
Entwined With You: Our Souls Are Tied

Nothing hurts more than a lost Love, one that has no hope of returning. Even if it does, it's a really slim possibility of it. Ezra, The head of the demacians and the prince of the dark vampires, was the strongest vampire being alive. He was like Absalom to them. He fought various deathly battles and each time came back with victory. He had no flaw and he hated even the sound of that. But unfortunately he fell in love with a maiden of Demacia. Her beauty got him so hard that he couldn't resist. First he thought it was just mere attraction, but he was so wrong when he realized the raise of his stone-still heart anytime he's around her. His rivals, the people of Ixtal Finally had an opportunity to bring him down, they striked. They came to know about this one little flaw he had—Love!!. They took advantage of this. Ezra did all he could to save the only light in his world, Excerpt: “I failed.” He whispered, his hands shaking as he held her corpse so close to him, with tear stained eyes and something else that spelt nothing but pure horror. “I failed.” He kept muttering incoherently, hugging her already lifeless body to himself. Suddenly he stopped, his eye color changed to a horrifying red. Nothing but vengance was all he wanted. “I will revenge you my love.” He said giving a kiss on her forehead before diving in for her neck. . . . Ten Thousand years later. Heavy storm blew everywhere rocking the entire universe. The sky had already changed color from it's usual blue to a hue of dark red. The clouds Moving dangerously but slowly. The whole world looked like it was soaked in blood. “It's time.” The man in the dark cloak mumbled with much conviction. “It's time.” Again he said. “Welcome back my Love.” A wicked and deadly smile made it's appearance on his face that was hidden behind the dark cloak. *. *. * This is my first fantasy novels, please show support if you like it. Disclaimer: Credits to the owner of the cover.

Author_Bright · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Li Empire

The melancholic feeling seeped through the atmosphere. Everywhere utterly quiet. Alvira was in a dazed state. Staring above the clouds, the stars and moon seemed really dull. She smiled, a somewhat bitter smile. Looks like, just like her everything seemed rather desolate and bleak. Including the cheerful atmosphere of the night.

Her thoughts were interrupted when Kayla sat by her side. She turn to give her glance.

"Still Sad?" Kayla said in a voice that sounded as a whisper.

Alvira smiled, she shook her head sideways in response. "Thank you." She mused.

"It's what friends do." Kayla replied.

They gave each other a hug. When they pulled off from it. "Won't you come in? it's getting cold." Kayla asked Alvira.

She nodded wordlessly, they both stood and went in together.

* * *

"My Lady, I prefer you fire her than hand her over to Master Li."

"And why do you say so?" She asked, swirling the wine in the glass around.

"He has no use for her my Lady, and besides..." He paused.

"Besides what?" Her interest was quite piqued from this little pause.

"...You didn't want any woman by his side, then to talk of her. Aren't you worried that he may think she..."

"Just because their names are similar dosen't mean she is the one. Watch your tongue!" She growled, slamming the glass against the table ferociously.

"I'm sorry my Lady." Denor apologized instantly.

"Now do as I say." She ordered.

"I will, My Lady, if you will excuse me." He said and left immediately he saw her sign permitting him to Leave.

"Alvira....Huh? Let's see how this go, let's see if it's really you. It's been centuries of decades or two, yet! you never came back. I doubt you ever will" Roosevelt muttered to herself. A vicious conspiracy gleaming in the depths of her eyes.


The next morning everything went smoothly, With both Kayla and Alvira having their breakfast and getting ready together. Kayla popped out in Alvira's room after getting ready.

"Hey? aren't you going to work today?" Alvira asked seeing her in plain casuals.

"Nope, I took a day off." Kayla answered while moving on to sit on her bed.

"Huh why?"

"Won't you need company to your new place of work?" Kayla spouted casually.

Alvira just gave her sincere grateful look, she didn't know what she will do without Kayla as a friend and partner in life. "Thank you." She mouthed, her eyes already feeling blurry from the rush of emotions swirling within her.

"Come on girl, not this again. You know what? take this as a promotion, atleast now you get to leave that shitty hotel."

"Yeah," Alvira said with a chuckle. She's so thankful for a friend like Kayla. "I love you." She didn't even know when she said it but she knew she meant it.

"Awwwn, Love you too." The smug Kayla replied going closer for a hug, but got hit by Alvira.

"Don't take it to heart, I was just kidding." Alvira joked.

"I know come here." Kayla still went for the hug and they both laughed.

"Let's get going." Kayla said and they head out.


At the venue were all of the employees chosen by Lady Roose were waiting, Kayla and Alvira arrived just on time and at the same time a luxurious car pulled up. They already had it in mind that it was no other than lady Roose that was in there. Alvira's breath had already hitched. Kayla noticed this and rubbed her hands slowly, in an act to calm her down. Alvira gave her a nod, telling her that she's alright.

Unexpectedly, Denor was the only one who alighted the car, some of the staff went as far as trying to peek into the car from a distance to see if really, their boss was absent. They silently praised their stars.

"Good day Mr Denor." They greeted. But Alvira kept silent.

Ignoring her, Denor went on. "You guys were called here today because of the new orientation that will be given and after that your different task will be given to each of you, then we shall proceed to the company you will be working in as your respective positions. Understood?"

"Yes!" They echoed.

"Follow me, lady Roose is absent today so I came in her stead."

They nodded and followed him to what look like representative room for a meeting. They took their seats and began the orientation.

Kayla decided to wait outside for Alvira.

The orientation was taking a lot of time than expected. But through out the briefing the company they were going to work in wasn't mentioned.

At the end of an hour, they were done, with assigning positions and the rest. Everyone felt bad for Alvira, though the girl in question wasn't sad or carry an expression that spoke discontent or gloom, she was just the way she Came.

It was time for them to leave, it was a private company bus they took while Denor drove in his car and they followed behind.

"How did it go?" Kayla asked.

"It was okay." Alvira said with a shrug.

"Are you sure?" Kayla doubted. But Alvira gave her an assuring smile, with less doubt Kayla calmed down and asked no more questions.

In less than thirty minutes,

They finally arrived, the bus stopped in the parking space, following Denor who parked as well.

He gestured for them to get down, and they did. one by one. He led them into a large door by the side of the building. The whole place screamed luxury.

Some wondered why he didn't lead them in from the front door, but they didn't have the courage to ask him that so they quietly tagged along.

The employees came to a halt in a large hall, which they saw to be ten times larger than the one in their hotel. They were wowed by everything they came across.

A spoke person came to brief them about their work and company in the hall after they took their seats.

Kayla and Alvira sat together waiting patiently.

"I welcome you all in place of our Boss, sorry he is very busy and had no time to come. Once again, you are welcome to the Li Empire."

"No way!" Alvira said, her eyes wide in shock. When she was given the duty of the Boss personal assistant, it was okay with her but now she got here only to know that she has been brought to the Li empire! When they said the Boss...does it mean....? Him?