
Entwined To Be With The Ruthless Billionaire

"Wait!” She nearly screamed. “Let me make a phone call. I’m allowed to make a phone call, aren’t I?” The officer’s smile widened, "And who, if I might ask, do you intend to call?” She asked, although she had a good guess who that person was. “My uncle. William Taylor.” Emma replied with a smirk. This was the first time she would ever boldly and somewhat proudly mentioned her wicked uncle’s name. The female officer’s face slowly opened wide in a smile. Then, she began to chuckle and every police officer in the station began to laugh as well. Within seconds, the whole station was reverberating in laughter. “Wh… what is… what is going on? What is so funny?” There could not have been a more confusing expression on Emma’s face. She felt stupid and left out at the same time. What was happening? “Oh baby girl.” One of the officers finally responded. “Just an hour before you woke up, your uncle William Taylor was here to file a theft and kidnap case against you. Apparently, you were being a spoiled, rebellious brat and were trying to prove a point. You stole a car, invited poor Caroline out, got drunk together and ran into the pole that turned the sole heir of a multi-billion company into mashed potatoes.” Emma’s mouth opened wide. She closed it and swallowed hard. She sighed as tears streamed down her face. In the wake of that tragedy, Emma Taylor's life takes a dark turn when her uncle's betrayal lands her in the clutches of billionaire Daniel Stone. With her father's company hanging by a thread, Emma becomes a pawn in Daniel's game of power and deception. Was this going to be the end of her?

ogunsuyigrace87 · Urban
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55 Chs

An Eyewitness

"No, that can't be!" Emma protested loudly. 

"What is that?" The female guard asked her. 

"Please don't make me go back there! I don't think I can survive if I should go back there ..." Emma stated, pleadingly. 

"You are kidding, right? Do you think you have a say on where you go for work, you silly brat!" The guard huffed and walked away. 

"Please listen to me! Tigress is going to finish me completely if I should show my face around her, again. That witch nearly killed me today and clearly said she would make me attend my own funeral, if I should show up around her, again." Emma yelled at the retreating steps of the guard. 

"I know I am a prisoner and I accept that I have lost my right to freedom of movement, but that doesn't indicate that I have lost my right to protection. I should be protected from that insane witch who is after my life! Did I come here to be killed by a fellow inmate? How can my voice not be heard?" Emma vented aloud even though she knew the guard was off earshot. 

At that moment, Daniel who was on his way to their room, passed by her side. He simply looked at her with his usual flat expression and walked by. 

"As if pairing me with an insane male inmate isn't enough to make me lose my mind and commit suicide, now you want an insane woman to tear me apart over a senseless reason!" Emma was still screaming on top of her voice, hoping the guard would come around and hear her out. Instead of coming to listen to her vent, two guards came around and tried to force her to keep quiet as she was creating a scene. 

"Shut up or we will force you to." One of the guards snapped at her and she flinched, before scurrying away after Daniel but keeping her distance from him. She wondered why the sudden change in him. She believed that they've past the stage of animosity. When they got to their room, he stared at her for a while before going in and slamming the door after him.


Back at Williams' office... 

"We have had enough of your inadequacy. We are coming tomorrow to lock up your company. Be prepared!" The caller with the bad news informed Williams. 

"Oh, it is you? Why are you calling me with an unknown ID?" Williams asked, completely ignoring the caller's supposed bad news. 

"Why won't I call with another number when you have been ignoring my calls?" The caller snapped at him. 

"And aren't you talking too relaxedly for someone whose company is about to be locked up?" The caller was surprised at his nonchalance. 

"That is because I do not need to shout on top of my voice to get my points across unlike you! Now, calm down and explain to me what you are calling me for, in a calm and respectful manner. Apart from being your senior in the business world, I am way older than you. So, accord me some respect!" Williams maintained, cockily. 

"Wow! Now, you are even being cocky! How can you be this brazen? Respect is earned and you have done nothing to deserve it. No debtor is respected!" The caller retorted. 

"That is the bone of contention, right? Then, will you start respecting me after I pay you off?" Williams asked, calmly. 

"Pay off first and we shall have that conversation again!" The caller dared him. 

"Alright!" Williams smirked. 

"If you have time, you should come and meet me in my office with your lawyer before noon. I am clearing my debt today but if you refuse to show up, I don't know when you are going to get your money." Williams informed him, arrogantly. 

"You are going to see me and my lawyer in the next thirty minutes!" The caller stated, no longer bothered by his cocky tone, and ended the call. 

"How powerful money is!" Williams chuckled. 

"Thank God I accepted the deal Mr A brought. If not, how will I be able to order that disrespectful boy, around?" He thought satisfyingly but was cut short by a distracting noise from outside. 

"What is happening at the reception?" Williams thought and took the office telephone to put a call through to the receptionist. 

"Beatrice, what is going on? What is causing that noise that I am hearing from there?" Williams inquired. 

"I am sorry sir. There is this homeless man who insists on seeing you, without an appointment. I explained to him we don't allow that but he is creating a scene. He has bitten a security guard." Beatrice explained to Williams. 

"What? Is he a dog?" Williams was astonished. That wasn't supposed to be funny but Williams cracked up at it. 

"I think I find that amusing because I am in a good mood today. Let him in!" Williams instructed Beatrice. 

"Sir?" Beatrice wasn't sure she heard him well. 

"I said I want to see him. Direct him to my office." Williams insisted.

"I am curious to know what he has to say to me." He said to himself. 

"Okay sir, I understand." Beatrice said and dropped the phone. Then, she directed the man into Williams' office. 

"There you are! Come on in!" Williams told the visitor as he came knocking on his door. 

"Hello, young man! Have a seat." He said to the man as the latter walked in. 

"Oh, what a beautiful office! I wonder how much these things cost." The visitor stated and instead of sitting down, he looked around, touching things in the process. 

"Could he be a mad person?" Williams wondered and he began to regret accepting to meet with him. 

"Hey, young man! Will you state the purpose of your visit or should I call the security to come bundle you out?" Williams asked him, feeling irritated by his impudent behavior. 

"Getting impatient, are we?" The visitor smirked. 

"That's it, I am calling the security!" Williams announced and took the phone but before he could dial any number, the man spoke up. 

"I am an eyewitness. I was at the scene of the incident that fateful day, and I plan to go tell the police what I saw."

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