
Enzo's Captive: Bound by Darkness

She was a flower whom he wanted to possess and he was her nightmare, the one haunting her every dream a beautiful young teenager who was living her bright shining life but it all turned dark when a certain mistake was committed, one mistake and her whole life turned upside down After fighting her fears for so long when she finally thought she succeeded it all tarnished the moment he came back for her after 10years a cruel mafia billionaire who set his eyes on a particular someone, when he thought he lost her and craved for her for years a miracle happened, this time he is set to end the cat and lion chase to finally make her his ---------------- "you think you could escape me?" he slowly took steps towards me while I step back, each step full of power and anger "It was funny how you could think about that" his voice dripping with mockness My back hit the wall, halting my steps as he came forward chuckling darkly, his dark bottomless eyes only looking at me, piercing each part of my body "but now Bella, now I won't ever let you go, the last time you succeeded but this time I will make sure that each part of yours will only bind with me" "you cannot own me, you never did nor you will" I shot back with the last courage I had, his hand slammed on the wall by my side making me flinch, his hot breath fanning on my face "you are mine and only mine and it is time I let everyone know who you belong to and mark every inch of your skin! I dare anyone to touch you and I will make sure to burn their whole life down" he yelled "And amore... I can promise you that"

Thekanggirl · Urban
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25 Chs

Chapter -23, lost


He slowly wrapped his hand around my neck in a light grip. I panicked . What if he chokes me to death?

"Should I do it? I see you have started to disobey me" he said. His face showed no emotion other than pure anger.

"I-I am sorry. P-please d.on't" I said whimpering in his hold. I was confused by his sudden change. Just this morning he was fine and now he is acting like this. " You better don't anger me Amorè. You have no idea what more I can do" he said as he got closer to my neck.

"I am s-sorry" I said. My eyes were breaming with unshed tears. Just the thought of my brother getting tortured made me tear up. I don't want to harm him again.

Enzo sighed in my neck. He let go of my neck and hugged me, pulling me by my waist. "I am sorry Cuoricina" he said " I have no idea what I am doing. I just got scared, what if you leave me again " . I bite my lips not knowing what to say.

"I am sorry, I hurt you. I didn't intend to do so" he said as he pulled out of my neck. My eyes refused to meet his. I just stared at his chest.

How can he say sorry after threatening me with my brother's life and brush it off like nothing happened?

"Cara Mia. Please look at me. I am sorry" he said .His voice sounded like a whine. I took a deep breath to clear my mind. I looked in his eyes. They were reflecting panic and softness for me . But guilt is nowhere shown.

I know he is trying to read me which he can't .Cause I also learned how to put on a mask, thanks to him. I softly smiled and cupped his face. "It's okay. Don't scare me like this. Just don't do this again okay?" I said softly. He nodded like a puppy. I smiled.

He suddenly pulled me up in the air making me gasp. I quickly held his shoulder for support. "W-what are you doing?" I asked only to get no answer. He walked towards the sofa and put me down gently. I sat down on my knees looking at him confused.

He also sat down beside me and embraced me in a hug. He rested his head on my chest. Which made me blush slightly. "Can I stay like this for sometime?" He asked. "b-but..." I said hesitantly. I am afraid of what if someone walks in suddenly.

"Please" he pleaded looking up at me. His Chin resting on my chest. His eyes looked like a sad puppy and I couldn't refuse him. "Okay...but not for much longer and don't do anything weird" I scolded. He smiled and buried his head into my chest.

The position felt embarrassing but if it makes him calm down then I don't mind doing this. Atleast he will be less dangerous. I brushed my fingers through his soft curls. I love touching his hair. It's so soft and silky. I know he likes it too as he moans everytime in delight whenever I do this .

"Is everything alright?" I asked. He hummed softly. "I just missed you a lot" he said. I chuckled. Sometimes he acts like a 6year old child missing his mother.

" I am right here silly" I said pinching his nose.


It was morning. Enzo already went to his office. I was baking some cookies with the maids. I made some cookies less sweet for Enzo and gave the rest to the maids. They were more than happy to receive the cookies. I am glad they liked them.

