
Enrico Pucci's New Chapter (Reboot)

(Reboot): A more polished version and it's way before Team RWBY were ever born I did not get permission to use the art, feel free to ask me to remove it if you are the original artist. Got it from reddit. Artist:DOM —_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_— After his defeat, Enrico is now stranded but not all hope is lost as he still has Made In Heaven. Oh and he encounters a girl with silver eyes.

Smebius · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 8 (edited)

(A/N: it's a little shorter than my usual chapters which are atleast 3K words, but I barely managed to get 2.4k)


It has been a month since the Titan Grimm incident. So far, nothing has changed in the villagers and Enrico's life, except that Christopher mentioning about retiring.

But not right now because the guy is still active as ever. Hell, maybe even more than a teenager, because that's how healthy Christopher is despite being over 60 years old now. Even his wife never complained anything... ;)

Christopher even made Enrico as the temporary manager if anything ever happens to him. Of course with the mayor's permission.

Enrico, just like last month goes hunting again, but alone this time. He only goes hunting on a certain days, like Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Any other day is him working as a Librarian or dealing with Summer's shenanigans.

For some reason, Summer really likes to mess with him. Oh how he missed the young and polite girl she was before...

He sighs as he strolled around in the decrepit forest. 'That is inevitable I guess... after all, everyone grows up one way or another; and in Summer's case, she became a trickster.' He thought while smiling.

It didn't matter how Summer will grow up, because at her core she is still the same person Enrico loves.

'Phew... I guess I am getting older, 45 years old to be exact...' He thought to himself as he clenched his fist before opening it again. He did this repeatedly to loosen his bones.

'I think this will be a problem when I hit 60.' He thought to himself.

This is because he had yet felt his age catching up to his body because of his Aura and Joestar's blood being at play here.

The Joestar had a fate defying bloodline, because they are favoured by fate itself. This was proven when he killed the two father and daughter Joestars who had survived all this time.

Enrico had thought of many scenarios that had happened after the final battle against them. He had made multiple theories about the Joestars blood.

One of which is, a Joestar will always win unless they are fighting against another Joestar. But, that was proven to be only half right because he had researched about the Joestar tree family and history.

Jonathan Joestar, who was killed by Dio... And yet... Dio didn't have the Joestars blood when he killed Jonathan. he concluded that Dio had defied fate and got a chance to kill Jonathan. That one in a million chances...

When he made this theories, it made him smiled before frowning, because people who were close to the Joestars had met an unfortunate end. Almost all of them did...

He was scared of the blood running through his veins... Scared that this blood was curse in disguise as a blessing...

Enrico, despite all of his Nigh-Invincible power is scared of Summer being involved due to the Joestars bloodline.

Enrico shakes his head 'I need to clear my mind... Thinking things too much is distracting and can be very dangerous...'

There was a few ways that could help Enrico clears his mind of negative thoughts. one of which is spending time with Summer. Another is a place where he keeps to himself.

Which he is here after trekking through the forest and climbing a mountain. And it didn't take him too long because he sped himself up.

A cliff... A cliff where he could see the entirety of the forest. This was the place he would go whenever he was feeling stressed out or having any bad thoughts.

Enrico approaches the cliff and sat down on a small rock, big enough to be a chair.

He took a deep breath as he lets the wind flow through his face. He closed his eyes as he cleared his mind away from anything.

He needed some alone time because he was afraid and bored...

When the thought of him being bored for passed for a second in his head, a golden white halo appeared for but a brief moment, blinking in and out of existence.

Perhaps this halo was a symbol of his divinity, a symbol that he had reached Heaven, yet by still being a human and retaining his humanity, the symbol of divinity did not last. Such a thought as being a god did not pass in his head, not even once had he thought of himself as a god, because he worships one himself.

He only knew of Made In Heaven being a limiter, yet he only concluded that it was him doing it both conscious and unconsciously for the sake of everyone around him.

