

This story is about Amelia Jones, a kind and sweet girl who had to bear hardships and pain just because of her appearance and jealousy from everyone even her family whom she later discovered that they had picked her from slump when she was young, even her best friend broke her trust. She endured all until the day she was kicked out. She started her new life and vowed to never trust anyone and live a happy and peaceful life. But not until she met Axel, a mysterious man who is feared by everyone just by glaring at them. Amelia learns that he is from a completely different world who is only here to look for someone mentioned in a prophecy. What will happen if she later discover she is the one in the prophecy. Will she find happiness and peace with this Axel?

Klaw_2705 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 23

Axel walked down the stairs and came directly to me. At that moment, I forgot I was even mad at him. He stared at me and I felt shivers down my spine. 'I really wasn't used to the dangerously good looking man. He seemed like a really dangerous guy but for some reason, I am still attracted to this man's beauty.'

"Don't think highly of yourself rabbit. You are not that special." My anger came rushing back.

"You really like getting on my nerves, don't you?" I said forcing a smile.

"I do enjoy looking at your frustrated face. It makes me really happy. The meal you cooked was delicious by the way." His smirk widened and I could feel my blood boiling. I let out a heavy sigh.

"What do you want?" He moved back a sat on a chair crossing his leg. "What I am trying to say is that you can stay here and also repay us for helping us. You just have to work here instead of the orphanage. You won't be staying here for free. We will also be paying you for your work."

"Of course!!!" Carol exclaimed excitedly. "Why didn't I think of that? Amelia, will that be okay for you? " Carol said.

I really hated the idea of living under the same roof as Axel but as long as Carol is happy. I might even be able to see Catherine again. "Well, as long as everyone is okay with it."

"I don't have any objections, neither does the others." Ares said. I looked at at everyone and tears came rushing.

"Thank you everyone. I really feel useless now even though you are offering me a job here but I will make sure I try my best." Carol pulled me into a tight hug and everyone except Axel joined.

"Just to be clear, I didn't suggest this because I wanted you to stay. We just happened to need another staff and you are qualified for that job." Axel said and Carol pulled away.

"Wait, we were never short on staffs. We have enough staffs and you were planning on sending some staffs to other places." Carol said, itching her head.

"Shut up." Axel said hitting Carol lightly on her head. I chuckled seeing that.

"Thanks anyway, I won't let anyone down." I said determined.

I saw a smirk on his face and I was sure he was up to no good. "That's good because your work begins now." He said as he was on his way to the stairs.

"Wait, What? I don't even know what I am hired to do." After Saying that Axel stopped and looked at me.

"You will be our cook, if you need anything, ask Maya. She is the head maid and also the woman who took care of you yesterday night. Be quick, the fridge and store won't fill themselves." Axel said and left with a grin on his face.

"He really is gonna make my life more difficult."

"You don't need to worry, we are here after all. I want us to go shopping right now, we can stop by at the grocery store and buy the foodstuffs." Carol said.

"I thought you said you weren't going shopping until Saturday, today is Monday." I said with a curious look.

"Yes but I am not shopping for myself, it's for you. Before you refuse, I want you to know that I am not going to take NO for an answer. Now hurry up and go get dressed." I knew I couldn't refuse her and I smiled at her childishness.

"Ok, I won't refuse but I need to get some of my belongings that is still in my aunt's house."

"I can get it for you." Max said.

"Oh thanks but I am the only one that can get this. It is something precious to me, that's why I hid it in a safe place and I don't think you recognize it at all." I have to get the box that lady in my dream was talking about.

"Ok but I am going with you. I don't trust does people after all they have done to you." Said Max.

"I will be going with you too, I want to see the people that hurt you." Ares said.

"I am sorry but I won't be able to come along. I was on my way to somewhere before I came but gist me on all the fun."

Blake said.

I smiled. "No problem." I said and Blake left.

After a while we got ready and left. We went to the mall first. By the time we were done shopping, we ended up buying almost everything in the mall and they were all for me. At first I told Carol to buy a little and she agreed but Every time we thought we were done shopping, she just happened to see a dress that would look really really good on me.

I looked at the boys, thinking that they would be uncomfortable or frustrated but they were surprisingly calm and acted like it was normal. I guess they were used to Carol style of shopping. They are also from really rich families.

After shopping, we got back to the car and it ended up filled with shopping bags. There was no room for food stuffs and groceries.

"Oh no, I can't believe we bought so many things. I don't think we can add anymore." Carol said.

"I warned you not to buy much. There was no need." I complained.

"But they looked really good on you and I couldn't stop myself. Let's forget about that. We can order for the foodstuffs. It's much easier like that. Don't you think?"

"Ok." I sighed saying that.

Carol asked me what we needed to order and I told her. After we made the order, we all got into the car.

"I guess we are going to get Amelia's stuff now." Carol said.

"Yeah, but I think we should hurry. We spent most of the day at the mall. It's getting late." I said.

"Oh yeah, Max hurry up." Carol said tapping Max's shoulder.

"Ok ok I am driving as fast as I can." Max said.

"Don't rush him Carol and don't drive so fast Max, you'll get us into an accident." I scolded.

"Ok." Max and Carol said at the same time.

Ares chuckled. I looked at him. "And what's so funny?"

"Sorry, it's just that you looked cute when you scold." Ares replied still smiling.

"Stop teasing me." I said pouting my mouth and everyone laughed.

We finally got to the front of aunt Lucy's apartment.

"Pls, I want to go there alone. I will come out as soon as I get my stuff." I said

"No way, we aren't going to let you go there all alone." Max protested and everyone nodded in agreement.

"Pls guys, don't make it any more harder for me as it is. I promise to come back immediately I get my things. So please let me go alone." I pleaded.

It was silent for a moment until Max finally broke the silence. "Ok, but be careful. If you are not out in the next 15 minutes, we come in."

I gave him a reassuring smile and nodded. I got out of the car and walked to the front door. My heart was pounding with every step I took. When I got to the door, I took in a deep breath and tried to calm myself before knocking.

'You can do this, just walk in there, ignore all the comments, take the box and get out. Easy.' I said in my mind.

I knocked on the door but there was no response, I tried again many times but still no answer. Then I thought maybe they weren't home since it was Monday.

I turn around to leave, then I heard my aunt call my name. "Oh Amelia, what a pleasant surprise. Please come in."

I thought I heard wrong, my aunt has never spoken to me with that tone before.

She toke my hands and lead me into the house. She even offered me a sit. "Pls come sit."

I tried to gather myself and not get distracted by anything. "I came to get something, pls can I go?"

She smiled and said "Why not, pls go ahead."

I looked at her and then quickly went down to the basement where I used to call my room. I searched for the silver box and thankfully it's still there. I also saw the phone Caroline gave me and I took Catherine photos with me.

I gathered everything in a small bag and headed back.

When I got back, I saw Amber and Scarlett. They were coming closer to me. I expected them to be rude and maybe give me a slap or something but surprisingly they hugged me.

My body froze. "W-What are you doing?" I quickly checked my bag to confirm if they didn't trick me to steal something from me but nothing was missing.

"Sis, we missed you so much. We are sorry for everything we have done, pls forgive us. We are terribly sorry for the way we treated you." They said and went on their knees.

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