"You can go get changed dear. I will pack the cookies for you" said Florina. I smiled and thanked her. "Thank you so much Florina. I will leave the rest to you" I said. I removed my apron and made my way towards my room.

Today I planned to bake cookies for Enzo and surprise him at his office. I took a quick shower and changed into a blue floral top with jeans short skirt. I did simple dewy makeup. Half tied my hair with a sky blue ribbon, tied like a bow. I wore my jewelries and put on my nude box heels.

I left after checking everything in my bag. Declan was already outside, waiting for me beside the car. I took the cookie box from Florina and got inside the car as Declan opened the door for me. I thanked him and sat inside.

The entire ride I was nervous and excited. It was the first time I made something for him. I kinda feel nervous if he will like it or not.

After awhile the car stopped infront of the huge office building. I stepped out of the car and took a deep breath before entering the office building.

After reaching Enzo's floor I saw Sirius standing outside. Wearing his classic black suit. "Hello Sirius" I greeted. "Hello Mrs. Alora. You are looking beautiful" he complimented. I blushed. "Really? Thank you" I said softly.

"But please don't tell this to Mr. Salvatore. He will kill me if he hears I complimented his wife" he said pleadingly. "Oh sure don't worry" I said giving him an assuring smile. I know how possessive Enzo can get over me.

He was that much angry after I was slightly late that day, he will burst out like a volcano if he hears a man complimented me.

"Sir is in a meeting. You can wait inside till I inform him about your arrival" Sirius said and was about to turn around but I stopped him by tucking him by his elbow abruptly. He looked at me surprised.

I immediately retreated my hand. "I can wait inside. I don't want to disturb him during his meeting" I said. "But Ma'am sir has specially instructed us to inform him whenever you arrive" said Declan.

"But he is in a meeting, it will be highly disrespectful for others if he abruptly leave the meeting in the middle of discussion. I will be in his office anyway, nothing will happen." I said trying to convince them. They looked at eachother, trying to come to a conclusion through eye contact. "Don't worry I am in his office anyways" I said . They hesitantly nodded.

"Okay miss. But please if anything happens you can call for us immediately " said Sirius. I nodded smiling. "Oh there is a gift for you" I said and handed Declan a box of cookies which I prepared for them separately.

"I also made cookies for you guys. This is a small token of appreciation for protecting me and Enzo. Thank you so much for your hard work" I said smiling. Their eyes widened for a moment and for the first time I saw both of them smiling. A genuine hearty smile. I blinked a few times as I thought I was imagining things.

"Thank you very much Mrs. Alora. This is the first time someone gifted us something wholeheartedly. We will try our best to not let any harm touch you" said Declan sincerely. "Yes. Thank you very much Ma'am" said Sirius.

"Your welcome. I hope you will like this cookies" I said and waved them bye before entering into Enzo's office. It was dead silent. I placed the box of cookies on the table and started to roam around the room.

Soon I felt bored. There is nothing to do here. I peeked outside the office and saw both Declan and Sirius were absent. I got out and started to explore the other sides of the office. "Atleast today I can see the whole office" I muttered to myself.

After a while of roaming around I felt lost. The halls all seemed the same and unfamiliar. I started to feel panicked. This floor was more huge than I have imagined. My heart started to beat faster. I even left my phone in Enzo's office. Only God knows what will happen if he heard I went out alone.



"The meeting is done. I want the work done within next week. I don't want any delay" I said sternly and left the room. My secretary followed behind. After I left the meeting I saw Declan standing outside. I scrunched my eyebrows, glaring at him. I suddenly felt nervous seeing him here.

"Why are you here? I told you to stay by Alora's side and protect her. What are you doing here?" I asked darkly. He looked down from my intimidation. "S-sir Mrs. Salvatore is here" he said stammering.

A sense of relief washed over me. I am glad atleast she is safe and is here. "What is she doing here?" I asked.

"She came to visit you sir. She is waiting in the office room for you" he said. I smiled. My heart warmed as I imagined her waiting for me in my office. It strangely felt good knowing she came to visit me on her own accord. She is finally starting to accept me.

"Let's go then" I said and started to stride towards my office. Sirius also greeted me, which I chose to ignore . I am more excited about seeing my lovely little wife.

