
Enrico Pucci's New Chapter (Reboot)

(Reboot): A more polished version and it's way before Team RWBY were ever born I did not get permission to use the art, feel free to ask me to remove it if you are the original artist. Got it from reddit. Artist:DOM —_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_— After his defeat, Enrico is now stranded but not all hope is lost as he still has Made In Heaven. Oh and he encounters a girl with silver eyes.

Smebius · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 5 (Timeskip)

A/N: Some info dumps and sorry for the slight delay. Was spending time with my family and was dead tired after that.

Before we continue, I have come to terms that I am dogshit at making fight scenes. Therefore, I would have to skim through some of them and there is a bit of a drop in quality because I'm tired.

3.2K words. Oh, I'm die, Thank you forever.


It has been 6 months since he had arrived in this world. The days passed in peace and Enrico had gotten used to the village. The villagers themselves now trust Enrico as if he was one of their own. Now, they greet him with a smile every morning and he too did the same.

Looking at his relationship with the Rose's, they treat him like a family. Sieg said that he could stay with them for as long as he likes, so Enrico accepted the offer. Little Summer now calls him Uncle Enrico instead of Mister Enrico.

Safe to say that he was content in this life and he never felt even more grateful to Emporio for killing him. This because had Emporio not killed him, he would've never meet Summer and her family.

One thing that he'd always do in his free time was writing a diary. This diary however wasn't just any normal diary. This diary contains all of his past experience and the way to achieve heaven. When I mean his past experience, I meant he wrote everything until the time he died at the hands of Emporio.

He would pass his diary down to Summer when the time was right. However, this was not the moment because he loves seeing Summer grow up and he wouldn't want to crush her dreams.

When he passes his diary down to Summer, it is up to her how she would use the information. Wether she tries to achieve heaven or burn the book along with it's secret just like Jotaro did, she was still his successor in his mind. If she doesn't want to be his successor, then he would respect her wishes.

He wasn't so desperate as to force his ideals onto a little girl. No, that would be childish of him. What he is really interested is what path will Summer choose. But he was also reluctant about it since he had grown closer to Summer.

To him, Summer was like a daughter he never had. She would visit his workplace every so often to keep him company or to read books. Summer wasn't a loner, she has a normal social life like any other kid. It's just that she prefers to be with Enrico than anyone else.

However, not even Enrico can defeat her love for cookies. So her mother would bribe her some cookies to prove that she is superior between the bond of her and Summer. Something that not even Enrico was sure he could contend against.

Unlike any other uneventful day, today was a special day because it's the village's yearly Grimm hunt. In this day of the year, whoever can hunt the strongest Grimm wins. How do they do this you may ask? They cut off parts of the Grimms as proof. It was discovered that if you cut of parts of their bone like armour before they die, it will not disappear like their body.

Enrico knew that nearly everyone here was a qualified Huntsman and Huntresses. So almost everyone in the village participated in the event, with the few exceptions of pregnant womens, the elderly, the sick ones and the children. He was curious what the people here would hunt for because he knew how impressive some of the participants strength was.

He had already seen some of them first hand. For example Casper, who can shoot an arrow from 600 meters away while still accurately hitting the vital points of a Grimm. His semblance is called Hawkeye, which let's him see farther than most people, making him a very dangerous opponent if given the right opportunity.

Siegfried, who has a semblance that can change the density of himself, making him as heavy as 20 tons atleast or light as a feather. His swings are powerful enough to generate gust of winds that can push normal people away.

Although unfortunately, Scarlet couldn't join because she had other errands to run (Supplies for making cookies ran out). She did however told Enrico of her semblance. That being she could manipulate her and her enemies blood. Although her semblance is quite potent against most living organism on this planet, it is actually quite useless against Grimms since they don't actually have blood.

Instead, they have tar-like innards underneath their skin which can splash into things as if it were blood before dissipating into smoke.

When the participants was gathered at the centre of the village, the host of the event went up the stage and to explain the whole thing. "GOOOOOD MORNING EVERYONE! TODAY I JACQ RIPPER WILL BE YOUR HOST FOR THIS YEAR GRIMM HUNT!"




With the host's mark, everyone reinforced their legs by focusing their aura on it and ran at speed which normal humans couldn't react.

"This year's gonna be mine!"

"I'm gonna win this!"

"Good luck losers!"

"Hah!? Fuck you! you're the loser here!"

"Ya twats! You're 10 years too early to be hunting against me!" Christopher laughs boisterously.

"Both of you are idiots! Why'd you have to cursed Infront of children! You've done yourself big goof!" One the participants warned them.

The participants ran towards the forest as they saw every mothers there giving a not so friendly smile. Those mothers even unsheathed their weapons which are kitchen appliances, showing their fury.

"Ah shit... I was never here to begin with." One of the participants peaced goodbye as he became transparent.

The Grimms danger levels are classified by numbers. Category 1 being the lowest and Category 6 being the highest. For example number 1 is a Creep which can be kill in one hit.

