
Entrapped To A Cruel Handsome Beast

"I beg you, please spare my life. I promise, once my business revives, I will immediately repay my debt. I'm pleading with you, don't harm me. Please..." Vincent pleaded desperately to the man he believed to possess supernatural abilities, fearing for his life. The man, who went by the name of Master Edgar, responded with a smirk. "Oh, Mr. Vincent, why would I want to kill you? After all, you have a daughter whom you undoubtedly wouldn't want to lose." Trembling with fear, Vincent implored once more, "Please, I beg you, spare my life. Don't lay a finger on my daughter. I promise to repay what I owe. Please, not my daughter, Master Edgar!" Meanwhile, Precious, a nineteen-year-old college student, had just started her new semester. Her father had warned her about Edgar, referring to him as a beast. He instructed her to comply and live with him until he could settle his debt. Her father assured her that after six months, he would rescue her from the clutches of this beast. Filled with apprehension, Precious believed that her life was doomed the moment she moved in with Edgar. According to her father, all she had to do was mind her own business to stay safe. However, it quickly became apparent that Edgar, the cruel and arrogant master, did not claim her just to have her quietly mind her own business. She soon discovered that she would have to pay the price for her father's debt. Her innocent college life turned into a misery-filled existence, surrounded by beasts. These creatures were mercilessly cruel to her, yet they treated her as if she were as precious as her name. How would Precious survive in a household filled with these beasts? Beasts who took pleasure in tormenting her while treating her as a prized possession? What would become of this innocent college student as she delved deeper into the dark secrets and unholy knowledge that she began to uncover about her master, Edgar?

Victoria_444 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
68 Chs

3. White Bunny in a mansion II

Precious found solace in sleeping and swimming naked, using them as outlets when she felt trapped and hopeless. With just four days left until she had to return to school, Precious contemplated her current situation in Flower Mountain, where it was the second week of January in 2023.

Interestingly, the night she left her father's house also fell on a Thursday, which happened to be the day of her birthday as well.

As Precious lay naked in bed, her mind wandered through the events that had unfolded and those that potentially awaited her, leading her to succumb to moments of overthinking. She couldn't help but dwell on her circumstances, although she managed to hold back tears, displaying a surprising resilience given the gravity of her situation.

Despite finding herself in a luxurious environment, Precious still struggled to find comfort. The opulent bed on which she lay felt as though it belonged to a king, and she feared the consequences if its owner discovering her presence.

Nevertheless, she persevered, determined to force herself into the comfort she desperately sought.

Precious couldn't deny the indulgent softness of the bed, surpassing anything she had ever experienced. It provided a brief respite, though it offered only a semblance of the comfort she yearned for.

Whenever she closed her eyes, attempting to escape the brightness of the room and embrace the darkness, tears streamed down her face.

Ultimately, Precious couldn't keep her emotions in check. She had initially questioned why she wasn't afraid of being teleported to her current room, but now, lying in bed and unable to find the solace she craved, she realized that her body couldn't immediately respond to the shock of the past two hours.

The chain of events had started when she finished cooking dinner and her father broke the news during their meal.

He revealed the truth about how he had acquired the money to pay for her mother's treatments two years ago and sadly, despite all the sacrifices made, Precious's mother succumbed to kidney disease.

Vincent, her father, had borrowed from someone he believed was a godsend. However, when he couldn't repay the debt, he fled to Flower Mountain with Precious. Their peace was short-lived, as Master Edgar eventually tracked them down.

Vincent had poured his heart out to his daughter, explaining the events that had unfolded and the reasons behind her living with a stranger. It tore him apart to witness his daughter's fate, and Precious could sense the deep sorrow within him, evident in the way he ran after the speeding car, despite knowing he no longer possessed the strength of his youth. Even if he had mustered all the strength from his past, it would have been futile to outrun a car hurtling at full speed.

With thoughts of her father consuming her mind, Precious rolled over in bed, wrapping herself in the comfort of the bedsheets while clutching a pillow tightly.

Silent tears streamed down her face, her heart heavy with a sense of unhappiness, despite not yet enduring any torture or living through a living hell at the moment. It was just a feeling she couldn't shake off.

In those moments, there was little she could do to release her pent-up emotions, so she chose to cry, reflecting on how her life had suddenly transformed in a span of two hours.

How could her mental state remain stable amidst such sudden change? She had bid farewell to her father in tears, thrust into the intimidating woods, only to discover the luxurious haven that awaited her. It felt like an intricate web of unexpected turns, but in that instant, Precious couldn't deny that the thought of staying in such a breathtaking place didn't seem so terrible and appealed to her. The house emanated a natural beauty she had never encountered before.

As she entered the house, her curiosity was piqued, only to be interrupted by the unexpected toss of an apple in her direction. Reflexively, she caught it, knowing that once it touched the floor, it would be destined for the trash can, wasted.

"Speaking of apples..." Precious mused, rising from the bed and making her way to the table where she had placed the fruit. Disappointment washed over her, realizing that catching the apple never meant she could consume it now. The person who had thrown the apple was the same individual who had teleported her to the room.

Her thoughts began to wander, contemplating the consequences of consuming the apple. She didn't want to end up like a certain princess in the tale of Snow White, sleeping forever, as it might be part of their plan. However, hunger gnawed at her despite her concerns.