I excitedly went inside the office. But frowned when I didn't see her inside. I checked the bedroom and didn't see her either. I searched the whole office even the terrace but there were no signs of her. Her bag and a box was on the sofa. She even left her phone.

I started to feel anger seeping inside me. The thought of someone harming her made my blood boil. I immediately called Sirius and Declan. They both rushed in.

"You called for us-". " WHERE THE HELL IS ALORA!?" I yelled slamming the table. They both flinched .Fear was evident on their faces.

"S-sir" Sirius was about to say something but I cut him off again. "I TOLD YOU BOTH TO PROTECT HER! WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU DOING!?" I Yelled again.

"I will give you 5mins. Find her." I said calmly but danger and cold warning was evident in my tone.

"If you can't find her in 5minutes then don't even dream about seeing the sun rise next day" I said darkly. Their faces paled. "LEAVE" I yelled again and they scurried away immediately.

I clutched my hair and growled loudly. I wiped away all the things on my desk out of anger. I can't have any harm befall her. Not when she is finally accepting me.



"Oh no" Alora gasped . She immediately took a few steps back and started to brush her skirt by her hand. The girl infront of her also tried to wipe away the coffee stain, panicking.

"I am so sorry. I am so sorry" the girl started to repeat it again and again like a parrot. Her hands were shaking. "H-hey. It's okay" said Alora. She could see that the girl was panicking.

"No it's not. It will probably leave a stain" the girl said. "I am so s-" the girl stopped speaking the moment she looked up at Alora. Her eyes widened. She immediately backed away.

"Y-you" she started to say. "You are Mrs. Salvatore right?" She asked surprised. Alora nodded. "Yes I am b-" she was cut off my the girl. "Oh my gosh! I spilled coffee on the boss's wife " she said and bowed. "I will compensate for the skirt. I am sorry "

"H-hey don't bow. Please. Get up" said Alora. She was getting embarrassed. The girl slowly looked up.

"It's fine. Don't worry. I know you didn't do it on purpose. You don't need to compensate" said Alora. "but it will leave a stain" said the girl. " The stain can be removed. So rest assured " said Alora giving her a heartwarming kind smile. She knows the coffee stain cannot be removed still she didn't wanted the girl to panic more.

"B-but I still feel guilty" said the girl. "In that case can you help me with something else?" asked Alora. The girl looked at her confused. "Sure what is it?" She asked.

"I am a bit lost. Can you help me find Enzo's office room?" Alora said with pleading eyes. The girl couldn't say no to her eyes and agreed hesitantly.

"Great thank you. My name is Alora Hayes Salvatore. May I know yours?" asked Alora as she extended her hand for a handshake. Smiling brightly as ever. The girl hesitantly shooked her hand with hers

"I-I am Esme Katladan" said the girl.


Esme looked at Alora beside her. She couldn't help but get swooned by her innocence. She had an angelic gentle aura around her. All this time Esme thought Alora was an spoiled girl with an bitchy attitude.

But her perspective changed the moment she saw her up close. She was a natural beauty with a kind personality. If there was any other women instead of Alora they would have already fired Esme for ruining their expensive outfit. But instead of getting angry Alora assured her and even thanked her for helping her.

Esme was having mixed feelings about Alora. She was doubting herself. She was doubting if it was all an act of Alora. If she was pretending to be kind. But she didn't even knew who Esme was. Which left no options for her to act infront of her in the first place.

Esme was so consumed in her thoughts that she didn't even noticed when they arrived infront of Enzo's office. She broke out of her trance when Alora spoke.

"Ah we are here" said Alora. She turned towards Esme. "Thank you so much for helping me. If it wasn't for you I would have remained lost" said Alora. Her eyes sparkled with sincerity. Esme cleared her throat before speaking.

"Please be careful the next time you leave alone. This floor is a bit tricky. Only a handful of person who have worked here for along time and stayed beside Mr. Enzo knows about this place. People like me, who have followed him for a long time" said Esme with a poker face. There was a hint of arrogancy in her tone and words. But Alora's innocent mind didn't bother to think about it much.

