
Envy (re-upload)

It was irritating that he was always compared to the other. How did they do it and why? It had nothing to do with him. He had stolen his place on the team, he didn't like it at all. A strange, bad feeling came over him. It was not envy, no. I would never be jealous of anyone. It was Sasuke Uchiha. To top it off, Naruto and Sakura were far apart. They did not approach him, they seemed to be ... afraid. Fear. I wasn't sure. I needed to resolve the situation, bring them together again. And a mission to Kumogakure, showered with memories, was all he needed to understand himself. Not just with them.

_Hllo · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs


If there was one thing Sasuke hated more than being interrupted, it was dialogues in the morning. He liked to wake up early, and when he went on missions, he and TenTen were always talking while they waited for the other two to be late, but he confessed that he communicated more for education and also because his friend addressed him. If she ever resolved to remain silent during the wait, he would have made no attempt to raise the subject.

He was already awake and had already had breakfast when someone knocked on his door. It was strange, it was early in the morning and I wasn't expecting anyone. Nor did he remember having a mission at that time, not least because the Hokage had scheduled to meet his team later in his office. Reluctantly, and a little curious, he went to the door.

The last person I expected to meet outside was TenTen. She, as always, seemed very excited and was soon greeting him with a hug that only the people on that team knew how to give. He let her in and closed the door, taking her into the living room so they could sit and talk. I couldn't begin to imagine the reason that had brought her there that morning, but she looked better than when I saw her last night, so I must have imagined that everything was fine between her and Shino. This brought him some relief.

"What are you doing here so early?" He verbalized what he was curious about and his first response was a malicious smile from the brunette.

"I heard a story about you and Sai on the couch yesterday ..." Of course, of course it was about that. Obviously Kiba had spread the gossip among his friends, but it was hard to believe that she was there very early to talk about something so trivial.

"You didn't come here at this hour to ask me about it, TenTen." She said, serious and skeptical, because she really, really couldn't believe that her friend was that kind of gossipy person. She smiled brightly and shook her head, confirming her fears. Sasuke sighed, that could only be some kind of fate joke with him. "Kiba is really a gossip. I should have known. "

"I know it's very early, but I was at home and started to look forward to hearing about this story. So, here I am! "

"You are impossible. What happened between you and Shino yesterday? Did you get it right? " Because her expression didn't turn to sadness, that was a good sign.

"I'm going to talk about myself, but don't think you're going to escape my good guy question."

"TenTen, there's nothing to say about me and Sai. I admit it was a good idea to start getting involved with him, because he is being nice and, yes, thank you, but there is nothing much. We are taking the time to do what we want and that's it. There is no fairy tale behind it. I don't know what you expected to hear, something about going to get married tomorrow and adopting children next month? " Her expression changed to irritation, but there was nothing the brunette could do. Maybe it should have been a little less debauched?

"Sasuke, you don't know anything about romance. I don't know why I still insist on you, I'm an idiot. " He shrugged, it would be great if she stopped pestering him. "Don't you think about the future?"

"No, I think about one day at a time. The future may be very distant and I don't have the patience to make plans that may not come true. "

"Okay, enough with this conversation because otherwise I'm going to be out of patience and I could hurt you." He was silent because, although he imagined being a little stronger, she could be quite scary when she wanted to. "Me and Shino decided to be friends." It was certainly the last thing he expected to hear at that moment.

"I thought that…"

"I know." She sighed, discouraged. "Like I said, I don't think there is a way for this love thing yet."

"Really?" He couldn't help looking at her with a clear expression of sarcasm. As soon as TenTen noticed the expression directed at her, he made a big snort.

"Sasuke Uchiha, you ... are getting too bold." He allowed himself to have a small laugh. He loved to provoke others, he had to admit it was a lot of fun. In addition to Sai, the friend was one of those she liked to tease. "I confused things. Shino told me that he was not prepared for a romance now. He said he couldn't tell me the reason, but he also didn't want to give me hope. I apologized for trying to kiss him that way and decided to continue as good friends. I think it was better that way. "

"If you say…"

"Well, it's not like I can't find a person."

"You can certainly find someone else. She is a beautiful, cheerful woman… her personality is a little… "She was making a cute expression at those words, but stopped when she realized where he was going.

