
Entanglements By A Tome : The Summoning Of The Souls

The turning point in your life, when the basic life of yours is revealed to a supernatural side of world started under your feet forces to pass through a voyage of saving those who missed some years of seeing light of the real world. A simple tome in the library with shining stones are not what they seem.

Aenansh_Mittal · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The Ceremony's Preparation


The galloping on the grounds, the sweat drops dispersing in the mid air, the effervescence of the students all comprising in the spell of the enthusiasm and spirit of the ceremony scheduled for the next week.

This programme takes the role of the soul of the entire student body as well as for the faculty staff, belonging to the city's most prominent and only institution for Archeology, 'Hawksley & Group's Institute Of Archeology'.

Quite a debatable name among the students in here, as one says that the name should be composed of something horrendously cool, jazzy crap or some random boogie-woogie. All mutually desire for this old building to be referred by a suitable nickname since saying the entire length is kinda long and boring, more like a tongue twister. Among these people are some weirdos who have the guts to openly suggest calling this building by an erratic cult name or something along the lines from those weird fantasy games and books growing popular nowadays.

The complete details are unknown but someone anonymous suggested a nickname that flooded from one to other in a span of five days and officially became the nickname. It was influenced all over the student body that nowadays outsiders think that it's the real name for this building. It's even written on the sign board outside for the ceremony which is somehow remained unnoticed by the faculty staff. I wonder what actions they would prefer regarding this mischievous topic. Well, to break the curiosity regarding the custom title for this beloved structure; the students call it 'Arc e' Dome'.

Shuffled among all these students, runs a mundane being, Dennis.

He had been sleeping on such spirited job but as it slowly grew on him, he couldn't resist working his fingers to the bone with everyone.

Physically talking about him, he has a slender face and cylindrical waist but gifted with surprisingly perfect height which a normal person yearns for. His large blue eyes covered with unsuited round glasses, which one could guess that he never wished for, flashes on the faces he considers dearest.

The bangs of the fuzzy shoulder-length hairs he keeps on his head gets messed up every time wind struggles to escape through them.

Dennis never considers himself to be dependable but holds a great sense of service. He wants to break a sweat at the preparations for the ceremony with the fellow students who all are grouped and allotted a particular task by the supervisor of the ceremony, but is oblivious about what is in his bag.


"Darn! I said a high-handed approach would make those sycophants bow on their knees." Says Eddie, a 'situational hot-head' or what his peers prefer to call him, especially Robin. He flips the cell phone in his hand while standing rock solid near the stove which is ignited without any particular ambition. His looks suggest that nothing is pacing with his brain and he is currently holding a strong grudge against a termite.

"Says the one who was superseded for showing up extremely late at the central department for the event; don't be so itchy about the suppliers, I can manage the groceries." Says Robin, a subordinate to Eddie but the one who manages his life as a mentor. His satisfied grinning expression and speech presses the mood swinging around Eddie to a pause.

"Don't be my guardian you painstaking freak, I am over the subject so don't bone up on it. This place is complete hullabaloo for two days anyway. Once this ends everyone would whoop it up, leaving perspires in void."

"You are right, these seldom events do drop an impact and bomb up the never-ending boredom…-Hey watch-out for the stove!"

As they mindlessly evaporated from their work, the cloth hovering defenselessly near the stove caught fire.

Eddie frights away from the fire, devours a volume of air and blows onto the fire as if it would be of any help. "Huh? Ah Argh! Fewh…fewh hey stop feeling tamed and help me." Robin didn't move an inch after the break-out and spontaneously rubs his temple.

"Ha-ha…don't drag me in, it's your fault that you spaced out." (Going about his way, he surely packs a fun little life, but his arousing clumsiness will kill him in the future; not seriously.) "Bring over a water bucket."

"Ah yes! Bringing it. Don't joke around until I come back."

Sprinting around the course, Eddie fills a bucket from the nearest tap, aiming to extinguish the fire which was blazing onto Robin's face as he stands still at the scene dead staring at the cloth. Eddie didn't realized when Robin went silent; he now just zoomed at Robin fretfully while jogging with the bucket.

