
Enzo's Captive: Bound by Darkness

She was a flower whom he wanted to possess and he was her nightmare, the one haunting her every dream a beautiful young teenager who was living her bright shining life but it all turned dark when a certain mistake was committed, one mistake and her whole life turned upside down After fighting her fears for so long when she finally thought she succeeded it all tarnished the moment he came back for her after 10years a cruel mafia billionaire who set his eyes on a particular someone, when he thought he lost her and craved for her for years a miracle happened, this time he is set to end the cat and lion chase to finally make her his ---------------- "you think you could escape me?" he slowly took steps towards me while I step back, each step full of power and anger "It was funny how you could think about that" his voice dripping with mockness My back hit the wall, halting my steps as he came forward chuckling darkly, his dark bottomless eyes only looking at me, piercing each part of my body "but now Bella, now I won't ever let you go, the last time you succeeded but this time I will make sure that each part of yours will only bind with me" "you cannot own me, you never did nor you will" I shot back with the last courage I had, his hand slammed on the wall by my side making me flinch, his hot breath fanning on my face "you are mine and only mine and it is time I let everyone know who you belong to and mark every inch of your skin! I dare anyone to touch you and I will make sure to burn their whole life down" he yelled "And amore... I can promise you that"

Thekanggirl · Urban
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25 Chs

Chapter -21, Visit


Alora fiddled with her fingers. She was really nervous, she occasionally bit her lips which is a habit of her. They were heading towards Salvatore Enterprise.

Enzo softly caressed her thigh. "Don't be nervous, my love. Everything will be fine" he said softly with a smile. Alora nodded and looked outside the window to distract her mind.

Soon they reached the Salvatore Enterprise. Alora's eyes widened seeing how large the building was. She has never seen his company. It is the first time she is visiting. But she didn't expect it to be this huge. The building itself felt intimidating among all those other buildings.

"It's so huge" she mumbled looking out the window. Enzo smirked.

"That's not the only thing which is huge" he mumbled. Alora looked at him confused, knitting her eyebrows slightly. "What else is huge?" She asked innocently, tilting her head.

Enzo bite his lower lip and held a finger under her chin ,making her look at him. "well...I will show you another time" he mumbled. "You can't show me now?" She asked innocently.

Enzo groaned. "Fuck!" He mumbled. "You are making it so hard for me to control Tesoro" he whispered. "I don't understand " she said with a light frown, pouting her lips. Her innocent mind didn't understand what she was doing to him .

"Shit! Now I want to go back home" He muttered staring at Alora with lust.


The whole staff of the company waited impatiently for the arrival of their boss. But the real reason was just to get a glimpse of the women who captured his cold heart.

Everyone knew what type of a cruel beast he was. He didn't hesitate to kill anyone instantly. When they heard the news of his marriage, all of them were baffled. They never expected a man like him to fall in love with any women.

Everyone waited inpatiently. Mera, Esme and other employees were also standing by the entrance to welcome their boss. No matter how cruel he is they always respected him for his intelligence and work.

The group of employees chatted while waiting. They stopped once they saw their boss's shiny black car outside the office, along with a few more cars in which their guards were seated. "They are here!" One of the employees declared, he almost yelled in excitement. Declan and Sirius stepped out first. Declan opened the car door for Enzo.

Enzo came out with black shades covering his dark grey eyes. He straightend his expensive black suit by the collar. All the employees watched curiously through the huge glass doors. Their heart were racing to get a glimpse of the beauty who married the infamous cruel hearted man, the Salvatore.

Enzo turned and extended his hand, everyone stared curiously as a small hand came into view. Some thought she might have sharp features, a beautiful face with a bitchy attitude and arrogant. Whereas others thought she is a gold digger and a slut.

A small figure made her appearance leaving everyone in the company speechless. Their eyes widened leaving their mouth hanging as they watched the beauty infront, standing beside the Salvatore. Her beauty made them baffled.

Instead of sharp features and a slutty attitude she looked like an angel, with a soft kind beautiful face and a heart melting smile playing on her lips. Mens were already drooling seeing her beauty. She was both sexy and cute at the same time. Some women were also admiring her beauty while others were gritting their teeth, staring at her with envious eyes.

Enzo snaked his arm around Alora's waist. And for the first time she felt glad to be in his hold. Seeing all those people staring at her made her feel so nervous, her hands were already getting sweaty. Her heart raced faster than a panther.

Enzo rubbed her back gently. "It's okay" he whispered in her ear. She slowly nodded her head. Esme opened the door for them. And as soon as they entered everyone started to congratulate them. "Congratulations on your wedding" said the company's manager, handing them a beautiful flower bouquet. "Thank you" Enzo said in a monotone voice. "Thank you" Alora replied softly with a warm smile playing on her lips. The manager stilled for a moment seeing her smile.

