

Ethan woke up the next morning to loud laughs and giggles. He glanced at the glanced at the digital clock by his bed sigh and let out a small groan. The time read eight am.

Last night, he had arrived by past ten and was too tired to do anything, so he simply went to bed.

He got on his feet and did his usual hygiene routine before he walked out the door. Then he walked out to Noel's room which was just opposite his, but it was empty so he went downstairs to the kitchen and found Mrs Pena brewing some coffee.

"Good morning Mrs Pena." He greeted in his usual cold manner.

" Good morning Sir." She replied with a bright smile, it was something she had grown accustomed to.

"I see you're finally awake. Would you like some coffee sir?" She grinned,

"Yes please." He nodded.

"Noel isn't in bed...." 

"Oh! He's outside, playing in the snow." She replied cheerfully as she poured him some coffee.

"The snow?! What if he catches a cold?!"

"Oh not to worry Sir, I made sure he wore his coat and gloves before he got out to play." She smiled as she handed him the cup.

"Just the way you like it." She smiled.

"Thank you." He nodded.

"So how did the event go last night?"

"Extraordinarily well, he came in first place and Miss Anderson couldn't stop praising him." She laughed and Ethan smiled victoriously.

"She's a really good influence on him, maybe one of these days, you should invite her for dinner." Mrs Pena suggested,

"Tch!" He tutted as he sipped his coffee.

Just then—

"Mrs Pena! Mrs Pena! I made a snow angel! And a snowman too!" Noel yelled excitedly as he ran into the large kitchen with his snowy boots.

"Daddy!" He screamed instead as he ran to hug Ethan's long legs.

With a small smile, Ethan gently ruffled his hair and crotched down to his level.

"....You were already fast asleep when I got back yesterday, how are you today?"

"Fine!" He grinned, Ethan swore he had never seen him so excited, returning back to his original position and sipping his coffee, he asked,

"How did last night go?" He asked

"I kicked asses! I came in first and Mrs Harper is freaking annoying!" He screamed.

Ethan nearly choked on his coffee, while Mrs Pena placed her hands over mouth as she forced back a laugh.

"Noel?!" Ethan called calmly, he was frantically trying to keep his cool,

"Yes Daddy?" He grinned,

"Where did you hear those words from?" He questioned,

"Miss Anderson?" He said,

"Oops!" He exclaimed as he held his hands over his mouth,

" I wasn't supposed to say that. You're not going to tell Miss Anderson right?" 

"Off course not." He nodded then ruffled his hair.

"Congratulations. You can go now." He smiled as she watched the boy run off.

Taking the final sip he slammed the cup and told Mrs Pena coldly,

"Mrs Pena?"

"Yes Sir?" 

"We should probably invite Miss Anderson for dinner."

"Yes Sir." She nodded, with that, he quietly walked off.

"Oh dear."


Mia stepped out from the cab and stood at the large gate that had a large bronze "R" on it.

She walked over to the intercom just beside the gate and tapped the small red button.

"Who is it?" A masculine voice replied,

"Um…Mia Anderson,The Chairman invited me over for dinner." She grinned.

"Step away from the intercom please." He added.


Just then the gate rolled open on its own.

Mia nodded,

"Not bad."

She walked in a few steps and stopped, she gaped at the double winged mansion that sat beyond the concrete sidewalk and large lawn, towering over her as if attempting to intimidate her.

She smiled as she straightened out imaginary lines from her dress, then she took a look at the outfit and felt satisfied.

After she received the call, she had spent the entire day digging through her closet searching for the "perfect outfit."

The blue dress she was wearing was a simple yet elegant dress she had gotten the last winter.

Her hair was packed up into a messy bun, because she felt there was no need to look too formal since it was just dinner.

Mia reached the huge black door and gently stabbed the doorbell, moments later, it was opened by Mrs Pena.

"Mia!" She grinned as she clasped her hands together,

"You're finally here!" 

"....Yeah, I hope I'm not too late." Mia smiled.

"Off course not, do come in and sit down." She told her.

" Classy." Mia thought as she followed Mrs Pena inside, the butler came over and assisted her with her coat, Mia could tell he was the voice from the intercom.

"Why thank you." She grinned.

She was greeted by the classy and imposing nature of the home. The hall had dark formal wallpapers and heavy carpeting.

Looking beyond Mrs Pena were two large spiral staircase laying across the room, climbing to the ceiling.

It was a man's home, she realized, a man of taste and class.

As she quietly admired the home, pounding came from upstairs, Mia watched as little Noel ran down the silver winding stairs with a wide smile. He immediately ran into Mia's embrace.

