
Entertainment Industry’s Gourmet Food Service - TianLai Xing Xuan

MACHINE TRANSLATION Raws: http://www.jjwxc.net/onebook.php?novelid=3310766 Chapter 1 to 12: https://chocolatranslations.wordpress.com/category/gourmet-food-service/ Chapter 1 to 47: https://www.whitecattl.com/2018/11/entertainment-food-service.html Description Shao Qing grew up in the orphanage. In order to survive he went to school during the day and worked part-time at a restaurant during night, becoming a proficient cook. He was looking for his parents when he got into a traffic accident and died. He was reborn into decades before and activated the portable space in his jade pendant. He grew many kinds of flowers, planted trees and sold fruits, opened a restaurant and filmed videos. In this time when internet celebrities are all on the rage, I must stand above the other shows. Boss Ling Senhao: Lately I’ve taken a liking to this one person. Long legs, slender waist, really good at acting and the key point is he makes good food. Say, should I sign him or should I sign him? Mo Shaoqing: So we only agree to work together? Everyone: Male god Mo’s food is so delicious *cries* Mo Shaoqing: Actually I’m a cook who’d being held back by my acting work! In short, this is a gourmet internet celebrity. He started with private kitchen, exploded from forums to weibo then to the entertainment world, from China to overseas, getting the attention of everyone. Associated Names 娱乐圈美食担当 YuLe Quan MeiShi DanDa Author 天籁星璇 TianLai Xing Xuan Tags Calm Protagonist Celebrities Chefs Cooking Magical Space Modern Day Mpreg Showbiz Transmigration Transported to Another World

AChan · LGBT+
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95 Chs

Chapter 93

"Sen- SenHao, what are you talking about?" Ling mother looked at her son in surprise, but he knew that his son was not a targetless person.

That means...Is the child in front of me actually a girl?

On the other side, Claire was translating for grandpa and father.

Then Mo ShaoQing awkwardly received the surprised glances from the two old men.

Mo ShaoQing pulled Ling SenHao's sleeve, "Don't say it!"

Ling SenHao said, "The reason why we came so late this time is that we have already visited the hospital... This is the hospital's B-ultrasound list, as well as other laboratory tests and the diagnosis results of Dr. Fergus."

"Let me see." Unexpectedly, the most exciting person was Mr. Duke.

Ling SenHao handed the list to his grandfather. Old Mr. Lawrence looked at the list back and forth several times, and finally fixed his eyes on Mo ShaoQing...

Old Lawrence said with emotion: "Very well, we Ans will also be fathers, which is very good."

After this, everyone had no intention of eating, and avoided a group of servants, and everyone moved to the study room of the manor.

"What the hell is going on?" Mother Ling asked with concern, and then said to herself: "God bless you, in fact, I have always been worried that you two will not have any one in the future. With children, regardless of gender, you finally have a complete family..."

Seeing everyone's expectant eyes focused on themselves, Ling SenHao shook his head: "Actually I don't know why, Dr. Fergus said it is a genetic constitution... But ShaoQing's family does not have this genetic... "

"How about the kid?" Sister Claire asked with concern.

Ling SenHao hugged Mo ShaoQing and lightly pecked on his face: "The child is very healthy!"

"That's good!" The two old people who were not emotional also looked at each other and smiled, showing a relieved smile.

Mother Ling couldn't wait to ask: "How many months has the child been?"

Ling SenHao said complacently: "Doctor Fergus said it's been almost eleven weeks."

Mother Ling: "You kid, it's been almost three months before telling us. It's really irresponsible."

"No, mother, I—" Ling Sen Hao was interrupted by Ling's mother just as he wanted to explain.

"What are you not yours, if something happens to my little grandson and ShaoQing, I will fight you hard!"

"Then, does ShaoQing take a break?" Mr. Lawrence thought about it sensibly and asked the key.

"We haven't discussed this point yet. ShaoQing's career may be more difficult," Ling SenHao said with a serious face: "But if the child is to be born, it must be cultivated in the manor, so we have to make preparations early. Those servants...mother, you need to pay close attention to who is available, and let them go first if they are paid by others."

Ling Mu looked at Ling SenHao very approvingly, and she was thoughtful as a father: "I know all this, you can rest assured. Except for some old servants, I will let them take paid vacation... etc. ShaoQing gave birth to the child, and many people will take care of the child when he grows up! I have a sense of measure!"

Everyone was discussing. At this moment, there was a "grunt" sound in the air. Everyone looked for the sound, but saw Mo ShaoQing touching his belly embarrassedly with an embarrassed look on his face.

Mother Ling clapped her hands: "I'm really confused. You rushed over this morning. ShaoQing is still hungry. Now you are two people. One person eats two people to make up!"

Mo ShaoQing nodded: "I know, Aunt Ling."

"Also called Auntie——" Mother Ling pretended to be angry.

Mo ShaoQing didn't expect it to go so smoothly. It seems that everyone admits that he is a son-in-law?

"Ling—no, mom."

"Ah." Ling Mu immediately smiled.

Ling SenHao deliberately showed off: "ShaoQing has opened a private restaurant in China, and he has a good craftsmanship. Do you want to let him show it."

"That won't work, ShaoQing has children now, so I can't touch oil fume!" Ling Mu shook her head.

"Actually it's not...I'm fine, and the child is almost three months old, let me do it for you!" Mo ShaoQing naturally didn't want to let it go.

Mother Ling thought: It's really my daughter-in-law's craftsmanship that she hasn't grown much, and she can't eat the cold dishes on that table.

