
Entanglement. a Naruto fanfic - semi SI

Naruto woke up with a start as a rush of memories flooded his brain. Memories of a guy named Navi and along it, came the knowledge of the future of the Shinobi world. He blinked, confused about his situation, and the amount of memories are giving him headache, Still confused, He decided to do the best action he could think of at the moment.. Which is to try falling back to sleep"that's cool and all but, I want to sleep y'know!." Semi-SI

NaviTheFrog · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

ch 3 - their names pt.1

Naruto thinks for a second before saying"... I know the name of your creator or father and most importantly... I know your name and your 8 other siblings…"

The moment Naruto said those words, the fox became solely focused on him. The fox then urged him to continue with three simple words"" Go on, continue"

Nodding, Naruto cupped his chin before speaking again "The name of your father is Otsutsuki Hagoromo, the sage of six paths And one of the sons of Otsutsuki kaguya." Naruto paused to see the fox's reaction and saw that the fox is just staring at him,so he continued "as for your and your siblings' names, the one tailed sand… something was named shukaku, the two tailed cat - matatabi, the three tailed turtle - isobu, the four tailed monkey - son goku, the five tails - kokuo, the six tailed slug - saiken, the seven-tailed horned beetle - chomei, the eight-tailed ox-octopus - gyuki and lastly…" Naruto stopped and pointed at the fox "you, the nine tailed fox… kurama" he finished and said the fox's name with a smile.

Naruto expected kurama to have some kind of reaction but the fox just continued staring at him with unblinking eyes, he didn't notice before but the menacing swaying of kurama's tails has also stopped.

He then remembered something about a certain clan that's bugged Navi so he asked " hey I have a question, are you somehow related to the kurama clan? There's this clan in konoha with weird genjutsu power and whatnot. Are you related to them?"

The fox didn't answer and just stood up and started to walk Into the darkness behind it.""I have things to think about, do 'not' bother me with foolish questions. You should get out now. I tire of your presence"" the fox stated.

Naruto not expecting this and because he still got some questions, tried to stop the fox by shouting at it's retreating back " wait-wait-wait, I still have some questions! Can you help me sort out the memories? And also can you.. not mess with my chakra? I know you're trying to mess with it since earlier when I was pulling into mine I accidentally pulled into yours, I was really not expecting to pull into it and it kinda surprised me so, can you please not mess with it? I need to practice and perfect my chakra control if I want to go against those pale skinned asshats, and you messing with the seal by forcing chakra into me is just gonna slow down the process?"

Kurama momentarily stopped before speaking, still with its back turned to him ""do it yourself, it's something that you should do on your own,and even if I'm capable of helping you I wouldn't do it, and for the last one… why should I? If you get killed by them that just means that I'll be free, if they kill you I gain my freedom so there's not really much of a consequence if I let them kill you. In fact! I'd even gladly help them do it if I could!""

Kind of surprised by the reply he got, Naruto then asked" what's with that sudden attitude? I answered all your questions earlier. Is it the kurama clan question? Or… is it the fact that I know of your father's name and yours?"

"" LEAVE! NOW!"" the fox shouted and Naruto just complied. His form slowly disappearing as he wakes up.

""He's lying, he's lying there's no way everything he said was true." The fox said in a whisper of sorts. Despite all the facts pointing that what Naruto said was true, the fox still wanted to believe it fake. And also being reminded by its father brought out a sore spot that it didn't know even existed. "" But if that's all fake how did he know mine and father's name?"" Not wanting to think further into it, the fox just laid its head down on top of its paws. "" It doesn't matter. For now I'll just think this through.""


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