Category 6 for example is an ancient Grimm that has lived since the Age of Gods or atleast over 2,000 years old. These Grimms are capable of wiping out a kingdom because they possess an ability to gather and lead a horde of Grimms to attack a human settlement strategically. They also think like humans, and some even smarter. Some of them possess a body of titanic proportion, enough to wipe out a kingdom single-handedly without their hordes.

Alphabetical threats are only use when they are in a group or horde. E being atleast 10 Grimms together and A being over a 100,000.

E = 10, D = 100, C = 1,000, B = 10,000 and A = 100,000.

Thankfully, these ancient Grimms most of the time are slumbering in deep sleep, and one cannot find them unless someone destroys a whole mountain. This is because they have been slumbering since the Age of Gods because there was nothing to kill. Humans were still extinct at that time period when the gods left.

What the humans don't know is that an ancient Grimm cannot be born from countless battles nor lived for a long time. They only assumed that this is how ancient Grimms were formed.

The real truth is that the ancient Grimms were directly created by the God of Darkness as his pets and servants.

Ancient Grimm once appeared when they attacked Vale when it still had monarchy. The King of Vale personally dealt with the ancient Grimm using his magics that he still had from his previous incarnations before... Ozma...

Back to the hunting competition Christopher seems to have encountered with one of these Elementals, an earth type variant. These Grimms can be identified by the elements their body are surrounded by and the colours they emit. Greens are earth type, winds are silver-white, waters are blue and fire is red-orange.

"Hoho?" Christopher raises an eyebrow as he looks at the Elementals in interest. "Must be an earth-type judgin' by it's body."

Christopher immediately rushes at the Elementals and swung his Warhammer at it.


Only to see his attacks were ineffective. Seeing this, Christopher grins as he backs away. Activating his semblance, Iron skin, Christopher literally threw his Warhammer towards the Elementals and rush towards it bare-handed.

The Warhammer was deflected as it was punched away by the Elementals, and Christopher seeing this immediately went for a german suplex to immobilise the enemy.

It worked... for a second before the Elemental screech and uses the earth beneath it to dig underground.

"Shit..." Christopher curses as he looks around his surroundings. When he saw his Warhammer, the Elemental was already beside it. Wielding it, learning...

"Well that ain't good..." He said bitterly.

The Elemental swung the Warhammer on the ground, producing spikes that is traveling toward Christopher, who then rolls off to the side.

"Man this Elemental sucks... What a bad match up I'm with..." He sighs before he thought of an idea. He grins in glee as he found a way to annoy the Elemental

He uproots any trees within his vicinity and starts throwing them at the Elemental. "BUHAHAHAHAHA! that's what you get for stealing my weapon!"

It wasn't just Christopher who had an encounter with an Elemental. Multiple participants have found themselves facing against an Elemental. Each with a unique types.

Although that number is incomparable to the things such as the Goliath, King Taijitu, Griffon and Death Stalker. These four are the strongest Grimm species currently residing in the forest. Most of the participants found themselves against these Grimms instead of the Elementals.

Siegfried for one is being chased by a herd of Goliaths that are destroying everything in their path. "Crap! Crap! Crap! Why'd it have to be me!?" Sieg complained as he was very unfortunate to encounter a Goliath herd.

He couldn't fight all of them at once because that would be suicidal, so he opted for the best option. Nigerundayo! And he sometimes smashes the ground to make holes to slow down the herd. It worked... but they just kept coming!

While all of that was happening, Enrico was with Summer right now, simply walking around town. Both of them were bored and decided to keep eachother company.

"Uncle Enrico... I'm bored..." She pouts.

"Well... there's not a lot we can do right now. But there is something we can do..." Enrico gave her a playful smile. Something only Summer and her parents had seen. His demeanor slowly changed for the better the longer he lived with Summer and her family, he was happier.

To everyone in the village, Enrico was a kind yet stoic man, showing little to no emotion. This was a fact in the village because not a lot of people have seen Enrico walking around because he is either with Summer or at work. Although that couldn't be said the same for those who knew Enrico personally because some of the villagers went to him for counseling.

This is because they had heard he was a wandering priest before settling down in their village. They thought he could help them with their problems in their personal lives, mostly mundane things.

"What can we do Uncle?"

"Well, have you ever thought of flying before?"

"Yeah, but I don't have a semblance like that and I haven't even unlocked my aura yet!" She huffs.

Children in their village will unlock their aura at the age of 8, but they starts their physical training at 7.

"Well do you want to fly Summer?" Giving her a fatherly smile or Uncly smile as you'd call it in his position.

"Yes! Then I can be a super Huntress that can spot those in need!" She said as she strikes a superhero pose. "Then I'll come down while doing a superhero landing! Every hero needs a superhero landing!"

"Then hold my hand Summer." He said extending his right hand towards her.

When she took bis hand, both of them started levitating. "Woooooaaaaah!" She exclaimed, trying to balance herself.

