
Entertainment Industry’s Gourmet Food Service - TianLai Xing Xuan

MACHINE TRANSLATION Raws: http://www.jjwxc.net/onebook.php?novelid=3310766 Chapter 1 to 12: https://chocolatranslations.wordpress.com/category/gourmet-food-service/ Chapter 1 to 47: https://www.whitecattl.com/2018/11/entertainment-food-service.html Description Shao Qing grew up in the orphanage. In order to survive he went to school during the day and worked part-time at a restaurant during night, becoming a proficient cook. He was looking for his parents when he got into a traffic accident and died. He was reborn into decades before and activated the portable space in his jade pendant. He grew many kinds of flowers, planted trees and sold fruits, opened a restaurant and filmed videos. In this time when internet celebrities are all on the rage, I must stand above the other shows. Boss Ling Senhao: Lately I’ve taken a liking to this one person. Long legs, slender waist, really good at acting and the key point is he makes good food. Say, should I sign him or should I sign him? Mo Shaoqing: So we only agree to work together? Everyone: Male god Mo’s food is so delicious *cries* Mo Shaoqing: Actually I’m a cook who’d being held back by my acting work! In short, this is a gourmet internet celebrity. He started with private kitchen, exploded from forums to weibo then to the entertainment world, from China to overseas, getting the attention of everyone. Associated Names 娱乐圈美食担当 YuLe Quan MeiShi DanDa Author 天籁星璇 TianLai Xing Xuan Tags Calm Protagonist Celebrities Chefs Cooking Magical Space Modern Day Mpreg Showbiz Transmigration Transported to Another World

AChan · LGBT+
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95 Chs

Chapter 95

After Leslie returned to the newspaper, he went to investigate. After all, the people who can live in must not be ordinary side branches. It turns out that his idea is correct. The person who returned to Fort St. Taber that day was indeed a member of the Lawrence family. This person was still low-key. Direct descendants of the Duke of Duke.

At this time, he didn't care whether the news was angered by the Lawrence family, he only felt that the bright future was beckoning him.

That night, a piece of news swept across the entire country B, and then major newspapers and magazines printed news one after another, and the headlines of the webpages changed one after another——

"The grandson of the Duke of Commerce is dating her boyfriend in the castle late at night!" "

"Mr. Lawrence Jr. loves a man! "

"Shock! The fall of the nobility! "


There are too many eye-catching titles of this kind.

There is no country in the world where people do not gossip, even if it is a country like B, which is introverted and a bit rigid, on the contrary, in fact, royal news is actually the most popular. Therefore, many newspapers and magazines depicting the royal family such as "B Country Eight Diagrams Publication" came into being.

However, in recent years, the number of royal family members has gradually decreased. Everyone has focused on a few large aristocratic families. Topics such as what you ate today, what you wear tomorrow, which family has conflicts with which family, are the general public. They are most fond of hearing and voicing.

The Lawrence family is the most famous and oldest family in country B. However, news of the Men's Club broke out. The hit rate of the website can be imagined. It even surpassed the news of the prince's wedding last year and became the most watched news in recent years.

Not long after the news was published on the website, it was forwarded by international students to their own country, and then immediately swept the entire O State. Even the melon-eating people from other countries said that the news was a hit! It's just that this picture is a bit hard to explain... I don't know if there is any deeper inside story...

How should the Lawrence family respond to such scandals? Will you accept a male daughter-in-law? Become the most anticipated content of everyone.

Mo ShaoQing heard the phone ring in a daze, and when he woke up to look at the phone, he realized that it was past eight o'clock.

The caller ID is Resa in China. Ling SenHao had already greeted Reza before. She must have told her that both parties wanted to see her parents. Is there anything important to call at this time?

"Hey, is it ShaoQing? I took a new job for you..." Reza has always spoken directly.

"Working?" Mo ShaoQing was still a little confused.

"Yes, as you have heard, President Ling discussed with me about you early today..." At this point, Reza paused and softened her voice, "First of all, congratulations, ShaoQing , Become a Daddy!"

"Thank you Sister Reza!" Reza knew about this, and Mo ShaoQing was not surprised.

"Yes, President Ling hopes that I will help you with some easy jobs that can often appear in front of the public. I have been busy for a day..."

Mo ShaoQing then realized that it should be early in the morning in China, "Sorry, Sister Ruisha is causing you trouble."

"You can't say that. After all, Become lipstick laid the foundation. Now you are considered an artist who has taken over the international big-name endorsement. Otherwise, let me choose a job for you. I really can't choose it!"

Reza also had a hard time in her heart. She brought a few artists and changed her agent if she was a bit famous, or she could find a rich man to marry. Finally brought a young handsome and obedient male artist, but she was pregnant! ! ! God knows how hot she was when she knew the news yesterday, but she was still the lover of her immediate boss.

However, Mo ShaoQing did not propose to quit the entertainment circle, and still wants to continue to develop, no matter what the reason, she is very grateful. She has been in the industry for more than ten years, how many ten years can she have in her life? How to take Mo ShaoQing well, then her future can be guaranteed.

"I helped you pick up two new endorsements and a new movie. There are some other jobs. When you come back, we will talk about it in detail. You take care of yourself, you know?"

"My own, thank you sister Resha."

The two chatted for nearly an hour. After hanging up the phone, Mo ShaoQing breathed a sigh of relief and was particularly touched. Someone asked him to take a good rest yesterday and take a break earlier. But he secretly contacted Reza to change his job and re-arrange the schedule. How should he repay this feeling?

