
Enzo's Captive: Bound by Darkness

She was a flower whom he wanted to possess and he was her nightmare, the one haunting her every dream a beautiful young teenager who was living her bright shining life but it all turned dark when a certain mistake was committed, one mistake and her whole life turned upside down After fighting her fears for so long when she finally thought she succeeded it all tarnished the moment he came back for her after 10years a cruel mafia billionaire who set his eyes on a particular someone, when he thought he lost her and craved for her for years a miracle happened, this time he is set to end the cat and lion chase to finally make her his ---------------- "you think you could escape me?" he slowly took steps towards me while I step back, each step full of power and anger "It was funny how you could think about that" his voice dripping with mockness My back hit the wall, halting my steps as he came forward chuckling darkly, his dark bottomless eyes only looking at me, piercing each part of my body "but now Bella, now I won't ever let you go, the last time you succeeded but this time I will make sure that each part of yours will only bind with me" "you cannot own me, you never did nor you will" I shot back with the last courage I had, his hand slammed on the wall by my side making me flinch, his hot breath fanning on my face "you are mine and only mine and it is time I let everyone know who you belong to and mark every inch of your skin! I dare anyone to touch you and I will make sure to burn their whole life down" he yelled "And amore... I can promise you that"

Thekanggirl · Urban
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25 Chs

Chapter -22, The sky is blue


I stopped the car right infront of the mansion. I have no idea how I got here with all that anger in my head. I was about to get into an accident but luckily survived. My head was screaming only one thing and that's blood. Thinking about other men lusting over my wife makes me go insane. I am a mad man for her and I will not hesitate to kill anyone who have bad intensions towards her.

I went inside the mansion taking long heavy steps. The whole mansion fell silent the moment I entered. Only the sound of my steps echoed .I angrily took off my coat. "Where is Alora?" I asked florina. My tone so cold with urgency that made her get more scared.

"M-Ma'am is in the k-kitchen sir" she stammered looking down at the floor. I got more angrier. "Why the hell is the lady of the house in the kitchen!?" I yelled . All of them jolted by my anger. "S-sir" she wanted to say something but I cut her off .

"EVERYONE LEAVE!" I shouted and everyone scurried away in no time. The mansion fell silent again. I strided towards the kitchen throwing my coat somewhere along the way.

My heart and mind immediately calmed down the moment I saw her. She had her back facing me. Swaying her perfect beautiful ass as she hummed a song. She wore a simple beige tank top with shorts. I licked my dry lips. She looked delicious than any meal.

I quitely walked near her. Uncuffing my watch along the way. Keeping it on the kitchen island. I went near her and hugged her from behind. She jolted in surprise.

"Oh my!" She gasped. She looked at me shocked but instantly relieved. " Seriously. You scared me" she said glaring. She unplugged the earpods out and placed it on the counter. I chuckled and pecked her lips. "Sorry princess" I cooed.

"Why are you so late? It's already 10:46" she said. " Some work came on the last moment" I replied digging my head in her neck. I don't want her to know deep about my mafia buisnesses. She is too innocent to know that.

" You must be tired right? Did you had dinner?" She asked gently. I smiled seeing her being worried about me. It feels good to know that atleast someone is worried about me. "No" I replied shaking my head sideways.

"Should I make something for you?" She asked slightly turning towards me. My eyes fell on her cleavage. Her arms squished her breasts which made her cleavage appear more bigger making me droll. I smirked. "Why make something when the hot meal is already prepared " I said looking at her with lust. She frowned in confusion. "What meal?" She asked .

"What meal other than you?" I whispered in her ear. She looked at me confused for a moment but suddenly her eyes got widened when she realised what I meant.

I picked her up and made her sit on the kitchen counter. " You are the only hottest meal I desire" I whispered against her neck. Fanning my hot breath over her collarbone. She shivered making me smirk. My hand slowly slided upwards her exposed smooth milky thighs. My other hand slowly inching up from her waist under her tank top.

"N-no W-wait" she said trying to push me by my shoulder which did nothing to me. "I am hungry for you babygirl" I whispered seductively in her ear. She started to breath heavily.

"E-enzo" she breathed out and fuck! That made me hard like a rock. My hand slided under her top. I pushed the bra aside and groped one of her naked breast. She gasped and immediately caught my hand.

"N-No we can't" she said shaking her head. I looked at her slightly getting angry. " Why can't we?" I asked. "W-what if the maids see us l-like this?" She said as her cheeks turned crimson red. My anger vanished and was replaced with a smile. She didn't push me away but was worried about being seen.

