
Enrico Pucci's New Chapter (Reboot)

(Reboot): A more polished version and it's way before Team RWBY were ever born I did not get permission to use the art, feel free to ask me to remove it if you are the original artist. Got it from reddit. Artist:DOM —_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_— After his defeat, Enrico is now stranded but not all hope is lost as he still has Made In Heaven. Oh and he encounters a girl with silver eyes.

Smebius · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 7 (Timeskip)

A/N: Finals is coming in less than a month and graduation is Friday this week. My god I am shooketh.


It has been 5 years since Enrico had arrived into this world. 3 years after Summer gave him the bracelets.

Today was just like any other day for him, the birds are singing, the sun is shining brilliantly, and the wind is traveling the forest unhindered.

To him, the smell of the forest was the best because of the plants and dirt. He was smiling as he wandered in the forest.

He was growing older, weaker and slo- The terms of speed doesn't apply to him because he has reached infinity.

Yet even as he grew older, he was still smiling. He accepted the fact that he is and will always be a human, because that is the root of his life.

His time, limited in this world. As he grew older, he began to cherish life as it is. Something that is precious... During his years in this new world, he had come to term that all life was precious because you only get one chance it.

He blessed, because unlike everyone he was given a second chance.

Oh and make no mistake that he would still kill if provoked or attack. That is because he is always and will always be a killer... He had kill the Joestars who were is enemies and... Even his own brother...

But that doesn't matter now because he has moved on. And today just like any other day, he was hunting Grimms, something he does during his spare time.

He had already hunted many kinds of Grimms. From a Beowolf to a Goliath. Well... The Goliath couldn't even fight back as it was a one-sided massacre because he crushed all of them under his gravity.

At times, he would throw a rock at beyond light speed. Which made him wonder, how is the world not destroyed yet.

And after years of pondering, questioning and making theories, he came to the conclusion that Made In Heaven was protecting him automatically from his own powers. Meaning, Made In Heaven wasn't just his powers. No... They were his limiters...

Stands were meant to protect their user automatically and Made In Heaven is just like any other of those Stands.

When he hunts, his choice of weapon will always be knives, an innumerable amounts of knives are at the ready for him throw at light speed or even faster.

Today he was hunting Grimms with his best friend, Siegfried. Sometimes he would hunt alone, and other times he would hunt with a group of Huntsmen.

"You know Enrico, your semblance is pretty bullshit." He said with his ever present huge grin.

Siegfried only knew a portion of what Enrico could actually do, but he already knows enough that Enrico's ability may very well turn the world 'Upside down' if it ever were to be known.

Enrico sighs because there was something that still bothered him very much till this day. "Even if I have this power Sieg, It came at a cost of my cooking ability... I have to work twice maybe even thrice as hard as others to get an edible looking food. And the keyword 'Edible'."

"Hahahaha! I guess you're right." He smiled before continuing. "But... I'm sure that most people in this world would kill for your power." His tone grew somber before returning to his joyful self. "But! If that ever happens Enrico, I got your back! If you have no one else to lean on, then I will be that person!" He said with a huge puff and sparkling eyes.

"Heh, If that ever happens then I will count on you my friend..." In his life, Enrico had never admitted anyone else but Dio as his friend.

Up until now, only Dio was his one and only friend... That is until the Rose family came into his life.

Because of them, he grew to love and cherish... because of them, he had another person he could call a friend. And that was Siegfried.

Siegfried abruptly stopped their conversation as he held his left hand up as a signal "Wait!" He whispers at Enrico. "I heard something." He whispers to him.

"Do you know where the sound is coming from?" Enrico asked. Although he couldn't hear it, he already knew where it was just by sensing it's weight being pulled by the gravity.

He responded with a yes

"Let's climb on a tree to get a height advantage for an ambush." Enrico suggested as Siegfried nodded his head in agreement.

When they climbed up the tree, they waited for the thing to pass by their tree. Step by step, the sound of the beast can be heard. And each of it's step was loud, like a giant.

One thing both of them knew for sure is that this thing must be bigger, bigger than a Goliath. And they knew damn well how big a Goliath can grow up to.


"Fuck!" Siegfried cursed in quietly as both he and Enrico closed their ears.

But because they weren't fast enough, their ears started to bleed due to them being very close to that thing...

After a few second had passed the roar had stopped, but because the birds flew away because they were scared of it. Some of the birds and other ground animals that were close to it died.

Enrico and Siegfried stopped closing their ears as they tried looking for the source. Safe to say that the beast was atleast 900 meters away from them. That beast could probably jump from there to their location in an instant.

The beast they saw at the horizon could easily dwarf a Goliath.

"Holy fuck..." Siegfried said with awe, shock and fear.

