
Entwined in Thorns: A Princess's Desperate Whispers(1st book of four)

Edward's touch was gentle yet electrifying as he drew Seutsui closer, his lips seeking hers with a hunger that mirrored her own. As their mouths met in a fervent kiss, a rush of heat surged between them. With a tender caress, Edward's tongue traced the curve of Seutsui's lips, seeking entrance to the depths of her being. As she parted her lips in silent invitation, he delved inside, their tongues entwining with desire.  *** He crouched down to my height and sighed. " Listen here, muffin," he began, his tone gentle yet firm "I wish I could tell you, but I think it's better if we wait for Saitous. So now, be a good girl and stop worrying so much, okay?" There was no room for Argument yet his voice... I didn't feel the reliance I always felt when he talked. He gently patted my hair and walked towards his room. This is worrying me more and more... "Entwined in Thorns: A Princess's Desperate Whispers" A lost princess unravels her hidden truth, setting forth on a courageous journey to reclaim her birthright. "Entwined in Thorns: A Princess's Desperate Whispers" chronicles the tale of hushed longings echoing through the challenging path she forges. With a delicate yet determined spirit, the princess stands resolute in fighting for her and her people. Amidst the thorns, the only confidant she had and wanted yet struggled to keep was a possessive and potent man whose love was clouded by warmth just for her. Why should she struggle? Who would dare to touch her with him beside her? Who would dare to take her from him? As she grapples with her own conflicted emotions will she be able to survive two people? One in whom she finds her solace and where she planted her love and one who claims her as his yet dare to be so cruel to her. Can she navigate the treacherous path to her rights while finding warmth in the most unexpected places? Content Warning: Attention Readers: This is a work of fiction intended to transport you to another dimension of storytelling. However, it may ventures into dark romance, exploring themes such as abuse, graphic fantasies, captivity, violence, and non-consensual acts. Please be aware that these themes are depicted in a graphic manner. Characters and incidents in this book are purely products of the author's imagination and are works of fiction. While sweet romance is also present, it's imperative not to disregard this warning. If you find certain content distressing or triggering, take the necessary steps to prioritize your mental well-being. Your emotional health is paramount, and it's perfectly acceptable to opt out of reading if you feel uncomfortable. Thank you for your understanding and consideration.

NHK · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 4

Morning sunbeam was coruscating from unsealed broken holes in the roof. As Seutsui squinted at it, she noticed it was time to wake up. She sensed a busy atmosphere. Glasses clinking against kitchenware, the sizzling sound of a pan, the sound of boiling water, and even the sound of cracking firewood. They had run out of firewood. Seutsui ambled toward the kitchen while squeezing an eye drowsily, to see what was happening. Aloof from the other days, the kitchen was full of food and other necessities like firewood, oil, candles and even some pieces of clothing. It looked like she just finished shopping and got home. Anipe was busy and engaged in all the cooking.

"Mother, what are you doing? " Seutsui blinked.

Despite answering her question, Anipe motioned her to sit. As Seutsui sat, she saw a ledger on the wooden table. She grabbed it and started inspecting it. It was filled with all the names of those necessities and in the other column, it seemed like it was indicating the quantity and total expenditure. And it was a lot. She had bought much more than they buy on the other days, which they could never afford in a single day.

Anipe put a large plate with different kinds of food on it on the table.

"Mother, what's the occasion? Are we getting really rich or something?" she asked, sipping from a large cup of orange juice in Anipe's hand.

"Sweetie, I need to talk to you about something." Anipe threw a serious face.

Seutsui looked a little bemused. So Anipe put her hand over Seutsui's and rubbed it.

"I want you to stay with Edward for a week. " Anipe squeezed Seutsui's hand while grimacing.

Seutsui was thunderstruck by her mother, suggesting she could stay with someone other than her, not only for a day or two but for a whole week.

"What?" Seutsui's mouth was wide open.

She gasped. As for Seutsui, it was a really big deal to be apart from her mother. She never got used to it, but as for Edward, being without Saitous was nothing. Actually, he was used to it. Of course, they loved each other but never had enough time to work on their relationship. Edward was busy training to accomplish his revenge on the king. On the other hand, Saitous was busy peripatetic, gathering and training people who had lost everything to the king.

"Mom, well, it's okay with me. Saitous and I are already close enough and I'm happy that you trust him and..." Seutsui's cute talk winded up as Anipe raised her voice.

"Well, about that sweetie. I want you to stay with Edward because Saitous and I decided to go to Gemhill together. " Anipe bit her lips while simpering.

Gemhill was the capital of Iidenthiya, and it was where the palace was. It was a trading city, and it was at least a hundred times larger than Seutsui's little village.

"What? But why? Why with him? No...No... Why are you even going there? Seutsui was disconcerted.