"Oh baby" I called tucking some strands of her hair behind her ear. "No ones going to disturb us. I have already sent them home" I said and left wet kisses on her jaw as I kneaded her breast. She moaned lowly. "Now I want my meal. I am fucking hungry" I said with need. I kissed her with desperation. I wanted to do this for so long. I missed her so much. This feels like heaven. I groaned as I kissed her more deeply. My tongue tasted every corner of her mouth. A string of saliva came out the moment I pulled way

I lifted her top revealing her perfect soft tits. Her pink nipples perked up the moment cold air hit them. I licked one nipple before taking it in my mouth and started to suck it like a baby. She moaned loudly. I played with the other nipple as well as I did the other with my mouth .I pulled away with a pop and looked at her.

For fuck sake! She looked like a sex goddess. Her whole body was flushed. Her chest heaved up as she breathed heavily. She looked so sexy and hot. I can cum just by looking at her. My dick twitched uncontrollably seeing her leaning against the kitchen counter.

"I want you right now baby" I said with desperation. "I can't take it anymore" I said and pulled out her pants along with her panties in one swift motion .I cupped her pink pussy and pressed on it making her groan and moan at the same time.

"You are wet babygirl" I whispered on her ear smirking. "You want my dick so bad?" I asked kissing her neck "Why don't you beg?". I pressing more on her clit. "Ahh..." She moaned.

I opened my belt and took off my pants along with my boxer. I stroke my already hard dick on her entrance. Pre-cum already leaking out of it.

"E-enzo" she moaned . "Call me Daddy" I whispered seductively. "Say I am wet for you daddy" I wishpered in her ear. She wrapped her arm around my neck. I slapped her clit when she didn't respond. She jolted "ah!". "Say it" I commanded.

Her cheeks flushed. "I-I am wet f-for you.." she said quietly. "Finish it" I ordered kissing her swelled breast. " I-I am wet for you d-daddy" she said meekly.

In an instant I slammed my dick inside her. She screamed loudly. "Oh my!" She moaned. "Fuck!" I groaned in pleasure. Her pussy is so tight . It's fucking nirvana.

I thrusted inside her mercilessly. Turning her screams into moans. "E-enzo fuck!" she moaned loudly. Her moans turned me on more. "W-why is it growing more" she said. I bit her pink perky nipples. " You are so tasty Amore" I muttered. She was near her reach, so was I . I thrusted inside her roughly. Soon she came screaming my name. I also came moaning loudly as her. My head went back from the immense pleasure. Sex with her always feels like heaven.

Her whole skin was flushed. Our cums mixed together slided down her thighs. My dick twitched again. "B-but you just came" she said knitting her eyebrows. I chuckled.

"Oh darling you are never enough for me. I am always hungry for you" I said and thrusted inside her tight Clit again. she moaned clutching my neck. I picked her up from the counter and made my way towards the living room. My dig still inside her as I carried her towards the living room.

I layed her down on the couch. I was about to kiss her but she stopped me. "W-wait" she said placing a hand over my mouth."What if someone see us like that" I smiled and kissed her palm. "Like what?" I asked teasing her. "L-like this" she said turning away getting flustered. "Fucking eachother?" I finished and her cheeks burned red

"Don't worry baby girl. No one's here" I said as I started to kiss her thighs. Leaving wet kisses all the way. I pulled her remaining clothes out of her body. And Fucking hell! I just can't ever get enough of her. Her shyness turns me on more.

I kissed her and thrusted inside her again. Her hands were desperately looking for something to clutch onto. I intertwined my hands with her and fucked her mercilessly. The entire sofa shooked from the intensity. Our skin slapping noises and moans filled the entire living room.

"Such a good girl taking daddy's cock" I praised. "Fuck!" I groaned in pleasure when her clit tightened around me. She was close to her reach. "I just can't get enough of you babygirl" I moaned. My eyes turned back from the pleasure .Her chest shaked up and down as I thrusted inside her roughly.

"S-slow down" she said. But I was nowhere in slowing down. My body went on its own from the pleasure. "Take it like a good girl Amorè" I ordered. Soon she came. I thrusted inside her faster as she cummed. I fell on top of her and breathed heavily as I also came. I pulled out of her. Our cum mixed together poured out of her pussy.

"Looks like Florina is going to get a hard time cleaning this" I said smirking. She turned crimson red and tried to hide her face. "It's all your fault " she muttered. I chuckled.