"My personality is great, okay?" The brunette shrugged, not knowing what else to say. Mitsashi looked around and her eyes widened when she realized what time it was. "The meeting with the Hokage!"

"It is not marked for more evening?"

"He anticipated, I met Gai-sensei on the way. He was going there earlier to settle matters. " The Uchiha asked the kunoichi for time so that he could dress more appropriately for the meeting.

As soon as they were both ready, the love affair was dropped and the two walked together to the Hokage building. When they arrived, everyone was already there, including Captain Yamato's team.


After the meeting with the Hokage, his team went to train in the field. It was their first training session after the last fight, in the country of Lightning, and even if none of them admitted, their bodies were unaccustomed and tired, so they ended up finishing earlier than they would have liked due to some pain.

The sun was almost setting when they finished training. They found the Yamato team near the field, when they were already leaving together, to their unhappiness. I learned this when Naruto suggested that they should go and celebrate returning to the village safe and sound. Even if his body asked for rest, he could not refuse the offer. Well, actually, TenTen accepted for him, especially after Lee said he had an appointment and couldn't go. The brunette gave her a deadly look as if to say she would kill him if he left her alone, more because the blonde had mentioned that he had already agreed with the Kurenai team. Obviously, she still wasn't comfortable in a meeting where Shino would be.

After a while, it became more than clear that going on the Konoha baka-mor wave had been a bad idea (not that I already imagined that, of course). Naruto, Kiba and TenTen had already drank more sake than was recommended for a normal person and he sighed just to imagine the work he would have to take care of the brunette. The friend was already scandalous and difficult when sober, drunk she was impossible. She wasn't supposed to be drinking, but when she found out that Shino wasn't going to find them, probably imagining that the reason for the lack was to avoid her, the brunette probably thought it would be a great idea to drown her hurts in the drink.

Not just her. Things between him and Sai had been strange since they arrived on the scene. Not that they were surprised or anything, but simply because they didn't know what to do. Should I greet you with a kiss, a hug or any shit like that? The other brunette shouldn't expect something like that, since it wasn't like Sasuke to have that kind of attitude. But his expression was not good and he had already poured more glasses than he expected the other to drink. Sure, he didn't look as bad as the others, but he knows how drunk he was already. It was enough of a headache to have to take care of her friend, I didn't know what I would do if I had to have one more concern in mind.

When Naruto nearly threw up on Hinata, he knew it was time to go. It was no surprise that Hyuuga hadn't drunk much, so she was in charge of taking Kiba home. For him, TenTen, Naruto and Sai were left. Lee and Sakura had disappeared after the meeting with the Hokage and, although he felt overwhelmed because the two were not there, he could not blame them; they probably had better things to do than take care of that bunch of drunks.

He was trying to figure out how he would take the three of them home, when Sai appeared beside him. He was a little flushed, probably from the amount of alcohol in his blood, but since he didn't try anything reckless, Sasuke guessed that he wasn't as drunk as the other two who were left.

"I can take Naruto home. You take care of TenTen. " The Uchiha was not so sure that he would be able to take the blonde alone, but, just when he was going to question, the drawing master was already walking in the opposite direction with the baka-mor on his back. His steps weren't exactly the right ones, but so far the two of them had not yet hit the ground, so I figured everything was fine. He waited for them to take some distance, making sure they were really well, before leaving with his own drunk to take care of it.

Putting TenTen to bed under the covers was one of the most difficult things he has had to do lately. The brunette was stubborn, barely allowed him to enter her home. Besides staggering, she didn't seem to realize that he was a friend; in her drunken mind, she probably believed he was an enemy trying to attack her, so whatever objects were within reach she tried to shoot him. With a lot of pain, he finally managed to put his mate to sleep.

He arrived at his home exhausted. I just wanted to take a shower and lie down on your bed. He didn't need to wake up early the next day, but the routine had made him used to sleeping early and waking up at dawn. That meant that at that point in the championship, he was already groggy with sleep. His cloak was already hanging from a makeshift macaw in the living room and he took off his gray vest, leaving only the black pants and long sleeve shirt in the same color. His shoes had been left outside and he felt great relief in his feet.

He was turning off the light in the living room and going to his room when his doorbell rang uncomfortably, warning him that someone wanted to see him. He couldn't control his sigh of frustration. I didn't expect anyone at that time (all the people who might be outside were in their own homes, I hoped, too drunk to be there) and even if their desire was to ignore the call, it could be something important. Such was his surprise to find Sai and Naruto at his door, the blonde sleeping and snoring on the other's back.

