
Entrapped in his cluches

A world full of jealousy and hatred, Amelia ended up living with Delilah's parents when she was young. Why? They aren't related. Everything in this world has a reason which we are all curious to know, aren't we? What's up with Lia? Who is she what is she she is always acting suspicious, isn't she? And Axel? The people with their face covered have their hands tied to their back, there was blood on their cloth which freaks Amelia, as she was about to run Axel caught hold of her and puts her in place. Lysander walked close to Axel and gave him the gun, which he placed Amelia's hand on it and he guided her hand with his, " W...hat are you doing, pl...ease let go of me " Amelia said as she cried out, but Axel didn't care and he moved her hands to their first target and then he fired the gun, " Aaaaahhh!! " Amelia shouted has she cries out, Axel moved her hands to kill the other two and when he was done killing them, he moved away from Amelia. Amelia took the opportunity to turn and point the gun at him, Lysander was fast to remove his gun and also pointed it at Amelia, but Axel made a sign for him to stop whuch made Lysander drop his gun, " You jerk how dare you, you think killing innocent people is the way of living a life," Amelia said crying as she holds the gun tightly, " I guess it help you to know am capable of killing both you and your friend, " he said calmly and he walked towards Amelia, " You " Amelia fired the gun. But it was fired up to the sky, " Am not a bitch like you, I don't kill people," she said and Axel picked her from the ground carrying her like a rice bag, " Lysander take care of the body, " Axel said to have Lysander nod and Axel started walking with defenseless Amelia. Amelia just stayed quietly has Axel was carrying her, soon they reached the front of the woods and Axel dropped Amelia, and he walked away ........ Axel a crazy Pure blooded vampire with many both loosed in his head, Axel always have his face covered till his nose, with is white hair. Why??. Axel is a vampire that talks brutally to anyone. On the other hand meet Amelia a soft hearted and sweet girl, got into the clutches of the vampire who forced her to do anything. Who is interested to know how their love will bloom? And also aren't you curious about why does people died and who does people are and why does it have to be Amelia to kill them? Lots of questions why don't you fill your curiosity by reading the novel, you won't regret reading.

Miyana07 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs


" Axel you slu-"

Before she could complete the sentence Axel stood up and grabbed her by her waist with his other hand covering her mouth, it was a swift movement and the position they are right now is so tempting,

Amelia pushed Axel away, the force she used in pushing Axel makes her fall on the floor again.

Axel sat on the bed and he crossed his legs, " tsk tsk tsk you are just hurting yourself, and about that guy his he your new crush, you seem to love him so much that you don't want to talk about him?," Axel asked looking down at Amelia who is fuming in anger,

" LET ME ASK YOU SOMETHING, DID I EVER TELL YOU I HAVE CRUSH ON SOMEONE FOR YOU TO SAY MY NEW CRUSH?" Amelia gritted her teeth while asking, looking at Axel with a deadly look,

" Oh no calm, you know it ain't easy to get a human eyes or we might just replace it with a cat own, and of course am sitting right here am your first crush the love of your life" Axel proudly said,

Amelia scoffs and stood up, she walked towards her suitcase, she bent down and removed a gun from her suitcase, she then hid it behind her back, and she walked towards Axel who sat down comfortably,

" You jerk what you said to me right now you are gonna re say it" Amelia said this and she pointed the gun at Axel,

Axel sat down comfortably not scared about the gun that was pointed at him and he yawned,

" Guess am a good teacher but now you want to kill your teacher" Axel stood up and walked closer to her, and the gun his now placed in his stomach he placed his hand on Amelia hand that was already placed on the gun, " Okay now shoot" Axel said he looked at Amelia, though Amelia doesn't know what emotions covered his face, she could only see him smirk,

Amelia pulled the gun away from Axel stomach but Axel pulled her hand back

" I ASK YOU TO SHOOT !!! " Axel shouted,

Amelia shivered and she felt scared coz of the way he shout at her,

" It's a toy gun" Amelia revealed and she pushed the trigger for water to splash on Axel clothes,

Axel let go of her hand " Boring " he said and walked away and towards the window, Amelia saw him jump out of the window,

Amelia fell to the ground and she tried catching her breath.

Amelia was about to fall on the bed when her phone dings, she picked up her phone to check the message to see it was from an unknown number, she pressed on the message,

'You forgot to psy your last respect, why don't you come now before we hunt you till your death'

Amelia now wish Axel has not leave the room she looked around the room terrified and she went out of the dorm wearing her hoodie and also holding the touch light even though it has passed the curfew time but she was able to sneak out,


" You are a bastard what are you gonna do uhh, I will always regret marrying you, why are you like this pls stop all this show you understand" Delilah's mother said urging her husband to stop whatever act he wanna pull,

" I beg you pardon stay out of this, it's none of your business" Delilah's father, said firmly to Delilah's mother,

" But- am sorry " she said and walked out of the room,


Amelia walked to where Axel had made her

kill someone, when she reached the place she closed her eyes, to perform 1 minutes silence for the dead.

Amelia heard wooing next to her ear upon opening her eyes she found a big grey warewolf next to her Amelia screamed and she started running with the werewolf chasing her.

Will she survive

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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