"That is the biggest Grimm I have seen to date... The biggest one ever recorded in history was a dragon Grimm..." Enrico said to Siegfried as he remembered some of the things he had read.

The beast was atleast over 80 metres tall and and instead of being a normal looking grimm, It's body was being protected by it's hard bone like carapace. Meaning it looked mostly white.

The thing had a hammer head, a huge pair of tusk and it is bipedal. Walking like a gorilla due to how large, and heavy it's carapace, and body are.

The cracks in-between it's carapace is also glowing red, as if it is storing it's energy and waiting for it to be use for a devastating attack.

Then Enrico deadpans.

"Yeah I'm not going to risk anything." He said as he stood up.

"Oi, Enrico! What are you doing! Don't get out of the trees!" Siegfried pleaded to his friend.

Enrico sighed, he was reluctant to show his powers to anyone, even to his friend. It was basically a miracle that he even showed a portion of it.

"I never wanted to do this Sieg, but... If she is safe then I would feel relieved, because there is nothing in this world I wouldn't do to keep her safe, and you know that well my friend." He gave Siegfried a soft smile.

It seems whenever something threatens Summer's safety, Enrico would do everything in his power to eliminate said threat.

"I... I see, but Enrico... promise me this... If I were to fall in battle... please keep my family safe, especially Summer. Us adults have lived long enough to see what the world had to offer, so I would put my safety second to Summer... Now it's time for the new generation of humans to explore the world. It is our job to keep the young ones safe." He gave Enrico his ever present grin as he pats Enrico's shoulder.

Enrico only nodded as he took out one of his knives. With a single flick of his wrist, the singular knife traveled so fast that both Siegfried and The Titanic Beast didn't even have time to react.

Before Siegfried and The Titanic Beast knew it, the thing was already dead... With half of it's body gone, nowhere to be seen. Not even it's guts or blood splattered around the area, half of it's body was just gone like that, poof.

Siegfried was still processing what had just happened before his eyes widen. He then chuckles "I didn't think your power was to this extent." He couldn't care less how powerful Enrico was.

To him Enrico was still the same person he knew, even if said person kept mostly to himself. After all, some secrets are meant to be kept in the dark.

(Enrico's Diary.)

- He who controls gravity, controls fate. -

It has been many years since I have arrived in this world, I have met with many people who are generous, kind and many things that can describe them.

But the ones who stood out the most to me was the Rose family. Their kindness was something that is said to be nearly impossible to find inside a human due to how ugly a human inside's can be.

I have seen many ugly things in a man, and I have also seen many beautiful things aswell, both of which can outweigh the other.

I thought that the humans were beyond salvation on Earth. That is why I strived for Heaven... I thought that the evil of man kind outweighs their beauty, but I was wrong... The Joestars had proven me wrong...

Even more so when I came to this world. This is because there was another family that had proven me wrong... The Rose... especially Summer.

She is the light in my life, I don't want to imagine or think what would I do if I lost Summer...

So to ensure that doesn't happen, I explored Made In Heaven's ability. And one that I found by accident is the ability to Manipulate Fate itself. It's Ironic how I died due to my own folly when I spoke about it to Emporio. Basically I played myself by being a fool.

Anyways, Back onto topic...

I could manipulate anyone's and everything's Fate. In simpler terms, I could decide their death if needed. I could even decide when a star will die even though it's lifespan is far from being expired. Meaning, I could and CAN weave someone's whole life like a thread, and cut it whenever I want.

With this, I could ensure nothing bad will happen to Summer. And... I fear with my newly acquired ability, Fate will come back and bite me back...

Even if she hates me for this, I had already promised to my friend Sieg that she would be safe... But I know that when she becomes a Huntress, her life would be in danger almost every day...

What do I do Dio...? ... I am lost... I don't know what to do...

(Diary Ends.)

As Enrico finished writing his Diary, he and Siegfried walked back to the village as if nothing had happened.

When they reached the village, the people there were concerned as they heard a loud roar. Due to this, villagers were armed to the teeth when they arrived.

When the villagers saw both of them came back, they sighed in relief as made in it back safely and in one piece.

"Oh, Sieg! Thank god you're safe!" Scarlet ran and jumped at Siegfried, who then caught her in a hug.

"W-whoa! Easy there!" Siegfried tried calming his wife down.

"I thought something had happened to you!" She cried in his arms.

"Hey now, I'm still here with Enrico. It's gonna take a lot more to even get a scratch on me." He said with his grin as he cups her face.

"Don't cry Scarlet... it makes you look ugly." His grin changing into a smile as his eyes looked soften.

She nodded as he wiped away her tears. When he turned towards his daughter, he saw her daughter getting a piggy back ride.

His eyes soften as he looked as his growing daughter, She was already over half of Enrico's height who is 181 centimetres (5ft 11in). Summer herself is atleast 145 centimetres.

