
Enrico Pucci's New Chapter (Reboot)

(Reboot): A more polished version and it's way before Team RWBY were ever born I did not get permission to use the art, feel free to ask me to remove it if you are the original artist. Got it from reddit. Artist:DOM —_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_— After his defeat, Enrico is now stranded but not all hope is lost as he still has Made In Heaven. Oh and he encounters a girl with silver eyes.

Smebius · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 9

(A/N: Thanks for all the positive feedback, especially to faertios040 for the useful review.

And to answer the most common question from all of you. Will there be a 'modern' RWBY? that's a no because of butterfly effect. I kinda already have the rough outline of the ending that I want but not everyone will like it, because what's the point of making a fanfic if you follow the story.)


(Enrico's Diary)

Summer Rose, My inheritor and the one I call... family... shall inherit everything from me once I'm gone. From my knowledge and everything I have recorded, to the steps on how to achieve and reach Heaven, has a very powerful ability that could affect even Made In Heaven.

The ability to rewrite, warp and manipulate the rules of reality as she wishes. However, limited to what her ability actually is because she needs it to be a game... A children's game to be precise, such as tags, hide and seek, red light, green light and etc...

Anything that is remotely a children's game will activate her ability if she wills it. She and her opponent(prey) will have to play said game, to which she can decide on whatever games she wishes.

She can create rules, restrictions, and even punishments to those who either loses the game or broke the rules. For those who broke the rules of her games will be met with a harsh and cruel punishment that not even Summer herself knows. It has yet been truly confirmed, but... I have seen a few Grimms that she plays around with either dismembered while still alive, or turned into a paste of meat that can still move...

It is a double edge ability that can either give her a huge advantage in a fight, or put her in harms way...

But... All of that weakness was thrown out of the window the moment both of us fought together, because she had evolved her semblance faster than I thought... She can now create rules to her advantages within an ongoing game. And it's been 2 weeks since we've fought.

And her ability is activated as long as she has Aura to spare, and her reserve is quite big, bigger than most people here combined. I guess that's why she could change the rule to her games as she pleases. It is only a theory, but maybe... Just maybe her semblance takes a lot of Aura to even be activated.

Her only weakness is probably a prolong fight that she can't finish in time. And that's just a big maybe.

(Diary Ends.)

"Fuh... That's enough writing for today I guess..." Enrico smiled at his diary. If people were to know the important content of this book, then it would be priceless.

But as technologies advance, same goes for the species mindset as a whole. But, something like this would be treated like the rambling of some madman imagining stuff up. He didn't know whether to feel disappointed or glad that people would treat this thing as a joke... His and Dio's hard work that they had dedicated their whole life on.

"Heh, I guess I should be glad that this book will be treated as a joke to the masses." He grabbed his diary with his two hand, positioning it in front of his face.

As much as he hated that fact, he was also glad that it would be treated this way, because it would definitely be bad news if they were fallen into the wrong hands and those kinds of people to take the book seriously.

"But... There's also that minor group of people..." He frowned.

Then, he stopped his thoughts when a familiar voice called out to him while entering his room rudely.

"Summer? What did I tell you about entering without knocking?" He turned around as he kept his diary in the table's drawer.

"Sorry... Ehehe..." She laughed with her tongue out.

'She's definitely getting more mischievous as she grows up...' He thought, as a gentle smile appeared on his face. He was watching someone he called family growing up, from a polite and shy girl, to the mischievous prankster she is...

'5 years ago huh? It felt like yesterday when I think about...' He closed his eyes, ignoring the girl in front of him.

"Uncle... Are you thinking about something again?" She grumbled, annoyed by him ignoring her again for the Nth amount of time.

"Ah? Yes... Sorry about that Summer, I was... Just reminiscing the past." He got up from his seat and approached her.

"What were you reminiscing about?" She asked, wanting him to open up to her, not just keeping things a secret.

"About how much you have grown up." A happy look appeared on his face. "Seriously Summer... It felt like it wasn't long ago when you were so small..." He said with a sad tone, sooner or later she was going to live her own life. He was happy and sad about it, happy that she was growing up, and sad that she would leave him.

Conflicted he may be, nonetheless... He was happy.

Her expression then soften. "You know Uncle... It's not good to think all the time because as the say... 'A person who thinks all the time has nothing to think about except thoughts.'"