And he was unconsciously being consumed by his own divinity, slowly eating away his humanity... Slowly but surely the Enrico that everyone knew will be gone, because no human can handle that much power without consequences...

As much as his divinity is eating his humanity away. At a rate like this, Enrico would die of old age before the process of transformation is completed.

The bad feeling he felt was this, and he didn't know of it. Only felt something was wrong.

Enrico took another deep breath to calm his nerves down, and opened his eyes to look at the view once again. This time he looked up at the clouds.

"I guess... Having everything in the grasp of my hand had made me stagnant. I have no more ambitions, no more goals to pursue, no purpose to fufill... I feel empty..." His eyes hazy and blank, as if he was daydreaming.

"And too much power for someone like me." He looked at his hands, as he frowned.

For the first time in his life, he grew to feel conflicted by the very power he chased after, the very thing that he and Dio worked hard to achieved.

There was no need for Made In Heaven anymore, because it had already failed it's orginal purpose.

Except... There was one purpose it had yet to serve. To carry on the path of Heaven so it may not be lost to time. And that is Summer herself.

Suddenly, his peace was interrupted by something... It was Summer herself!

"What the! Summer! What are you doing here!?" He exclaimed and got up, as he saw Summer flying in front of him.

Summer used her ability to warp reality around her by using loop holes of the rules her ability. Such as "Playing tag in the air with 'no restrictions'." emphasis on the "No restrictions." because she can do whatever she wants with reality now.

"Well... I noticed that these past few days you were stressed out by something." With a worried look on her face before turning it into a smile.

"And I wanted to help you out in any way I can."

'Ah... Before I knew it... Summer had already grown up from my shadows...' That is what he thought when looked at Summer. A light of hope for a sinner like him.

In his eyes, he saw what seemed to be a light illuminating behind her back. The sun itself, shining brilliantly to her, as if it was telling him that she is child favoured by the world...

"How about another game of tag." Showing of a grin that could rival Siegfried himself. A characteristic that was inherited from her father.

"I-... Yes." He relented with a smile.

"But this time!" She paused as Enrico started to float without using his powers. "No restrictions! Use whatever you can!" She clapped her hands

"This is... Quite the advantage you're giving me Summer."

"Yeah... I kinda am self aware of how truly broken my powers is compare to anyone else." She shrugs.

"Then... I hope you won't regret it!" Enrico then sped up towards Summer in an instant in hopes to catch her off guard.

"Nope!" She moved out of the way with a speed rivaling Enrico's.

"No restrictions uncle! Everyone is equal in the playing field!" She reminded him again. That term was quite broad for Summer due to her powers being very flexible.

"Ho? Then here I come Summer!" With a confident grin of his own, his speed began increasing like a snowball rolling down a mountain until it turns into an avalanche.

So much so that Summer was having a hard time of adapting on her own.

She had at this point, outmanoeuvred him dozens of time in the span of 20 seconds.

And that number kept increasing as both of them didn't show any signs of slowing down, neither wanting to give up.

With no restrictions to Summer's ability, she can make a rule on the spot for both of them to be equal on the playing field. Meaning she is as fast and deadly as Enrico is.

"You're getting pretty good at this Uncle!" She said to him at a distance far away from him.

"Thanks Summer. Now... How about this?" He made a crushing motion on his hand as the landscape around him change.

The land pulled from the ground, being attracted towards Summer. Huge rocks, big as mountains came crushing down on her.

"That's not gonna work on me! Heh!" With a smirk, she made a new rule. Anything that is but a human in this game of tag will be disintegrated upon close contact.

In an instant, with the new rule being set by Summer, upon close contact; the huge rocks that could very well be atleast 400 meters in diameter was disintegrated.

"I'm surprised she could even set new rules on the spot now, considering that it used to be one of her greatest weakness." He looked at with his eyes widen.

"My turn uncle!" With excitement filled in her voice, she did the same thing what Enrico had done before.

