned. Enzo smiled slightly. 'She is finally getting used to me' he thought. He has been staring at her since this morning. She can say he is struggling with something.

Enzo sighed looking down.

"From tommorow I have to leave for office" said Enzo. Alora nodded in response and ushered him to continue.

"And I have to leave you alone in here" he said. Alora frowned hearing him. " It's fine. There are maids in the house. I won't be alone" she said

"But I don't want to stay away from you" Enzo whined. He hugged her tightly and buried his head in her neck again. He looked like a child. But he doesn't careless about it. If he have to act like a baby to get her attention then he will gladly do so.

It is the first time after their honeymoon he is going to leave her alone. It might seem to be a small thing but it isn't for him. He didn't want to be away from her. Not even for a moment. He tried to distance himself from her as much as he can but it didn't work even for a bit. Infact he started to crave her more and more

In the past he used to keep himself busy in work. Even though he had a mansion it never felt like home for him. It was like another luxurious thing he owned. He avoided coming back to the mansion. That is why he mostly used to sleep in his office.

But after Alora entered his life it all changed. He found his home. Where he could find peace and happiness. She was his home and the reason why he wants to stay with her at all times.

A smiled tugged on his lips thinking about how much his life changed, how this isn't a mansion anymore but his home, their home.

He doesn't want to leave her alone. No matter how pathetic he sounds he want to stay by her side all the time.

"It's okay. It will be fine. You can't delay your office work" Alora said as she gently rubbed Enzo's back. His muscles visibly relaxed under her touch. He sighed.

"I want to show you something " said Enzo as he broke the hug.

Alora tilted her hand in confusion. "Show what?" She asked. Enzo smiled. "It's a surprise" he said booping her nose. Alora frowned pouting.

"Let's go" Enzo said. He put Alora down from his lap and was about to get up. "Wait" she said stopping his movements. "You need to have your fruits first" she pointed towards the bowl of fruits.

Enzo wanted to deny eating but thought about another way. "Feed me" he said smirking. Alora looked at him flustered

"W-what? Why would I? You have perfect hands, feed your own self " She said turning towards the window

"My hands are tired from working all day. Can't you even feed this poor man some fruits?" He fake whined. He knows Alora will not turn away from a man in need of help. Her innocence is too much to make her do that.

She came near him pouting."Fine" she grumbled and started to feed Enzo. He smiled at her submission.

After she finished feeding him they went towards the garden. She looked around confused and blinked her eyes multiple time to clear her vision. Alora was in awe seeing the garden. "I renovated the garden during our honeymoon. I wanted to make it more beautiful for you." Enzo said

Alora smiled watching the garden. It was beautiful before but it looks more magestic now. " Come. Let me take you somewhere else as well" Enzo said as he held Alora's hand.

He dragged Alora towards the glass greenhouse. Alora was once more in awe. The greenhouse looked straight out of book. Surrounded with thousands of flowers and plants

They went inside the greenhouse. There was a waterfall in the middle of the greenhouse. Alora slowly dipped her hand inside the cold water of the waterfall. A smile played on her lips as she enjoyed the feeling. She traveled her eyes around the huge and beautiful garden. She saw a swing with vines and flowers. Enzo looked at her lovingly. He went towards her admiring her smile.

He stood behind her and wrapped his arm around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder. "I prepared this greenhouse for you. Did you like it?" He asked. Alora nodded her head excitingly. "Yes. I love it" she squealed. Smiling brightly. Enzo smiled brightly. He felt relax knowing she liked it.

"There is another thing I want to show you" he said. Alora turned towards him. Enzo blew a whistle and Alora stared at him not knowing what he is doing.

She was still staring at him when she heard a loud bark from her left side. She turned a little

"Eek" Alora jumped from surprise. She took a few steps back, her back collided with Enzo's chest. He held her in his possesive hold.

Alora stared wide eyed, infront of her was two huge Siberian husky, like really huge.

"Sit" Enzo commanded and both the dogs settled down. Alora lov dogs. In her college days she used to volunteer at dog shelters. She always wanted to have a dog but because of her mother's allergy of dogs she was never able to have one.

The dogs infront of her was very big. Atleast half of her size. Which is why she is feeling even more scared of them.