Robin's hand came stretching out but was shaking in the mid air, as he slowly shoot it towards the cloth and in a split second he grabs it with his thumb and index finger and launches it in the air, only it to fall into the same bucket which is carried by Eddie, who was running towards the table.

As the cloth drowns in the bucket, Eddie comes at a halt and stood there processing what just happened in this moment. Robin grins at him with his thumb sticking out, and in stimulus he turns the stove off which should be the first priority before any of this.

"You surprised me for a moment Robin, what was that? Eh? Where do you get the wind of that act?" (Any sort of witchcraft huh?)

"There's still a lot in my booty and I am going to live my life revealing each and every one of them with baby steps. To see that, stick with me for your entire life, would ya'?"

"Ha… I already decided to keep you as my slave anyway, and I already pictured everything that would and surely happen-crap!" (My eyes still are conjecturing did the events occur or not?)

Robin's eyes puffed out due to the smoke as he rubs his wood rough palms onto his eyes and struck his knee on Eddie's foot which imbalanced both of them but they got the grip of themselves in time. Both laughed it off and re-positioned themselves at the respective counters they need to hold. Eddie sneezes.

Out of the blue a slender figured being stood in front of the two rookies and smirked at their faces. Both of them reacted in a dry laugh and stared at him in the same mannerism of a disappointed parent. Long story short, this was a kind of tick who never silently hops above your skull.

(A berk is an essential constitute of a busy-driven day, and now it's here. Great!)

"Watch ya' cracking'?" The words come from the slender student, with his hair waving to and fro in the dry windy day. With constant movement of hands clapping behind his back and peeping towards the sky he stood there silently waiting for a reply.

"Asks the one who is up to no good for any of the department and is just wandering with this gloomy face; I am more occupied than you. Just disappear already!" complains Eddie while preparing a new dining cloth from the bundle brought out of the gigantic trunk beneath.

"Still hurting my feelings, right? When would you learn, Ha-ha!" Even after hearing this much harshness, he gives Eddie a balmy smile and laughs it off with a comeback.

This guy is Tyler, who is considered the type of guy who lends his hand just to pull you back and drop you hard. Well none of this is intentional though.

Although he didn't have to sweat up for any of the department, he is appointed to record the ceremony and had being given a cool looking DSLR to capture the pictures and moments. And he is enjoying every bit of it. The reason he is doing this is to save some of the budget on professionals.

Don't get this wrong, the supervisor never intended to mock Tyler; on the flip side, he is in fact too skilled in this to be true.

"Hey, since I am already here, shouldn't I suggest some incredible ways to fully get mileage out of the work for you two. It is surely a kicking opportunity too good to miss, isn't it?" Tyler suggests in a non-serious but less comical way.

"Cut it out! The last thing I would do on this planet is agreeing with you." Eddie rants while tucking the utensils inside the gigantic trunk under the table. (He is never getting off the collar, destined to be terribly inflammatory.)

"Gash…! You really have to do it punk? My funny nerves are strangling themselves now." Tyler comments.

Strong wind blew, brushing by their faces and trying to pull their hairs with them. A seed of dandelion, out of nowhere comforts itself upon the shoulder padding of Robin's attire. He, without any hesitation blows it off and then continues to look at it as it flows in the direction it was blown in. Soon he relocates his gaze towards the panel he was initially working on and returns back to work.

Tyler in reflex opens his bag hanging on his single shoulder to his side and reaches out for a camera. He quickly snaps a picture of the dandelion seed before it sails goodbye. He turn towards the two folks and flickers his hand with a grin at them while spinning around to move from the location handling his camera in a professional manner and posing with his limbs and muscles to shoot while on the walk, impersonating to snap every frame.

Meanwhile Dennis, who is wandering like a complete lost child in a foreign place, accelerates towards a spot without any thought. He had been missing the preparations from the starting date and don't even remember in which department he was installed to. He is a quite haphazard who never intend to reflect any of him upon the shenanigans but still wishes to be harmonious. His harried looks right now gives a concerning vibes but knowing and trusting him, worrying should be out of the question, that's the way he's build.