I turned her around on her stomach as she calmed down from her high. "W-wait" she said pushing me by my arm. "I-I thought w-we were done" she said.

I chuckled. "Oh baby we are nowhere near done" I said and thrusted inside her from behind



The next morning my whole body felt sore. Last night we did it for so long I forgot how many times I came. I didn't saw Enzo when I woke up. This guy is a monster. How can he have the energy to go to the gym the very next day after nutting inside me all night?

Groaning I tried to get out of bed but stopped when I saw a note on the bedside table.

" Sorry for not being with you this morning. The medicine is on the table. Take it. It will make you feel better and get ready I will take you to your parents house today" - your handsome husband, Enzo.

A smile formed on my lips. "Yeah. After fucking me mercilessly ,now you are being gentle " I muttered under my breath. After taking the medicines I went to the bathroom to take a hot bath. The bath was already prepared with soothing aromas and essence for sore muscles.

I love his after care. He always makes sure to do everything for my comfort and pamper me to the fullest.

The bath helped me to recover my sore muscles. I wore my undergarments, applied lotion on my body and wore a black blouse with a off white long skirt. I put on my earrings and a watch on my wrist. I half tied my hair with a black bow. After doing my makeup I took my bag and went downstairs to the dining room.

Smile never seems to fade from my lips. Just the thought of meeting my family after a long time makes me feel all giddy.

"Good morning sweetheart" said Enzo. I hugged him with a smile. He slightly stepped backwards. He wasn't prepared for this. "Good morning" I said looking up at him. Still not breaking the hug. He smiled and caressed my hair .

"Someone seems really happy" he said. I nodded. "Yes. I can't wait to see mom and dad. Specially brother Nevan. I hope they are fine" I said breaking the hug. For a moment I thought he was angry. I saw him clench his jaw.

He cleared his throat. "Oh really. That's great" he said. But he didn't seem to be sincere enough. "Now let's have our breakfast. You don't want to get late right?" He said gesturing me towards the seat.

I nodded and sit down immediately. I shrugged the lingering feeling of his angerness and started to have my breakfast.


"Are they living at a hotel? Are we not going to spain?" I asked looking at Enzo. Currently we are driving to what is said to be my parents house.

I thought we were going to spain to meet them. But we are still somewhere in Italy. My heart started to get anxious.

Did he lied to me? Will he really take me to meet my parents? My mind got filled with thousands of questions.

"They moved to spain Amorè" he said. "After our wedding, your parents decided to permanently shift in Italy. And this is where they said will be staying." His statement assured me . Atleast I am glad I will be able to meet them.

After some more time we reached my parents house. I got out first. I just can't wait to see them. Enzo came from behind and snaked his arm around my waist.

"Slow down princess. You can't leave your husband behind" he said kissing the palm of my hand. I giggled. "Sorry, I was too excited " I said. We both went inside the house.

"Mom?" I called when I saw the living room empty. "You are here!" I heard mom say. She immediately came running. I went backwards when she suddenly hugged me. She hugged me tightly as if she intend to never leave me. I did the same. I missed her so much. I missed her motherly smell and touch.

"I missed you so much darling" she said breaking the hug. She gave me a heart warming smile. "I missed you too mom" I said. "Is my daughter here?" I heard dad say. He came running from upstairs and hugged me just like mom. I missed his muscular cologne. It made me feel safe and comfortable again.

"We missed you alot sweetheart. The house feels empty without you" he said caressing my hair. "dad..." I said .My heart clenched seeing his sad expression. "I am sorry..." I said looking down. "What are you sorry for my sweetheart" He said lifting my head by my chin." It's not your fault at all. It was bound to happen anyway. But I didn't know it would have happened this soon" he said with a grimance.

I heard Enzo clear his throat beside me. We all looked at him. "Hello Mr.Alden " greeted Enzo. "Mr. Salvatore" said dad with a cold voice. He glared at Enzo with immense coldness. Colder than the North. But Enzo didn't faze. He turned towards mom and greeted her as well. "Hello Mrs. Aeris" he said. Mom seemed surprised .She was taken aback by his soft respectful voice and I can see that in her face.

"Oh-uh Hello Mr...Salvatore" She said. "Oh please call me Enzo" said Enzo. Mom was again surprised. "Oh okay..." She said with an awkward smile. I stood there and looked at their interaction. There was a moment of awkward silence between us.

