
Chapter 55: Lena Gets Slapped

The socialite held a cheongsam, which Lena recognized—it was the one she had just finished yesterday.

"Are you Mrs. Smith?" Lena approached and asked politely.

Lucy nervously squeezed her hand—why was she getting involved!

Clearly, this wasn't someone to mess with!

"You're the one in charge of my designs?"


"Is there a problem with this dress?" Lena faced Mrs. Smith calmly.

"Of course, there's a problem!" With that, she threw the dress at Lena's face.

"Look at what you made! I asked for purple buttons, why did you change them to blue without permission?" Mrs. Smith glared, raising her voice sharply.

"Well, Mrs. Smith, I thought blue would complement this dress's color better and enhance your complexion."

"What do you mean? Are you saying I have no taste? Are you saying my complexion is bad?"

"No, no, that's not what I meant." Lena hurriedly explained.

"That's exactly what you meant!" Mrs. Smith persisted.

"Ah, maybe it's menopause, or maybe your husband is having an affair," Lena thought inwardly.

As if hearing Lena's thoughts, Mrs. Smith raised her hand and slapped Lena across the face. Lena, stunned, covered her face, not knowing what to do. Colleagues around started gossiping, feeling Mrs. Smith was simply being unreasonable.

Lena trembled with anger, not moving.

Everyone in the socialite circle knew Mrs. Smith was notoriously difficult and unreasonable. Although Lena hadn't followed her requests, this slap was too much. Truly, despicable people had no limits.

As the slap landed, Raven was completely enraged. Just as he was about to intervene and remove this troublesome woman—

Bang! The office door was forcefully pushed open from outside. A man appeared like a god among them, his cold gaze scanning everyone, finally fixing on Lena's face.

Why was he back today? Wasn't it supposed to be a week?

Lena was not only shocked but shocked!

"Who hit her?"

Grayson's cold voice rang out. The previously domineering Mrs. Smith was too scared to meet his gaze. She realized this king-like man was not someone to mess with.

Grayson pulled Lena into his arms, gently touching her swollen face.

"So many colleagues are here; let go of me," Lena whispered to him in a voice only they could hear.

All their colleagues looked at Grayson. They had never seen this gentle side of their CEO before. It seemed it depended on who it was directed at.

What happened next stunned everyone so much their jaws dropped and couldn't be picked up.

"Throw her out," Grayson ordered, his bodyguards lifting the woman and heading for the elevator.

"Who are you? How dare you treat me like this?"

"Madam, show some sense. If you want your husband's company to survive, it's best to shut up. If you want to end up on the streets, keep causing trouble," Andy calmly chimed in.

The woman realized the seriousness of the situation and immediately fell silent.

The man in front exuded an aura that warned others to keep their distance.

Even though she mingled in high society, she had never seen this person before.