Back to the previous scene, Eddie had been working on the cutlery stuff while Robin researches and confirms negotiations with chefs about his unauthorized recipes and their best tips on some serious website.

Robin is kind of a 'Handyman' status guy who never likes to share his skills with everyone and every time. But when it's time for showdown, he never backs off and solely performs every task, efficiently and neatly. His tactics involves working piecemeal rather than open firing.

He's a star of his own game and prefers to shine bright in everyone's too.


In this quiet scenery, a harsh rubbing and scratchy sound fills the atmosphere. From a distance, a barrel comes down rolling towards the station. Behind it, a student pushes it with what seems to be his maximum potential. He starts exerting even more force when the barrel reaches the lumpy region of the ground.

"Crap…! This tin is tickling my nerves now. Hey! If you don't mind, give it a hand with me, will ya'?" roars the student from a distance.

"Oh! Alright I am coming in a snap." Robin hurtles to oblige the student. "Okay, leave it to me Brandon." (Time to show em' all what I can exert in their comparison!)

Robin rubs his hands against each other while sticking his tongue out in a preparatory manner and locks his palms onto the rough skinned barrel; feeling the grumpy nature of it, he pushes it with his minimum force and easily rolls it up. As doing so, his body posture twists and gets disturbed and mixing up with his inattentiveness, it made Eddie to lose his composure and he guffawed at Robin with tears rolling down from the corner of his eyes. Brandon, who was initially carrying the barrel, looks in amusement and feels a bit of jealously looking how easily one can do the thing he can't, even after giving his all. Anyway, he rolled the thing more distance than Robin did and he is grateful of it.

"By the way Brandon, where's the other fella'; the one who was tasked for the cleaning?" Robin questions.

"Uh…yeah, Connor, yeah actually he notified me back at the place that he felt queasy from all the cleaning and is stepping out for quick refreshment. So basically, he left and surely is on his way."

"That's great, call him now and ask to hike some coffee beans, since I barely managed to get some. I am scorching my work since the night."

"Argh…! Don't roam yapping about your business, it's not that of fraught." Eddie loses his composure when Robin fired his 'defense against taunts' skill. (What's the deal with this brat?)

Robin shivers as he hears the harsh words blared out from Eddie's mouth at him. He seems to lose his cool as if Eddie tickled the wrong bone, and seems to start the warfare of the wastes.

"Oh yeah, well yes you are not supposed to cook authentically for the crowd while keeping your value in mind. If our station gets more applause than any other then it's thanks to me!" Robin puffs his chest out in honor of his ego.

Eddie nevertheless expected to hear this from Robin so it didn't catch him off guard. His blood gets a boost from the blares and jumped high to drag Robin's pride down.

"Tuck that spatula between your bones and tootle wailing around the house. What do you imagine us doing, just sticking our pinkies in the nose?" Eddie spills down the waste.

"Argh…! And who are you, a meaty maniac who boils up from head to toe and transforms into a brain-eating beast. I bet you are a pure kitchen virgin. PARDON ME!!" Robin's slurs kept piercing through Eddie's whacking pride.

("This wasteland war is going to cost eternity. Nothing can I do about it either anyway, let's just the flow decide where to ride." Brandon concludes from the rampage.)

The stand-off between Eddie and Robin started to spice up. Their raging and ranting continues in the background, meanwhile Brandon ditches them and tries to make a quick wake up call to Connor who is still out chugging on the drinks.


"*Breathes heavily*…am I there…, when would I come to a stop? My indiscretion is paying off now; well, on the second thought I don't mind it as if I would have made any difference. They would still be slacking off pretty hard." (What I am even wondering about in the first place.)