"Yes. I will keep that in mind. Thank you for your help" Alora said smiling and went inside Enzo's office after waving Esme bye. Esme stood there dumbfounded . She didn't expect her to reply like that.

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO COME UNTIL YOU FIND HER!" Yelled Enzo as he threw a paperweight in the air. He was facing his back on her. Luckily the paperweight didn't touch Alora. She flinched from his sudden yelling.

"Enzo...." called Alora softly. Enzo's eyes widened and snapped towards the door. There he saw his little heart by the door. She looked pale . He immediately ran towards her and embraced her tightly. Taking Alora by surprise.

"Where were you little one?" Said Enzo" I was so scared".

"I-I was in the office. I was just roaming around this f-floor" said Alora.

He pulled away from the hug and made her look at him. " You could have asked me. I would have taken you for a tour. Why did you leave alone? What if something had happened to you?" Said Enzo.

"B-but I am fine. I was just a bit lost. Luckily I found one of your employee. She helped me here" said Alora. "P-please don't be angry " she said meekly. She was slowly getting emotional by his anger. He doesn't want to bear his wrath .

Enzo sighed. "Babygirl. Don't do this next time" he said making Alora look at him. "You have no idea how worried I was. I already told you babygirl I have lots of enemies. They also might be roaming around my office. I can't risk you to them"he said.

Alora bite her bottom lips. She is starting to feel guilty. "I-I am sorry. I will not do this again" she said lowly. "Promise me you won't do this next time" he said more like ordered. "I-I promise " said Alora.

"Promise what?" He asked raising an eyebrow. Alora looked at him confused but immediately blushed when she understood what he wanted. "I-I promise Daddy" she said meekly. "That's my girl" he praised pecking her forehead.

"But please don't do anything to Sirius and Declan. They have no fault in it" Alora said looking up at him. Enzo's jaw clenched.

" They have done a mistake babygirl and they need punishment for slacking off during work" he said.

"B-but it wasn't their fault. I went out on my own accord please " pleaded Alora. Enzo took a deep breath to control his fuming anger. "And why are you worried about them? Who are they to you?" He asked calmly.

"They are like my brothers. They protect me even though they know their life will be in danger. I will feel guilty if something happens to them. Please don't harm them" said Alora.

"Fine. But they will be warned" said Enzo. Alora wanted to say something in return but got stopped by Enzo. He shushed her by placing a finger on her lips. "No nothing. The bargaining ends now" with that he had the final say. Alora nodded pouting.

"Now let's sit. We have more things to discuss" said Enzo. He pulled Alora towards the sofa but she tucked him back. Enzo raised an eyebrow at her. "I-I need to change" she said. "My dress is stained. I need to go home to change"

Enzo glanced at her clothes and then back at her. "Who did this?" He asked getting angry. He didn't like how another person dirtied her dress. Moreover he is more anger about the fact that what if the coffee was hot.

Alora stammered. "I-it was mistake from my end. It doesn't matter " she said. "Doesn't matter? What if the coffee was hot? You would have burned your skin Alora" he said getting angry. "But it wasn't hot. I am fine. I just...I just need to change" said Alora

Enzo sighed. "Fine. There are some clothes for you inside the closet of the bedroom. You can change into them" he said caressing his temple. Alora frowned at him. He smiled and caressed her cheeks. "I have already kept all of your essentials in the office bedroom babygirl. I knew you would need it sometime" he said.

"Okay" she said and was about to leave but Enzo stopped her by tucking her by her hand. She looked back at him. "Next time this happens, you will say who it was. I won't tolerate any disrespect towards you" he said more like ordered. Alora nodded. "Okay" with that she went towards the bedroom to change.

She opened the closet and was shocked seeing the number of dresses. There were a lot of dresses exactly of her sizes. There were even her underwear inside the wardrobe. She took out one dress with a white lace underwear set. She changed into a half check top with a black tight skirt dress. It had a white bow in the middle. She tried to lift the dress up to cover her huge cleavage but failed to do so. The neck was too deep.

With a huff she came out of the washroom. When she came out of the bedroom she saw Enzo seating on his master chair. He glanced at her and gulped licking his lips. "You are looking beautiful Amorè" he complimented.

