

This story is about Amelia Jones, a kind and sweet girl who had to bear hardships and pain just because of her appearance and jealousy from everyone even her family whom she later discovered that they had picked her from slump when she was young, even her best friend broke her trust. She endured all until the day she was kicked out. She started her new life and vowed to never trust anyone and live a happy and peaceful life. But not until she met Axel, a mysterious man who is feared by everyone just by glaring at them. Amelia learns that he is from a completely different world who is only here to look for someone mentioned in a prophecy. What will happen if she later discover she is the one in the prophecy. Will she find happiness and peace with this Axel?

Klaw_2705 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 13

Axel started driving and It was awfully quiet. Axel finally broke the silence. "What relationship do you have with Ares?" I looked at him confused. Why would he ask such a question?

"We are just friends. Why are you asking?" The corner of his lips curved into a smirk. "Friends huh, did you lose your brains or are you naturally this dumb? Weren't you in the same school as Ares. As he ever done anything for a girl. The gifts and attention. Why is he giving all those to you now all of a sudden? He could have paid attention to you before. Don't you think he is doing this to get something?"

I knew he was right. Ares never paid attention to me or any other girl except for Luna. He never approached or even called my name in the past. Even when I was bullied in his presence he would still ignore me. Maybe I am already expecting too much. But Axel clearly hates Ares. He might be doing this to get to him. "Even if it is true, it is none of your business. I can handle my business."

His smile widened. "I believe you have already thought about it and will take precautions from now on. Not everything is as they seem. Just like how Ares is not who you think he is. Be careful rabbit."

'What did he mean by that. Why is he serious all of a sudden?' Just as I was about to ask him, the car stopped. "We are here." We were already at the orphanage. I got off the car and started walking towards the orphanage. Axel called me.

"Rabbit, take this. It's a letter Catherine wrote to you. She's expecting a reply from you soon." I collected the letter from him and looked at it. 'Kyaaaaa!!! This is a letter Kathie wrote for me with her own hands.'

I smiled and looked at Axel. "Thank you, tell her that I will definitely reply her soon. Though, there isn't school tomorrow so I can't give it to tomorrow."

I really wanted to give her the letter as soon as possible but it is a weekend and I have dance practice with the children. "I can come collect it at the da studio tomorrow. I can even bring Catherine with me if you want."

I thought I heard wrong. Was he serious? He wants me to meet Katie? "Are you serious? If you are pulling my legs then stop it right now."

He came out of the car and leaned closer to me. "Do I look like someone who would make such lame jokes? Besides, Catherine really wants to see you and you have taken really good care of her when she was missing."

I was really happy at that moment. I would finally get to see Katie again. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you so much Axel." I didn't know what came over me at that moment. I hugged Axel really tight. By the time I realised what I had done It was too late. Axel hugged me back. My cheeks flushed red. "Hmm, rabbit. If you had known I would receive a hug just because of this then I would have done this a long time ago."

I pushed him back. My whole face was red. "S-Sorry and thanks." I dashed into the orphanage immediately. I hugged him without thinking.

Axel shook his head in disbelief and chuckled. "What a cute little rabbit." Then he entered his car and drove off.

When Amelia entered the orphanage, all the children surrounded her. "Sister, was that your boyfriend?" A little girl named Elaine spoke. My face was turning to a fully ripped tomato. "No, that was not my boyfriend. He's a friend of mine."

Elaine scratched her head looking confused. "But you hugged that man really tight and he hugged you back." 'oh no, this is really getting complicated.' "That was just a friendly hug."

Elaine spoke again. "What about those two nice brothers that came the other day? Was any of them your boyfriend?"

"They were not my boyfriend either. In fact I don't have a boyfriend." 'Elaine please stop asking me questions now.'

"Oh, I see. Sister, if you ever have a boyfriend will you still remember us?" I carried Elaine and gave her a kiss on her cheek and said "I would never forget you in my entire life." just then all the remaining children got jealous and started asking for a kiss too. I chuckled at how adorable these children were and gave each of them a kiss.

The next day, Amelia woke up really and did all the chores really fast. She cooked for everyone and when she was done, she told her aunt that she wanted to go to the cyber café. She used one of the projects given to them in school as an excuse to go really early to the dance studio. She would have waited for all of them to go out but she was way too excited to see Catherine.

"Aunt, please can I go to the cyber café today? I want to do some research on an assignment. I can help Amber and Scarlett with it too."

Aunt Lucy looked furious at that moment. "How dare you. Are you trying to say my daughters can't do an assignment by themselves? Are you saying they are not smart?" I was startled by her reaction. 'She always had me doing their assignments all the times. I was even punished and beaten if I did any mistake in the assignments. Now that I asked before she told me, she got angry? Pathetic.'

Just then Amber cut in. "Mom, let her just go. She's really lazy anyway. You and dad really work hard and all she can do is to stay in the house all day long. The project is stressful anyways. It would be better if she does it."

Aunt Lucy glared at me. "Okay then. I will forgive you for your actions this time but as your punishment, you will not get any food for the whole of today. Got it? Now go before I change my mind."

I quickly went to my room and packed the things I needed and dashed out. 'I didn't care if I didn't eat. They were leftovers anyways.' When I arrived at the dance studio, I met all of the children participating in the competition. I also missed them. Because of school. I had to cancel my classes with them on Mondays. They were also really happy to see me.

While they all gathered around me, I asked them if Catherine had arrived. "Guys, has Catherine arrived?" When I mentioned her name thier eyes widened. "Amelia, is Catherine really coming? I miss her so much. Tell us, is she coming?" Chris asked many questions about Catherine.

Out of the children Catherine had met so far, Chris was the one she was fond of. Chris and Catherine was really really close. Chris also taught her dance moves when I was busy. Chris was also really fond of Catherine and was really sad when he heard she won't be able to come again. 'What if Axel was lying to me. I might give Chris false hope if I tell him anything now.'

"It's possible for Catherine to come today but I am not sure. But don't let us put our hopes up. She will eventually come visit us someday. I still receive letters from her you know. She always asks of you in those letters Chris. She also misses you too."

Chris smiled after hearing that. "I will wait for her to come no matter how long it takes. I will wait. Amelia, please if you write a letter to her again. Tell her I really miss her too and I will wait for her to visit."

I smiled and prayed Axel could bring Catherine like he said. Chris had really not been himself ever since Catherine left. "Ok, now let's start practice. Everybody into position." Amelia said as she turned on the music. She and the children began to dance.

Just then Ares and Blake entered. Amelia did not notice when they came in. Ares found himself watching her dance and was mesmerized. Blake hit him with his shoulder. "She is pretty good. I never imagined her dancing. I am glad you forced me to come." Ares chuckled too. "She's really cute though, I am just seeing this side of her and she really looks more happy around children. I wonder how she would react if I bring Catherine along one day."

While Amelia was dancing, she spotted Ares and Blake. She froze immediately. She didn't expect Ares to come today. If Axel eventually comes there might be a fight between the brothers. Why am I always dragged in those two business.

"Alright everyone, time out. I will be back in a minute." Amelia told the children as she went to meet Ares and Blake. "Oh, I didn't think you guys would come today." Ares approached me "I told you I was going to come. Blake didn't want to come but I forced him and now he is glad I dragged him here. You were great. I didn't know you could dance like that."

Amelia smiled. "Uhm, thanks." While the three were chatting. Amelia suddenly heard Chris shout. "Catherine!!! Amelia look, Catherine is back. She's back."

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