Esme watched them from a corner. No matter how much she prepared for this day, she still felt hurt seeing them together. She herself was shocked seeing Mrs.Salvatore. she never thought she could be such a pure beauty. In some place of her heart she slightly felt guilty to misjudge her but she still denied it. She still thinks she is a gold digger and is hiding her true personality.

Slowly the number of curious eyes increased. Alora was feeling more nervous seeing all of their excitement. Her hands felt sweaty. Her legs felt weak. She tightly gripped Enzo's hand. Enzo immediately knew how she was feeling.

" Okay everyone. Thank you so much for your wishes. We appreciate it" said Enzo.

One thing Alora noticed was how his body language changes when he talks to someone other than her. His face is always full of different emotions when he is with her, which also made her surprised. He cried, smiled, begged and showed his every emotion which he himself didn't know existed. But now his face was void of any emotions. Even his voice was emotionless like his expression.

" As an appreciation gift, I will make sure to give you all a bonus this month. Now you all can get back to work" commanded Enzo.

Everyone got the message. They nodded smiling and left the place immediately.

"Come darling" said Enzo. Gesturing her towards the private elevator. She sighed in relief the moment the elevator door closed.

They all were really sweet but she wasn't used to getting this much attention. She never felt this much nervous even when she used to be a representator for her hospital.

"Its all done baby. If I knew I would have warned them not to get close to you" said Enzo looking at her with worries. "Its fine" consoled Alora giving him a smile. "They all were so sweet. I didn't thought they would like me in the first place. It's just I am not used to getting this much attention " she said honestly.

"Don't worry baby. There is nothing to dislike about you" he said pecking her forehead. The elevator stopped with a ding. Declan and Sirius was already standing infront of the elevator.

The moment Alora stepped out of the elevator she felt like she entered into another world. She looked around in amazement. There was a huge golden 'S' logo hanging right infront of the Entrance. Everything here screamed power and luxury. The bodyguards followed them closely.


The halls felt never ending. My heart was palpitating with every step I took. Everything was shinning like diamonds. Holding Enzo's hand I walked through the corridor and to a huge door.

The bodyguards opened the door and gestured us to get inside. My eyes widened the moment I stepped inside the office. I took a deep breath. The view from here is magestic.

I let go of his hand and went towards the huge glass window. The whole city can be seen from up here. I looked at the city through curious eyes .

"Did you like it Amorina?" (Little love) asked Enzo. He brushed my hair slightly, staring at me with loving eyes. "Yes I love it. The interior is so beautiful" I complimented. My eyes never leaving the view infront. I saw him smile from my peripheral vision. "That's good then" he said.

"Signore. l'incontro è pronto" (Sir. the meeting is ready) said Declan. "I need to go, Amorina" said Enzo. He pecked my forehead before leaving. "Be a good girl for me okay?" . I nodded my head promptly, smiling at him.

The moment the door shut, I looked around the whole office. The office was nicely decorated. Most of the decorations here are dark tone. His desk was neatly cleaned and arranged. My eyes fell on an photo frame. There were three photo frames on his table. All of them were photos of me. The picture I took on our honeymoon, the other is me on my graduation day from college. The middle frame had the picture of our wedding.

I took the frame and brushed my hand over the glass. This was the only picture I was smiling brightly. I was looking at the camera smiling with a bouquet in hand while he stared at me , resting his hand on my waist. I never thought he had that look for me in his eyes. The way he looks at me, seems like I am the most important person in the whole world for him.

Releasing a soft breath I placed the frame back on the table. I went towards the bar opposite of his desk.

It was supposed to be be a mini bar but it is far more than a mini bar. I jolted when I heard a knock on the door. After three knocks the door opened, revealing Sirius.

"Boss ordered me to give this to you Ma'am" said Sirius in a robotic voice as he handed me a laptop. I looked at him confused.

"Boss said you can do anything you want with this laptop. He also gave you permission to contact with your old friends" he continued. My eyes widened with happiness. I smiled widely. "R-really?" I asked surprised.

It still doesn't feel real that he is letting me contact someone other than my parents. Especially in his absence.

"Yes Ma'am. I will take my leave . If you need anything you can ask me. I will be standing just outside the door" he said before leaving. I nodded and mumbled a soft "Thank you" to him.

I rushed towards the sofa and instantly opened the laptop. Before logging in to my social media account I decided to check if there is any bug in this laptop. There is no way he is going to giving me a laptop to contact my friends when he isn't around. Brother Nevan taught me many things about hacking and finding bugs, just incase there is a problem. So I can solve it myself.

