
Enter Mount & Blade with the system

Alexander, who crossed over to a continent of cold weapons, started out as a slave. However, he discovered that he had control over a system shop. From being a servant soldier, he progressed to becoming a sword and shield soldier, then a cavalryman, and finally ascended step by step to the throne of the cavalry king. My novel's title and synopsis are really bad. Can you help me?

DaoistYcPpz3 · War
Not enough ratings
72 Chs

Chapter 36 This is a bronze treasure chest without bronze

Of course, he thought he could win. The leader of the Oak Knights only felt that his overall strength was inferior to the opponent's, but in terms of personal combat, the Veed people would never admit defeat.

"I agree, but weak Saint Martin man, you must give up your proud warhorse and face me in a fair duel," the leader of the Oak Knights pointed at Alexander's warhorse and said.

"You want me to fight you while riding a horse? Isn't that bullying?" Alexander nodded naturally and leaped down from his Saint Martin steed.

Seeing Alexander jump down from his horse, the leader of the Oak Knights threw away the sword in his hand and took the battle axe handed to him by his subordinates.

He stared fiercely at Alexander, attempting to intimidate him with his eyes.

However, Alexander was a seasoned warrior. You think you can scare me with just a look? Then I'll really lose face.

Even Alexander just stood there, casually looking at the leader of the Oak Knights.

This look angered the leader of the Oak Knights. He had never been so despised before, especially during a duel.

After all, he was as big as a bear, with a sturdy and powerful build, plus a face full of scars and a fierce appearance. Children would be scared to wet their pants upon seeing him.


He pounded his chest fiercely, and amidst the battle cries of his men, charged towards Alexander. The battle axe in his hand carried the power to tear the earth apart, heavy and fierce.

Blessed with muscles all over his body, the leader of the Oak Knights felt that he had swung the most powerful axe blow of his life.

Under this blow, let alone blocking, even if he wore a full suit of plate armor, he would be split in half on the spot.

However, a dramatic scene unfolded.


The battle axe flew high into the sky, spinning countless times before crashing heavily onto the ground.

Alexander still held the upward pose, still wearing the same casual expression, looking at the leader of the Oak Knights who looked as if he had seen a ghost.

At this moment, the leader's hands trembled incessantly, his tiger's mouth split open, blood pouring out of the wound. However, he no longer felt any pain, only a blank in his mind.

What kind of strength was it that could directly lift the battle axe he had swung down fiercely and even he himself hadn't fully realized it.

"Are you... still human?" In the end, he could only say this sentence, and then sat down weakly in front of Alexander

"It's my victory."

Alexander didn't answer him, leaving only these words behind as he turned away gracefully.

The remaining cleanup of the battlefield was left to Viktor and the others.

Once he was mounted on his Saint Martin steed, Alexander's hands trembled slightly.

That blow just now wasn't as easy to handle as it seemed on the surface. According to his estimation, the strength of the Oak Knights' leader was probably between 13 and 14, far exceeding that of an average person. Coupled with the weight of the giant axe itself, he almost didn't manage to block it.

It seemed he needed to be more careful in the future. He couldn't afford to be so careless; a slight mistake could have been disastrous. But the outcome was good.

"Congratulations Lord Alexander for defeating the Oak Knights, ranking up to 497."

"Rewards: Bronze Chest *1."

"Rewards: Experience +2000, System Coins +2000."

Now Alexander's status panel read:

[Level]: 9

[Strength]: 12

[Agility]: 10

[Intelligence]: 6

[Charisma]: 9

[Available Attribute Points]: 1

[Experience]: 5000/25600

[System Coins]: 13000

With an additional attribute point, Alexander thought for a moment and decided to allocate it to Strength. After this battle, he realized he still wasn't strong enough, at least not enough to establish absolute dominance in combat.

It seemed he had underestimated the humans of this world. A strength of 10 was just normal for adult men in this world, but where there were normal people, there were bound to be abnormal ones. Like the leader of the Oak Knights, for instance. If their knightly order was only ranked 497th in strength, one could only imagine the caliber of the leaders of those preceding knightly orders.

Alexander didn't dwell too much on these questions because he was eager to open the chest. What treasures could it contain?

He looked at the shining bronze chest on the system panel and thought, "Open!"

"Congratulations Lord Alexander for obtaining Strength Bracers."

[Strength Bracers]: Increase the user's Strength by 2, only affecting the arms.

A pair of bracers made of what seemed like silk material appeared on Alexander's hands out of nowhere. They were adorned with exquisite patterns that, when reflected in the sunlight, seemed to emit a continuous flow of light along the lines.

Wait a minute, why did these patterns seem familiar?

Suddenly, Alexander remembered something. These patterns were remarkably similar to those on Duke Ferdinand's armor. Though the designs were different, they were undoubtedly related.

Could it be... does Archduke Ferdinand also have this kind of equipment?

Alexander quickly lowered his head to look at his own magnificent knight suit. Sure enough, he found similar patterns on the inside, although they were almost imperceptible compared to the strength bracers.

He hurried over to Victor's side, lifting up the Forest Ranger suit to carefully inspect it. Indeed, he found similar pattern traces, although they were barely visible without a deliberate close inspection.

A faint guess formed in Alexander's mind...

He opened the system shop and spent 10,000 dinars to purchase a set of [War Knight Armor].

[War Knight Armor]:

Head Protection +30

Body Protection +30

Leg Protection +30

Strength +10

The properties of this armor were so outrageous that Alexander was shocked—would this thing really work?

As a matter of fact, the system never deceived anyone. When Alexander put on the War Knight Armor, he felt more solid overall, but surprisingly, he felt lighter on his feet—after all, his strength was now more than adequate.

Currently, his attributes were:

[Level]: 9

[Strength]: 13

[Agility]: 10

[Intelligence]: 6

[Charisma]: 9

[Available Attribute Points]: 0

[Experience]: 5000/25600

[System Coins]: 3000

With a clear 13 points of strength, plus 2 points from the Strength Bracers and another 10 points from the War Knight Armor, his strength had reached a terrifying 25 points. This level of strength gave him a slight sense of security.

But he made a horrifying discovery: the patterns on this armor were still not as clear as those on Archduke Ferdinand's armor. That old guy had fought so many battles, yet not once had he wielded it. It was no wonder Alexander hadn't noticed the armor's special features.

It seemed that this world was definitely not as simple as he had imagined.

However, for the natives of this world, certain things were just commonplace.

For example, the Saint Martin Kingdom's army had once again achieved a wild battlefield victory.

At this moment, the Saint Martin Kingdom's First Spout (King) was doing what?

He was leading a large army to besiege the King of Veed in a certain castle, standing in front of the city and madly hurling insults at the entire family of the Veed Kingdom's King.

Including, but not limited to:

"Your grandma and your dad had a thing going on, I saw it with my own eyes."

"I had deep conversations with your mom, I seriously suspect I'm your dad."

"Your family's ancestors all had intelligence defects, which is why they gave birth to such a piece of crap like you."


That's right, he was attacking the city!