" So I should take my leave wife" said Enzo as he glanced at his watch with a poker face. " It's getting late. I will call you when I will come to pick you up". I nodded smiling.

"Have a good time" he said and pecked my forehead. Mom and dad both were shocked. They were looking at us wide eyed. My cheeks flushed red. It feels emberassing to interact with your husband infront of your family.

As Enzo turned back to leave he was stopped by my dad calling. "Mr. Salvatore" called dad. " I want to have a word with you" he said in a monotone voice."In private".

Enzo looked at him and smirked. " Sure Mr.Adrian" he said and they both walked into dad's study room.

Mom took me towards the living room as we started to fill eachother with events of our recent lives.


Currently I am in the kitchen having my favourite dish made by mom. God! How much I missed her foods. It feels so good to chat with mom and laugh together having our favourite snack. It feels nostalgic .

Though I was chatting with mom but my mind was filled with thousands of curiosity. Enzo and Dad were still in the study room. I am curious about what they are talking about which is taking them this long.

"Where is brother Nevan mom?" I asked as she was cleaning the dishes. "He went for a buisness trip dear" she said as she wiped her hands with the towel. "He was really happy when he heard you were going to visit. Now he is sad though because he can't visit you" . My face dropped to the bowl of snack. I missed him a lot. I wished to see him so much.

"Dear" mom said softly as she gently placed her hand over my hand. "How is everything between you and Enzo? Is everything alright? Does he treat you right?" She asked .Her face scrunched as she looked at me with worries. I smiled softly and held both her hands.

"Everything is fine mom and He is really nice to me. He is like a perfect husband anyone could wish for. He doesn't even let me do any work at home" I said. "Even on our honeymoon he didn't let me even lift a finger. There were no servants on the hotel. He did all the work"

Mom smiled. She looked relieved.

"That's good then. I hope he never hurts you and will always love you " she said. I smiled and pecked her cheeks. "Don't worry. Everything is fine. And I am happy there. I am sure the future will also get better day by day" I assured her. Passing her my bright smile.

After awhile both Enzo and dad came out. Enzo left after giving goodbyes and pecking my lips. I was so emberassed I felt my whole face burning. He just left with a smirk. God! How much I wanted to punch his face!


All of us were watching a movie, just like old times. Mom was spoiling the movie as me and dad groan in annoyance. Suddenly we heard the front door open with a bang. I flinched and immediately snapped towards the door.

"Alora" I heard Nevan. He came panting. His hair was messy, face full of droplets of sweats. He looked at me and our eyes locked. My eyes started to water. It's been so long since I have seen him. I missed him so much.

"Alora..." He called softly under his breath. I rushed towards him and embraced him tightly, breathing in his scent. He is the most important person for me. He was the one who always stayed beside me and protected me. He was the one who shared my sorrow and helped me rebuild myself. If I am strong then it is all for him.

"I-I missed you so much" I cried clutching his shirt "I-I t-thought I couldn't see you". He hugged me tighter." How could I not see you my princess. I can't lose a chance to meet my only sister right?" He said. He broke the hug and made me look at him by lifting my face by my chin. I looked at him with glistening eyes of tears. Hiccuping and sniffing occasionally.

"Now now calm down. I am here" he cooed gently as he wiped my tears." How can I not meet my one and only monkey? You are the most beautiful monkey I have seen. How can I loose it?"he said. I chuckled and hit his shoulder. "You Cow" I said angrily. He chuckled and pecked my tear stained eyes.

"Now stop crying harmanita. I can't see your eyes filled with tears" he said as he cupped my face. " If you don't stop crying I will keep calling you Chicken and a monkey. Oh and I will also call you a snorter" he said .I started to punch his chest. "You pig! I don't want to meet you anymore " I said punching him. "Go away. Don't come infront of me" . He laughed and started to run as I punched him running behind him. Mom and dad laughed beside us.


"Wait seriously? You can't left a meeting on the middle and fly back to another country?" I said shocked. He literally came running, leaving his meeting in the middle. He came back as soon as possible with the earliest flight and ran home. No wonder he looked like he came from the Olympics.

"Yeah. I can't miss the chance to meet you" he said smirking as he took a sip of his juice. "Cheeky" I muttered rolling my eyes. "By the way, I wanted to talk about something with you" he said making me look at him.

"What is it?" I asked. " I have planned an escape plan from Enzo" he said making my heart stop for a moment. My eyes widened. "What!?" I asked loudly. "Shh... Don't shout yet" he said. Shushing me.