"Sweetheart" called Enzo. She looked at him. "Don't be scared amor mio. They won't do anything to you. It is for your own safe" Enzo cooed. Rubbing her arms gently. Trying to calm her down. "S-safety?" Alora asked confused.

"They are your guard dogs" Enzo announced. Her eyes wide opened. "G-guard dogs?" She asked

"My love" said Enzo and cupped her face. "I have a lot of enemies in this world and you are my only weakness. They will try to do anything to harm you and I don't want anything to harm you. This are trained guard dogs. They will keep you safe in my absence.okay" Enzo said.

10years ago he did a mistake by being reckless and now he is ready to do anything to keep her safe. He already prepared secret guards for her who will protect her in his absence and now he also prepared his guard dogs for her.

Alora nodded in response. "Words babygirl" Enzo commanded. "Okay" she softly said. He smiled at her submission. He placed a soft kiss on her forehead. "Good girl. Now let's introduce you to the warriors" he said turning to the two fluff balls who were looking at Alora curiously. They were eagerly waiting for their master's order so that they can meet the new person infront of them.

" This is Thor" he said pointing towards the white husky whose ear perked up hearing his name being called. He barked in acknowledgement. "And this is wolf" he said pointing towards the brown one. He also barked in acknowledgement and started to spin around excitedly . Alora's heart swooned by their cuteness.

"C-can I pet them?" She asked hesitantly. "Of course darling. They are yours" Enzo said. "T-They will not bite right?" She asked again. "They know better not to do that or else they won't live to see another day." he said glaring at the two dogs. Alora shudder in fear. She looked away. The two dogs whimpered getting intimidated by his sudden change of aura.

Alora slowly walked towards the two dogs and reached her hand to pet them. They sniffed her hand and started to nuzzle their head in her hand. Both of them started to nuzzle and wag their tail excitedly. Alora giggled seeing their excitement. This is the first time the dogs are being friendly with someone else other than their master,Enzo. 'This hoomen is good. She smells like master ' the dogs thought.

"They are so cute" Alora cooed cupping Thor's face. "Darling they are anything but cute" Enzo said smirking. This are killer dogs. They have killed and seen many deaths than any dogs ever have. They always had their fur drenched in blood. They never let anyone touch them other than Enzo. The servants who are in charge of taking care of this dogs were shocked to see them act this friendly with Alora. Even after taking care of them for days the dogs still don't let anyone to touch them. They growl dangerously if they sense any other unfamiliar presence around them. But seeing them act this cute shocked Enzo as well.

"Don't say that" Alora said pouting. "They are the cutest boy ever" Alora said smiling. The dogs barked and jumped excitedly hearing her praise them. Alora giggled. Enzo looked displeased. "Fottuto idiota" (Fucking moron) he muttered under his breath. Never ever he thought he would feel jealous of just a dog.

"Okay enough" said Enzo getting irritated. "Playtime is over". Alora pouted looking at the dogs as they also whined. "Take them away" he ordered the care takers. They nodded and went to take the dogs but the growled in response. They resfuse to leave. Alora crouched down to them and patted both of them. "Lets play next time. We are friends right?" She asked extending her hand. Both of them placed their hand in her and barked happily. Alora giggled and waved them bye.

Enzo came and hugged ger from behind. He burried his head in her neck. She brushed through his hair by her hand. "Give me some attention too" He mumbled. Alora froze for a moment. She broke the hug and immediately turned to him. She cupped his face and made him look at her. Her mouth agap as she saw him pouting.

"Don't tell me you are jealous by a dog" she said. "No I am not!" He denied immediately. His ears turned red from emberassment. "It just- its just I don't want you to ignore me. I want all your attention to me" he said softly. Alora "aw is my little baby jealous of a dog" she cooed teasingly. Enzo was both shocked and emberassed. His cheeks turned red when she called him by a nick name.

She smiled and pinched his nose teasingly. "Don't worry. You have all my attention" she said. Enzo smile. "Really?" He asked. She nodded profusely. Enzo stared at her innocent eyes. He always get drunk in those innocent and star like eyes. He cupped one side of her face and pulled her closer by her waist.

