
Entangled with the Mafia

Forced to make a living as a stripper, Sofia's life isn't as good as she had once hoped it would be. Just when she thought things couldn't get any more complicated, she finds herself offering to spy on a certain irresistible soon to be mafia boss, Vincenzo Moretti. A man who keeps family above all else, Vincenzo Moretti is as compassionate as he is ruthless. When he finds himself fascinated with a certain too hot, too smart of a stripper, he decides to use her intelligence and make her work for him, not realising that love could be a part of the deal as well. But what happens when Sofia realises that Vincenzo isn't as bad as she had thought he was? And what happens when Vincenzo finds out Sofia isn't who he thought she was? As tension rises and secrets are spilled, Vincenzo and Sofia are forced to question everything they knew. Will they conquer all? Or will the weight of the lies they've hidden rip them apart?

Naina_Mehta · Urban
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36 Chs

Chapter - 13

"Vincenzo!" Sofia shouted as the bullet hit Vincenzo in the same arm again.

"Sofia, leave," Vincenzo said, his voice eerily calm for someone who was seconds away from being killed.

"The bitch stays," Hugo spat as he pointed the gun at Vincenzo, ready to shoot, to end his life.

No, she couldn't let him die. Even if he was a criminal, a life was a life.

"I don't know why everyone is so scared of you. Even Louis. You're only human, just like the rest of us. One shot and I can end your life," Hugo snarled out, his top lip curling in disgust as he looked down at Vincenzo.

"Then what are you waiting for, Hugo? Scared of what would happen to you if you do it, hmm?" Vincenzo taunted, somehow unfazed even with a gun pointed straight at him.