Dennis takes a seat lying next to him as he over-do his lungs to catch the breath. He is all sweaty from locating his unknown station and giving a hand to every bystander. His sweat drops chafed by his cheek into the collar, and sticking his tongue out, he sits there anxiously. He thinks not to cession the hunt but on the other hand, denies the suitable idea of asking the supervisor since he already dumped a lot of pain on him and now asking about his place, he would surely answer hell, -Dennis' thesis.

Seeing other nonchalant students working upon their errands, he feels pathetic. For the last time he stands up as his shirt jerks due to a sudden jump and his glasses comes out from their position. With this motivation he gathered in one sit down, he takes off.

(Damn it! There's no way I can handle this hotpot in my possession. Connor can poke a stick in between, I think.)

"Hello, Connor? Are you on the line?" Brandon asks in haste.

"Yes Connor speaking, oh! Brad wassup', what's the call for?"(Slurp….!)

"I should be straight to the point…first of all, on the way grab some coffee beans of right fitting."

"I see…alright, but uhm I am actually…cleaned out at the moment as I never mused that I would need extra sum for something not my need. Do you want me to knock off some?"

"Ha-ha not like that! Oh and hurry up, I need your help (cursing noises), fast!!"

"What's the dilemma? Why I hear cussing in the background?"

"No time to explain now, get to know yourself. After that I will look with you into the coffee matter."

"Wait…WH…wait-" Line cuts. (What's the jiggery-pokery in there?)

"Don't be trying setting yourself as a neat man! If you aren't able to do, don't be a hurdle to others. Don't be pretending that you are a lone wolf." Eddie roars with a scowl.

"I am trying!? I…I am pretending!? Seriously! Huh-ha…? Are you really saying this? You are crossing the line jerk, and don't forget I am a real deal!" Robin squeals, rephrasing the keywords.

"Now my words are imploring you to assault me? Bring it on; I must lower the haughty bars!"

The feud between the two escalated to a one versus one combat. On the other side Brandon turned his spectator mode on; clipping his nails against his teeth, his frowning eyebrows and oily hair sticking to his forehead showed that he is internally clapping hand to summon someone to hinder.

The sun is overhead as the noon time arrives, and Brandon seems done standing and waiting for Connor and believes that it's obliged to turn down the heat. But he is in fact really poor in conflict solving skills and always relies on the smart ones.

While the scene plays in front of his face, he begins to dream about the memories of him in the past, when he used to boil up over every aspect of the moment he used to live. For him, this lively happening builds certainty in our life and develops enormous variety of characteristics that make what today we are and how we stand. For this, one must have the cells to consume the brains, not just taking them for granted. But in this case, the rate of conflict growing between Eddie and Robin has the potential to ruin ones character. They are on the birch of biting each other's skin off.

Eddie tackles Robin trying to make him fall flat and immediately call it an end to prevent further drumbeats, but much to his vague response; Robin grabbed his sleeves instantly, fracturing Eddie's plan unintentionally and punched him on the nose real hard.

Robin falls back and after a couple of seconds pass, his agonizing eyes regain their lost composure and come to the realization that he erred. Eddie acknowledges Robin's reflex as delinquency without any rational thought. He clenches his right palm in such a hard way that his vessels were almost emerging out of his skin. He then, at a lightning potential blows the punch. But, the punch never reached its mark.

His vision got blocked with a foreign obstacle covering the poor Robin in such a speed that Eddie couldn't bring his muscles to a rest, or simply his stimulus didn't worked.

"Hold it-"

His fist instead of landing on Robin, struck into something that feels like a cushiony bellybutton or something. He freezes himself and then realizes that he missed the target. With a grimace he looks up and almost choked on his spit. Brandon was rolling in the scene holding his abdomen like he was suffering from intense pain.

"GWAHH…!" Brandon agonized in pain.

Eddie looked around without any particular reason and spots a young lady who, god knows from what moment was standing there, her hands folded tightly around a clipboard to her chest, getting warmed-up by the beige-coloured light cardigan. Her blonde curls swing with passing breeze, sheathing her forehead as if impersonating curtains. Her face glistens due to the sweat she attained from her do's. This is Annette, the assistant supervisor and fellow student who was summoned by Brandon for the account of the fight. And in order to stop the fight she sacrificed Brandon without any second thought by pushing him right into the brawl.