As expected. There were bugs in this laptop. So whatever I do will be recorded to him. Sighing I wiped out some bugs and left some in purpose and modified the it, so that he doesn't doubt me. The modified bugs I left will only record the details I want it to record. After clearing it, I immediately logged into my social media account.

Thousands of messages and calls started to bombarded me. There were thousands of messages from all my friends and colleagues. I read some of the messages and nearly teared up. Thankfully mom told them I went for a vacation to Italy and quickly married to a guy I fell in love with. They were quite angry that I didn't contact them though.

I group called Stella and Lucian. Oh how much I miss them! On the third ring they both picked up. There eyes widened like a saucer. "you bitch!" Both of them yelled.

"Hello to you too" I said with a sheepish smile. " Hello? Seriously!? Have you seen how many times we called you and texted you? And the first thing you say is hello?" Flared stella. Her eyes were glaring at me. I have never seen her this angry before. I guess she truly was worried.

"I am sorry. My phone broke .To get all the data from the previous phone took some longer time than expected. Sorry" I lied through my teeth. I sometimes feel surprised about how good I have become at lying.

"You could have called us from another phone. Do you know how worried we were?" She said as she gave a disappointed look. I instantly felt guilty. "I am sorry. I promise I won't do it again. Please forgive me sweetheart" I pleaded giving her puppy eyes. She rolled her eyes at me.

"Okay okay. Lets forget it. Remember to contact us if anything happens okay?" Said lucian. I nodded smiling. "Before all this .There is more of a big matter in hand" she said. Both of them looked at smirking. I frowned in confusion. "So whose the Mr.Guy whom you married?" Asked lucian. My eyes widened. I gulped down the lump in my throat. I didn't prepare for this .


After talking for few hours the call finally ended. "Remember to keep us updated okay?" Said stella. I nodded immediately. "Yes mom" I said and all of us ended up giggling. After the call ended I went to my hospital page.

I didn't get much of an update from lucian about the hospital. She just said that everyone is worried about me. Specially Zion. He has been eagerly asking everyone about me to get an update.

To be honest, I really want to call him. I want to know what is happening in the hospital and how they are doing. How are the kids, my patients and much more things I eagerly want to ask him. But I am afraid to answer him. I don't know what excuse to give him. I know he will instantly know that all my reasoning is just a facade.

After scrolling through the pages I closed the laptop sighing. There is not much update I was able to get. I looked towards the door. Enzo still hasn't arrived from his meeting. I slowly walked towards the door and opened it slightly. I peeked through it and saw Sirius standing outside.

"Um...where is Enzo?" I asked meekly. "Sir is still in the meeting Ma'am" he said. I nodded and went back inside. It was starting to get boring. I decided to watch a movie till his meeting ends.


"This will be it then" I said closing the file. I have no idea how I went through this whole meeting. My mind was constantly wondering off to my little wife. I miss her already. The meeting took way longer than I had expected.

"Remember. I don't want any trouble to happen in this contract. I need you to do your best" I commanded with a hint of warning. They visibly shivered by my intimidation and left after bowing.

They know better not to slack off. I hate those who doesn't do their job right and people like them gets only one thing from me. And that's a bullet inside their skull. I don't want any lazy low life to ruin my empire which I built after much struggles.

Buttoning my coat I got up from my seat and went out of the meeting room. I sighed once I was out. I need to see my wife as soon as possible or else I will lost it.

"Sir this is the file for the next meeting" said Esme as she handed me a red file. "Okay. When is the meeting?" I asked not even giving her a single glance. " It will start after 15 minutes sir" she said . I nodded with a poker face.

I took long strides towards my office and saw Sirius standing outside the door. He stood upright and bowed when he saw me . "How is she? What has she been doing?" I asked coldly. My sweet voice is only for my sweet wife's to hear.

"Ma'am has been inside the office since you left sir. She has been talking with her friends since then" He said. I nodded. A smirk played on my lips. 'Good girl. I think I need to reward her for being obedient' I thought and went inside the office once he opened the door for me.

"Don't disturb me before the next meeting starts" I said to esme before entering. The doors closed behind me. My eyes eagerly searched for her.

I went towards the sofa and saw her small body laying on the couch. She was sleeping soundly. Snoring softly keeping the laptop on top of her. Seems like she fell asleep while watching a movie.

Smiling I went towards the room inside my office and took out a blanket from the cupboard. I have prepared everything for her in my office beforehand .From her clothes to her period essentials. I want everything for her available without any trouble. I placed the grey blanket over my sweetheart and pecked her forehead. She looked so beautiful sleeping like that. She seems like an angel. My angel.