Enrico, stunned by her maturity was caught off guard. She was right... "You're right, I'm sorry Summer..." He was happy when Summer pointed it out. Maybe he was thinking off things too much, but to him it was better to be safe than sorry.

"I know I'm right, but... that's because I learned from the best." She cupped his face onto her hands. It suprised him quite a bit as it was so sudden, but he let him be.

"Uh... What are you doing Summer?" He was confused, Why did she do this?

"I told you I learnt it from the best... And it was my parents, but you were also there for me... And I learned a lot..." She said with a beautiful smile which made his eyes widen. He had forgotten the fact that he had been there with Summer nearly half of her life, and he had taught her many things.

He had forgotten... As much as he was a family to her like her parents, he was also a teacher. A teacher who guides and care for the young like her. A teacher to most people are like their second parents, because they are one of the sources of knowledge you get from, they are your guide to a brighter future...

"I guess I was there huh..." How had he forgotten something so important.

When he first met Summer, he was confused and was pretty much on high alert. But as time progresses, he began to develop an emotion that was lost a long time ago... An emotion that which makes us humans, love... Parental love... But it wasn't just parental love that he developed. He began to feel more... He began to rediscover more... Kidness, sympathy, worry and... happiness...

He began to see the world how it truly was... It wasn't just all black and white as he thought... No, it was full of wonders. In all of his life, before his sister's death, she was the one that gave him happiness and painted his life with more than just a blank white canvas.

When she died, he only saw despair... The colour of darkness... He couldn't see the other colour anymore as his vision was filled and blinded with sorrow.

Until that is... He met that fateful person... His one and only true friend, his guidance, his... Light... He remembered a peculiar man he met, he felt... Different from the others. The man had give him something that would change his life forever.

He had given him a purpose to live... But it came at a price to which he... Even till this day, never regret. He became indifferent to most things, he had become a sinner that has swayed away from the right path, he had forgotten the feeling of love... But, there was a reason he would never regret his decision even if he had a redo in his life.

Because this decision of his is what led him to Summer and all of the people he had met here. Were he to take a different path, were he to not have met Dio... He would not have this... Happy ending. An unexpected one as he didn't yearn nor desire for anything, not even a happy ending.

And thanks to this decision of his, he was happy. Although there were many ups and downs in his life as Enrico Pucci, the friend of Dio, he eventually arrived at his final destination.

Made In Heaven wasn't the Heaven he was searching for... It was this... This life was the final piece of the puzzle he had been searching for. This current life of his was the Heaven... Happiness he was searching for.

"I'm happy Summer... I've never been so happy in my life... Truly... When you entered my life, I had remembered what it felt like to love once more..." He pulled her into a hug. When he did, he had a teary smile... A tear of happiness. He didn't want to show this pathetic side of him to Summer, a grown man crying... All of his bottled up emotion burst that day.

Summer knew why her uncle did this, so she kept her mouth shut. She did nothing but hugged him back and smiled, she was also happy when he entered in her life. She did although, giggled a little bit.

It was truly a heart warming sight to see, a weird one if someone knew what both of them are capable. A sinner that played god, and a kind girl that could shape reality into her game as she wishes... Two of the most powerful being in existence in a heartfelt moment.

'I guess this will put uncle's worry at ease.' Summer thought as she hugged him tighter. 'One day uncle... I'll be the one to take care of you, with mom and dad... So... Please, share your burden with me...' she thought to herself as she didn't want him to worry about her.

She was unlike most of her peers. Where others still playing around, she had matured faster because she was more observant to her surroundings. She had seen many of the people's faces filled with worry, fear, sadness and regret...

This was why she had matured much faster than most. It was all because she wanted to carry the burden of the people around her that she noticed their expression. She just wanted to help anyone she could in any way she can.

And that is who she is, a person that just want to help people. Maybe add a little bit of trolling in it with her power.

They stayed this way for another 10 minutes until Enrico had calmed down. For someone who had lived for over 40 years, it was the second time he had broken down.

Not many would know this, but Enrico is a broken man, someone in need of help, and Summer had helped him greatly. To which, slowly but surely he will get his peace of mind that he yearned for.

After he had calmed down, he looked at her in the eyes with traces of dried up tear stains. With a soft look, he had asked her to sit down with him on the floor with both of their backs leaning on the bed.

"Summer... in all of my life I had many regrets, but with time I either choose to forgive myself or forget such things, because I will stop at nothing to achieve what I desire. However... There was still one thing that I had regretted the most to which I could not forgive myself nor forget about it..." Enrico looked at his niece with a pained look, yet he was still smiling trying to hide it.