"Is this your semblance Uncle!? This is sooo coooool!!!" She said as she tried swimming in the air.

Enrico chuckles because he had just lowered the gravity in a localized area. He could affect gravity however he wants and he was happy that his powers could make her happy. He had became a softy after just 6 months.

"Wanna go higher?" He gave her a smirk.

To which Summer nods in excitement as he made their gravity lighter and pushed them higher. Enrico made sure he was close to Summer so that a Nevermore would not attack her.

It took them just a few minutes to fly up, he made sure they were somewhat away from the village so that the villagers would not spot them. Enrico flew sloly because he wanted her to take her time and enjoy the view.

Other than that, he didn't made them fly to high because the lack of oxygen, if they went to a higher altitude.

"Enjoying yourself Summer?" He said as he sits on the air in a relax position with his finger interlocking one another.

"Yes! This is the best! I can see everything from here! I can even see the outskirts of the forest!" She said in awe as her eyes sparkles.

She could see everything from this height, she could see the birds flying, the forest and it's entirety. She could even see the mountain tops near her village. It was beautiful and breathtaking experience for her. Something that is now engraved into her minds, a wonderful memory that she would look back and smile when she grows older.

Then an idea popped up in her head. She wanted to try those super cool dodging maneuver that Huntsmans do when they are attacked. She did all kinds of moves, from a simple back flip to failing to do anything else because she doesn't have control of her gravity.

Enrico smiles seeing her playing around before hearing someone screaming profanities. Summer had yet heard of the screaming because she was not a superhuman Huntsman with heightened sense.

When Enrico turn towards the scream, he saw Siegfried being chase by a herd of Goliath. 'What the fu...' He thought as he looks at Siegfried in confusion.

'How the hell are there so many Goliaths in this forest...' Enrico thought of helping him but decided not to. Siegfried could handle this himself.

If he was the one who got into this mess, then he could get out of it himself. 'He can handle this himself.' Enrico shrugs.

This is Siegfried he's talking about, the man was an expert Huntsman. He is one of the top 10 Huntsmans in their village, nearly unrivalled with the few exception of his wife and some others he knew.

"Hey Summer, I think your mother might be suspicious of where you are at this point. Let's head back." He decided to end things early lest they be attacked by a flock of Nevermore.

"Aww..." She whined, but she knew of the outcome if she was found out by her mother.

"Don't worry Summer, we can always do this again. We'll do this once a month how about it?" He gives her a kind smile.

"What...? Why can't it be every week?" She said with an complains as a month was too long.

"Well it wouldn't be so special if we did it every week wouldn't it?" He gives her a grin.

"... I guess... you're right." She said softly as she sighs.

Moments later they floated down to a deserted area so that they could avoid being seen by others. Especially Scarlet.

Seeing no one around, Summer and Enrico decided that they would spend the rest of the day inside the library. This is because Summer wanted to listen to the story of his life and other things.

Enrico had kept some files about the Stardust Crusaders journey because they were his and Dio's enemy. And he also kept some files about one of Dio's son Giorno and his gangs journey to defeat their 'boss' because he was Dio's son.

He only knew snippets of their journey, so he decided to weave his own version into it while telling Summer about them. Although she has yet learned of Heaven's plan, she was already interested in these stands.

He spent the rest of the day with Summer and at 5 P.M, the annual hunting competition ended with surprisingly Casper as the winner.

He had hunter atleast 6 Elementals from far away distance to the point that most of his shots were 1 hit kills. His weapon of choice that day was a Barret with 50. Cal armour piercing rounds. Probably because he overestimated the strength of these Elementals, because his usual weapon of choice is a bow.

Everyone was shocked by the outcome because they had thought Siegfried would win. They even made a bet on who would win the competition and it was safe to say that they broke as hell now.

Siegfried got second place because he managed to kill 4 Goliaths before nigerundayo away and then come back to collect his spoils.

A hunter name Maximus got third place as he hunted 1 Elementals, 2 Griffon, A King Taijitu and a wandering Goliath.

Unfortunately Christopher was unhappy due to his luck at encountering any Grimms or opponents for that matter. After he defeated the Earth-type Elemental, he didn't encountered a single Grimm after that. It was already bad enough that the Elemental he had face that day was a bad match-up for him.

Even though Siegfried only got second place, Summer was still proud and happy for her father because who else but him can solo a Goliath let alone kill 4 all alone.

After the competition ended, the village threw a big party congratulating everyone for their hard work. Everyone was happy and laughing out till their hearts content. Singing with their buddies and dancing around with their partners.

Unfortunately for those who screamed profanities in front of the children at the beginning of the competition was getting beat up by the mothers in a makeshift boxing ring.

The day ended with people happy or unhappy with the result of the competition. But those who were unhappy soon forgot about everything as they drown themselves in alcohol and spend their time with their friends and family.

The atmosphere was so cheerful that it infected everyone, including those who were dissatisfied and even Enrico.

★To be continued ★


Share your thoughts because I need to improve my writing qualities.