Since ShaoQing wants to behave well, let him go, and he can beat him up by himself: "Thank you so hard. Be careful. Mom will take you to the kitchen."

"Thank you mom."

Ling SenHao shook his head helplessly. It seems that in the future, his status will decline again in this family, but he is happy...

When Mo ShaoQing came to the kitchen, he took the initiative to wear an apron, took out some vegetables, and skillfully started washing and cutting vegetables.

Mother Ling observed secretly on the side, seeing that he was really good at cooking. It was obvious that she hadn't eaten authentic Chinese food for many years. She wanted to come this time to have a taste.

Originally, I still cared a little about the gender of this child, but now the two of them have children, and SenHao likes this child so much. After so many years, it's the first time for me to see who he is so caring about. What does it matter if he is a male or female? ?

Mother Ling returned to her senses, but found that ShaoQing had already cut most of the vegetables, and had already started to fry them, and there was nothing uncomfortable, so she secretly walked away.

Mo ShaoQing made three dishes and one soup in just one hour.

Sweet and sour pineapple sour pork, light fresh vegetable hibiscus soup, red wine steak and mapo tofu plus a mixed salad.

Mo ShaoQing brought out a dish from the kitchen, embarrassed: "Time is limited, I'm afraid you can't wait, so I just made some home-cooked dishes, everyone try it!"

Sister Claire who is stealing sour pork: "Well, it's delicious, it's home cooking, ShaoQing, you are amazing! How to do it, teach me and teach me!"

Sylvie took a bite and was immediately overwhelmed by the sweet and sour taste. She said that she would never eat her own sweet and sour fish anymore, and her expression admired: "I also want to learn, really delicious Chinese cuisine. No wonder my mother doesn't like what I do, haha!"

Mo ShaoQing saw that his cooking skills were recognized by everyone, and he was relieved at the same time, but also a little proud. It seems that even if he is out of the space, he can make delicious dishes.

Ling Mu looked at the dishes on the table and then at the handsome boy. In these years, she has rarely seen such a handsome boy abroad.

It's really a mother-in-law who looks at her son-in-law, the more satisfied she looks, the happier she sees, "Come on, sit down, let you a pregnant woman cook for us... eat if you are hungry!"

On the other hand, seeing the recognized Mo ShaoQing, Ling SenHao also smiled from the heart, especially proud of it. Look, my ShaoQing is so good.

"All right, let's open it!" Mr. Lawrence announced.

So the food on the table, visible to the naked eye, began to decrease.

It may be that people are so refreshed at happy events that even the old Mr. Lawrence ate a lot.

After lunch, Mo ShaoQing took out a gift for the family, "This walking stick is for a grandfather. I found someone in the Imperial City to customize it. It uses the best wood. This shawl is for my sister-in-law. This is for... …"

Ling SenHao watched Mo ShaoQing magically take out a gift from the suitcase. It turned out that he was not unprepared. Seeing the other side caring so much for his family, Ling SenHao was moved.

Ling SenHao hurried forward and pulled Mo ShaoQing up: "I'll come, I'll come, you sit down, don't get tired."

Ling Mu and Mr. Lawrence were pleased to watch the two people interacting lovingly, and their son was no longer alone at last!

When Mo ShaoQing took out the velvet box and handed it to Ling Mu, Ling Mu Le's mouth couldn't close: "I still have a share, no, don't go to work, just stay here with my old lady. Up."

Ling Mu opened the box, and the turquoise light poured out slowly. She saw this set of jade jewelry, her eyes were bright, but her mouth was still talking about expenses.

Ling SenHao: "Mother, that's not okay, you have so many people with you—"

Mother Ling scolded with a smile: "Okay, okay, ShaoQing is not allowed to stay with me for a few more days, you are an unfilial son!"

Mo ShaoQing quickly relieved the two of them: "We are all a family, there is nothing that is not expensive."

Watching Mo ShaoQing's few words made the Lawrence family happy. Let Ling SenHao watch it, he was surprised, I really didn't expect ShaoQing to have a time when his mouth was so sweet except on the bed.

Mo ShaoQing didn't know what Ling SenHao was thinking, so he threw a glance at him.

Night study

"You mean, you just met ShaoQing's parents. They still don't know about you?" Mr. Lawrence shook his cigar.


"Oh, it's so good, the children are there, but the parents-in-law and the mother-in-law don't know yet-what if they have opinions about you? Tell me, aren't you able to do it normally? Why are big things sloppy? "Ling Mu criticized.

Mr. Lawrence laughed: "Your boy has the style of mine—" alluding to the fact that he and Ling mother were in free love, and finally became pregnant without marriage.

Mother Ling scolded with a smile: "Hmph, it seems that you are inherited from you!"

"Don't worry, go and apologize to your father-in-law and mother-in-law first. If it doesn't work, your father and I will have to let ShaoQing come to our house even if we give up this old face."

Ling SenHao sincerely thanked: "Thank you mother!"

Mother Ling confessed: "This is pretty much the same. You have to treat this child well. A boy from someone else is still giving birth to you. How wronged!"

Ling SenHao: "I know, mother."

Mr. Lawrence asked again: "What the hell is the physique of this kid ShaoQing? Is it harmful to the body?"

"That shouldn't be, but the doctor is just guessing..."

Mr. Lawrence thought for a while: "It seems that I will be going to the palace in a while. I believe His Majesty the King will be very happy to know that you have a baby. Maybe you can invite the royal private doctor to come and have a look. We will prepare another operating room. That's great."

Ling SenHao: "Everything depends on my father!"

Mother Ling explained some details that need to be paid attention to during pregnancy before letting Ling SenHao go back to the room.