"First, calm down and have your breakfast. I will explain everything while you are eating. " Anipe took some mash from the spoon and brought it close to Seutsui's mouth.

Seutsui nibbled at it with sorrow.

"Now you are almost 6 years old, Seutsui, and I need to give you a good education. Not only about books but everything. So we need money for that and selling small handmade stuff will not help us whatsoever. So I thought of trading with richer people in Gemhill. " Seutsui couldn't acknowledge what her mother was trying to say.

"Then what about Saitous? Why are you both going?" She blinked her teary eyes.

"That is what I can't answer. I asked him, but he said that he had his own business. So I didn't bother. I just wanted him to give me a ride anyway. ," Anipe patted Seutsui's back.

"But mother I can't stay with that halfwit alone" Seutsui yowled.

Instead of sympathizing with Seutsui, she turned her soothing pat on Seutsui's back into a thrash.

"Where did you even learn that? That is no way to talk to an elder. " Anipe stamped her feet as she was in a rage but she was just trying to discipline Seutsui.

After a long squabble, they had an agreement. Seutsui decided to stay with Edward but only if he agrees to stay at Seutsui's cottage.


"When will you come back then?" Edward asked as he lit the fireplace.

As it was getting dark, Saitous was getting ready to go to sleep because he was going to go to Gemhill tomorrow.

"Maybe about a week later. " Saitous put on his nightshirt.

"Then make sure you don't get caught by the palace guards. I'm sure they'll still remember you," Edward said seriously and concernedly.

"Well, then, what about you? Need me to take you there before we depart?" he sat on the bed.

"Take where?" he asked in astonishment.

"Didn't I tell you? Anipe wants you to stay at her house until we come. ," For an instant, he stared unbelievingly.

"No you didn't and there is no way I'm gonna do as she says," he frowned perplexedly.

"But I promised her," Saitous urged.

"Well, that's not in my concern. Is it?" with a frigid stare, he fixed his eyes on Saitous, conveying an unmistakable message of displeasure.

Saito was in a state of panic, as he had made a promise to Anipe that she could trust Seutsui with Edward. It was a matter that required his utmost attention. He took a deep breath and got up abruptly. He really wanted to convince Edward. But how?

His mind sparked with the perfect idea he had been searching for. At that moment, he knew he had struck gold.

"Oh, that's a shame. I thought you could help Seutsui, but now I see you can't. Poor Seutsui. I can't even imagine how that little one will survive alone for weeks without anyone. , " He pretended as if he didn't care.

Edward pondered for a while, deep in thought. Although he disliked the idea of obeying a woman he had never met before, he would not allow Seutsui to stay alone.

While Edward drifted into deep contemplation, Saitous continued speaking about Seutsui's predicament, oblivious to Edward's lack of attention. Engrossed in his own thoughts, Edward grappled with this unfamiliar sensation, a sensation he had never experienced before.

"And... Oh no... What if someone broke..."Edward's voice interrupted Saitou's facade.

"Alright. I will watch her while you are gone," Edward said reluctantly.


The brook shimmered in the morning sunlight, casting a golden hue over the surrounding landscape. Anipe and Saitous bustled about, loading the carriage parked beside the brook, nestled beneath the shade of an ancient oak tree. Edward, who had been observing them intently without stirring, finally cleared his throat and motioned for Saitous to approach. With a curious glance, Saitous made his way over to Edward and leaned in closer, awaiting his words.

"Isn't she gonna tell Seutsui before your departure?" he whispered.

Saitous turned and gazed at Anipe's cottage and then at Anipe.

"Aren't you gonna see Seutsui before we go?"He returned towards Anipe's direction.

"She slept late last night and was crying in sorrow because I was going to leave today. Even if I woke her up now, it would only make me upset to see her cry. So it will be better not to wake her up." As they made the decision to depart for Gemhill without bidding Seutsui farewell, she spoke, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness.

The sight of them grew fainter as Saitous drove the cart along the narrow road.

The crackling sound of the cart jolted Seutsui awake. She burst out of the cottage, tears streaming down her face as she watched her mother leave. Without a thought for footwear, she sprinted along the road, her heartache driving her forward even though the cart was already almost out of sight.

She suddenly stopped as she felt a sudden and firm seize around her waist leaving her totally flabbergasted but there was no time for her to think about the unfamiliar grip. She attempted to push away whoever was holding her, but the grip was too tight, rendering her immobile.As the carriage gradually vanished in the distance, Seutsui sensed a release in the grip that had been holding her tightly.Seutsui's desperate attempt to break free left her on her knees, gasping in despair.

As Seutsui's despair expanded, she felt angry enough to smash her captor's face. However, she held back her anger and turned around to see who it was.

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