He then turned back towards his wife who was also looking at her daughter with loving eyes. "She's going to be fine..." Siegfried told her as hugged her again.

"I know... but I... it's hard seeing her grow up." She said with a loving smile. Scarlet knew the path of a Huntress was hard, because she was one before becoming a house wife.

Although she hated the thought of her daughter becoming a Huntress, she knew this was the path Summer had chosen. If she did that preventing that, it would practically that mean she is holding her back from her fullest potential, holding her back from spreading her wings and soaring into the sky.

"Uncle let's play a game! Touch one of the colours on my clothing and you win!" Summer said with excitement, not caring about the loud roar earlier.

There was a reason for this colour-tag was a thing between both of them. This is because Summer unlocked a very powerful semblance three years ago, it was called "Children's Game" because she can create a game with specific kinds of rules and punishments.

It's a double-edge sword because she can also get punished by her own ability if she makes mistake.

Basically, she unlocked a minor reality warping semblance that not even Enrico could escape from it's rules.

"You can't use your powers though!" She said with a cheeky smirk. And just like that, Enrico cannot use Made In Heaven.

Summer Rose is and will always be Enrico's weakness. Be it from emotionally or ability wise, she IS his counter. Her semblance stems from the fact that, she wanted to beat her uncle when he won one to many games against her.

Spoilers, he cheated with Made In Heaven. After all, he would do anything to win, even against a child.

"Wait, Summer! That's cheating!" Enrico exclaimed as his eyes widen.

"Nope! I'm just using my powers, how it was intended to be~"

'Never mind... I take back what I wrote... THIS CHILD IS TOO POWERFUL FOR SOMEONE TO MESS WITH! she's a damn menace to anyone fighting her!'

"Okay then, Summer. You win this one, what colour will it be?" He said with a sigh, they've been at it for quite some time now.

"I'll make it easier for you uncle." She said with a smirk before continuing. "Red."

Enrico with one of his eyebrows up, looked at her with confusion before returning a smirk of his own. "Aren't you underestimating me too much young lady?"

"Nope." With the P 'pop'. "You'll need all the help you can get."

Enrico amused by this asked her another question. "And what's the punishment?"

"Pins and needles on the leg for a whole hour." She said with a cheeky grin while still riding on the back of Enrico. "You'll have 30 minutes to catch me!" before jumping off Enrico's back and then running away using the Rose family secret tactical retreat technique.

'Uh oh...' Thought Enrico.

Everyone in their life had already tasted the pins and needles on their legs once. But for a whole hour? That's like one of the worst punishment she could ever put.

(Somewhere In the Land of The Grimms)

(A few weeks after the Titan Grimms death)

"This is amusing to say the least... To think someone could easily eliminate a Titan Grimm with easy." Someone said in the dark while humming. The voice sounded like it belonged to a female.

"I had been keeping an eye on that Grimm for a while now... To think that all the time I've spent nurturing it was gone in the matter of second." She leaned as her whole figure came out of the shadows.

Her skin was pale white, with red streaks crawling across her face and bodies. Her sclera pitch black with her iris being bright red, as if it was glowing with malice. Her hair tied like it was some sort of spider. Wearing black clothes with red linings.

She looked Inhuman, but if she didn't look like she is now, she would be a beautiful women that could capture any man's heart. And maybe... if she just lose that hideous looking hair style, she would still looked beautiful.

She had a frown on her face, as she was not to pleased with this... new development. The Grimm she spent centuries nurturing is now dead, killed by an unknown person.

It took her a few weeks to find out about this due to how much Grimms she had under her command.

Although she was angry, she had to calm down. This was just one of many Grimms she had been nurturing. She still had an eternity ahead of her, a few more centuries couldn't hurt an immortal like her.

Panning back to her, she looked down on her throne. In the middle of the room, it had a long table for her and her... loyal subjects... to use for important meetings and discussion.

One of her... loyal subjects noticed her frowning, which led to him sweating because something bad had just happened and it put her mistress in a bad mood.

"Locust." She called out one of her loyal subjects. A grasshopper like faunus kneeled down as soon as her name was called.

"Yes, my queen?" She was beautiful to the people who had fetish, but she was condemned for her looks, even by her own race the faunus.

"I need you to investigate the forest near the coastal land, The Mori forest."

"As you wish my queen." She bowed down her head once more before leaving to do her task.

The Mori forest is one of the most dangerous place in the world. Situated at the front lines near The Lands Of The Grimm. It is literally one Bullhead ride to reach here to there.

The good thing about the forest is that, it is a natural maze for those who dare to venture in as it is one of the biggest forest on Remnant. A forest where many foolish humans comes to dissect it's secret because it has barely been mapped, and is home to one of the earliest civilization known to man...

★To be continued ★


Share your thoughts because I need to improve my writing qualities.