Alora blushed. "Thank you" she said meekly. "Now shall we discuss about your punishment?" He said as he got up from the chair. Alora tilted her head in confusion. "Punishment?" She asked . "You went out without my permission Amorè. You need to be punished" he said as he strided towards her. Alora took steps behind as he inched closer to her.

"B-but I already said sorry. I-I just went for some fresh air" she said. "You could have inform me Tesoro. But you didn't. You need to be punished for your disobedience" he said. Alora took more steps backwards.

"Don't run away from me Alora. Come here" he commanded gesturing her by his hand. But she didn't budge. "No I will not. I did nothing wrong and I already said sorry. I don't want punishment. Punish me if you can. " she said clutching the back of the sofa.

"A huh? So you want to play cat and mouse? So be it" with that he plunged towards her. Alora ran from the spot. She ran and went behind Enzo's master chair before he could catch her. "Don't play with me sweetheart. You will not like it when I catch you" he said smirking.

Alora pulled her tongue out teasing him. "Catch me if you can~" she said mocking him. "Oh babygirl. You are in great danger now " he said chuckling. He plunged towards her from the right but Alora quickly avoided him and ran to the left.

She quickly ran out of the office. Sirius and Declan looked at her surprised. "Move away!" She yelled at them as she ran towards their direction. As a reflex they moved away giving her space in the middle.

She ran towards the elevator. The sound of her heels clanking echoed through the hall. Sirius and Declan were still in the middle of processing the situation when they saw their boss also running towards them like a bull. He looked like an angry bull who saw a red flag.

"Where is Alora!?" He asked as he kept running. Sirius and Declan were still in their shocking phase. "M-Ma'am went this way" said Declan as she pointed towards the elevator. Enzo ran towards that direction.

He skipped on the floor when he took a turn. He smirked seeing Alora infront of the elevator. "You are caught babygirl" he said. Alora's eyes widened. 'How the hell did he arrived so soon?' she thought. Her heartbeat quickened. She took quick deep breaths as she continued to press the elevator button continuously.

She smiled when the door opened. She quickly got inside and press the ground floor button again and again. "Don't you dare run babygirl" yelled Enzo as he ran towards her.

"Please please please close the door. Please" she pleaded getting desperate as she pressed the close button rapidly. Just at the moment Enzo arrived the door closed at his face. Alora sighed and flopped to the ground. Her legs felt weak after running for this long. She felt relief that he wasn't able to caught her. She smiled and took quick deep breaths. Her heart slowly felt at ease.

She stepped outside the elevator and looked around her. She saw some workers but no sign of Enzo.

"you are late. babygirl" said Enzo. Her eyes snapped towards him. She saw him leaning against the emergency staircase door. His hand crossed against his chest. Her eyes widened

"H-how did you...how did you come here so fast?" She asked getting surprised.

"There are lot more things to learn about me babygirl " he said as he pushes off the door. "What's more important is that I caught you sweetheart" . Alora's eyes widened more. She glanced towards the main Entrance. Enzo immediately knew what she was thinking about.

"Oh no babygirl. You don't want to do it" he said as he started to stride towards her. She turned around ready to leave. She turned to run but felt strong arms snake around her waist.

"Caught you!" He said.

He propelled her from the ground, allowing her to dangle her legs in the air. "No let me go" she said dangling her legs in the air in a way of protest. "I can't .Just admit you lost Sweetheart " he said as he twirled her around.

"S-stop" Alora said. She laughed as he twirled her in the air.Enzo also smiled.

His heart warmed hearing her giggles and laugh. He put her down and started to tickle her as well. She laughed uncontrollably. "Admit you lost Tesoro" said Enzo as he tickled her. "F-fine" she said in the middle of laughing. "I-I lost. I admit. Now s-stop" she said .

He stopped and kissed her cheeks."Good girl" he praised.

Soon Alora's laugh died down and she looked up around her. All the employees were staring at them. Swooning over their cuteness. They never knew that , the cold hearted boss could ever smile like that. Their heart warmed seeing their cuteness and bonding. Alora's cheeks burned from embarrassment. Her whole face went red.