"I have found an alliance which is an enemy of Enzo. They are willing to help us if we give them some important information about Enzo, as an exchange " he said. "No. No way" I said as I stood up abruptly." I-I can't run away. I can't betray him" I said. He turned me facing him .

"Why? We finally got a change. Why don't you want to leave?" He asked. I hesitated for an answer. Isn't this what I wanted? Freedom from Enzo? Living my own life restrictions free? Then what is this reluctance I am feeling right now? Why do I feel guilty thinking about leaving Enzo behind?

"B-becuase I-I want to give Enzo another chance" I said averting my eyes from him. I don't have the courage to look him in the eye. "A chance? You think he deserves it? Don't tell me you are in love with him" he said making my eyes go wide.

"What n-no. Of course not. I-I just....I just want to give this relationship a chance. A chance for him to change" I said. "Moreover where do you even plan to escape? Russia? Bangladesh? China? Korea? No matter where we go it will be a matter of time for him to hunt us down. He has people all around the world" I said

"I am tired of living in hindrance. Always having a tension of him finding us. If he did this much after finding us then imagine what he will do if he caught us escape again?" I asked looking in his eyes. I can see how he is doubting his own decision now.

"Brother..." I called softly ,taking both his hands in mine. "I know this is stupid and dangerous but I believe he will change if I give him a chance. I am not saying based on my thoughts but I have seen him. After giving him a chance our relationship got a lot better. He even treats me with so much care as if I am a doll made of glass. He even let me meet you guys" I said. He just stood silent staring at me.

I tilted my head. Indicating him to answer. He sighed. "Fine I believe you. But if I see there is a slightest inconvenience and if he hurt you in any way then I won't hesitate to get you out of there. Even if he kills me or I will have to kill him. I will protect you till the end" he said sincerely. My heart warmed hearing him. He truly is the best brother I could ever wish for .


After the meeting with her parents and brother Alora was going back to the Salvatore Enterprise. Enzo was caught up with work so he sent Sirius to escort Alora back. After the car stopped before the Salvatore Company, Sirius stepped out first and opened the door for Alora. She thanked Sirius once she stepped out. The company was busy today. Everyone ran with files in their hand.

Alora made her way to Enzo's office floor. Many employees who saw her greeted her and looked at her with awe. They were greatful that Mrs.Salvatore came. Until now they were burning from the fire of Enzo's anger but now they are relieved that someone has came for their rescue.

Alora saw Declan infront of Enzo's office. "Hello Declan" she said smiling. "Hello Mrs.Alora. I hope you had a nice meeting" he said as well. "Oh for sure I had" Alora replied smiling giddily.

She was about to open Enzo's office door but was stopped by Declan. "Miss" called Declan. She looked at him. " Sir is very angry at the moment. Please be careful" he warned. Alora smiled. "Thanks for the precaution Declan. I will be fine" she said.

Even though Alora said that in some place of her heart she was still scared and nervous. She has seen Enzo's anger and she doesn't want to be on the receiving end of that anger. Taking a deep breath she entered the office.

She looked around and found it empty. She knitted her brows frowning. "Where is he?" She muttered.

"You are late babygirl" said a a deep voice. She jolted in surprise and looked behind her. "Oh my.." she gasped. Enzo was standing near the book shelf beside the main door.

He looked at her narrowing his eyes. "You scared me. What are you doing there?" She asked. Enzo kept the book inside the bookshelf which was in his hand. He slowly stepped towards her.

"That's not the answer of my question Amorè" he said coldly "why are you late?" . Alora gulped the huge lump in her throat. She was getting scared.

"I-I" she tried to say but her throat felt heavy. Enzo lifted her face by her chin, making her look at him. "You what?" He asked coldly. His eyes showed no expression other than pure coldness.

"I am s-sorry. Brother nevan came on the last minute. I couldn't leave without meeting him" she said fidgeting with her finger.

He brushed her hair slowly humming. "Hm... So is he more important than me? Are you prioritizing your brother more than your husband?" He said. His voice was so cold and deep, Alora was slowly getting intimidated by him.

She felt so small infront of him. Even though they had a huge physical difference but she never felt this small by his intimidation.

"Did you forget what I did to him? Should I do it again?" Said Enzo darkly. Alora's eyes widened. Her head snapped at him. Her hands turned cold the moment he looked in his grey orbs. They were cold. Just like the chilly winter. Dry and dangerous.