Mia laughed, Noel had nearly thrown her off balance.

"... Someone's excited to see you." Mrs Pena laughed.

" Miss Anderson! C'mon! I wanna show you my music room!" He grinned as he gently tugged her fingers,

Mia laughed,

"Slow down Little Man, I just got here—" 

"You're thirty minutes late." Ethan began stiffly as he walked down the stairs. He stopped at the end of the stairs and tightly clutched the newel with his left hand and while the other hand was in his pocket.

Mia looked at his gray sweater, gray pants, black socks and grey slippers and realized it was the first time seeing him without a suit and boy! Was he handsome! He looked younger than usual.

At the same time, she suddenly felt too formal for the evening.

"....G…Good evening Sir." She managed to greet with a smile,

Ignoring her, he turned to Mrs Pena and began,

".... When I said dinner, I never mentioned party, Mrs Pena, didn't she get the memo?" He smirked,


"S…She did Sir." She replied.

Ethan let out an exasperated sigh and rubbed his forehead,

"....Mrs Pena, is dinner ready yet?"


They ate in silence until Mia fell back on manners.

"You have a very lovely home Sir." She began in a light polite voice, hoping to start a conversation, but Ethan simply nodded and continued with his meal.

Once again, she complimented the meal, but a small nod was all she got as his response.

Getting uncomfortable with the awkward silence, she decided to start a conversation with Noel instead.

"... So Noel, did you play the piano today?" She smiled,

"Nope!" He replied popping the "P",

"It's my day off." He added.

Mia laughed,

"Day off? You sound like a worker who just got a day off—"

"No he doesn't." Ethan rudely interrupted,

"Don't make it sound like he's working or I'm making him do it, Music is art and art has it's moment, but that's something you're not smart enough to understand—"

"Excuse me?!"

"You didn't sneeze now did you?" He sneered as he ate a forkful of salad.

Mia paused and glared at him.

"Is there something on my face? Miss Anderson." He said coldly.

Mia shook her head and continued her meal, Noel suddenly felt trapped.

"....I don't get it, you invite me over for dinner and this is what I get?! No "Oh Thank you for yesterday." Just a cold, tensed and awkward atmosphere. Did I do something wrong?!"

"Oh yes Miss Anderson! You did everything wrong!" He snapped,

"You had one job! A simple one too!" He paused as he gritted his teeth,

"But then what, my son comes home and he's using uncouth words like "Asses" and "Freaking."

Mia swallowed hard as she glanced at Noel, he had this "I didn't mean to." expression on his face. Mia quickly nodded telling him she understood and it was okay.

Turning to Ethan, she quickly apologized,

"I'm really sorry Sir." She said with sincerity in her eyes, shutting him up instantly.

But then, he decided he wasn't finished yet so he decided to continue,

"You're sorry?? You're sorry Huh?! Now tell me, is your 'sorry' going to erase those words you've registered from his head! Huh?! 

First you spilled coffee on my suit! Then you made me pay hospital bills and now this! Is there anything you've ever done right in your entire existence—"

"That's enough! Mia snapped as she slammed her hands on the table.

"I've had just enough of this! I didn't come here to be insulted, yes I spilled coffee on your really expensive suit, and I apologized for that, yes you paid my medical bills, but I saved your son's life! And I never asked for the kind gesture! And yes! I said some words I shouldn't have said in front of Noel, and I just apologized for that too!

But if that isn't enough for you, then I'm sorry! It's none of my business!" She said with a frown.

Ethan let out a small sigh and asked,

"Are you finished?" He suddenly hated the stiffness he heard in his own voice.

Mia glared at him as her eyes watered. Getting on her feet, she croaked,

"Yes....And I'm out of here." 

Then she grabbed her purse, briefly touched Noel hand and with one last look at Ethan, she stormed off.

Mrs Pena watched an angry Mia storm out of the dining room and reach for her coat.

"Miss Anderson, are you alright?" She asked with concern.

"I'm fine." She replied sternly without turning.

"Tell Noel I said good night." She added before she walked out the door.

Mrs Pena wasn't exactly sure of how to react, suddenly, she turned and found Ethan just standing there with his hands in his pocket.

"....Sir....Miss Anderson.... She…What...." 

Mrs Pena wasn't sure of the right words to use.

Finally she managed to say,

"She seemed upset."

Ethan simply shrugged,

"She's never to set feet in this house again....Are we clear?" He said coldly,

"Yes Sir." Mrs Pena nodded.

"Good. Make it known to her and the others in the house." 

With that, he went upstairs to his room.

"Oh dear." Mrs Pena murmured as she went to send Noel to bed.