"Shit!" She whispered and quickly turned around. She hides her face inside Enzo's suite, clutching his suit neck in an attempt to hide her embarrassed face. Enzo also looked around and saw all the employees staring at them.

He glared at them. "Get back to work everyone! Non ti pago per sederti pigramente e guardare gli altri giocare!" ( I don't pay you to just sit idly and watch others play!) He yelled.

In an instant everyone left the place and went to their respective works. Enzo lifted her up bridal style and went inside the elevator. The whole time Alora kept her face hidden.

"They are all gone Mia Cara. You can come out of your cave" he said. Alora slowly popped her head out and looked around her. She sighed once she was assured that they were alone.

"It's too soon to sigh Mio sol(my sun)" said Enzo. "We still need to talk about you running away from your punishment" he said with a smile.

Alora could see the slyness in his smile. She bit down her bottom lips. She decided to do the trick she always used to do when she needed to convince her parents for something, which always worked.

"Can I not get punished? Please?" She said with puppy eyes. She bit her bottom lips from nervousness. Enzo's eyes fell on her lips. For a second his eyes turned dark. His heart skipped a bit seeing her cuteness but he still chose to resist his dark urge.

"No can't do" he said with a straight face. He had a hard time rejecting her. Her cuteness was too much to resist. Alora pouted and fiddled with her fingers. Laying obediently in his arms. She felt light as a feather for him. He lifts dumbbells weighing more than her weight in the gym everyday.

The door of the elevator opened with a ding. He got out with her. Declan and Sirius greeted them with a bow. Ignoring them he went straight inside his office.

"Don't disturb me until I call for you and cancel the next meeting" he said as he went inside his office room.

He put Alora down on the sofa gently. She adjusted her dress which was almost running up from her mid thigh.

"Now. May I know the reason for your surprise visit?" asked Enzo. He placed both his hands around her on the sofa. Caging her between his arms. Alora leaned back as his face came too close to her.

"I-I brought cookies for you" said Alora meekly. She averted her eyes from him. "Cookies?" Asked Enzo raising an eyebrow at her. Alora nodded smiling. She ducked under his arm and grabbed the box of cookies packed for him.

Enzo sat beside her. Watching her curiously as she unboxed the box. "Ta-da" she said showing the box to Enzo with a bright smile "I baked some cookies for you".

Enzo's eyes widened slightly. He couldn't believe she cooked for him for the first time.

"You made this? For me?" He asked getting surprised. She smiles nodding. "I know you don't like swyeet that much so I made it less sweet for you" she said. Enzo smiled.

"Thanks a lot Mio sol" said Enzo as he caressed her hair "It's the first time someone made something for me. I will eat it even if you would have burned it into a charcoal" .

Alora knitted her eyebrows. "Hey! It's not that bad" she said pouting. Enzo chuckled. "Sorry princess" he said pinching her nose.

"Now have it. Tell me how it tastes like" she said as she extended the box towards him. Without a word he lifted her up and placed her on his lap. "I want you to feed me" he said with a smile. Alora couldn't say no to him. "Okay" she said .Enzo got excited like a boy. No one ever made cookies for him. Not even his mother.

Alora took one cookie and fed him. His eyes sparkled. He moaned in delight. "It's so tasty Mia Cara. It is the best cookie I ever had" he complimented. Alora blushed smiling. "Thank you" she said meekly.

"No thank you little wifey. Thank you for baking me cookies" he said and kissed her temple. Alora stayed silent. She kept smiling as Enzo continued to shower her with compliments.


"Those were the best cookies I ever had Mia Cara" said Enzo. "Yeah now stop. You have been saying it for the hundredth time" said Alora as she brushed her hands. She brushed her chest with her hands as some cookie crumbs fell on them. Her boobs jiggled as she did.

Enzo's eyes darkened. He clenched his hand, veins popping out. He had been trying hard to control himself the entire time.

"Can I have my dessert?" He asked. He softly brushed her hair from the back and kept it on her front. "Dessert?" Asked Alora tilting her head towards him "but I didn't bring any".

"You are enough darling" he said and in an instant he cupped her boobs from behind. Alora gasped at his sudden action. "W-what are you doing?" She asked clutching his biceps.