"Thank you for coming in to my life tesoro" he said softly. "I guess I had a miserable life in the past so that I can meet you in the future. And I don't regret going through all those shits as I have met you. I am ready to suffer from anything if you are the one standing for me at the end of the journey" he said looking at her eyes as he caressed her cheeks with his thumb.

Alora stayed silent. She doesn't know what to say. For the first time she saw this much of love in someone's eye. He looked at her lovingly. A gaze which made her feel overwhelmed. She hugged him and stayed silent. "Thank you for teaching me how to love amor mio" he said hugging her tightly.


It is morning and Alora is struggling to convince Enzo.

"But I don't want to " she said pouting. Enzo cupped her face and made her look at him. "But sweetheart I want you to go to the office with me today" He said.

"But why?" Alora whined. Enzo's smile fell. "I want you to show around the office. You are Mrs.Salvatore now. You have to visit the office in the future eventually " he said shrugging. "But I don't want to go" she said lowly fiddling with her finger.

Enzo's jaw clenched. He took a deep breath to calm himself down. He smirked when a plan crossed his mind. " If so then you can't meet your parents" he said, her head snapped towards him, "what?" She asked

Enzo smiled. " I wanted to take you to your parents house tommorow if you had gone to the office with me today. But it seems you don't want to meet them" he said casually taking a slice of his breakfast. Alora contemplated her decision for a second. "Really?" She asked. Enzo nodded.

Alora smiled brightly. "Then I will go. I will get ready in a second" she said excitedly. "First finish your breakfast" Enzo stated. "It's fine. I am full" she said and hurriedly got up from her chair. She rushed to her bedroom. Enzo chuckled seeing her excitement.

Alora hurriedly went to her closet and started to look around the closet. She tried multiple ones and finally landed on one particular dress. She changed into a white blouse with a bow on its neck and wore a short black skirt which reached upto her thighs.

She left her hair open and straightend them slightly. She did light makeup, packed her purse, put on her black boots and was ready to go .


"Omg did you hear who is about to come today?" Mera, a employee of Salvatore enterprise chirped.

Some women looked up at her , "yeah I heard" a girl mumbled. "I can't believe he is finally bringing his wife to the office " Mera chirped again. " Same I thought I wouldn't be able to see her ever. Mr.Salvatore hide her identity so well. He didn't even let any press to expose her pictures in the social media" another girl said.

"I can't believe she was capable to melt that ice berks heart. It sounds like a fairytale" Mera squealed. "Stop saying nonsense. What if its an arrange marriage? Or if she had seduced him" another girl said rolling her eyes.

"Oh please Esme. He himself confessed to the press that he married his long time lover. And about seducing huh" Mera scoffed. " They will be dead even before they can get to lay a hand on him. Don't you remember what happened to the previous employee?" she said.

Everyone nodded in agreement except for one, Esme.

She stomped her coffee mug on the table and got up abruptly. Everyone flinched from her action. " Shut up!" She yelled. "Don't be a fool by just rumours. You have no idea who she actually can be" She said and turned around to leave.

"What's wrong with her?" Some girls murmured staring at her leaving form. Mera shrugged.

Esme stomped her feet angrily towards the washroom. She slammed the washroom door shut and locked it. "How can they trust someone by just from rumours?" She muttered staring at her reflection in the mirror.

Esme a employee in Salvatore Enterprise. She has medium length blond hair which she styles professionally every day. Her chocolate brown eyes always shine in diligence. She has been a long term employee in Salvatore enterprise. She is the assistant of Enzo's secretary. She takes great pride in her work. This is why she is always serious about Salvatore Enterprise.

This is an empire solely build by Enzo's hardship. He worked hard alone from a young age and made this empire the greatest enterprise in the whole world. She always admired him and respected this company. She always tried to do better things for this company but when she heard the marriage news of the person she admires, she broke.

She doesn't want any harm for the company. When she heard about his marriage she thought she was a gold-digger. Marrying him for his wealth.

Even though she denied her feelings a thousand times she still can't help how she feels around Enzo. How her heartbeat quickens when he is near.

As a result, a mist of jealousy and hatred grew within her for his bride, his wife Alora. She clenched her fist tightly. "Let's see who you are Mrs. Salvatore" she muttered lowly, staring straight at her reflection.