After glancing at her one last time I got up and went towards my desk. I started to sort out all the documents that I left behind during my honeymoon.


"Ung...." she groaned as she squirmed rubbing her eyes.

"You woke up?" I asked glancing at her.

She instantly got up shocked. She looked around her and stopped when her eyes fell on me.

"When did you came?" She asked surprised.

"I came a long time ago darling. I was sad to see you sleeping without me. I wanted to hug you, I was tired." I said faking a sad tone. I want to tease her for a bit. But she surprised me.

"I am sorry" she said looking down. "I fell asleep while watching a movie. B-but I can hug you later when you are tired. I-I can also give you more hugs" she said getting flustered. She actually thought I was tired. Oh darling you have no idea how much I used to work in the past. Even staying awake for 3days straight doing work with 2hours of sleep didn't tire me. But her concerns made me smile.

"Really? You will?" I asked ."yes" she replied meekly. "Come here" I commanded.

She obediently came, pushing the blanket out of her body, taking small steps towards me with her small legs. She looked like the same height of a bean sprout compared to mine.

She stood before me as I turned my chair facing her. "Hug me then. I am so tired. My muscles feel sore" I said faking a whine. She looked at me surprised. "N-now?" She asked. I nodded smirking "I am tired" . I know she is too shy to take the initiative. But I want to tease her more. I like her cute face when she gets flus-

My eyes widened from her action. I froze on my spot. She pulled me into her warm embrace surprising me. My head resting on her soft chest as she gently stroke the nape of my neck and back.

"Its fine. I will take all your fatigue away" she cooed softly. My heart warmed at her action. No one ever showed me this gentleness. No one ever touched me with such gentleness. I even forgot how it felt like. But I never thought it feels so warm and soft.

I snaked my arms around her waist and pulled her more closer. I dipped my head in her chest and breathed in her floral vanilla scent which I love the most. I felt her smiling. She kept stroking my back and scratched my head making me moan lowly .It felt like heaven. I can do anything to stop time and continue this moment forever.

"You seem like you had to do a lot of things to do today" she said. Slight worrieness visible in her voice. I nodded in agreement. "Yes. I had three long hours of meeting. They were total hell for me " I said honestly. I felt like being tortured during those meetings. I wanted nothing but run to my wife and stay in her embrace.

"Really? Wait-" she said suddenly. She pushed me away. I groaned and wanted to pull her back but she beat me to it. "W-what time is it? How long did I slept?" She asked surprised. Pushing me away by my shoulders.

"You slept for four hours only baby" I said and tried to embrace her again but she again pushed me away. I groaned lowly. " Four hours!? Really!?" She asked more surprised .

I didn't understand why she is making a big deal out of nothing. "Yes. But why are you getting surprised?" I asked frowning. "I can't just sleep like a log on the first day of visiting my husband's office" she said like it is something obvious. I smiled when she referred to me as 'husband'. I snaked my one arm around her waist pulling her closer and held her hand with the other.

"It's fine baby girl. You can do anything you want. No one's going to say anything to you. Don't forget, your husband is the owner of this company" I said kissing the palm of her hand. "But still..." She tried to say something but I cut her off placing a finger on her soft lips.

"No buts darling. Now you can look around my office as much as you want. We can go out for lunch after I am done with my work okay?" I said on a commanding tone. She nodded submissively. I smiled at her obedience. I let her go and started to get back to my work.

She wondered around the office for a moment. Looking everywhere in amazement. I glanced at her and saw her wondering around the book shelf. Her eyes beamed when they settled on a particular book. She took it out and immediately pouted frowning when she read the title. It was a buisness strategy book. I chuckled watching her. Her face immediately turned red.

"Look around the other shelf on the left tesoro. You may like those" I said to her. She nodded smiling and went towards that shelf. I also prepared some of her favourite books in advance so that she can read those when she gets bored.


After my work in the office was done I took Alora out for lunch. It was the best moment I had. Every time I spend with her is the best.

After our lunch I dropped her at our home and went back to the office. I know she got bored staying at my office doing nothing. No matter how much I want to spend my time with her, I can't be too selfish. I have more dangerous matters in hand to solve and I can't risk her on those.

Stepping on the break I stopped my car. I took the pack of cigar from the side seat and got out shoving it in my suit pocket. It is already night time. I am here at my warehouse to check the work I do in the dark.

"Signore, tutti si sono riuniti." (Sir everyone has gathered) said one of the men in black. I nodded and went inside the warehouse.

