
Entrapped To A Cruel Handsome Beast

"I beg you, please spare my life. I promise, once my business revives, I will immediately repay my debt. I'm pleading with you, don't harm me. Please..." Vincent pleaded desperately to the man he believed to possess supernatural abilities, fearing for his life. The man, who went by the name of Master Edgar, responded with a smirk. "Oh, Mr. Vincent, why would I want to kill you? After all, you have a daughter whom you undoubtedly wouldn't want to lose." Trembling with fear, Vincent implored once more, "Please, I beg you, spare my life. Don't lay a finger on my daughter. I promise to repay what I owe. Please, not my daughter, Master Edgar!" Meanwhile, Precious, a nineteen-year-old college student, had just started her new semester. Her father had warned her about Edgar, referring to him as a beast. He instructed her to comply and live with him until he could settle his debt. Her father assured her that after six months, he would rescue her from the clutches of this beast. Filled with apprehension, Precious believed that her life was doomed the moment she moved in with Edgar. According to her father, all she had to do was mind her own business to stay safe. However, it quickly became apparent that Edgar, the cruel and arrogant master, did not claim her just to have her quietly mind her own business. She soon discovered that she would have to pay the price for her father's debt. Her innocent college life turned into a misery-filled existence, surrounded by beasts. These creatures were mercilessly cruel to her, yet they treated her as if she were as precious as her name. How would Precious survive in a household filled with these beasts? Beasts who took pleasure in tormenting her while treating her as a prized possession? What would become of this innocent college student as she delved deeper into the dark secrets and unholy knowledge that she began to uncover about her master, Edgar?

Victoria_444 · Fantasy
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68 Chs

5. Where's Edgar?

Rainey carefully descended to the floor, shadowing his new owner. He observed her as she dressed and listened attentively to her words. If anyone were to witness her current demeanor, it would be evident that she was plagued by loneliness and unhappiness.

Nevertheless, now that she had a cat, or rather, a companion to whom she could confide her feelings, Precious believed she had found a friend. With this newfound bond, she hoped that happiness would finally grace her presence. It was an optimistic belief she clung to.

"You know, I contemplated cutting my hair," Precious confided, her voice trailing off. "But alas, I lack the funds for such an endeavor, and without a phone, I cannot learn the procedures online. The owner of this house prevented me from contacting my father, so Papa confiscated my phone before I left home. He assumes that by taking my phone from me, I won't be able to reach him, but I am determined to prove him wrong."

Gazing at her reflection in the mirror, Precious spoke softly and tied her hair into a ponytail. The change did little to transform her appearance, yet it offered a semblance of novelty compared to her usual loose hair.

"I understand, Rainey, this may not concern you, and you may not comprehend my troubles," she chuckled, turning to face the feline. "Come, let us find some food together."

Reaching out, Precious scooped up Rainey, relishing the gentle touch of his hair against her skin, and began her journey.

"I'm frightened, Rainey. There's a tiger in this house," she confessed, her voice trembling, upon reaching her bedroom door. Initially filled with confidence, when the moment to venture out and fulfill her tasks arrived, her courage wavered.

"I don't believe I can do this, Rainey!" She exclaimed, her anxiety palpable, reminiscent of yesterday when she had contemplated leaving the room but eventually succumbed to hunger. It wasn't that she hadn't embraced the idea of venturing beyond her confines, but her aversion to interacting with the residents of this house, among other reasons, made her hesitant. Moreover, there was an incredibly large tiger lurking within the premises.

Her mind, plagued by overthinking since her arrival, conjured various scenarios involving the tiger devouring her. If any of these grisly outcomes were to materialize, it would be far from amusing, especially considering one of the dreadful possibilities she had envisioned.


Rainey's meow snapped Precious out of her reverie, reminding her that she had a responsibility to feed both him and herself. Having picked him up outside her room, he was now under her care. Even if she was prepared to starve, she couldn't bear to let another living being go hungry. That would be cruel.

Smiling at Rainey as if she could understand his thoughts, Precious muttered, "I know, I know... You couldn't care less about my feelings. We're not exactly in this together yet. Okay! Let's do this!" She took a few deep breaths, attempting to bolster her confidence. Whether or not it helped was uncertain, but she mustered the courage to unlock her room door.

Peeking out cautiously from behind the door, Precious nervously stepped out when she didn't spot anyone nearby, leaving the door unlocked in case she needed to seek refuge quickly. It might not be a foolproof plan, but it was better than nothing.

Her journey through the long corridor was progressing relatively smoothly until she heard hissing sounds. Casting a glance in the direction of the kitchen, she witnessed something she would rather have avoided given the choice.

"Rainey, that's a snake," Precious uttered, her voice filled with apprehension as she identified the source of the hissing sounds. Meanwhile, Rainey began to cry until Precious noticed a pot positioned nearby on a table. Her gaze shifted, and she found the snake coiling itself around the pot. As soon as it caught sight of her, it flicked its tongue menacingly while she stood frozen in place.

Feeling the snake's gaze upon her, Precious remained utterly still, unable to fathom her next move. The thought of running didn't even register in her mind, clouded as it was with fear. At that moment, she surrendered herself to defeat and the impending end.

Although her heart continued to beat, functioning like a well-oiled race car engine, Precious no longer perceived herself as truly alive.