Mo ShaoQing glanced at his phone and found that it was nine o'clock, and then he realized that he was still a guest at Ans's house!

He put on his clothes three times and then went out, only to find the servants crowded in twos and threes in the hallway whispering, he went downstairs and found that there was no one in the living room.

How is this going?

Mo ShaoQing is going to take a look at the small living room.

Claire saw Mo ShaoQing go downstairs, and walked up to him in three steps and two steps, "Don't go there, grandfather is angry! Didn't you see anyone downstairs?"

Mo ShaoQing: "Get angry? Why?"

Claire sighed, "Hey, look at today's news."

Mo ShaoQing turned on his mobile phone to surf the Internet, but found that the second most searched Weibo has become-the heir of the Duke of Commerce, the late night secret meeting boyfriend.

What the hell is this?

Claire took out today's newspaper and handed it to Mo ShaoQing: "This is today's "Coms", which my grandfather reads every day..."

I saw a huge picture printed on the first page of the "Coms". The picture shows two vague men standing in front of an exquisite ornate window.

Mo ShaoQing recognized it all at once. This was not the time when he and Ans were standing at the window looking downstairs that day. The paparazzi nowadays is really unusual, and this can also be photographed.

But he was fortunate that the gate was some distance away from the castle, so the photos in the newspaper were not clear.

Suddenly the two clearly heard a violent drink from the small living room--

"I want to announce to the entire empire how good my son's lover is."

It was Mr. Lawrence's voice. Mo ShaoQing and Claire looked at each other and immediately walked to the small classroom.

"It should be so." Mr. Duke agreed, "We must not let the children be harmed by public opinion. Let this be the case!"

Mr. Duke went on to say: "This year's Alice Ball, I have applied to Her Majesty the Queen to be held in Fort St. Taber, I want to introduce ShaoQing to all the upper class society. The time is set in the day after tomorrow..."

Mother Ling said anxiously, "But father, would it be too rushed?"

With a completely different attitude from Ling's mother, Mr. Lawrence has made up his mind to hold this dance party: "Not at all. The Lawrence family hasn't held a banquet for a long time. The people may think that our family has long since fallen. The magazines in China dare to make fun of our family's affairs. It seems that the people behind this are all trying to destroy the prestige of the Lawrence family."

"What dance party?" Mo ShaoQing, who had just come over, did not hear the previous words clearly. At the moment, when he came to the small classroom, he found that besides the Ling SenHao family, there were some strangers in suits and shoes.

A group of strangers got up and saluted Mo ShaoQing respectfully, and Mo ShaoQing hurriedly responded.

"ShaoQing, come and sit." Ling SenHao greeted Mo ShaoQing to his side.

"What the hell is going on?"

"As you can see, both grandfather and father are angry."

Mo ShaoQing felt very sorry, he seemed to discredit a century-old family without knowing it.

"No!" Unlike Mo ShaoQing's dejected head, Ling SenHao's expression was even slightly excited.

What is going on here?

Ling SenHao explained: "The gossip news this time, my grandfather and father agreed that there was a black hand behind it, so they planned to hold a dance party, which is equivalent to announcing your identity to all the people! By the way, let the black hand behind the scenes see.

Mo ShaoQing was surprised: "What?"

He didn't know what the concept of holding a dance party was. How could holding a dance party be a disguised form of public relations to the whole country?

If this is the case, Mo ShaoQing seems to have foreseen the scene where he will be sprayed to death by sunspots from various countries in the future. Especially for those diehard fans of the royal family and nobles, it is said that there are quite a few of Country B.

"You don't want to participate in the Alice Prom?" Ling SenHao asked rhetorically.

Mo ShaoQing couldn't laugh or cry: "Please, I don't even know what this dance party is!"

After Ling SenHao's popular science, Mo ShaoQing knew what this Alice ball was.

The Alice Ball originated from a dance held by Princess Alice and later Queen Alice for courtship in the 16th century.

After that, the Alice Ball evolved into a social ball. It is intended to give some young gentlemen and ladies some opportunities to communicate and contact.

To put it bluntly, it is an annual large-scale blind date party. It was also a public marriage ball between rich and powerful people.

Because the Alice Ball has a long history and meets the needs of the patriarchs, the influence of this ball is very huge.

Unmarried noble ladies, wealthy ladies and noble sons will be strictly screened before they can get the invitation letter, and the invitees are all over the O continent. Of course, there will be a handful of particularly outstanding young ladies from other continents being invited.

Some aristocratic ladies and the parents of the son-in-law (Mr. Lawrence believes that they are behind the scenes) will also take the opportunity to come to this prom to see their future daughter-in-law or son-in-law.

Originally, the Alice Ball was held by the nobles in turn, but with the opening up of society and the desolation of the nobles, this right was returned to the royal family. It is held every year by the royal family in the royal palace of L city, by the way, to promote the authority of the royal family.

Therefore, the boys and girls who participated in this dance will be recognized as the real ladies and gentlemen recognized by the royal family. Even if I haven't found the other half for the time being, when I go back, there will be a steady stream of people asking for marriage.

So those rich men who only have wealth but no social status are scrambling to squeeze their heads to send their daughters/sons into the dance party.

It can be imagined how difficult the annual audit work is.

But this time, the royal officials have reviewed all the lists and issued the invitation letter, but the Duke of Combs intercepted him and made a direct call to the old king, asking for the ball to be changed to Fort Saint-Terber.