"Sorry to bother you. Naruto lost his house key and I don't know where Sakura is. I didn't know where to take it. " As annoyed as Sasuke was with the interruption, he couldn't leave the two homeless. He helped the brunette bring Uzumaki inside and lay him on the couch. The one with the light orbs seemed to sleep like a baby. Also, after how much he had drunk, I would be surprised if the other was in a different state than that.

"Now that it's in good hands, I think I can go home."

"Are you alright?" The Uchiha asked, after that, in an attempt to turn around to leave, Sai staggered a little. "Don't you want to have some water before you go?" Without waiting for an answer, he pulled the other by the arm to the kitchen. She left it propped up on the counter while she poured a glass of cold water for the boy.

The gray-eyed brunette took all the water in an instant, carefully placing the glass on the counter. The liquid was very well received by your stomach. He was feeling a little dizzy, mainly because he had to carry Naruto's heavy body back and forth, in addition to the extra sake cups he had drunk. He didn't drink often, but on that particular night he felt he needed a distraction. Sasuke stayed on the other side of the table and if he didn't vividly remember the kisses exchanged, he could easily say that nothing had happened to them and that left him a little frustrated. Well, I didn't know what to expect, but that whole distance was hardly welcome.

He was surprised by the man's hand on his forehead. It was inevitable not to blush at the touch, especially since for a moment I had forgotten his presence in the same room.

"It's OK? You look pale." The owner of the Sharingan gave a smile so beautiful that the other felt a little more dizzy than he already was because of the drink. "You are already pale as usual, it wasn't the best of my perceptions." I didn't really know what the other was saying, all I knew was that he looked so handsome at that moment that I just wanted to pull him close and stay there for the rest of the night. Would it be that bad if it broke that distance between them?

Sasuke felt that the boy was looking at him in a strange way, he just couldn't identify what it was. Not until Sai, appearing to be at the height of his courage, pulled him into a kiss. The act was a pleasant surprise, mainly because what had taken the action seemed much less timid in relation to that than normally. This was a little thought provoking, because now there was no one to disturb the two (I doubted Naruto would wake up so early due to the state he was in) and the room was very close.

Shimura's pale arms went to the other's neck, sticking their bodies together. The kisses were desperate, as if they needed each other. The last few times had been intense, but not like this. All the Uchiha could do was try to match the height; the level of drink in the other's blood had certainly left him quite undaunted.

The drawing master seemed to want to touch him everywhere: his hair, which was now a mess of meaningless strands; his neck, which in the past had only seen the hands of enemies there, in an attempt to suffocate him; their shoulders, which have been tightened so that the distance between them is getting smaller and smaller; and his back, which was certainly the best part that had been played that night. So far. Sasuke felt a chill when he felt skin-to-skin contact, soft hands touching his waist. He could tell he was enjoying the touch, until the other held the hem of his shirt.

It was as if he had been shocked. He cut off the kiss, feeling breathless and put a hand between them. The man in front of him looked confused, his cheeks flushed and his mouth swollen from the kisses exchanged, as he tried to understand what was happening. Sasuke sighed and ran a hand over his face. As much as he told himself it was okay, he was not yet ready to face certain things.

"What happened? I did something ... "Sai understood that they were probably going too fast. He was fully aware that he was not in his normal state, he was certainly not one hundred percent sober, but he was not falling from drunk either. His head was dizzy, but that was, in large part, because of the exchanged affection. He always felt a little airy after he kissed.

"I don't want to continue." Sasuke didn't quite know how to deal with what he was feeling. Feelings have never been your forte. He wasn't exactly very sensitive, but some wounds moved him considerably. In that case, he felt extremely uncomfortable when he realized that he was feeling insecure. It had always been a security pit. He had always been sure of what it was, of its qualities, of its beauty, of how much the girls looked when it passed. There was never any doubt. Until that moment.

But the other did not know the conflict that was going on in the Uchiha's mind. So, without knowing much information, the only thing the gray-eyed man could think of was that it had been something he had done.

"Excuse me. I didn't want to… if I hurt you in any way… "

"No, Sai, it was nothing you did."