"Gah…Argh!" Eddie growled.

"What are you doing you obnoxious fiend? Here I thought you would be the saviour but you turned out to be a ruthless maiden." Brandon confronts Annette.

"Huh? Oh…uh-hmm yeah…hmm I…d…didn't discerned my actions, I just went for it actually. You know the adrenaline rush, don't ya'?" Annette tries to escape with a forced grin masked on the face."These things aside, explain me what's been the matter here in the first place? Is that how you all were supposed to be pertaining to the assigned tasks?"

"Um I can explain-" Robin slips his tongue but gets cut in between the words. (Is she going to wound the wounded ones now? Damn this disaster.)

"Why the heck people here are ripping off each other out!" (This is over the limits now, you all grow up already!)

"I genuinely apologize for all the trouble; but I am glad about the fact that nothing influx and stimulated any other party." Robin formally apologizes pretending to be absolutely guilty.

"I take that-I take that, but this should be reported regardless….Oh! Don't whine upon it, chief won't have any issues if this episode submerges here deep in the earth. Got it?" Annette reassures.

"Fhew, that's a relief! Thanks for your sentiment, we shall pack stuff and resume. I hope the work pays off for every ounce of ours embodiment. Ha-ha!" Robin drives in. (Changing the topic is a better call in here.)

"Thanks for the consent; I hope this much too. So, shall I get going? Oh yeah I forgot 'bout the guy. You okay?"

"It feels like it or maybe not, ouch!" Brandon vaguely confirms about his health.

"Sorry! Now I need to rush. Keep it up and break a leg."

"*Waving hand* Ha-ha for sure! I would handle from here."Robin takes the lead. (Situation settled, now I need to look for Eddie.)

Annette shrugs her shoulders as she hugs the clipboard tighter between her chest and arms and jerks her head in order to adjust her hair swirling onto her forehead. A strong breeze passes by her hair, swinging her curls back and forth until they settle at the forehead once again.

Meanwhile Eddie zoned out during the conversation and was feeling a bit off god knows why.

Sweating his horses, Dennis whirls upon the ground with a sizable trunk between his palms, squeezing his eyes, he storms forward focusing on his path. For him, just for a moment everything on the parallel sides vanished into the void and he could vaguely see anyone from the corners of his eyes. The light coming from the path he puts his foot on only considers his pupil's center as a goal. Seeing his state, it seems he never-ever considered the main objective to reach the station in time.

He finally comes to a halt and processes his body to place the trunk on a safe spot. He slides his arm against his forehead to wipe up the sweat drops which were glistening before, and prepares his body to move again. Suddenly a voice cracks his attention and immobilizes his body.

"Thanks for the delivery, and sorry for the trouble." A girl from behind tuned up at his wide open ears.

"That's nothing to concern about, he-he." Dennis lightens up.

"Uhm…before you move ahead, I want to light a problem to you?"

"For sure, I am all ears." (This is taking more and more of my lifetime, please be gentle on me.)

"If I have no qualms about the knowing, can you please search for 'Geek Jewel Manuscript' in the archives of the library? You can hand it over whenever you feel, there's no quibble about that, could you?"

"Uh…hmm as you ask, I would hand it in a suitable time for me."

"Really, you saved us. It's my first year so the library is nothing more than a labyrinth for me."

"I know, right? The library is surely the only building that covers as much ground as a local soccer field!"

"Ha-ha…ha you sounded wacky just now, ha-ha!" The girl gave Dennis a relaxing laugh which cooled him a bit.

Dennis once again shows his dutifulness and appears superior even though his insides follow the counter side. In response he strikes his hand onto the taut trunk; his palm's side slowly changes colour as he bears the pain to not to reflect it upon the junior. He throws out a chuckle while biting his upper lip. Not to make it obvious, he quickly catches the phase of jogging to his own station. This day for him transacts his life from tedium to unwontedly busy.

