
Chapter 25

Lycan opened his eyes,they were swollen and hurtful.his whole body was numb with pain while still tied to the chair. He could hear soft whispers behind the closed door and he strained his ear to get any word from their lip but it was too low.

Suddenly,the door flung open and Alex unmistakable figure made his way into the room,his hand fixed in his trouser pocket with a cigarette dangling between his lips. He crouched before Lycan.

 "The mighty has fallen"he chuckled.

 "Bastard" Lycan spat blood on his face.

He stood up and collected the handkerchief handed over to him by his guard "you know what Lycan?,you wouldn't be here suffering like these if only you would hand over the book to me. Of what use will it be when you won't even be alive to make use of it again".

 "Then you lose too because you can never find it"

 "I will do anything till I get to that book".

 "Suit yourself".

Alex stared at him in annoyance,he knew for a fact that Lycan was not a man to mess around with yet he wondered why his men had not come for him. They could not really believe that staged act that he was actually bombed to death and perhaps if they did somebody would have definitely come out to claim his business that was sure to happen yet it had not happen so he made a mental note of checking that out but first he needed to solve the issue here at hand.

 "Well,if you care to know something about your girl,what's that her name again…"

 "If you dare lay your hands on her bastard I will make sure you don't live to tell the tale"Lycans eyes blazed with anger as he shook himself on the chair trying all his effort to get lose.

Alex laughed "these is such a beautiful scene to watch".

 "Don't you dare…"

 "I know..,I know…I won't touch her only if you tell me where the book is".

 "Rot in hell but you will never find it".

 "You are really testing my patience but unfortunately I don't have enough, anyways make sure by mid day tomorrow I have the book with me".he said before exiting the room.

The sun rays penetrating through the blinds hurt Sarah's eye,she tossed round before forcing her eye lids open and sitting up on the bed. Her mouth was sour and her brain quiet numb,it was such a long time since she had such peaceful sleep. She yawned noisily before she threw her leg over the bed,slipped her feet into her shoes before dragging herself to the bathroom.

Sarah stared at the numerous missed calls on her phone,it was such a long time since she had access to it,she decided to apologise to agent Ross for not making it to the dinner she was invited.

 "Good morning,am so sorry about last night".

 "There's no problem,even I did not mind so much".

 "Okay then,thanks alot"she hung up and flung the phone on the bed before proceeding to arrange her room.

She picked the bag which housed the few belongings she had grabbed from Lycans base during her flee,she proceeded to off load the content when a piece of paper fell of faced down on the floor she picked it up seeing Lycans blue cold eyes staring back at her almost accusingly,she winced under imaginary pain and heart wrenching guilt.

Sarah sighed pathetically as she raised her eyes staring at her father's portrait hanging over the fire place,he always seemed to have ready solutions and answers to her problem and after such a long time she longed to hear his reprimanding yet caring voice. She knew it was wrong to get entrapped or entangled in any mission but then she had fought with all her might to subdue that feeling but it seemed even her heart had suddenly stopped listening to her and with each passing day she could not help but admit that her heart continued longing for these guy with the boyish face and the cold eyes.

Unconsciously,her finger began tracing those magical jawlines,those light moustache which had begun to sprout on their own will despite the fact that he was always particular about his looks and had always endured he stayed fit. Almost like reality she could swear she could perceive his favourite cologne filling the room with his presence,his deep cold hard eyes carefully scrutinizing the room before settling on her and she could almost swear that when those eyes rest upon her they had such magnifying warmth mixed with a kind of longing desire for her.

She sighed again and shoved the picture beneath the table lamp on her bed,he was death, definitely an illusion whom she had allowed herself to plunge unconsciously into.

 "Pull yourself together Sarah,don't be such a wreck"she muttered slapping her cheek gently to pull herself together.


Deep groans filled the room as the doctor sat with his leg crossed staring at the man who was tied to the chair. He was bleeding from his nose and ears,hot pot stood beside him burning brightly from the bottom while the fire from the stove continued to hit it.

The sizzling sound mixed with his groans again assailed the room,the doctor sighed ",just tell me where Lycan kept the book and I might even let you live".

 "I…I swear to..to God I don't know"he moaned pathetically.

 "But I can't help it,I really think you know. Now let's take it these way,you were more close to Lycan and you know every hint of the business than everybody else how then can you tell me that you don't know where he hid the book?".

 "Believe me… I don't"the man was breathing so fast as the hot iron was picked again and held over his face.

 "You know accident do happen and I guess you wouldn't want it to affect your eyes,so I will count to three and you will decide if you will start talking or not".

He flicked his finger giving the guy a signal "1…,2…,3…"

 "I will talk..,please don't..I will talk"the man wept.

 "Now start talking"he roared.

 "I..swear to God..I did not know the book was that important,I saw the lady go with it. I never knew it was that important".

 "And you thought it wise to with hold such important information from me, because of that you have betrayed these family and you know very well what happens to people who do that".

 "Am sorry..,show mercy please".

 "Take him away"he commanded turning his back on the group as the man was dragged away.