
Enslaved By The Alpha King

Matured Contents Contained Here! Rated +18! Sworn to pain! Prophesied as greatness! Luxuria is unaware of her powers till she almost loses the very thing she holds dear to her. Princess Luxuria, who was treated with so much cruelty by her supposed father, grew up to wonder why her father, King Vladimir hated her with so much passion. In a war between King Vladimir of Byra Kingdom and Prince Tristan of Alvra Kingdom, Princess Luxuria was taken captive by Prince Tristan and made his sex slave and king Vladimir did nothing to save his daughter. What happens when Luxuria got to find out that she was the prophesied child of greatness and King Vladimir was the actual murderer of her parents? What happens when Prince Tristan falls helplessly in love with Luxuria and their union became a threat to his first wife, Olivia, who swore to do everything in her power to put an end to the union? What happens when Luxuria uses her union with Tristan and her powers as prophesied to avenge the death of her parents and bring about the downfall of King Vladimir? ***Excerpt*** “She will awaken the treasured gifts; her time shall come. Blood for tears, glory for shame! For she whose hair shall be the mirror of night and day shall usurp your throne. In her hands, the three great kingdoms of the goddess shall unite as one." “She's the keeper of the goddess treasured gifts, she's of noble birth, blue blood, and power. Her rule shall be a reign never to be erased in the sands of time. To whoever her heart shall belong, greatness, strength, and prowess shall he bear. Never to be defeated! Never to be slain in war! Never to be smitten by poison! Unbeatable. Strength. Power. She's the true keeper! She's the chosen one! She's the goddess of truth! The goddess reincarnated symbol of desire!” Prophesied the leader of the coven “GET ME HER HEAD!” King Vladimir roared.

BellezaJ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Chapter 7

Whispers are there!

Whispers are here!

Whispers are everywhere!

It has been three days and three nights since Ian Estragon was stabbed by king Vladimir, the ruler of Byra kingdom for his rejection of princess Luxuria's hands in marriage. Though just a few bore witness to the blunt refusal by the deformed royal cobbler, news had spread like a raging wildfire, hot and unbridled across the kingdom. Ladies, ascots, gents, and nobles alike now spoke about this as though they were present and bore witness to it all when it happened.

Princess Luxuria locked herself up in her room, unwilling to face the mockery and scorn that awaited her, she could not help but imagine the number of people that will scoff at her, side talks, whispers, and malicious laughter that will ensue in order to spite her when she will finally decide to make an appearance in public. Being born as a princess into the kingdom of Byra was more of a curse than a blessing. She was tired of it all. Likewise, she was certain no one will mourn Ian's death. Instead, the nature of his death was a spark that inflamed gossips, a notable topic for discussion, however, none thought about the individual who died and investigate to ascertain whether or not, he was buried.

Jolted back into her environment, which seemed messy enough by the continuous loud knock on the door. She listened to the voice behind it.

"Your highness! Please can you open the door? It's three days already. You need to eat something. I plead with you, my princess. Open the door!"

Sprawled on the bed, Princess Luxuria bit back a groan into her pillow and shouted, "I know it is you, Adeline. Please go away! I will be fine!"

Adeline, though a maid who serves in the palace, had always been there for her since she could remember. Adeline was more like a mum to her than her own mum whose feelings for her fluctuates. She wondered why her mum was yet to pay her any visit since the incident that happened three days ago. Sprawled on the bed, with these disturbing thoughts plaguing her mind, she fell asleep.

Her room in the dreamland was just as dark as the blanket of night sky arid of dazzling stars every time she closed her eyes in response to the alluring calls of sleep. The darkness, like a shield that acts of its own accord as though alive, covers the face of the man that relieves me of all heartaches, sorrows, and tears the kingdom of Byra has always plunged me into, my dream guide. The only secret I have had to keep and I'm unwilling to share was his existence, because if ever discovered, my sire, king Vladimir would make certain that I never sleep and might consult a witch to either get rid of him or abhor him from being a part of my dream world. My mind shuddered in fear thinking about it. No! she thought to herself," I will never allow them to take him away from me "

She sat cross-legged across from him, while he told her stories about the witches and their powers. Princess Luxuria stared at his eyes, which sparkled with joy as he looked right back at her. However, it was filled with deep grief and loss which she could not fathom its source. She was transfixed, no, enchanted as she continued staring at his eyes which was an onyx shade and went well with the darkness that enveloped his facial features, for only his eyes were visible to her. The rest of his body was shrouded in darkness.

Princess Luxuria sat, watching and looking up at him in hopes that the darkness will be lifted by whatever powers that made it remain there, no matter the countless number of times she has willed it. She just wished to see the man who has been responsible for the remaining amount of saneness still left in her and the calmness still present in her life. The minutes continued counting but there, the darkness still remained, it covered his identity, therefore, the hope she had also depleted as she looked on.

She was adrift in silence as she continued watching him, anxiously awaiting the knowledge-like words that flowed from his lips to her ears, but he does not begin immediately. Instead, he stood up and approached her and used his ginger grip on her hands to pull her body flush against his. Their bodies molding perfectly against each other as though one was created for the other.

They fit seamlessly, her flush against him, melting and flowing until she wasn't sure where she ended and he began. His cheek rested against the side of her head as his arms encircled her. Protective. Strong. She reached up, sliding her arms over his shoulders until they wrapped around his neck. With their bodies flush against each other.

He whispered softly against her ears. "What ails you my darling? Tell me!

Heaving heavily against his chest, she sighed "Ian is dead!"

"Who is Ian?" With jealousy laced deep and evident in his voice, he asked, curious.

