
Chapter 20 Grayson Feels Like Returning Home

At this moment, Grayson longed for Lena's scent more than ever. He threw the wine glass aside.

"I'm leaving, you two enjoy your drinks!" Grayson grabbed his suit jacket from behind and walked away without looking back.

"Hey, what's going on?"

"You're the one who invited us out. We haven't even started, and you're leaving!"

After Grayson returned to the country, they had several gatherings, but each one ended on a sour note. Charles only dared to mutter a few words behind Grayson's back, lacking the courage to confront him directly.

"Is this guy having some issues recently?" Charles, full of gossip, glanced at Jack.

"Don't you remember that woman from a few days ago?"

"It's probably related to her!"

"Four years ago, wasn't it because of heartbreak that Grayson went abroad?"

"Anyway, let's not gossip anymore. Enjoy yourself! I'm leaving too!" Jack extinguished his cigarette and left.

Leaving Charles alone, he ended up taking the woman he had just flirted with at the bar to a hotel room.

Lena dragged her heavy feet, feeling powerless as she walked towards the elevator. After what seemed like an eternity, she finally reached home. She had walked this path from the office to home countless times. The familiar surroundings were so well-known that she could identify them even with her eyes closed. But now, everything felt unfamiliar.

Yiyi, like an abandoned child, weakly curled up at the doorstep. The dim hallway light fell on Yiyi's face, making her look even more worn out. Her once rosy cheeks now appeared dull and lifeless.

That photo was the only thing she had left about Grayson after his unexplained departure four years ago. Lena had gone almost crazy and threw away everything related to Situ Chen, but she couldn't bring herself to discard that one photo. It was with this photo that Lena endured countless nights of missing Grayson. Now, even this photo would probably be discarded.

Tonight, Lena felt particularly exhausted, as if she didn't have the strength to cry anymore. She found her keys after several fumbles and finally opened the door. Inside, she placed her keys and bag on the shoe cabinet, changed into slippers, and collapsed onto the couch.

After lying there motionless for five minutes, Lena got up and lit a jasmine-scented incense stick. The delicate scent of jasmine was both light and lingering, just like the bittersweet memories of her relationship with Grayson. It was hard to describe the lingering aftertaste.

The fragrance of jasmine gently floated in the air, enveloping Lena's every breath.

If time could stop, Lena would want to remain immersed in this jasmine fragrance forever. Finally feeling less exhausted, Lena was on the verge of drifting off to sleep when the sound of knocking on the door abruptly woke her up.

It was so late; who could it be? Lena frowned unhappily.

Opening the door and seeing the visitor, Lena was momentarily stunned but quickly regained her composure.

"Why are you here so late?"