"So you do not want…"

He sighed. He did not believe that they had reached that moment and he felt powerless to know that he needed to speak. It hadn't been Sai's fault. And he needed to know that. He made his decision when the other started to walk away, looking sulky. Heavens, sometimes I wish I had never kissed that boy. For sure, your life would be easier.

"It's not that I don't want to move on. I want to, especially now that there is no one to interrupt. I just… Get out, I'm not ready to show anyone my wound. " He had never felt insecure about anything about his body, it was a completely new experience. He didn't feel ready to show the scar on his arm to anyone. Of course, everyone knew he had an arm missing, some people like Naruto and Tsunade had already seen it, but he always wore long sleeve shirts, which made him have the illusion that he still had both members.

"Does the lack of an arm bother you?" Sai felt calmer. He still felt breathless and his body still wished the affection hadn't stopped. But I needed to start thinking with my head. The companion also had problems, real problems and ignoring it would not do either of them good.

"I already got used to living without him, doing my daily tasks with just one. But in that case, I still don't feel comfortable. " It was amazing how Sasuke, even though he said he was insecure, didn't even falter in his speech. Sure, he looked a little embarrassed, but other than that, he still looked like that security pit, and sometimes arrogance, always.

"Why didn't you put a prosthesis like Naruto?" The Uchiha laughed, with a hint of mockery in his voice.

"I would never be able to walk around with a fake arm as if nothing had happened." Then his tone got a little more serious. "Missing is like a lesson for me. I am not proud of my actions, but I did what I needed to do. And that is my consequence. "

Not knowing what to say, the brunette gave a small smile.

"Well, I think it's time to go home. I think you want to rest. "

He certainly wanted to rest. But after all that experience they had, Sasuke thought that since they weren't going to do that, he could do something else. I would also like to test something.

"If you want to stay, I don't care."

Against all his wishes, Shimura said something he thought was the most sensible. "I think it's better to go home." They had already done several things that night. I didn't want to scare the other person with all those relationship things, after all.

"Leaves." The pale boy looked at him with all the attention he could still get. On the other hand, after what had happened and what he had said and done up to that moment, the ex-nukenin could not even feel ashamed for what was about to be said. He had become someone, as TenTen said, inconsequentially? Perhaps. "I want you to stay."

"No problem? Where am I going to sleep? Naruto is already on the couch. " I was nervous, I couldn't deny it. Sasuke wanted him to stay. He had said it in every word. He wondered for a moment if he was not dreaming. He remembered when Mitsashi said he was a different person now. He never really expected that attitude, but it was there and he was really considering staying.

Sasuke had doubts whether he was innocent to such an extent or just doing it.

"I want you to sleep in bed with me." The other widened his eyes at the comment and the owner of the house just sighed, resigned. "I haven't slept with someone in a while. The last time this happened, I was a little boy and sneaked into Itachi's bed. I would like to have that experience again. "

"This is a big step."

"I know." It was a huge step, but her friend would be proud of her actions. He was just following his wishes without any brakes. It was a good thing, right? So far it had been good and they just they went to sleep in the same bed, it was no big deal. It's not like they're going to be holding each other all night like a couple in love. And also ... "That way, I also make sure to be close in case you feel sick."

"I'm not that bad." He looked offended.

"You drank a lot. Don't tell me it's not bad. "

I had no answer for that. The only thing you can do is sigh.

"Can I have a towel to shower, then?"

"Of course. Come on, I have some in the room. " He was about to leave when the other called his name. The Uchiha stopped to look at him. Sai looked nervous about something. She looked at him intently, encouraging him to continue, whatever it was he wanted to say.

"You know… we need to talk. What happened today ... is not cool. I didn't know how I was supposed to act around you. "

Of course, they would come to this subject sometime. What would you say? He also didn't know how he was supposed to act around the other, and he also didn't know if he was ready to name their relationship. They had only been "together" for, what, a few days?

"Do you want to name this?"

"Is not it. I just want to know how you want me to act when I'm around you. And I would like to know how you will act around me. In front of other people. I just want to know what to expect. "

"Get out… can we talk about this tomorrow? I think we are both tired and I would rather talk about it when we are rested and our minds are in perfect condition. "

"It's all right."

Sasuke pointed to the direction of his room, indicating that the brunette would follow him. They had certain doubts that they would be able to rest well that night.

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