"He is my supposed betrothed who was stabbed to death during the supposed engagement, for openly refusing my hand using the goddess's treasured blade of oaths as an official witness.

"Really? This must have been really serious. How are you doing now?".

Staring right back into his eyes for that was the only visible feature of his face she replied, " I feel deeply sorry and in a way grieve for his death. He was an individual with a beautiful heart regardless of his features for he was physically deformed. Thanks for listening to me and for always being here. Now, it's your turn, tell me about the sadness, grief, and pain I saw in your eyes."

Surprised at this, he backed away from the embrace and looked at her stupefied " how did you know that?"

"So it's true then. Now, tell me about it."

He sighed deeply and enveloped her in an embrace. "That, my dear, will be a long story. One we will certainly talk about, maybe, sit and trash it when the time Is right and we finally meet my darling. When we finally meet each other, with no shadows to trail us and darkness enveloping our features with only our eyes visible alone dear. Very soon my dear! Very soon!


Jasmine, thyme, and incense. A beautiful fragrance for a room when combined together as one. A sweet fragrance that swirls across your nostrils when one comes into Lavender's homestead. Tiny crystals are hung across every window, giving off a classic touch to the decor of the room. Beautiful and enchanting.

It was not difficult for Lavender to use one of her spells in cajoling this fine specimen of human flesh from the royal camps into her abode. Yes! She enjoys them strong, fit, and muscular. The ancient ritual of the goddess has awakened in her a deep sexual urge that will last for few days, the number of days was quite unknown to her. However, with mischief always up to her sleeves, she was determined to have as much pleasure as she could before the effects of the ritual wane off.

She could only cajole them but the action was all on their will, she wouldn't stoop so low as to rape any man against their will. Moreover, who would see a beautiful woman with delicious curves sprawled naked before him and not be moved to action. However, she ensured they would be unable to remember her face once she was done with them. The only thing they would remember was the sex adventures. It will be just the way she liked it. A night of fantasy. No names. No expectations. No entanglements or emotional involvement.

He licked over her lips, pressing, demanding her to open. With a breathless gasp, she surrendered, parting her mouth so his tongue could slide inward. Hot, moist openmouthed kisses. He stole her breath and returned it. His teeth scraped at her lip then captured it and tugged relentlessly. Awakened and hungry for more, she fired back, sucking at his tongue. His groan echoed over her ears. Her sigh spilled into his mouth.

With her body humming and her mind in a million different pieces. She was giddy in anticipation.

"I made the right choice, he'll surely eat me alive."

A low hum of heady desire buzzed through her veins. She hoped she was right.

Unable to resist the temptation, she lowered her mouth to his, wanting to taste him again. Just once. But when their lips met, she responded hotly, her arms sliding around his body. Her hands burned into his skin, through the material of his robe as if it wasn't there. Her impatience grew. She wanted him to be naked so she could feel her skin on his. She was hungry for more.

She moaned softly and shivered as his tongue trailed over the curve of her shoulder. She pushed at the robe and it fell to the floor leaving him bare and naked. The sight of his hard cock, pulsing and erect with need, made her gasp. Giving it light strokes, she could feel herself getting wet already, it has been long since she had a cock this large, deep within the folds of her wet, glistening pussy. Licking her lips, she couldn't help but lower her head to the hard cock before her and run her lips over its length, feeling its pulse throb directly against her warm, slick tongue. This elicited a gasp from him. His breath caught and held, and he tensed unable to bear it anymore,

He laid her on the table and then stood back and began to admire her body with his hands. There was something incredibly sexy about a man standing over her, primal and sexy. His eyes burned into her, heating her skin even from a distance.

Hair dotted the hollow of his broad chest, spreading just to his flat nipples. It was thicker at his midline, trailing lower to his navel, tapering to a faint smattering just above his waist. She stared hungrily at him, eager, anticipating. Looking at the strain beneath his jaw and the swell of his erection, she knew he was deeply aroused.

He lowered his head until his mouth found hers in a heated rush. Her entire body arched to meet him, his palms running the length of her body, tracing each curve, each indention, and settled on her hips. He ran his tongue lazily across the tips of her nipples, making her moan in delight and leaving her nipples puckered.

He pressed his mouth to her soft mound, licking against the wetness that seeped out of her pussy. She cried out softly, unnerved by the electric sensation of his mouth over her most intimate place.

"You're so beautiful." He whispered against her mouth.

Blowing hot air from his mouth into her pussy, made her cry out and quivering for she felt feathery sensational touches way up against her spine.

"I made a perfect choice". She shouted out loud.

He kissed the inside of her knee. With a brush of his lips, he moved higher, kissing the inside of her thigh, and then finally brushing over the curls guarding her most sensitive regions. And then his mouth touched her. She bucked upward with a wild cry as his tongue delved deep within her. It was too much. It had been too long. Never had she reacted so strongly to a man.

Spreading her thighs, stroking her to make sure she was ready for him. He spread her wide and surged into her with one hard thrust. A shocked gasp spilled from her lips. Her fingers tightened at his shoulders. Wrapping her legs tightly around his waist, she arched into him, reaching for him, pulling him closer. Then he was moving faster, and harder, driving into her with savage intensity. His lips fused to hers almost in a desperate attempt to stanch his own sounds, but they escaped, harsh and masculine. Then he stilled inside her, his hips trembling uncontrollably against hers. Her orgasm flashed, thrilling and satisfying she moaned in delight.

Enclosing his warm lips to the vulnerable skin of her neck as his body took over. Harder and faster, his power overwhelmed her. There was a delicious mix of erotic pain and sensual bliss. Heaven.

Still, she wanted more.