
Entrapped to Conspire

UNDER EDITING!!! Story in Flux! Currently under editing - bear with me as I refine the story!

Fay_01 · History
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46 Chs

Chapter 20

The last rays of the setting sun dipped below the castle ramparts, casting long, ominous shadows across the manicured gardens. Aurelia slipped through the ajar oak door of the library. A wave of cool, musty air washed over her, carrying with it the faint scent of aged paper and forgotten lore.

Inside, the library was a study in gothic grandeur. Towering bookshelves, crafted from dark, polished oak, stretched towards the vaulted ceiling, seemingly disappearing into the dusty gloom. Row upon row of leather-bound volumes, their spines etched with faded gold lettering, whispered tales of forgotten eras and secrets untold. A giant oak ladder, its worn rungs gleaming faintly in the dying light filtering through high, arched windows, stood sentinel beside a particular section of shelves.

Aurelia stood for a moment, her breath catching in her throat, overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of knowledge contained within these walls. It was a world far removed from the stifling confines of her chambers, a world that promised escape, not just from the physical constraints of the castle, but also from the mental anguish that gnawed at her.

With a deep breath, she placed the oil lamp she'd pilfered from her room on a nearby table, its flickering flame casting an inviting pool of light on the worn wooden floorboards.

Her fingers, itching with curiosity, traced the cool spines of the nearest books. Titles in unfamiliar languages brushed against her fingertips, each one a portal to a world unknown. She spotted histories of ancient kingdoms, philosophical treatises with titles that made her head spin, and even a few hefty tomes adorned with fantastical creatures that sent shivers down her spine. Maps. She needed maps.

Lifting the oil lamp high, Aurelia ventured deeper into the library's labyrinthine aisles. The rows of books stretched on endlessly, their towering presence both comforting and oppressive. The comforting scent of aged paper still hung in the air, masking the faint chill that seemed to seep from the castle's ancient stones.

She scanned the spines, her eyes searching for any hint of cartography. Travelogues, historical accounts, even a hefty volume on the constellations – none offered the information she craved. Despair gnawed at her. Without a map, escape remained a fantasy.

Reaching the far end of the library, she turned a corner, the only light source being the flickering oil lamp she held aloft. As she did, a fleeting sensation brushed past her – a whisper of movement between the towering shelves.

Instinct made her freeze. She tilted her head, squinting into the gloom, but the only response was the oppressive silence of the library. Perhaps it was just a trick of the shadows, a figment of her imagination fueled by the day's stress.

Dismissing the thought, she reached out to touch the cool leather spine of a book. That's then it happened. A book on the shelf next to her, seemingly untouched, lurched forward. It wasn't a strong movement, just enough to topple precariously from the shelf, landing with a dull thud on the floor.

Aurelia's heart hammered against her ribs. This was no coincidence. Someone, or something, was in the library with her.

Aurelia swallowed hard, the dryness in her throat mirroring the sudden chill that seemed to grip the library. Taking a shaky breath, she forced her voice to project, the sound echoing strangely in the vast chamber.

"Hello?" she called out, her voice barely a whisper above a squeak. "Is anyone there?"

The only response was a heavy silence, punctuated only by the soft hiss of the oil lamp and the frantic thudding of her own heart. Tentatively, she inched closer to the fallen book, its presence now an unsettling anomaly amidst the orderly rows.

Reaching down, she gingerly picked it up, the worn leather cool against her fingertips. The book fell open to a random page, revealing a sea of foreign characters that swam before her eyes. They were unlike any language she had ever seen, a swirling script that seemed to hold secrets beyond her comprehension.

But amidst the indecipherable text, something else caught her eye. A drawing, faded with age but still discernible, adorned the bottom corner of the page. It depicted a single flower, its once vibrant petals now drooping and wilted, as if touched by an untimely frost.

Aurelia, momentarily shaken by the cryptic flower symbol, forced herself to focus. Dismissing the unsettling thoughts, she closed the strange book with a soft thud and returned it to the shelf. Her gaze, however, remained fixed on the seemingly endless rows of leather-bound volumes.

Pushing past the lingering sense of unease, she scanned the shelves with renewed determination. Her eyes snagged on a small section tucked away at the very bottom of one of the towering bookcases. Unlike the rest of the volumes, these were not bound in leather, but secured by faded ribbons and encased in dusty tubes. A faint glimmer of hope ignited within her. Could these be scrolls? Maps, perhaps?

With a trembling hand, Aurelia reached down and gingerly pulled one of the tubes free of its dusty comrades. A cough escaped her lips as a cloud of dust billowed forth, sending her reaching for a handkerchief she didn't possess. Wiping the grime from her eyes, she unfurled the aged paper with the utmost care, her breath catching in her throat.

Yes, it was a map! As she carefully spread the scroll across a nearby table, the oil lamp casting a golden glow upon its surface.

Why, amidst all these scrolls, was that peculiar book with the strange symbol placed? It seemed an odd companion to the maps, a cryptic message hidden amongst practical tools.

Disappointment gnawed at her. The map, while detailed, only encompassed the northern portion of the kingdom – a land of towering, snow-capped mountains, far from the escape route she envisioned. Her heart yearned for a map of the west, the direction where freedom, or at least familiar lands, might lie.