Everything here is dark. Only a small amount of light is visible . Anyone can feel the tension and intimidation the moment they look at this place. It is full of venom and blood of thousand weeping souls.

The same man in black opened the black steel door. I stepped inside and saw some of my allies and business partners sitting on a long table. All of them stand the moment they see me. "Hello boss" all of them said as I stepped towards my master chair. I didn't even bother to acknowledge their presence.

I sat on the chair and gestured them to seat as well. "che la riunione abbia inizio" (let the meeting begin) I said in a monotone voice. "B-but Signore" someone spoke. I glanced at him and raised one eyebrow in question. "M-Manca una p-persona " (One person is missing) he stammered . And at that moment I looked around at all of them. As expected he is the only one missing.

Suddenly the door opened, revealing the person my hands itch to kill. " Ciao a tutti! " (Hello everyone!) he said as he walked towards his seat at the very end of the table, just opposite of mine. His bright fake smile irritates me the most.

"Hello caro amico (dear friend). Sorry for being late. I was a bit caught up in doing something" he said smirking. I know he is trying to enrage me. By 'doing something' he means fucking one of his whores. He is a womenizer and everyone knows that. He sold many women around the world along with drugs. No matter what their ages were. He has many illegal businesses. He may seem friendly but his true personality is more poisonous than vipers .

"I am no Friend to someone who does human trafficking" I said glaring at him. He is the only one who doesn't get intimidated by me and has the courage to look me in the eye.

"Scusa (Sorry) my bad" he said faking a surrender and took his seat. I took a deep breath to calm myself down.

"So I heard there are some people who have started to underestimate me" I said intimidatingly as I pulled out a cigar from my coat. The room fell silent. I know what they are feeling and that's nothing more than fear.

"T-that's" someone tried to speak. "Hm?" I hummed as I lit the tip of the cigar. I blew the first blow calmly and looked at that man. "That what?" I asked in an ordering tone.

"You went out for so long for your honeymoon. So everyone thought you got rusty" finished Rafael. I broke out laughing. My laugh echoed throughout the silent room.

"Rusty? You want to see me use that gun now?" I said laughing. Their eyes widened. Soon my laugh died down. I got up and slammed on the table hard. All of them flinched. " You will know how rusty I got after I pierce a bullet inside your head!" I roared loudly. " DON'T forget. I can take down all of you SINGLE HANDEDLY" I said calmly but with a hint of warning. They visibly shivered.

I sat down adjusting my coat. " Ora iniziamo il vero affare (Now lets start the real deal)" I said calmly. All of them were Shaking except for one. Rafael Kedrey. I know he is scared of me and knows what I am capable of doing. But his courage is too high to show his cowardness.


"The deal is done. We will talk about it later" I said as I got up. Everyone got up as well. All of them left leaving me and Rafael alone.

"That was one hell of a show 'Capo' " he said with slight sarcasm. "Why? you want me to make that real?" I said getting not interested in his blabbering. I want to go home and see my sweetheart first. It's been long since I saw her.

"Nope. I don't want to see blood at this time" he said with a fake surrender. I scowled. "Cut the crap and shut up" I said and was about to leave but his words made me halt on my steps.

"How's your wife? Oh sorry my dear Sister-in-law?" He asked with mockness. That was the last string of me he snapped today. I immediately turned around and grabbed him by his collar.

"Don't you fucking dare talk about my wife with your filthy mouth!"

I warned him calmly. But anyone can detect the danger in my tone. Anyone would shiver from the coldness.

"Cool down man" he said. " I was just asking " he said pushing me. "Next time you do this and I will pull out a gun out of my pocket. It won't end with just a warning" I said before letting me go. I started to take my leave before I ended up killing him.

"You should protect your wife. You know there are a lot of men out there desiring her" he said making my blood boil. I took a deep breath and instantly pulled out the gun from my back and shot it beside him.





His good-for-nothing bodyguards dropped dead beside him. Blood ozing out of their filthy body.

He was surprised. I punched him in his face and grabbed him by his collar. I bent him down on his back on the table and held the gun under his chin. "I will kill everyone who dares to touch her and I will kill YOU if you even think about her. Just because you are a Conglomerate doesn't mean I can't Kill you Rafael. Think twice before you speak the next time" I warned him and threw him on the floor before leaving.

My mind was raging like lava. I saw red before my eyes. I want to kill him, torture him, make him want to beg me for death. He is too lucky to be a conglomerate to survive. Or else he would have been 6ft under the ground a long time ago

I strided angrily towards the car. "I need to protect her and I will do anything for it" I said as I turned the wheel around with a screeching noise.