
14: pills(1)

Hui Teng left to get the spell after he'd seen Jing Xuan's skills in archery. A man got to keep his words...

As he left, the shopkeeper was still in shock and was extremely impressed by Jing Xuan's archery skills. His eyes filled with admiration as he had never seen such a young lady so talented before.

Jing Xuan took a seat and started cultivating as she felt like she is about to break through. Her body was slightly burning up while she was shooting the arrows.

She started cultivating and as expected she had broken through to the Fire Rank.

"Master!" Jing Jie shouted excitedly as he grabbed onto Jing Xuan's hand.

"Next time, just call me Jiejie." Being called Master by such a small boy when she herself is so young is very eye catching.

Jiejie: Older sister.

"Congratulation!" The shopkeeper(Mister/shushu) congratulated.

This lady's cultivation speed really is fast she took roughly about three months to cultivate to the Fire Rank which usually takes about 1-2 years for people. Incredible. I wonder if i told Old Yao about this talent how would he react? He chuckled a little at his thoughts.

"Thank you" Jing Xuan smiled at her new achievement, she could feel the soothing cold feeling in her body as she levelled up.

After she gotten the spell for the healing, she headed to find Chen Zhi Hao to teach her to refine pills.

"Why have you came?" Zhi Hao asked, his eyes still glued to his book.

"Of course to ask you to teach me to refine pills." As Jing Xuan said that, she took a seat beside him.

Zhi Hao, closes his book, places them onto the table before he turns to look at Jing Xuan in seriousness.

"If you want to refine pills, you have to have deep concentration, enough spirit energy, and know how to first refine the herbs to obtain the spiritual fluids, or poisonous fluids. If you're not concentrated, you might hurt your organs just like cultivation but it could be way worse than it. Have you considered it through?" He explains.

"Yes, I hope to be able to make some restoring spirit energy pills." Jing Xuan said as her mind wanders off to Yu Heng and Xu Kang. She don't want them to die in the war...

"Alright... you should go get the herbs and extract the spiritual fluids first. I have to get my furnace." As he said that, he wrote down some herbs Jing Xuan needed to get and the steps to extract the spiritual fluids from the herb.

She headed to the Mu Kun Sect to get Ripresa Greens, Wiederherstellen, Starheal reich and lastly Fuego Seeds. These common herbs can all be easily purchased at the Mu Kun Sect.

She sat in the inn as she started grinding on the dried out Ripresa Greens, using her spiritual energy to force the fluids out. Grinding a few more times before sparkling clear fluid started flowing out of the herb.

The Ripresa Green disappeared after she had fully extracted the fluids out. She continued grinding all the other herbs and extracting their fluids except for the Fuego Seeds.

She kept them away and waited for the next day to finally refine some pills.


"Reporting to Second Prince, the army near the boarder of East Kingdom is preparing to attack." An eunuch reported.

"Have this news been bought to the ears of Imperial Father?" The second prince asked.

"No. Do you want me to...?"

"Don't bother. I'll like to see him have a little taste of defeat." He smirked as he leaned back into his seat, with a wave of his hands his dismissed the eunuch.

"So, what do you think TingXiao?" The second prince, Gao Yang asked.

"Evil." TingXiao said as he walked out from the divider and took a seat in front of Gao Yang.

"Oh talk about yourself" He chuckled, "So why didn't you want me to tell Imperial Father about it? Its very unlike you." Gao Yang asked.

"A little kitten have caught my attention..." he replied vaguely.

"What does a kitten got to do with the East Kingdom attacking?"

I wonder if she liked the bow... TingXiao smiled as he tried to think of Jing Xuan's expression.

"Is he smiling? TingXiao stop smiling! It's creepy!" Gao Yang exclaimed, as he stared at the usually unemotional TingXiao smiling.

"Creepy?" TingXiao whispered as he subconsciously touched his face.

"God what is wrong with him?!" Gao yang looked amusingly at TingXiao as he shakes his head.


Jing Xuan got up feeling excited and nervous, as she was heading out with Jing Jie to the house Chen Zhi Hao was staying at she heard a knock on her door.

As she opens the door she saw Zhi Hao, "why are you here?" She asked, as she invited him in.

"Its better to refine pills here then there..." he briefly explains as he pushed away the table in the middle and places his furnace on the floor.

"Go get the fluids, while i stabilise the furnace to stabilise the cauldron." He again briefly explains as he get to work.

Eyeing him curiously, Jing Xuan quickly grabbed the fluids in her drawer and places them onto the table. After Zhi Hao prepared the furnace, he picks up the fluids and checked its purity.

"90% purity!?" He exclaimed shocked as he quickly checked through all of them.

"What?" Jing Xuan asked curiously.

"Are you pretending to be clueless or are you really clueless? Like I've said before, there are plenty of alchemist however none of them are particularly great. Pills purity are just a barely pass, and they are only able to make at most rank 3 pills. Extracting spiritual fluids is one the most important step and deciding factor to how effective your pills are. Most alchemist are only able to extract 80% at most. Yet, you a novice is able to extract a 90% purity spiritual fluids, this is a bit unfair..." he ranted.

Jing Xuan kind of gotten the grip of it and just awkwardly scratch her head. Chen Zhi Hao could only sigh before he explains the steps to refine the pills.

"Jing Jie, set up a barrier to block noises. I cannot be disturbed." She whispered to Jing Jie before she took a seat in front of the furnace.

"First, try to heat the furnace up with your spiritual energy." Zhi Hao had to stay with Jing Xuan during this period to help her out as this is her first time. Wrong temperature, and step will cause an explosion.

Jing Xuan held her left palm out towards the furnace, as she gathered her spiritual energy on her palm as she transfer it to the cauldron. Beats of perspiration could be seen on her forehead as she heat the cauldron up.