Caught in a state of inner conflict, Precious eventually decided to leave the apple untouched for the moment and instead ventured into the bathroom of the room.

Once again, she was taken aback by the magnificent sight before her—the impeccable cleanliness and the glistening surfaces left her in awe.

How could a place be so impeccably clean and shiny? The thought lingered as she stood there, absorbing the remarkable surroundings.

As Precious entered the grand bathroom, she was immediately struck by its elegant simplicity. The walls were adorned with a soft shade of pink, creating a soothing and inviting atmosphere.

Large, framed mirrors hung above a sleek, marble countertop that spanned the length of the room.

In the center of the bathroom, a luxurious freestanding bathtub stood, its smooth white surface gleaming under the soft lighting. Golden fixtures added a touch of sophistication to the pristine design. The bathtub was surrounded by a mosaic tile floor, featuring a pattern of delicate flowers in hues of pink and white.

On one side of the bathroom, a spacious walk-in shower with a glass enclosure provided a modern and refreshing addition. The shower walls were covered in large white tiles, creating a clean and minimalist look.

Natural light streamed in through the large windows of the bathroom, partially veiled by sheer curtains that billowed gently in the breeze. The windows offered a view of a serene garden, with lush greenery and colorful blossoms.

Subtle scents of lavender and jasmine filled the air, emanating from small, delicately arranged flower bouquets placed on the countertop and near the bathtub. The gentle fragrance enhanced the tranquil atmosphere, enveloping Precious in a sense of calm and relaxation.

'At least one can decide to stay here and just relax', Precious thought as she continued to look around and observe the room.

A plush, fluffy bath mat lay near the bathtub and not far from it, A stack of fresh, fluffy towels and bathrobes was neatly displayed on a nearby shelf, ready to provide comfort and warmth.

"The owner of this building must be incredibly wealthy!" Precious marveled silently, her mind unconsciously attempting to calculate the exorbitant sum required to construct such a grand mansion, based on everything she had witnessed. However, no estimate could materialize in her imagination. Her previous life had been so ordinary that she remained ignorant of anything beyond a few thousand dollars worth.

Nevertheless, such thoughts seemed trivial now, as all Precious sought was a distraction from the unchangeable realities that burdened her mind. She continued to ponder as she approached the bathroom area adorned with mirrors, intending to cleanse her face of the dried tears.

Standing before the mirror, she washed her face with water, taking her time to rid her cheeks of the remnants of her sorrow. After turning off the faucet, Precious leaned back, gazing at her reflection, and couldn't help but smile. She was undeniably beautiful, gifted with natural beauty that seemed to radiate from within. Her father had always referred to her as a goddess, and she couldn't help but agree.

Her long, naturally blonde hair cascaded down to her mid-back, but now, in this new chapter of her life, she contemplated cutting it shorter. The blonde strands shone with health and luster, a true gift.

Her eyes sparkled in a mesmerizing shade of blue, resembling the vastness of the sky. Her father would frequently shower her with compliments, blessed by her presence. Although her face wasn't flawless, with a few visible pores on her cheeks, it did nothing to diminish her beauty. She was undeniably beautiful, flaws and all.

Precious pushed aside thoughts of her beauty and let out a sigh. Then, her mind wandered to the encounters she had experienced—the three individuals and the wild animal that seemed eager to make her its prey. Now, finding herself in the bathroom after being teleported, she pondered how much worse things could become. Would she lose her sanity amidst the onslaught of overwhelming circumstances?

Her father surfaced in her thoughts once again, and she wondered if he was able to find any solace in sleep. Unbeknownst to Precious, Edgar, whose presence she was currently oblivious to, had taken a picture of her and sent it to her old man, intending to demonstrate how content his daughter appeared in her new surroundings.

The message accompanying the photos was chilling: "Why wouldn't she become a beast like me after experiencing all this luxury?" However, Vincent was unable to respond, as Edgar had his own ways of ensuring silence.

Edgar saw the young woman as she circled her room while completely naked. Although he was aware that he should respect her privacy, he felt no remorse about observing her engage in private affairs while she was in his home because her father owed him money and she was essentially there for free.

He considered how he would make her cry even more as he observed her sobbing. He hadn't shown himself to her yet, so he devised a plan.

When she went to the toilet, Edgar followed her and feasted his eyes on her bareness. How could a 19-year-old be so attractive? What a gift!

He was invisible, one of his abilities, so Precious couldn't see him as she freely moved around naked while heading to where she kept the lunch bag her father handed her.

She was famished, and her hunger drove her to find food. Edgar, with his twisted intentions, would have eagerly captured an image of her while eating and shared it with her father.

However, considering her nakedness, he deemed it inappropriate and harbored a possessive desire to be the sole witness of her unclothed form, craving such moments repeatedly.

Yet, in that particular moment, he sought amusement by manipulating objects around her. As Precious aimed to settle on a one-seater chair to enjoy her meal, the chair's position abruptly shifted, causing her to land hard on the ground, her body bouncing upon impact. Edgar found satisfaction in this spectacle.

Fortunately, despite the fall, her food remained intact, thanks to Edgar's peculiar choice to safeguard the meal rather than his "white bunny." He observed her as she resumed eating, but for reasons unknown, he refrained from further taunting. He left her room to prepare for his next manipulative move, determined to transform her into a beast like himself. However, he knew he would have to exert significant effort to corrupt her innocent heart and pure mind.