"These are so soft. They feel like clouds. They fill my hand perfectly " he said as he squeezed her boobs softly. Alora moaned lowly. He kneaded her breasts as she put a hand over her mouth to stop her moans. She could feel his erection pocking her ass.

She was sitting directly in his lap on his erection. "W-wait" she said. He pinched both her clothed nipple. Alora moaned arching her back slightly. He pulled down the top revealing her big swollen breasts. She watched as he played with her boobs from behind.

He pinched her nipples twisting it. It made her moan. "S-stop" she said. Her skin flushed. She was getting breathless. Her hand was doing nothing in muffling her moans.

"Are you getting wet just by me playing with your breast?" He asked. His voice dripped with lust.

He put his finger inside her mouth. She bite his finger as he played with her mouth and her breasts with another hand.

"You want daddy to fill you with his cock?" He asked. She looked so sexy he was hardly able to control himself.

Alora didn't say anything. she was embarrassed. She could feel the heat between her legs, torturing her. Her wetness coating his length. He slapped her breasts making her yelp. "words babygirl " he ordered.

"I-I want your c-cock Daddy" she said breathless. His jaw clenched. His dick throbbed uncontrollably. His dick ached to release and plunge into his wife's warm walls. But he needs to pleasure her first if he needs something.

"Bend over" he ordered. Confused she still got up and bent over the table. "Keep your ass high in the air, arch your back" he ordered. She did submissively.

Her ass was open in front of his hungry eyes. He lifted her black skirt up revealing her pink pussy clothed with a white lacy panty. Which was drenched from her wetness.

He sensually ran a finger on her core. She shivered. "You are soaking" he said sensually. He slowly pulled her underwear, revealing the folds he wanted to ravage like an animal.

He took a long lick on her core. A sigh left Alora's lips. She wanted to clench her legs together but Enzo kept both of them in place. He licked and sucked her clit. Drinking in her wetness. "Ah..." Alora moaned.

She clutched on the side of the table. Her nails digging in it. The lewd sound of him mouth fucking his wife echoed through the room along with her moans and sighs.

She whined when he pulled away. She looked behind and saw him unbuckling his pants. His dick jolted out the moment it was released. He coated her clit with the pre-cums of his dick.

He grunted when he slammed inside her warm walls. He fell on her. His warm breath fanned her neck. "You are so tight darling" he whispered in her ear "I love it when you take daddy's dick so well"

Alora clenched hearing his dirty words. Enzo grunted ."S-stop s-saying dirty" she said embarrassed. "But you do it so well. If you clench like that you will suck me dry babygirl" he whispered biting her shoulder.

He thrusted inside her increasing his speed. Alora moaned loudly. It was too much for her. "W-wait" she said, trying to push him by his arm. "Slow down. I-I can't" she said "oh my!"

"Look in front of you babygirl" he said .Alora looked in front of her breathing heavily. Her eyes widened, cheeks burned crimson red.

She got more emberasseyd when she saw in what position they were doing it. The mirror reflected their sweaty bodies doing the unholiest thing.

Her boobs spilled out of her dress, skirt rides up to her waist. His hard dick slammed inside her clit from behind. Her forehead sweaty. Some strands of hair stuck on her forehead. Her cheeks are red like cherry.

"See how sexy you look" he rasped biting her earlobe. He entered a finger inside her mouth. Tucking her mouth. Her saliva coated his finger. His other hand cupped her breasts which were flushed against the table.

"You make me go crazy Mia cara" he rasped pinching her nipple. She could feel the warm knot building inside her stomach. His dick slamming mercilessly inside her and the mirror view made her feel more excited.

"Come for me sweetheart " Enzo commanded.

His grip on her hips tightened. A groan of pleasure erupted from his throat when he felt her clenching his cock, milking it with her cum. A muffled moan escaped her lips as her head dropped from exhaustion as she climaxed.

He legs quivered. Her body relaxed. Her eyes fluttered as if going to sleep. Enzo pulled out and picked her up in bridal style.

He placed her on the bed after entering the bedroom. She saw him moving between her legs. He suddenly started to unbutton his clothes. Her eyes widened. She thought they were going to sleep. A wicked smile played on his lips .

"We are just starting darling"