
Entwined Fates: A Forbidden Love

In a city, a fearsome assassin, contracted by the most malevolent business owners with sinister intentions, lurked in the shadows. Mei, the assassin, lived a seemingly ordinary life, yet she also traded death for money while relentlessly pursuing the truth behind her parents' murder. The pieces of the puzzle were gradually falling into place, leading her closer to the identity of their killer. As the investigation closed in, she made the unexpected decision to change schools, hoping to shield her mission. However, a chance encounter with a young man caused an unexpected delay in her quest, creating new challenges and distractions.

Imejinmars · Teen
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Death

It was a beautiful sight in our garden. I gazed at the sky and saw my parents' faces. The air was fresh, and their presence was so comforting. "Mommy, Daddy, can we stay like this forever?" I asked as I lay on their laps. "Hahaha, I wish we could, but life sometimes brings change," Daddy replied. I quickly responded, "Then, let's not change. I don't know what kind of change, but I prefer it this way." There was a moment of silence, and my mom said, "Sweetie, always remember that Mommy and Daddy love you, no matter what." She then kissed my forehead, while my dad playfully teased her and planted a kiss on her right cheek. 

My parents are usually very busy, but they made an effort to spend time bonding with me. However, in the following days, things started to feel strange. Normally, they talk a lot and love to joke around, but they became unusually serious, as if something uncomfortable and distracting was on their minds. I felt worried but couldn't bring myself to ask, so I left them to it.

While I was sitting on the couch, they began arguing in their bedroom. I couldn't help but sneak a peek and couldn't accept the fact that they were fighting. What was the reason for this sudden change? Why were they acting this way? I kept asking myself, but my tears wouldn't come, leaving me feeling hurt and profoundly sad.

The following day, my mom sat alone on a bench, deep in thought. I approached and took a seat beside her, concerned. Before I could finish asking, "Mommy, are you okay?" she abruptly pushed me away, and I stumbled to my knees, feeling both physically and emotionally wounded. With a surprised expression, she gazed at me, then extended her hand to help me up. "I'm so sorry, sweetie. I have a lot on my mind, and I didn't realize it was you. I thought it was your Dad," she explained, her voice trembling. Soon after, tears welled in her eyes, and she embraced me tightly, repeatedly apologizing and affirming her love and care. I hugged her in return, assuring her, "It's okay, Mommy. Everything will be alright," comforted her with my words without fully understanding the weight of her concerns.

I couldn't sleep tonight. Mom locked me in my room and warned me not to open the door for my own safety, leaving me utterly perplexed. The events of that night kept replaying in my mind: my parents' argument, my Mom's forceful actions. Suddenly, a loud noise and my Mom's screams jolted me awake. I crept to my window, peering out to witness a horrifying scene. Three strangers in black suits and masks, armed with guns, had my Mom at gunpoint, while my Dad fought desperately to protect her. My Dad pleaded for their mercy, but the woman among the strangers replied, 'You're both as good as dead.' They kicked my Dad, and one of them stepped on his head, declaring, 'Criminals like you don't deserve to live.' Then, a gunshot echoed, and I was paralyzed, watching my parents die before my eyes in a pool of blood. Tears streamed down my face, and I was left traumatized, struggling to breathe. The sound of approaching police sirens filled the air, and I lost consciousness. Why would anyone commit such a heinous act?

She's just an 8 year old kid :(...

me just making her life misrable . . .

. . .

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