"Hmm…let's see which beats the mood here. Alrighty! Here I go." Connor muses to himself choosing among the various aromatic coffee beans resting on the slab. "Should I go for Brandon's personal choice or consider mine, hmm. Zap! This one makes the great deal! Looks it can synergies with everyone." He locks to a choice. "Master…! I would like to pay for this bad boy!"

"Indeed sir, that's a keen eye you got there." A manly Brit guy cheers in response to Connor.

Connor leaves the store with a satisfied smirk on his face. The corner of his lips wriggles as he controls his desire to smack out a good blow. (Even though Brandon pleaded to return ASAP, I don't think he would mind it if I showed him what I looted. I still wonder what that was all about. Did something horrendous or excitable take the atmosphere during the course of my mart? Alas.)

"How it feels now Eddie, are you pretending to be an effigy?" Scene transacts to Robin and Brandon standing next to the undead vibe producing Eddie.

"Eh, what happened back then?" Eddie tackles with a question rather than an answer.

"Should I hit once again to check whether you are really rock solid? HEY! Give any testimony that you are still alive!" Robin darts his words directly at Eddie's ears so they can go through.

"Huh?" Eddie remains gloomy.

"Don't tell his half-assed brain got all wiped out when he hit you Brandon and he is suffering from amnesia! This can't be acceptable; he still owes an apology to both of us."

"Guess he just needs a break, I can very well assure that 'cause so do I."

"Well I don't mind it. Sleep well normies!" (Get on to the work in time snitch, we need our jobs done.)

Three of them stood on the same ground of their station, leaving the idea about having a place to look for. As they turned back, all gets startled upon seeing a bushy-tailed face in front of them, with fine sweat drops resting on his forehead and with condensed droplets from the water bottle dripping all around his hand. The man turns his gaze towards the three, with water drops poured under his lips, running down through the half-shaved beard. The shiny dirty blond hairs dance in the direction of the wind; closing his eyes he curls his lips in a humongous smile and waves with his low held arm.

"That's over the time Connor, now run down with us for the chores." Brandon demands rudely.

"Gah…I just arrived Brad! Can't I enjoy the much cooler breeze for a second? Whoa…and here take the coffee beans, grinded my ass in finding the hot one." Connor breaks his silence.

"Weren't you cleaned out? Did you double the road?" Brandon questions as he remembered the previous conversation on the phone.

"Gash nah! Master sells me stuff on a monthly account, so no big deal."

"That's a catch, well thanks Connor." Robin cuts in. "So, move the asses now."

"We are four out of five at the time, if we don't rush the chores, it would be rock hard to match the shoulders with the damn rivals!" Brandon takes the lead.

"That's harsh but sounds lame from your voice Brad, and by the way explain me what was all that about on the call." (Is he ever going to snap to the mood of telling me the beads of the day?)

The silence veils the next moment afterword which tells that the trio started the work and wrapping it diligently. Well Eddie was just not hyped up enough to move a muscle; must be low on carbs.

From the farthest spot, a projectile shaped figure accelerates towards their direction without anyone noticing. The figure changes from an outcast bullet to a monkey and then escalated to a human. The image's translucency drains as the figure reaches more and more close. The eyes of the students shift to the person while their hands do what the brain was supposed to focus on.

After a while a guy with fluffy and flustered shoulder-length hairs drooling in sweat, a slender face with curvy cheekbones and a pair of glasses struggling to stay on the position, runs and runs as he never intended to stop. The three students immediately recognized the fellow and sighed in part grief and part relaxation. Brandon lifts his right arm high and strongly waves it until it grabs the attention of the runner.

Dennis hovers as swiftly as his body can assure upon noticing the signal from a fellow partner in the station he was supposed to work his ass off. It's time for him to break a leg for the real game. All of the sweat he broke for others would now be for his own station and his group.

"You finally made it here; how was the journey?" Brandon asks sarcastically, tuning it in a dramatic way.

"It was long…well, thanks for the wait." Dennis replies in a joking way which he nevertheless, expected to do.