More of the land being ripped from the earth, she did a hand crushing motion as the rocks were being pulled towards Enrico at blinding speed.

Enrico looked at the incoming mountainous rocks with amusement and pointed his index finger at it.

In an instant, a blackhole was created at the tip of his finger. Launching towards Summer's attack, he had obliterated everything around him.

It seems that Enrico had taken the no restrictions rule quite literally, because he started throwing pseudo-blackholes to not make any more devastating damages to the land.

"W-waaah... I didn't know he was this strong..." Summer muttered as she started sweating.

"Stay focus Summer." He whispers in her ears as his hands started approaching her.

Within nanoseconds, she had moved out of the way but not before making the gravity around Enrico's area 3 times heavier.

"I must say Summer, I am impressed at how much understanding you have of my powers." He said with a proud smile plastered on his face.

"But... I am immune to gravity." He then disappeared from his spot again only to appear just above Summer's head.

He didn't even try to make gravity higher, because he knew it was pointless as it doesn't affect her.

"How about this? Instead of just a chunk of land being thrown...." He disappeared once more.

The land started to shake as hundreds and thousands of trees were uprooted from their spot.

All of the trees then were point at Summer, but not before all of them breaking off into thousands of sharp pieces.

"I'll give you this?" He said with a smirk, knowing Summer would be unharmed because of the new rule she has imposed in their game.

"Wha-" she didn't have time to speak, as her vision was blockked by the shard of thousands of trees.

When the those shards of trees came close to her, all of the started to be wiped out from existence.

With her being distracted, Enrico quickly touched the top of head as he appeared behind her.

"I know you yourself have the same perception of time of me when you made everything equal in the playing field, but try not to get distracted next time." He pets her head gently, looking at her with a soft gaze.

Enrico's perception of time couldn't even be fathom by normal mortals, because he can see things to a near halt by just being infinitely fast. For he, is the only mortal to have comprehended infinity.

For Summer, she could've won the fight but she faltered at the last second, which was enough for Enrico to take advantage of. Hell, Enrico would not even need a nanosecond to find an opening.

"I guess I did it!" She said with a huge grin.

"What?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Well... I turned that frown, upside down!"

Enrico stopped to think for a second before he realized that he was smiling again, he wasn't brooding again like he was.

He wasn't worried anymore, because he subconsciously knew that Summer would be able to handle nearly anything in her way. He was also... Relieved...

"I guess you really did huh?" He said while touching his lips, to which it was curving up.

"But... I think we might have a little problem, hehehe..." Summer scratches the her head in embarrassment.

"huh?" He looked at her with confusion before piecing things together. "Oh... OH!" His eyes widen as he looks around their surrounding area.

"Umm... Let's not mention this to anyone in the village." He said with an awkward smile.

'I made a blunder... I think we went too far...' He thought to himself, trying to figure out how to fix this mess.

"Umm... Can we use your powers somehow Summer?" He looks at her with hope, thinking there may be a way for her powers to fix this.

"Hmm.... Hmmmmm... HMMMMMM" She pondered loudly, putting on a serious look whilst closing her eyes.

"I... I got none!" She said with a cartoonish look, with her tongue sticking out.

"Umm... Okay... Okay... Think, Enrico, think!" He thought as hard as he could to find any solution to this problem.

There was silence between them for about 10 minutes, both thinking about solutions on how to fix this mess.

Walking left and right repeatedly. 'Scarlet is going to kill me! Calm down down Enrico! Prime numbers!' He then counted the prime numbers out loud. "2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47..."

Both he and Summer stopped thinking because they heard multiple voices shouting their name. And they knew quite well how fucked they are.

"SUMMER!? ENRICO!? WHERE ARE YOU!?" A familiar voice shouting their name.

Slowly, both of them turned their heads towards each other, looking into one another's eye. They both nodded in understanding, they were very very much, quite literally fucked...

★To be continued ★


Share your thoughts because I need to improve my writing qualities.