
Enslaved By The Mafia Lord

Johanna Carter didn't grew up to see her parents, but she learnt that they're killed by a Mafia. She's being taken care of by her uncle and her elder sister, Juliet. Johanna is a student of Melbourne university, Australia. While her sister is a cop member, who's very devoted to her work. It's holiday and Johanna has come home to spend some time with her sister. That night was a night of chaos, a night of anguish and a night of bloodshed. Johanna Carter is kidnapped by a Mafia name, Collin Morris, popularly known as Scar Boy. He is rumoured to be the most dangerous man ever seen, with huge muscles and red colour eyes that burns one soul by a mare look. It appears that Collin Morris is after the Carter's family and Johanna happened to be one of them. What will be her fate in the hands of the blood sucker? " Why are your eyes red like this?" " Because I was born as danger!" He replied in his thunderous voice.

Beauty_Ets · Action
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1 Chs

Tragical Event

It's late in the night already, and I am on my bed, while my sister is sitting beside the table, going through some files. Her phone suddenly beeped and she picked it up from the table and have a look at the message. Her countenance changed instantly and I begin to wonder what the matter could be.

" Damnit!" She cursed and got up from the chair.

" Sis! What's wrong?" Though this is not the first time I've seen her in this state, but there's something specular about this one.

" He's killed him. That goddamn monster has killed the only witness we had. Damnit!"

The moment I heard the word, ' killed' I bulged out my eyes and sat upright. " What's the case about?" I asked, watching as she fiddle with her phone.

" A murderer. Mr Parker was murdered last night, and the witness who testified has been killed."

" What?" I got up from the bed and walked to my sister. " Which Parker are you talking about?"

" The one you know Johanna. Mr Hudson Parker was killed last night."

" No it can't be. Tell me it's not true. Tell me it's a lie, sister."

" I'm sorry Johanna. We lost him."

For a moment, I felt like the world has come to an end. It's a tragic news to me, and I was heart broken. According to my sister, when our parents died, Mr Huston took us in and provided all our needs, until she's able to get a job. He's been like a father to us, the only person we could rely on. But now, he's gone! Gone for ever!

The thought of it already set my heart ablaze, and I wish I can get hold of that monster behind his death. So many things filled my mind, and I couldn't pay attention to the call my sister was making.

" Sis, has the person been catched?" I asked in tears, when she's done with the call.

" No, we are still on it. I have to go." She began to get dress, and I wiped out my tears completely and turned to her, sniffing.

" Are you going out?"

" Yes! I've just been called, I need to go there." She replied and sat down on the chair and put on her shoes.

" Can i-can I come with you?" I stuttered.

" No you can't, because it's dangerous." She replied and got up from the bed and moved to the table. She picked a torch, a walking talker and begin to walk to the door.

" I thought that you're going to Mr Huston's place?" I asked.

" Yes I am. But it's risky for you to come along, because the culprit are still there. Take care of yourself." She said and walked out through the door.

I glanced around the room in fear and my heart sank as the thought of Mr Parker's death and the thought of sleeping alone, slipped into my mind. My body began to shake violently, and I shook my head negatively and rushed to the door. I pushed the door open and walked out. I saw my sister talking to someone on phone, while standing beside her car. I quickly locked the door and rushed to her.

" Johanna!" She hung up the call and turned to me. But without giving her chance, I pushed the door of the car open and went in. " What do you think you're doing?" She opened the driver side of the car and stared at me.

" I'm sorry Sis, I can't. I can't stay alone. Let me come with you please."

" But it is not..." She got into the car, slam it shut and turned to me. " It's not safe out there Johanna. You know where I'm going and..."

" I don't mind! I don't mind sister. Don't worry, I'll be fine. You thought me how to handle a gun for self-defense remember?"

" These guys are dangerous Johanna. You're my only sister. The only one I have, I don't want anything to happen to you."

" Don't worry, I know how to protect myself."

" Johanna y...."

" Please sister." I interrupted and she heaved a sigh and turned to her phone which was ringing.

" I'm on my way, I'll be there shortly." She said to the caller, and hung up the call; then turned to me. " Very well then, but be careful." She advised and I nodded and gulped down.

" Thanks!" I said.

" You're not even dress!" She widened her eyes and I shrink as I became conscious of my nightgown. I can't even think of going to change up either, cause I'm afraid my sister might leave me.

" Can you help me with your jacket?" I asked and she glanced at herself.

" How about you go in and change up?" She stared at me.

" No, i can't."

" Why? You think I'll leave you? Don't worry, I won't."

" I can't rely on that promise." I said with a tighten face, and she heaved a sigh again, close her eyes and opened them; then turned to me.

"Okay, let's proceed as follows: I'll accompany you to the house and wait for you while you change up. Does that work for you?"

" That will be perfect." I said and bite my lips.

" But you must be fast about it." She pushed the door open and stepped down.

" I promise." I replied and push open the door as well, and we walked back to the house. I quickly put on my dress and we hurried back to the car. My sister started the car and zoom off speedily. I felt scared at some point, but I didn't utter a word. An hour later or so, we got to Mr Huston's place. But the whole place was dark and silence as a graveyard, and I began to wonder where the police officers are.

Suddenly, we begin to hear a sound of sirens from a distance, and I concluded that they're on their way.

We took a step further and my sister brought out her torchlight, cutting through the darkness. As we step closer, we catched sight of a body lying on the ground and approach it cautiously. Getting closer, we saw that the body is a woman, and she's been brutally stabbed. There's blood on the ground, and a pool of it has seeped into the cracks of the pavement. My sister crouches down, inspecting the scene carefully. "Looks like she put up a fight," she says grimly, noticing scratch marks on the victim's arms. "What do you think?" she asked and glanced at me, but I took a deep breath and tried to steady my body, which was shaking profusely.

I looked around the alley, taking in the details of the crime scene. "There's something odd about this," I said. "There's no sign of a struggle. No signs of people, and nothing that would suggest a robbery." My sister nods, taking in my observations.

"You're right," she says. "I'm not sure what to make of this. We need to collect evidence and see what we can find." She pulls out a camera and starts taking photos of the scene.

As we were documenting the crime scene, we heardba faint sound in the distance. My sister gestured for me to stay quiet as we strain to listen. It's the sound of footsteps, coming closer. I pulled out the gun my sister gave me, but she grabbed my arm, and tried to calm me down.

"We don't know who that is," she whispers.

As the footsteps got louder, I felt my heart pound in my chest. I wanted to run, to hide, to get as far away from the approaching sound as possible. But my sister's hand on my arm kept me rooted to the spot. I could feel her strength, her resolve, and it gave me hope. I took a deep breath, trying to steel myself for whatever was coming our way.

This is the beginning of our journey.

Have some thought about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Please note: This novel is rated18.

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