Summer, who was curious asked hesitantly as she knew the pain that this regret had brought upon her uncle just from his look. "What... What was it?"

She wanted to ask him, she needed to! If she did not, then her uncle will never open up and will be able to express himself.

"It was a friend of mine that I cared for dearly, and he was a great man that I greatly admired. I had met him by chance, or perhaps it was fate." He had a nostalgic look on his face as he remembered the day he met Dio.

"He was a peculiar person, but he was also very charismatic. So much so even I was mesmerized by his beauty and charisma. But one day... He was killed in a battle against his mortal enemies. The Joestars and their allies." Summer's eyes widen.

"He was wise and had lived for a long time, but his arrogance got the best of him. My regret was that... I could've helped him, I could've been there with him..." His fist clenches as he remembered when he received the news of his friend's death.

"And out of hatred for the Joestars, I had spent more than 20 years to plan everything out and kill them to achieve our goal" With a pause from him, Summer processed everything that she had absorbed. It was hard for her... Because it felt heavy.

She understood why he wanted revenge because of what the Joestars did to his friend. She then asked hesitantly, "Did you succeed...?"

"I did" he nodded. Looking up at the ceiling, he closed his eyes. "I even achieved what we had sought after..." With momentary pause, he continued "I felt elated when I killed them with my own hands." He said without a single hint of guilt. "But I too, was defeated due to my arrogance just like my friend as I was defeated by one of their allies."

Summer was stunned, her uncle? Lost? He was the most cautious and powerful man she had known. The thought of him losing had never once crossed her mind. 'I never thought uncle had already lost to someone else... I guess that's just how much I don't know about him...'

"But... What was it that you achieved after killing them?" She had felt a little uncomfortable asking this question because she had never thought her uncle, a priest, had killed even though it was a naive thinking in such a world.

"The peace of mind... Heaven... I had reached and obtain my heaven, or so I thought..." He then looked at her with a soft look.

"Heaven? As in the afterlife?"

"No." He shooked his head before continuing. "Heaven... Was an idea that my friend had originally come up with... It is a way where one can achieve true happiness... One where we are aware of our fate so that we can defy and overcome such thing, and pave our own path. One where we would lose our doubt and uncertainty of our fate. That... Was the idea of mine and my friend's heaven."

"The idea of Heaven can be taken and interpreted in many ways, and it seems like my idea Heaven was wrong..." He then looked at her softly."The Heaven that I was searching for wasn't to overcome nor was it be aware of our fate... You were the Heaven that I was searching for... My true... Happiness." He smiled at her, as if forgetting the death of his friend once more.

Summer was happy that she got to know more about her uncle, and... That she was his true happiness that he was searching for... It was embarrassing to say the least, but she was happy for her uncle.

But there was one more thing that she had to ask. "Uncle Enrico... There's something I'd like to ask."


"If your idea of Heaven was wrong, was your friend's idea of Heaven also wrong? Because both of you shared the same idea of it." She had to ask because he had never mentioned anything about his friend's idea of Heaven was wrong when both of them shared the same idea of it.

When he heard her question, he wasn't mad about it as everyone had their own idea of Heaven. "No. That was his idea of Heaven that both of us once thought. That was his true happiness, but mine is now you."

"Then does that mean my Heaven is my parents and you?" She asked curiously, as she tilted her head.

Enrico chuckled, "If that is where your happiness lies then you could think of it like that."

When she got her answer, she smiled "Then instead of pursuing the Heaven that I already have, I'll protect my Heaven instead." It stunned Enrico for a brief moment, but he couldn't help but smile.

And Before he could reply, she had already left him alone in his room once more.

He looked at the door where Summer had left. He was alone in his room once more, but this time he got to express his emotions that he had been bottling up. He felt refreshed as he needed to vent. And Summer once again had helped him in ways he couldn't have imagine.

'Instead of pursuing Heaven, you protect it huh... That's an interesting way of thinking about your happiness Summer, but... I'm happy that you will take a different path from me.' He thought amusingly, as it is a very different thought process from him or Dio's idea of Heaven.

"Why am I even thinking about that. After all, she is her own person... Looks like this diary won't be needed after all if she has already reached her own conclusion to the idea of Heaven..." he let's a sigh out, but still smiling.

★To be continued ★


Share your thoughts because I need to improve my writing qualities.