The hours melted away as Aurelia meticulously examined each map the oil lamp slowly dying out, her initial excitement fading with each new disappointment. She encountered detailed renderings of the eastern plains, the treacherous southern swamps, even a fascinating map of a faraway kingdom adorned with fantastical creatures. But none of them offered the perspective she craved – a map of the entire kingdom, or at least the western territories.

Frustration gnawed at her. Was there no such map within these dusty confines?

Just as she leaned closer, her eyes scanning the intricate details of the western territories, a glint of gold caught her peripheral vision. Higher up on the shelf, nestled amongst other anonymous volumes, lay another book. Unlike the impressive map before her, this one appeared ordinary, its leather cover devoid of any markings.

Ignoring the map for a moment, she tiptoed on her toes, straining to reach the seemingly unremarkable book. It was just out of reach, taunting her with its unknown secrets. The library ladder stood a good distance away, and the thought of dragging it across the creaky floorboards sent shivers down her spine. She yearned to get closer, to simply touch the book and see what mysteries it held.

Suddenly, a flash of movement caught her eye. A strong arm, clad in dark clothing, materialized above her head, reaching effortlessly for the very book she craved.

Aurelia's breath hitched in her throat. No sound of approaching footsteps had betrayed his presence, and now he stood before her, a specter materialized from the shadows. He was tall, his broad frame cloaked in darkness, but even the dim light couldn't obscure the striking features of his face. Sharp cheekbones, a strong jawline, and a head of dark hair that seemed to defy gravity, all framed a pair of eyes that glinted with amusement.

A sly smile played on his lips as he held aloft the book she'd been straining to reach. He ran his fingers over the faded lettering, a sardonic chuckle escaping his lips. "'The Art of Seduction: A Guide for the Discerning Gentleman,'" he read aloud, his voice a deep rumble that sent shivers down Aurelia's spine.

The title, spoken with a hint of amusement, sent a jolt of surprise through her. Erotic literature? This wasn't the map she'd been searching for! Her cheeks burned with a mixture of embarrassment and indignation

Her mind raced, desperately trying to piece together this unexpected encounter. This man wasn't Sir Rayden, the King's courtier she'd glimpsed in the garden. Betsy had mentioned two other Lords who frequented the castle – the stern, stoic Lord of the North and the cunning, witty Lord of the South, infamous for his popularity with the ladies. The playful glint in his eyes and the suggestive title of the book confirmed her suspicions. This must be Lord Leviathan, the Lord of the South, a man shrouded in as much intrigue as his reputation.

Aurelia, ever the princess, reacted instinctively. With a quick curtsy, she dipped her head in a respectful bow. "My Lord," she stammered, her voice regaining a touch of composure.

Lord Leviathan chuckled, a rich, warm sound that echoed strangely in the vast library. His gaze, once playful, now held a hint of something deeper, something that sent a shiver down Aurelia's spine. "You're a feisty one, aren't you, love?" he drawled, his voice laced with amusement.

He turned the book in his hand, the provocative title now facing her. But instead of returning it to the shelf, he flipped it open, revealing a page filled with… well, let's just say it wasn't a map. Explicit illustrations, rendered in a surprisingly detailed manner, burned into Aurelia's vision. Heat flooded her cheeks as she ripped her gaze away, a mix of indignation and flustered embarrassment battling within her.

"Goodness," she sputtered, her voice a touch too high-pitched. "How… unseemly! Who would mix such… profanities with the maps section?" The question escaped her lips before she could fully censor it. The thought of some careless servant muddling genres was far more palatable than the alternative – that Lord Leviathan himself sought out such material.

He raised a mocking eyebrow, a hint of a smile still playing on his lips. "Perhaps," he drawled, his voice a low murmur that sent a tingle down her spine, "the maps weren't your true objective in venturing into this restricted section."

Lord Leviathan's smile widened, bordering on a smirk. "Let's dispense with the theatrics, shall we?" he said, his voice smooth as polished marble. "Why you're here, sneaking around in the dead of night, is quite frankly none of my business." Relief washed over Aurelia, a wave so potent it almost left her weak. Lying wasn't her forte for the night, and the prospect of facing Lord Leviathan's scrutiny was daunting.

His gaze flickered to the table where the map lay unfurled, a silent acknowledgement of her true objective. Then, his expression turned serious, a flicker of something unreadable crossing his features. "Remember," he murmured, "not everything is as it seems within these walls. No one knows what truly wanders the halls when the moon hangs high. Be… careful." The last word was laced with a double meaning, a warning that didn't sound sincere and laced with a hint of amusement.

With a final flourish, he slammed the book shut and tucked it back onto the highest shelf with surprising dexterity. "Goodnight, then," he said, his voice echoing in the vast chamber before he turned and melted back into the shadows, his form disappearing as silently as it had appeared.

Aurelia remained rooted to the spot, her heart hammering a frantic tattoo against her ribs. She watched until the last trace of him vanished, the only evidence of his presence the faint scent of a musky cologne that lingered in the air.