Curiously, the snake leisurely slithered down to the floor, undergoing a transformation into a male human form.

"Hello!" the man greeted.

Precious heard the words but remained emotionally lifeless, unresponsive to anything the man said. He had to snap his fingers to jolt her out of the desolate world in which she had taken refuge—a world far from pleasant.

Rainey, still nestled in her arms, persistently meowed, attempting to bring her back to her senses.

The man, now in his human form, glanced at the cat nestled in Precious's arms and shook his head.

"What are you doing?" he telepathically communicated.

"Meow," was the cat's response, causing him to shift his attention to the girl who was gradually recovering from her earlier shock.

"Did I frighten you?" he inquired, his gaze fixed on Precious.

"Y-y-you... the sn-snake?" Precious stammered, her words faltering as she attempted to swallow but found it difficult. She shook her head, trying to calm her mind. Why was she surprised when she already knew they were beasts?

"I'm sorry, Precious," the man approached her, extending a hand to touch her cheek.

Precious instinctively recoiled, causing a smirk to form on his face. Meanwhile, Rainey continued to meow persistently. "I won't harm you. Edgar would kill me if I did, so don't worry about me; worry about Edgar."

"Wh-who is Edgar?" Precious inquired.

"Your Master, the one who owns you," the handsome man replied. He was the one who had tossed an apple her way two days ago when she arrived.

"So, I have an owner?" Precious's voice carried a tinge of sadness, realizing she was now regarded as someone else's possession without her consent. However, discussing morals with beasts seemed futile.

"Why didn't you leave your room? Are you that afraid of us?" the man probed, seeking answers.

Hearing his question, Precious averted her gaze, reluctant to respond.

"How is it that you're not scared of the cat, then?" the man continued his inquiry.

"Where's Edgar?" Precious interjected, evading his question by posing her own, seeking solace in holding Rainey close to her body for comfort in her current predicament.

"He'll reveal himself to you when he's ready. Just so you know, little one, we can't harm you because Edgar is the Master here. However, it's not our duty to personally care for you, so take care of yourself and stay healthy."

"But you're a snake!" Precious exclaimed.

"And also a handsome man," he grinned, not failing to praise himself as he approached her.

"What are you?" Precious asked, her curiosity getting the better of her.

"Exactly what you perceive me to be in your mind," he replied, still grinning.

"Come, I can see you're hungry, so join us for dinner!" the man beckoned as he turned and started walking.

Precious hesitated to follow him, but her hunger and Rainey's persistent meowing compelled her to move against her body's wishes.

"What's your name?" she asked after a long moment of silence.

"Chris," the man answered.

"Are you a snake or a human?" Precious inquired further.

"I am neither," Chris responded.

"So what are you, then?"

"Well, I'm a creature that can transform into any animal, including humans, but this is my true form. I was born with it, so I am a creature with this form."

"It's all quite perplexing," she remarked, oddly beginning to feel more at ease around... him and her surroundings. She was adapting swiftly, and conflicting emotions started to arise within her.

"Little one," Chris called out to her while walking ahead. "You'll learn more when the time is right."

Despite hearing Chris's words, Precious remained perplexed as the maids they passed by bowed to Chris and then to her. She hadn't anticipated there would be so many maids, but she presumed it was normal considering the size of the mansion.

As they walked, Precious remained silent, observing Chris and gently stroking Rainey, following him towards their destination, which turned out to be the dining room.

Upon entering the dining room, Precious spotted the two other individuals she had also encountered when she first arrived at the mansion gathered around the table.

"Hey! Precious, my darling has finally shown up. How I've missed her!" exclaimed the man with the pet tiger, taking his seat.

For obvious reasons, the presence of the man with the tiger sent shivers down her spine. Precious positioned herself behind Chris, while Rainey hopped off her arms and onto the table.

Compared to the others, Precious felt more at ease around Chris because she had conversed with him to some extent and was somewhat familiar with his presence.

"Don't worry, his pet is asleep," Chris assured Precious, noticing her guarded reaction towards the man with the tiger.

"A-a-are they like you?" Precious inquired, her gaze fixed on the two individuals seated at the side of the long dining table they had chosen.

In Precious's opinion, the table seemed too long to accommodate just a few people unless an entire village resided in the mansion.

"Do you all live here?" she asked.

"Yes, we are Edgar's only family. Not by blood, just... friends who are like family," Chris explained.

"By the way, the elegant lady there is Veronica, and the owner of the tiger is Lucas," Chris introduced. "They won't harm you; trust Edgar, if not me."

"I don't know Edgar!" Precious exclaimed.

"He owns you, just as you own that cat. The cat surely trusts you."

"Not yet, he doesn't trust me completely."

"But he feels safe in your arms."

"I'm different from Edgar. Edgar took me away from my father."

Chris shook his head and gently guided her towards a chair. "Let's just eat! Aren't you hungry?"

"Why isn't Edgar here?" Precious questioned.

"He is here, but he doesn't want to reveal himself to you."


"Only he knows," Chris shrugged and pulled out a chair for her. It was finally time for her to get to know the people she would be living with.

A/N; Do add to library to be updated about the book.

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I hope you enjoy the journey!!

Love, Victoria.